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Guest bob_barron

SNL review

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Guest bob_barron

SNL Review: Jennifer Garner/Beck


I don’t really know what to say to begin because Curt Hennig was one of my favourites ever since I started watching wrestling. I can remember going so crazy when he announced he would team with Savage at Survivor Series 92 and with Bulldog off in WCW he became my favourite WWF wrestler. The gum swat, those vignettes, the thing with the towel just made me such huge fan of the guy as he was just so damn cool. I remember when he sent Flair packing, threw Michaels on the car and my friends and I all agreed that the perfectplex was the coolest move ever. I was at MSG when they announced he was coming back and I remember hearing the crowd explode as I was so excited that I would see perfection again. Sadly his last run did not work out as well as I may have hoped but it was still a blast getting to see him one last time. His death today shocked the hell out of me as God has taken another one of my childhood heroes away from me. I hope Hennig is up in heaven right now- having fun with Owen, Davey and the rest of the gang.


RIP Curt- you will be missed


Sports Report-


Maple Leafs- The post-all star break asskicking continues as they had a terrific win over Team Bankruptcy tonight. I’m hoping against hope that they can catch Team Bankruptcy as I’m a bit nervous about them facing the Flyers in the playoffs.


Canucks- The Comeback Canucks have earned 3 points by coming back late in the game like a true champion would. They have a long unbeaten streak and I’m hoping they can catch Dallas and be Western Conference Champions. This great streak will help the fanbase and hopefully allow t hem to retain Naslund and Bertuzzi when they’re contracts run out.


Devils- A loss tonight and I really wish they would bench Brodeuer instead of exhausting him. I know he loves to play and wants the record but in the end a Stanley Cup is much more important.


Nets- They were in a slump and K-Mart is hurt but they had a convincing victory over Chicago so hopefully the post All Star blues are over.





Elaine Loring writes-




During the "news" on Saturday Night Live, (February 8), who were the two guys who sang a song, - with no lyrics...just do-do-doing it. I don't know these SNL actors and thought they were funny. Do you know their names?


The two actors were Will Forte and Fred Armisen. They are in their first season as featured players on the show. And yes- it was extremely funny.


Chad Ruffner writes-


Hi Bob,



Continuing on my "Best/Worst"

Thread from Last Week: What, In Your Opinion, Is/Was

the Best Recurring Sketch, Past or Present. And what

Is/Was The Worst Recurring Sketch, Past/Present?







Best Recurring Sketch: That’s a good question. I could go all obscure and name something like Perspectives but since they only did that thrice I won’t. I also assume you’re not counting Weekend Updates so I won’t say Norm. Roxbury Guys had a couple misses (the first one and the Baldwin one come to mind) and I haven’t seen every Wayne’s World so I can’t put that either. I think I’ll pick Celebrity Jeopardy. I can’t recall one version that wasn’t excellent and I consider the 10.23.99 Celebrity Jeopardy to be the greatest skit I have ever seen.


Worst Recurring Skit: That’s an easy one- Dog Show. There has NEVER been a Dog Show that was better then DUD and most of the time Dog Show hovered in the negative star area as the skits would just drag on and on with little humour in them. I was thinking of Pretty Living but I think Dog Show was much worse since I think there was one funny Pretty Living once.



Wanna be in the mailbag?? Email me anything at [email protected]



SNL Related Plug of the Week-


Classic SNL for the last four weeks has recently been running some 96-97 episodes. I consider the 96-97 season to be my favourite in SNL history was it was before Molly got annoying, when Will was kicking ass every week, when Tim was all over the show and of course- the joy of seeing Norm just go out there and deliver ***** Weekend Updates every week. So if you get SNL Classic (it should be on after time SNL) I wholeheartedly recommend you stay up and watch it. It may make you a little nostalgic and sad but when you start laughing your ass off- you’ll forget all about it.


Cold Opening

Cast: Chris Parnell

Thoughts- Message to SNL: You tried. You failed. Give it up. Parnell’s Bush sucks. It’s not funny at all and unlike Ferrell it just seems like he’s not even trying out there. I say just give up on the Bush impression for a while since he sucks at it. Sorry Parny- but it’s true. I could also blame the writing and the complete lack of a joke in this skit and thus I am doing so. *1/2



Cast: Jennifer Garner, Parnell, Jimmy Fallon, Tracy Morgan, Darrell Hammond, Chris Kattan, Horatio Sanz, Jeff Richards, Dean Edwards, Will Forte, Fred Armisen, Seth Meyers

Thoughts- Damn- that’s a lot of names to type. This skit was pretty pointless and I didn’t understand why they had Garner sing- especially with Walken hosting next week. This had some pretty good lines and I will give Kattan credit for being pretty funny in this. I didn’t like Garner’s singing but she threw in a couple of funny lines there to make the skit okay. **1/4




Cast- Garner, Kattan, Sanz, Parnell, Maya Rudolph, Fallon, Morgan, Rachel Dratch, Richards, Edwards, Armisen, Forte, Meyers

Thoughts- This was a really funny parody that I enjoyed quite a bit. One thing I liked is the exposure of the feature players, more specifically the new guys. It’s best to give them as much exposure as possible no matter how meaningless the role. This way if they are ever needed in a big role the audience should be familiar with them and accept them. One thing that really bothered me last year was how they would put Will Ferrell in meaningless skits where he wasn’t needed. They could’ve used his role for someone like Seth or Jeff and possibly given them more exposure. It just bothers me. I’m glad they are giving Armisen and Forte some decent exposure this season. Anywho this was a really good commercial parody. ***1/2


Queer as Folk this ain’t

Cast- Garner, Fallon, Morgan, Rudolph, Meyers, Armisen

Thoughts- This skit needed Norm just so we could hear him say: HOLY LORD! Watching these 96-97 episodes makes me miss the guy a lot. Anywho this was a cute skit that reminded me of the Seinfeld ‘two face’ episode. After the initial joke the skit kind of dragged till the end so that’s why the rating was a bit lower. **1/4


Wake Up Wakefield

Cast- Garner, Sanz, Poehler, Rudolph, Dratch

Thoughts- I hated this recurring character initially and then it got kind of good but now it’s awful again. Horatio, whose role in this skit I usually loathe, was the only funny part in this skit as I cracked up to him singing Missy Elliot. I had no idea what the hell Jennifer Garner was doing in this skit and really hope they kill Wake Up Wakefield once and for all. Except on second thought- judging by the way the hit and miss nature of these skits- maybe the next one will be a 5* classic. 1/4*


Bin Laden and Hussein

Cast- Sanz, Fallon, Armisen

Thoughts- This skit was whiggity whack Jack. It was like a big trainwreck but I don’t mean that in a bad way. A couple times it seemed like Jimmy and Horatio were going to lose it but I will give them tons of credit for keeping their composure on the air and not ruining a skit like they’ve done before. That said this skit confused the hell out of me but didn’t completely suck either so I’m gonna have to bring back the Tom Green rating for this one. **1/2


Devon Steele

Cast- Garner, Parnell, Morgan, Kattan, Meyers

Thoughts- Just when I was done once and for all with the Kattan gay jokes he had to once again go out and give me some new material to work with. The skit was moving along quite nicely and I was enjoying it but the ending really sucked and was a major letdown for me and caused me to lower my star rating. I thought they could’ve done a lot more with the “what the movie looked after post-production” gag and really made the skit excellent but instead just did one lame line with Kattan and ended it. So this rating more reflects my disappointment more then anything else. **3/4



Cast- Garner, Fallon, Kattan, Dratch

Thoughts- Wow- Rachel Dratch actually played herself in the skit. I really liked how they did a send up of the beer commercial and everyone in here was pretty funny. I don’t really get the Jennifer Garner is hot thing since she didn’t really look that hot tonight. I will concede that in the previews for Daredevil- she looks hot as hell. This was a very good skit and the closing line was GOLD. ***1/2


Weekend Update

Cast- Garner, Fey, Fallon, Morgan, Parnell, Richards

Thoughts- Two things I need to get off my chest first before I praise the hell out of Weekend Update.


1) Parnell- stop the raps. It was great the first time, exactly the same the second time and completely dead and boring the third time. It really killed the great flow Update had been going on.

2) Tina- you know I love you- but the laughter I am just not digging. I’m sure you’re sitting there going: Whoa- Jimmy was actually funny on Update but as someone who is anti-laughter I find it to be extremely unprofessional. Also- I find it makes the joke less funny when I hear you laugh really loudly. I like a joke better if I don’t feel like I’m being told to laugh at it.


Those are just minor quibbles that I had to get off my chest. Jeff Richards was really funny as Burt Bacharach and I think if they keep him doing impressions he’ll become a really good player one day. Just don’t do Drunk Girl. Even though I thought Dean could’ve been just fine Tracy’s bit was terrific as the technical difficulties thing was a really great touch. The jokes were also really good this week even though there were a couple clunkers. The Parnell rap keeps this from being in th upper echelon if great Updates. ****



Thoughts- Thank God they got a great musical guest to compensate for the general overall crappiness of the show. ***1/2


Michael Jackson in a tree

Cast- Garner, Poehler, Dratch, Richards, Forte

Thoughts- You know how I always threaten to jump over to Hockey Night in Canada to watch a Canucks game when the show really pisses me off only to find that the Canucks aren’t even playing? Well get this- tonight- there WAS a Canucks game. And it was a good one too. The reason I was so pissed off is because it seems like SNL takes complete joy in screwing the fans outside of seeing Dean Edwards’ excellent Michael Jackson impression. After being bored with whatever Amy and Rachel were doing, I flipped over to the game and then flipped back when I heard Dean was playing a Martian version of Michael Jackson. Dean doing any sort of Jacko is alright- henceforth the non- DUD rating. *



Thoughts- Beck kicks major ass and that’s all that’s needed to be said about that. I did think he was a bit slow though especially given the time of his performance. ***1/4


Wal Mart is big

Cast- Garner, Poehler, Dratch, Rudolph, Armisen, Meyers

Thoughts- This skit was pretty stupid, I know. A couple of funny lines by Amy, I know, but most of the skit was just worthless junk, I know. Those WalMart Supercentres are pretty big though, I know. Maybe K-Mart should’ve thought of a K-Mart Supercentre or something, I know. *


Big Thick Novel

Thoughts- I have no idea why they had to bring this crap back. Out of the countless number of Big Thick Novel’s done I’ve found maybe two of them funny- and one of them was cut after dress. DUD


The Bottom Line- Avg. skit was **.2 making this another thumbs down episode. Note to SNL- try not to have your bad episodes during sweeps month. The show was pretty much reeking of mediocrity so crap like the Jackson skit and Big Thick Novel killed it. I did like some of the show but in the end the ** skits caught up to it and the good was not enough to save the show. They improved a lot from last week so hopefully they’ll improve another ½ a star.


Thumbs Down

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Guest MDH257

I actually liked the show this week. The cold opening was pretty pointless though. I kept waiting for a punchline that never came. Bob, I think your dislike for about half of the cast prevents you from enjoying some of the skits. It's as if a skit is starting with ten marks against it in your book because you don't like one of the actors.


Laughing during a skit has rarely ruined something for me. I don't think the studio audience laughing when a cast member breaks down helps . I would figure that would make it tougher for the actor to not laugh. What's the point of live television if something like that isn't going to happen, there not doing Playhouse 90 out there. If it happened in every skit I would probably feel differently, but it's not as if the Scorpian King sketch would have been a classic if only Rock and Jimmy hadn't of flubbed their lines.


I still like Rachel Dratch, I don't care if I'm the only one here who does. I know most guys are judging her by her looks. I wish she could get more respect for how funny she. The only time Bob likes her in a skit is if she's making fun of herself.

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Guest Youth N Asia

Alright, Bob...this week I watched every cotton pickin minute of the show.


Cold Opening

Cast: Chris Parnell

DUD...Parnell is a bad GW Bush, and there just weren't jokes in the skit.



Cast: Jennifer Garner, Parnell, Jimmy Fallon, Tracy Morgan, Darrell Hammond, Chris Kattan, Horatio Sanz, Jeff Richards, Dean Edwards, Will Forte, Fred Armisen, Seth Meyers


*...it's been done before with other female hosts, and done better, more notably with Sarah Michelle Gellar.



Cast- Garner, Kattan, Sanz, Parnell, Maya Rudolph, Fallon, Morgan, Rachel Dratch, Richards, Edwards, Armisen, Forte, Meyers

DUD...sorry, but this was just a couple years too late to be funny at all.


Queer as Folk this ain’t

Cast- Garner, Fallon, Morgan, Rudolph, Meyers, Armisen

**1/2...this was alright. Decient skit how someone looks good under bar lights, but not in the real world, could have been cut shorter.


Wake Up Wakefield

Cast- Garner, Sanz, Poehler, Rudolph, Dratch

DUD...I've always said anything with Maya Rudolph talking is a bad thing, and this was no exception. There was just not one thing to laugh at. Why can't the writers understand that you need jokes and other tool of comedy in skits.


Bin Laden and Hussein

Cast- Sanz, Fallon, Armisen

*...this pissed me off. Cause from the very start it looked like it shoud have been funny. But leave it to Fallon and Sanz to screw things up. They kept stepping on each other's lines and improvising little things. * star cause it COULD have been funny


Devon Steele

Cast- Garner, Parnell, Morgan, Kattan, Meyers

**...bad soap opera acting is the only reason this even gets as high as it did, nothing special.



Cast- Garner, Fallon, Kattan, Dratch

**1/2...far and away the best skit of the night, and still doesn't touch three stars. The only real funny stuff was just Dratch looking the way she does.


Weekend Update

Cast- Garner, Fey, Fallon, Morgan, Parnell, Richards

**3/4...and that's only for Tracy Morgan, the only guys who makes me laugh anymore, yet the guy who never gets any time. Tracy did a bit about starting a race war for Black History Month. Richard's impression might have been dead on...but there was no punchline or anything, just wasn't funny. Anything CHris Parnell seems to do just goes on 20 minutes too long. It was almost funny him calling Garner a bitch and ho, but it went on too long and the rest of his stuff just sucked. As for the update itself, nothing special really, average at best...could have been higher with less Parnell.


Michael Jackson in a tree

Cast- Garner, Poehler, Dratch, Richards, Forte

DUD...another skit that COULD have been decient, but sucked with no real jokes.


Wal Mart is big

Cast- Garner, Poehler, Dratch, Rudolph, Armisen, Meyers

*1/2...this seemed to reek of Bill Bradsky, just not as funny.


Big Thick Novel

DUD...just doesn't work as well as Deep Thoughts of Fuzzy Memories.


Just too many skits with no jokes behind them. I don't see how they can write up shows this bad and think it's good enough to be on a comedy show.

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Guest The Electrifyer

This show had the most potential to be good, I felt. In the beginning of almost every skit (like Michael Jackson In A Tree in particular), I wanted to laugh, I was ready to laugh and I could almost for certain think that the skit was going to be hilarious, but it just wasn't funny at all.

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Guest bob_barron


I was thinking that but while I watch the Classics I write this review so I'm sort of half paying attention.



I don't dislike half the cast. In fact I really don't hate Kattan anymore since he is never on the air and really doesn't piss me off anymore. Every non recurring character starts off with a clean slate. I mean I do admit that if I a skit comes with a recurring character I dislike then it'll be a lot harder for me to get into it.


Rachel Dratch is actually pretty popular- I'm one of the few who hate her. My friend is probably going to make me a copy of Dratch and Fey- the show she did with Tina fey which I heard is really funny and may change my opinion.

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Guest razazteca

I think that this is now my favorite episodes of this year. Jennifer Gardner made the show worth watching as every skit she did was GOLD, the rest of the cast was blah as the show died out at the end.


Kattan is Gay, what else is new that is the only character that he knows! But Gardner is a Thesbian and it works.


Wla-Mart did suck, I know


And I would rather have a Smegle cartoon than the boring Big Novel....Random Thought was so much better.


Gardner made an average show better than it could of been so the show deserves to be on cable repeats now on E! on constant repeats as I am bored of the Kristen Dunst and Jack Black shows.


I repeat Gardner was Best of Show

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Guest bob_barron
Parnell is a bad GW Bush, and there just weren't jokes in the skit.


Agreed there- I laughed a little bit though which is why it wasn't a DUD. Ferrell's Bush wasn't accurate- but he made it funny.



Cast- Garner, Kattan, Sanz, Parnell, Maya Rudolph, Fallon, Morgan, Rachel Dratch, Richards, Edwards, Armisen, Forte, Meyers

DUD...sorry, but this was just a couple years too late to be funny at all.


It may have been a bit too late but it still was really funny- especially the clapping of other cultures. The ordinary people giving their thoughts was a nice touch since that's what every Broadway show contains.


Decient skit how someone looks good under bar lights, but not in the real world, could have been cut shorter

We're in agreement here.


I've always said anything with Maya Rudolph talking is a bad thing

Hey- another thing we agree on.


*...this pissed me off. Cause from the very start it looked like it shoud have been funny. But leave it to Fallon and Sanz to screw things up. They kept stepping on each other's lines and improvising little things. * star cause it COULD have been funny


I really don't think they were improvising- trust me. Every little thing is written on cue cards and I think everything there was planned. That said it had its really funny moments and I liked the weirdness of it.


**1/2...far and away the best skit of the night, and still doesn't touch three stars. The only real funny stuff was just Dratch looking the way she does.


I thought the closing line of the skit was enough to add 1/2 a star.


Tracy Morgan, the only guys who makes me laugh anymore, yet the guy who never gets any time


I'm in different to Tracy- The guy is really funny but has been on the show for way too long and I think it's time for him to go. That said his bit on Update was great tonight.


As for the update itself, nothing special really, average at best...could have been higher with less Parnell.


I thought the jokes were really good with the exception of the ones Tina laughed and yea- less Parnell would've been nice.


Wal Mart is big

Cast- Garner, Poehler, Dratch, Rudolph, Armisen, Meyers

*1/2...this seemed to reek of Bill Bradsky, just not as funny.


Speaking of Bill Brasky- the classic SNL actually had a Bill Brasky on it- I love those skits. TO BILL BRASKY!


Just too many skits with no jokes behind them. I don't see how they can write up shows this bad and think it's good enough to be on a comedy show.


Oh I agree- Most skits do not get on the air out of the tons they propose. So it amazes me that they can put out a bad show or do a show with tons of bad skits. I've been to dress rehearsals and they've cut some excellent skits that deserved to be on the air. So yea- I agree with you on that.

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Guest bob_barron
This show had the most potential to be good, I felt. In the beginning of almost every skit (like Michael Jackson In A Tree in particular), I wanted to laugh, I was ready to laugh and I could almost for certain think that the skit was going to be hilarious, but it just wasn't funny at all.

Eh- The minute I saw that they were having Amy do Michael Jackson instead of Dean Edwards I knew the skit was a lost cause.


Thank god for hockey games.

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Guest Slapnuts00

Another bad, dragging episode. I liked the Twins sketch, Clapping and the bar sketch. That was really it. CUT THE SHOW TO AN HOUR AND FIRE JUST ABOUT ALL THE NEW PEOPLE, THEY'RE TERRIBLE. Sheesh.

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Guest Kotzenjunge

I have a hard time watching SNL. I can't quite put my finger on why though. Maybe it's because a lot of sketches just do the same joke over and over again.

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Guest Choken One

I was thinking that but while I watch the Classics I write this review so I'm sort of half paying attention.

U could just tape it and rant it later...

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Guest Spaceman Spiff

Jennnifer Garner - awesome body, but I gotta break out the dreaded "butter face". Looks kinda "manly" a lot of the time.


And as for the Osama/Saddam sketch, it definitely looked like Fallon was freelancing w/ some of his jokes, IMO.

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Guest bob_barron



The new people are what keep me watching. Seth, Amy, Dean- it's all good.




I have a hard time watching when the show starts to drag towards the end. I'm basically just like: Just eeeeeeend already.


Choken One-


It's basically laziness. I stay up and do these reviews till 4 am and then sleep till afternoon so I just have no time to do another full length episode review.




She only seems to look good in the Daredevil ads and in some of the ads for Alias. I agree on the manliness.


The only reason I don't think Jimmy was freelancing was because SNL never ever improves. EVERYTHING is scripted down to a tee- I think he was just trying to make people think he was improving

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Guest Spaceman Spiff
I think he was just trying to make people think he was improving

Well, it worked. Or at least Sanz's reactions worked to make me think Fallon was freelancing.

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Guest Vern Gagne

Bob:Who's leaving after this year, and who do you think should. I think it's time for Darrell Hammonds do go, Chris Kattan, and Tracy Morgan have also been on long enough.

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Guest Youth N Asia
Jennnifer Garner - awesome body, but I gotta break out the dreaded "butter face". Looks kinda "manly" a lot of the time.

I have no problem with her face...she's got a lot of forehead on her though.

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Guest bob_barron

I heard Tracy is probably getting a sitcom with NBC so he could possibly be leaving soon.


Kattan's contract is up soon so who knows what will happen with him.


I think Darrell, Kattan and Tracy should all go just because they've been on the show for so long and it's time to move on.


There are other cast members who I don't like but those are the top 3.

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Guest Choken One
Choken One-


It's basically laziness. I stay up and do these reviews till 4 am and then sleep till afternoon so I just have no time to do another full length episode review.

Who says we need RIGHT away...Just post it whenever you feel like it...

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Guest bob_barron

Okay- here we go-


This Saturday I will review the Classic SNL. I assume the next episode is Sting/Veruca Salt which I recall was a pretty underwhelming show for 96-97

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Guest Youth N Asia

Morgan and Hammond might as well leave, they're the two funniest guys on the show and yet it seems like they're getting less time every week.

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Guest bob_barron

Well they've been on the show for way too long that it's time for them to go.


I think Darrell is having a career resurgance after a pretty bad couple of years that I blame on alcholism and depression.


Tracy is alright but he's just been on the show for so long that it's time for both of them to go. You can't stay on SNL forever

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Guest Youth N Asia
Tracy is alright but he's just been on the show for so long that it's time for both of them to go. You can't stay on SNL forever

He could make a Tim Meadows (sp) run now just to prove you wrong

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Guest bob_barron

You actually spelled Meadows correctly. I loved Tim to death and was sad to see him go but I knew it was his time.


Morgan got a sitcom deal from NBC so that's why he's probably leaving.


Despite the fact that he was completely useless for the longest time I do like Tracy despite the fact that I loathe Brian Fellows. It's just that I've gotten tired of the guy and think he should leave and hopefully Dean Edwards will get the chance to shine.

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Guest Vern Gagne

A person can't stay SNL for too long. Plus I always thought SNL was more for up and coming Comedians. Crystal and Short and others, were more known nation wide. Most of the time this is the first big break for the performers.

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Guest hardyz1

Let's all forget about this episode. Look ahead to the greatness that will surely ensue next week.


I need more cow bell!

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Guest bob_barron

I agree with you Verne. I think for 84-85 they brought in more celebrities to try to compensate for the loss of Eddie Murphy.


The last two Christopher Walken shows have been excellent so I think this show should make it third in a row

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Guest Youth N Asia
I agree with you Verne. I think for 84-85 they brought in more celebrities to try to compensate for the loss of Eddie Murphy.


The last two Christopher Walken shows have been excellent so I think this show should make it third in a row

But will they do The Continental?

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Guest bob_barron

Most likely- They've done it his last two shows and unless they bomb in dress I don't see why they don't do it again

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Guest MDH257
I think for 84-85 they brought in more celebrities to try to compensate for the loss of Eddie Murphy.

I think Dick Ebersol knew he was leaving at the end of season and just signed all the big names for the hell of it.


They've done The Cotinental every time Walken has hosted. I read that this will be his sixth time hosting and I know they have done the skit at least that many times. They still use the Phil Hartman voiceover from the first time they did the skit in '89 or '90.


Bob, did you see the A&E Biography SNL special? What did you think of it? The history of the show was stuff I already knew, but I loved the week in the life of the SNL portions. It'll give anyone who sees it a new respect for how tough the show is to produce.

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