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Guest Hamburger Man

Jeepers Creepers 2

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Guest Hamburger Man

I found out that a second Jeepers Creepers movie is coming out and I am excited. I loved the first one. A lot of people say that it was a good movie until you find out who the monster is. But the movie reminded me of an old school horror movie. Like the Thing. And I know some of you will agree with me. Heres a little info that I found.



Jeepers Creepers 2


Release Date: August 29, 2003

Studio: United Artists (MGM)

Director: Victor Salva

Screenwriter: Victor Salva

Starring: Gina Philips, Jonathan Breck, Ray Wise, Billy Aaron Brown, Marieh Delfino, Al Santos

Genre: Horror

MPAA Rating: R (for horror violence and language)

Official Website: Not available

Review: Not available

DVD/VHS: Not available

Movie Poster: Not available

Production Stills: View images

Plot Summary: As its 23 horrifying days of flesh-eating come to an end, an ancient creature known as the Creeper embarks on a final voracious feeding frenzy, terrorizing a group of varsity basketball players, cheerleaders, and coaches stranded on a remote highway after their bus breaks down. Fighting their own fears and prejudices while trapped aboard the isolated bus, the terrified group of young athletes are forced to come together and do battle against the winged creature hell bent on completing its grizzly ritual of feasting on humans.



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Guest Youth N Asia

Being that the last Jeepers Creepers was the worst horror movie I've seen in years, I have no interest in this one...a rental at best.

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Guest Hamburger Man

No way the first half hour was awesome. The I can agree it got less interesting but it was still overall a pretty good movie.

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Guest Hamburger Man

No it goes to the theaters first.


BTW Razazteca, Los Guerreros de Inferinos are the best! I am a huge lucha fan. Are there many of those here? I love to talk about it but I can never find anyone that is really into it as me.

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Guest razazteca

As for Jeepers Creepers 2, do you expect a big box office profit? There has been several horror movies that have had big openings recently, does JC2 have a big following?


Hamburger Man all it takes is somebody to start a topic in the MISC folder :cheers: but there is really nothing to talk about since repeats are on. There is a small fraction of Lucha fans here, and several La Parka marks .

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Guest Hamburger Man

I dont think Jeepers Creepers 2 will be a big box office hit. Not a lot of people liked the first one and I think people will not go to see it because of the first one. But me and my girlfriend are both excited for its release even though we were a little upset about how the first one ended.


And as for lucha, I will try to spark up something in the misc folder. I havent been keeping too much up to date but I know my lucha.

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Guest DrainYou42

The first movie was god awful, I'm not planning on seeing the second anytime soon, if ever.

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Guest evenflowDDT

I agree with the "first half hour was good, the rest completely sucked" statement, although at the same time, if it's the worst horror movie you've seen in years, you see a lot of good/great movies :)


Either way, I'm certainly not very excited to see a sequel. Then again, it seems all the major releases I'm aware of this year with the exception of House of 1000 Corpses (if it ever actually gets released) are crappy sequels or "art"/"indie" films that won't be playing in theaters for long, if ever. Oh, how I loathe having fallen out of the loop oh so long ago.

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Guest Youth N Asia

Speaking of...House of 1,000 Corpses got pushed back another month, now they claim April.


The thing that bugged me most out this shitter of a movie if they pulled the "Gee, if only this were a movie" card TWICE. movie just seemed to be on a mission to bug me. The explaination for the monster was awful, the womam psychic was awful, and the overly tough chick was awful.


Thumbs down

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Guest evenflowDDT
Speaking of...House of 1,000 Corpses got pushed back another month, now they claim April.


The thing that bugged me most out this shitter of a movie if they pulled the "Gee, if only this were a movie" card TWICE. movie just seemed to be on a mission to bug me. The explaination for the monster was awful, the womam psychic was awful, and the overly tough chick was awful.


Thumbs down

They pushed back House of 1000 Corpses AGAIN?!?! Is it supposed to be early April or late April now? 'Cuz if it's early April, I can go see it opening weekend for my birthday hopefully.


And I agree totally with all those criticisms, its just that I've had the displeasure of seeing movies that aren't even good for a half an hour. The thing that pissed me off the most about Jeepers Creepers though, is what the song has to do with ANYTHING. Does it just happen to be the monster's favorite song? Does he carry around a portable record player and some 70 year old record with him wherever he goes? Does he have a psychic power that allows him to connect with every radio DJ in the area to play the song on command? For the "most important link" in the film, they certainly didn't link it to anything.

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Guest Youth N Asia
Does he have a psychic power that allows him to connect with every radio DJ in the area to play the song on command?

That would be great...


Monster: "Dude, I need a favor."

DJ: "Man, I can't play that damn song again."

Monster: "Come on bro, play it...or I'll eat your fucking heart...or something."

DJ: "But you always say that."

Monster: "Yeah, but this time I'll do it."

DJ: ~sigh

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Guest Youth N Asia

House of 1,000 Corpses. Release Date: April 11th, 2003 (limited release in select cities)




(7/25/02) This had originally been scheduled for June 8th, 2001, and before that, January 12th, 2001, back before Universal Pictures dropped this, giving the rights back to Rob Zombie to distribute it himself.


(8/29/02) Rob Zombie has been telling concert crowds that this was going to be released in October, 2002 in conjunction with Halloween, but the news that Lions Gate is now releasing it comes with another push back, to the 1st quarter of 2003, so the film will come out two years after its original target.


(1/31/03) Last mentioned as a possible wide release in March, Lions Gate has announced plans to start with a limited release on April 11th.

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Guest El Satanico

I actually liked the first one as well. I'll be seeing part two, but will probably wait until it's on video.

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Guest Ram

The first one was good. I liked the monster drivinging the junky truck-car thing and then them passing by seeing him dropping a body into the pipe.


But once it started getting all freaky with the song, psychic, and flying monster on the loose, I kind of thought different. I'll see the second, if only because it's the second part to the first one and I need an ending.

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Guest Vyce

For those who've said, "Jeepers Creepers was the worst horror movie I've ever seen!", you must not have seen many horror movies.


And you must not have seen most mainstream horror films released in the past 5 years.


Because overall, the movie was GOOD. It could have been great - the first half was wonderful - but it did lose a step once the Creeper was revealed. However, I highly disagree that it began to "suck" after that point. It merely degenerated into a standard monster flick.


Which was, again, pretty much better than at least 90% of the mainstream horror flicks we've been fed the past 5 years or so.

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Guest CoreyLazarus416

Only mainstream HORROR flick I can think of that was better than Jeepers Creepers was The Ring, and even then it's more of a suspense.

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Guest El Satanico
Because overall, the movie was GOOD. It could have been great - the first half was wonderful - but it did lose a step once the Creeper was revealed. However, I highly disagree that it began to "suck" after that point. It merely degenerated into a standard monster flick.

Exactly...It could've been great, but it still ended up being a decent/good typical monster movie.

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Guest Lethargic

The only thing scary about Jeepers Creepers is that a child molester is still allowed to direct movies about teenagers. I've seen thousands of horror movies and yeah, I'd say this one is going onto the list of really bad ones. Not the worst, but it's pretty close. The only redeeming value that movie had was the monster getting away with it ending, but that wasn't enough.

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