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Guest Big Poppa Popick

OAOAST IntenseZone - 2/17/03

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Guest Big Poppa Popick

Intro Segment: Protest the War



OaOast HQs

Pittsburgh, PA


Quick shot of the main OaOast HQs in Pittsburgh, PA, with hundreds of thousands of protesters, inculding Hollywood "stars" Martin Sheen, and all the arm-chair quaterbacks - with signs reading: NO WAR...GAMES OVER A NAME! THE OaOast - THE REAL AXIS OF EVIL. REMOVE WATTS!




Saturday, at the main OaOast Headquaters, there were anti-war games protests going on, not only in the United States but aboard as well--




The streets of London are filled with protesters, also with there share of "stars" like Tim Robbins, Sean Penn, etc. Signs in the crowd: THE "COWBOY" WAR...GAMES. JUST SEND IN BOND, JAMES BOND! USE A CONDOM! A picture of "Cowboy" Bill Watts' face on Hitler's body.




Shots of the streets of France also show anti-war games protesters. The protesters are also walking with thier hands up.



As you can see in France, the protesters there are walking with their hands up, something they're used to - surrendering.


The protesters are voicing concerns of the War...Games match at ZERO HOUR between the aWo and the OaOast. Emotions are building up by anti-war...games activist who oppose going to War Games.


One of our OaOast Producers caught up with actor Sean Penn during the anti-war games rally in Londan.



Peace should be given a chance. They don't have foreign objects.



But the aWo has said and shown many times, they don't want peace with the OaOast. They want control of it. And the aWo have tons and have used foreign objects before. Sandman9000 has all sorts of weapons in his pants, car, house. You name it, he has it. It's on tape.



Yeah, but peace should be given a chance.


JIM (V.O.)

Even world leaders are getting into the War Games debated. White House Press Secretary, Ari Fleischer.







The President feels the aWo is an immediate threat to the OaOast. It's been documented on television many times over the past 6 months...the aWo refuses to coperate with the OaOast. They've violated the rules time after time. How anybody could think this is all about owning the rights to a name is insane. The President feels the OaOast has all the reason to go to War Games with the aWo.


JIM (V.O.)

Over the weekend, your's truely had the chance to get a few words with President Bush and the Prime Minister of Britain, Tony Blair, who were visiting with Chairman of the OaOast Board of Directors, "Cowboy" Bill Watts and team OaOast at one of our private Headquaters somewhere in the world.




Surrounded by mountains, a sign reads SOMEWHERE IN THE WORLD.


The Pres. (dressed like Rambo), P.M., Chairman, and team OaOast are sitted together.



Mr. President, Mr. Prime Minister, Mr. Chairman, thank you for your time.



Thank you.



Mr. President, your thoughts.



Nobody likes War Games. It's the last option anybody in power likes to use, but the OaOast must defend itself by attacks from the aWo. The Chairman (Bill Watts) is doing a fine job with the chaos he's dealing with.



I agree with President Bush.



Good boy.


The Pres. starts petting the P.M.




Yes, you are. Yes, you are.


JIM (V.O.)

Bill Watts on the protest.



Jim, you've known me for years. You got your first break with me during the Mid-South days, you know this War Games isn't about owning a name so we could make money off t-shirts, video games, dvds, those great foam fingers and stuff. This War Games is about liberating the OaOast from the aWo. We're not going to roll over like the French and the Germans. We're gonna hook 'em up!



Jim Ross, reporting for the OaOast.




Hi, you might know me as that bloodthirsty deathcore Sandman, but really, my names Jake, and I'd like to take this time to tell you about my newest sponsor...Yummy Butty...Peanut Butter, because nothing is as hardcore as a good ole PB&J!!! MMMMM yummmy butty!

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Guest Big Poppa Popick

Opening Segment: Attitude Adjustment


(Kotzenjunge appears backstage. A few people in the crowd boo and start the "RAVES ARE GHEY!" chant before Kotzenjunge starts talking)


Kotzenjunge: I TOLD YOU ALL! We aren't wimpy peaceniks who listen to bad music, we're real threats. Still, after my absolutely dominating performance, people don't take me seriously. People don't think I'm really a badass, a person who can't totally destroy others. Well good people, I have a clip for you from British telly. Just because I've never been in an AMERICAN wrestling company doesn't mean I've never been in one before. Witness an interview I conducted in the GWF, a Birmingham-based company. I had a manager back then, but I got rid of that old git because he voted Tory. He's able to feed himself these days, I'm told. Enjoy!


(Kotzenjunge fades out, and we get...)


(Scene: On the GWF weekend show, Kotzenjunge is soon going to be cutting a promo for his upcoming match with Blood Dragon against Anaconda and Joe Max. Superstar Billy Hogan stands with Kotzenjunge. Superstar is wearing the usual suit, with the exception of having a black vest and long black tie now. He is wearing small rectangular sunglasses and a bowler derby. Kotzenjunge is in his own matching suit, except his vest is blood red. His glasses catch the light of the studio lighting, obscuring his eyes. Behind them is the Underground Ravers logo, made into a large hanging flag. Kotzenjunge and Hogan have their backs to the camera, but turn to the camera, still facing away with their bodies. Spoon's eyes are still obscured. Another smile catches his face. The now almost trademarked Kotzenjunge smile of malice. He lets out a light chuckle and turns completely to face the camera. "No Surprises" plays quietly in the background. The music seems to soothe Spoon, as he has a look of tranquility about him.)


Kotzenjunge(in a calm voice): I want to get one thing settled before I begin. My esteemed partner, not only of my tag team this week, but in the Underground Ravers as well, has said that I now know that extreme violence is the answer. No Mr. Dragon, I have no intentions of being extreme. I'm very sorry to tell you this. Your Hardcore Title hopes are your own, and as a fellow Raver, I wish you luck in your endeavor, and we are all behind you.


(Spoon takes a moment to prepare his next statement, as the song continues, bringing a mellow atmosphere into the studio. He looks back to the camera and prepares to speak again.)


Kotzenjunge: Now, the complaint we've received most is not from GWF fans, but from our own more compassionate fans. They want to know what these GWF people will do when we drive them out into the street and establish a new Raver rule. These people have mortgages, mouths to feed, people to support. I can assure you we have their interests in mind. (He gestures toward the camera) Like you, sir. Sure you may be just one of the guys who films all this, but you are a GWF employee. Here, Mr. Hogan, take this poor fellow's camera and get a shot of us.


(You see the camera jostle and point toward the floor. You see a pair of shiny dress shoes walk up and the camera jostles again, now pointing toward Spoon again. A man wearing a black GWF shirt and black jeans with white sneakers is standing next to Kotzenjunge now. He looks in his late 30s, the working man's 5 o'clock shadow clearly visible on his face. The song continues playing, still peaceful. Spoon looks on the cameraman with a benevolent face. He holds the cameraman's shoulders with his hands at arm's length, and gets a good look at him, before speaking again.)


Kotzenjunge: We have here your typical GWF employee. You don't see him on TV. He's behind the scenes, like all the secretaries, agents, ring crew, lighting men, fireworks engineers, bookers, and so on. His job isn't glamorous, but he does a good one, bringing the glamor into our living rooms every week for Warpath and once a month for pay-per-views. He's no less of a man than us performers. What's your name, my good man?


Cameraman(breaking a small smile at being recognized for his role in the product the GWF puts out): My name is Earl. Earl Maugham.


Kotzenjunge(taking Earl and putting his arm around him): Got a family?


Earl: Yes sir I do. I'm blessed with a wife and two children.


Kotzenjunge(with pure sincerity in his voice): How long have you been married? And what are the lovely children's ages?


Earl: I've been married to Ellen eleven years and my children, Stephen and Paul, are 7 and 5 respectively.


Kotzenjunge(his tone changing to that of a serious interviewer): What would happen if you lost your job?


Earl: Well I hope I don't, but if I did, we'd probably lose the house we've been saving for nine years to be able to build out in the country.


Kotzenjunge: Oh, a builder, huh?


Earl: Yes sir!


Kotzenjunge: Do your children watch the GWF?


Earl: Yeah, they love it.


Spoon(happily): I'll bet they're happy to see their father on TV!


Earl: I'm sure they are!


Kotzenjunge(now dead serious): You think your wife is there with them?


Earl(confused): Um, yeah, why wouldn't she be?


Kotzenjunge: Well, you're on the road all the time. She may have found someone new to be Stephen and Paul's new, more present father.


Earl(Now upset): No, she wouldn't!


Kotzenjunge: I think she would. But the kids probably don't know about it. (looks to the camera) Oh! They do now! (talking to the camera while Earl looks down uncertainly almost in shame and insecurity, and the song gets louder and more peaceful as Spoon gets louder and more malicious) Stephen? Paul? Your father wasn't good enough to keep your mother around.


Earl(now very upset and yelling at Kotzenjunge): I AM good enough!


(Kotzenjunge pauses and turns to Earl)


Spoon: No you aren't, you're a pathetic little man. (Spoon gets closer and Earl gets lower in posture with each sentence) Your wife has left you for another man, your children no longer have faith in you as a father, you're going to lose your job, your house, and everything you hold dear in the divorce proceedings. But you still have your children, right? (Earl gets a look of hope on his face) No you don't, because they went off with mother and their NEW father, who is much better off and can provide for them as you couldn't. (Earl drops to the floor in sobs) You are not a man anymore. You're vermin, the lowest rung on the ladder of society.


(The song fades out, and Kotzenjunge motions Hogan to move down and get a shot of Earl now on the floor, racked with grief, balled up on the floor and hyperventilating. His face begins to show tears running down it.)


Earl(between breaths and very quietly, almost sounding delusional): I am a good father, I am a good husband. I am a good father, I am a good husband...


(The camera is situated at an angle where you can see Spoon standing above Earl's incoherent body.)


Kotzenjunge(whispering to Earl harshly): You are NOTHING. (looking up past the camera to Hogan) Let's clear this place out.


(You see Kotzenjunge step over the camera and soon cries of pain are heard and things smashed. A shrill female scream is halted by a metallic hitting noise. A chair with a visible blood stain on the seat is seen being hurled over Earl's still lying body and settles under the Underground Ravers banner.)


Kotzenjunge(from off-camera): And by the way... Earl? (Earl's eyes look to Kotzenjunge) Stephen and Paul call me daddy now, and so did your wife last night.


(Earl curls up even more and twitches, sobbing heard from within the ball his body has made. Footsteps and laughter are heard walking out of the studio. The lights go out, but Earl's eyes still reflect the light coming from the open door.)


Kotzenjunge(in sweet motherly voice): Don't forget to lock up!


(The door closes, and the last thing we hear is Earl muttering more as a pair of green glowsticks settle near his body after being thrown from off-camera)


(Scene ends)


(Kotzenjunge appears backstage again, the crowd hushed now.)


Kotzenjunge: Do you SEE now? Tonight, the mental pain I caused Earl will be a slap on the wrist compared to what I do to your beloved commissioner. I destroyed the GWF with the Underground Ravers and left all of their greatest competitors lying and begging for mercy, the OAOAST will be no challenge for me. Hurrah for Popick, being able to keep control here and all, but I'm afraid his, and the OAOAST's last records have spun. Cheerio!


(the crowd boos as he begins walks off-camera)


“My Hero” hits the speakers of Angle Arena, and BPP appears on stage…taking offense to Kotz’s last statement.


BPP: Last Record eh? We’re on the brink of our greatest hit, finishing off the aWo. And now you, a cocky s.o.b. raver, wants to come in and declare himself the greatest? No challenge, I’ve got a challenge for you.


::An official sprints past BPP and enters the ring, and a bell is rung as BPP walks down, taking off his coat and tie before putting on black gloves. KotzenJunge has a gulp in his throat, as he realizes he’s about to get his first test.


JR: This wasn’t scheduled! We were supposed to get a Tag Team Title match, but here we go!


Opening Match: Kotzenjunge vs. Big Poppa Popick


BPP and Kotz walk around each other, both having never faced off before.


JR: These two do have a history though, they were a part of a project called “The State” where their speaking and political skills were honed. Kotz chose to go to England while BPP stayed here in America.


JESSE: Why couldn’t Kotz have stayed in England. Even I’m cheering for BPP here

JR: That’s a first


BPP and Kotz tie it up, BPP throwing Kotz down. Kotz rolls back, springing off the ropes into a handspring dropkick to the head…but caught by BPP and turned into a Styles Clash! That gets a two count before Kotz kicks out.


BPP springs back into Kotz, throwing him into the turnbuckle corner and lighting him up with flair-style chops…BPP pauses and poses after the third chop, and Kotz takes advantage to hit a chop-block on BPP knee…Kotz picks up BPP and pulls him into a stalling vertical suplex, BPP swivels around and narrowly counters Kotz’s Last Record finishing move.


JR: The Last Record? Why’d Kotz bust that out…He should know its eerily similar to BPP’s Finality, so of course BPP should counter it!


BPP’s counter pulls Kotz into a standing Dragon Sleeper. BPP gives him a shove and then uses the ropes to spring off, hitting a 2nd rope Deep Sea Drop…another two count!


JESSE: BPP is certainly dominating this match

JR: Kotz really should take him more seriously.


BPP takes a breather and rolls to the outside, looking for something underneath the ring, a bottle of Tequila~!


JESSE: Teeequiilllaa


BPP comes back in, and takes a giant swig, then spits and poses to the delight of the crowd. Kotz is finally back up to his feet…and an fueled up BPP comes over, but gets drop toe-holded into the lower turnbuckle…Kotz with a quick cover..1…2..feet on the ropes…3~!


Winner, via feet on ropes, in 4:25, KotzenJunge


Kotz celebtrates but BPP is back up quickly…pisses…Kotz turns around into a TEQUILA-BOTTLE-ASSISTED punch of doom. Glass tears into Kotz’s forehead along with the alcohol…for a final reminder…BPP sends Kotz into the remnants with a Synchronicity Bomb~!


JR: Kotz picks up the win, but leaves worse for the wear

JESSE: That is certainly not something Ravers are used too

JR: What, getting their ass kicked

JESSE: No, drinking good alcohol.


"I'm Only Shooting Love" hits and the crowd erupts in laughter as evenflowDDT appears on the Titantron, as the crowd starts a "Lost it all!" chant.



Cut it! Cut that shit off right now! And you assholes don't have to mock my misfortunes! I came out here to make an important announcement, regarding Zero Hour. I haven't really been in a fighting mood lately, so I guess you'd think I missed out. I mean Zack's already got a match, and Lord knows they can't let the Golden Boy lose twice in one night, not with this Team OAOAST bullshit. So what am I going to do on Sunday? Mope? Drown myself in misery? Shoot heroin? What, oh what am I going to do? Tell me, I've got no plans for Zero Hour, whatever oh ever shall I do?


::A "kill yourself" chant erupts


evenflowDDT ::starts to laugh, then cuts it off::

NO! YOU LITTLE PIECES OF SHEEP SHIT! IF ANYONE NEEDS TO REMOVE THEIR BRAIN-WASHED CARBON-WASTING EXISTENCE FROM THE PLANET IT'S YOU ALL! I'll tell you what I'm doing. I'm watching the aWo win. I'll watch the aWo crush your little Team OAOAST. Then what? Baa baa! THEN FUCKING WHAT? Baa baa!


No, scratch that. I won't just watch the aWo win, I'll HELP the aWo win. Now don't get me wrong, I've got no love lost for the aWo. Shit, I've got a whole lot more than that lost for the aWo. But you know something? The aWo also represent how the world ought to be... the aWo represent the power of friendship, REAL friendship. These are people who stick up for each other, through the thick and thin. These are people who know and respect each other's needs. These are people who wouldn't hurt each other over a title shot. These are people who don't put a BULLSHIT HUNK OF METAL over their friends. And you want to get rid of that? Why? Give me one damn good reason why this backstabbing, rag-tag Team OAOAST should pull in the victory on Sunday. So Zack can get his title shot? So ANOTHER long friendship can be broken up? So you can see more legends get pissed away for a hunk of metal? Because if that's what you want...


You ain't getting it. aWo, I don't care if you want my help or not, but after all that's happened to me, I can't let any other close friendships get screwed over these politiks. Meltzer, Torch, update your card - when I beat Alfdogg, someone "loyal to this company" on Sunday, these last noble men will get the advantage they need to stay together. And Zack won't get his title shot, and this "Team OAOAST" will get back to fighting each other and screwing each other over, and I'll smile at their misfortune and walk away the better man. AND WE'LL ALL LIVE HAPPILY EVER AFTER! SUCK ON THAT SHEEP! BAA BAA FUCKING BAA!:: The voiceover begins ::


Ladies and Gentleman, the wait is over. No longer will your cries fall on deaf ears. This saturday, the OaOast will finally get what it needs




:: The same unknown man from the last 2 weeks appears on the screen yet again, cockily stroking his chin. The graphic underneath him reads "Andrew 'Your Hero' Hyland-debuting this saturday on The Road to Anglemania II" ::




Andrew 'Your Hero' Hyland-debuting this saturday on The Road To Anglemania II. The Hero has finally arrived.

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Guest Big Poppa Popick

Segment: Day-Dreaming and I’m Thinking of You


(The Parka is seen sitting on the hood of his car smoking a cigar)


Parka: You know what I like? I like fast women, fast cars, beating people up, and a good cigar. Not necessarily in that order. I tried out other feds and grew tired of them. In some places the female fans were disgusting. I was lucky if I found a whole set of teeth between all of them combined. I had to get out of there quick.


So I came here. The OAOAST. Already I've witnessed light tubes, beds of nails, and even a decapitation. Luckily we found PK's head and reattatched it. I'm beginning to like it here. The women are a little scarce right now since Agnes drove them off, but they'll come flocking back once we debut.


Who is we you ask? The Dream Machines that's we........err who. You see this here? (taps on the El Camino) This is a dream machine. You see these two guys here? (points to PK and SD) These two are pure machines. PK here could kill a man 100 different ways and never blink. SD here..........well he's a good wrestler and is good to have around.


Now if you will excuse me I have a fine lady in the car waiting on me. I'll let the guys tell you what we're all about (get's in the car and soon the car starts rocking)


(SD is seen topless in room full of candles. He's sitting on a leopard print couch.)


SD: Hi girls. My name is Shattered Dreams member of the Dream Machines. You may recognize me from the March 1990 edition of "Good Housekeeping.", You also may recognize me from your wildest sexual fantasies. You know something ladies, I don't care about wrestling titles. I don't care about T-shirts. I don't care about Pay Per Views. I don't care about merchandise sales. All, I care about is providing hours of entertainment to all my beautiful female fans. If I can put a smile on one lucky lady's face, then my mission in life is complete.


Now, here's a word from the baddest most sadistic dude in the OAOAST, KingPK. Don't worry sweeties, I'd never let him hurt you. But try not to wet yourself out of fear when he comes on screen. Bye now.


(blows a kiss to the camera)


*Camera shows closeup of door marked "Dream Machines" and pulls back to see a man in a blue shirt with sunglasses keeping guard in front of it. *


Peter Knight, head of security. I came to the OaOast to crack heads and make some cash. Luckily, these two approached me with the opportunity to do both very well. Let me lay down some rules to everyone in the OaOast right now:


Rule #1) If you want to speak to either LPYC or Shattered Dreams, you go through me.


Rule #2) If you want to jump either of them, you go through me.


Rule #3) If you piss off or harm either of them, you better fucking realize that I will go through YOU. I got whores to buy and I could use the exercise.


Now get outta here, I'm done talking.



JR: Weather Delays!

JESSE: What a match!

JR: Can you believe those Dream Machines!

JESSE:They're a dream!

JR: We'll put this up on the web when it becomes available

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Guest Big Poppa Popick

Segment: Tenacious Z


(BPP's Office. BPP is seated and talking on the phone. An unknown man is sitting across from him.)


BPP: "Yeah...alright. Talk to you later. (Hangs up. Looks over at the other man.) I hope I didn't keep you waiting. Now why are you here again?"


(Camera pans over, it's ZsasZ, looked very bored.)


ZsasZ: "Well, besides the way the moonlight glistens off your baeutiful eyes, I seem to remember an ultimatum last week..."


BPP: "Ah yes. Your behavior since joining the OAOAST has been appalling. You've disregarded my warning, and when I try to punish you, you don't even have the decency to lose. Quite frankly, I'm sick of the games. I will not tolerate shit-stirrers like you while I'm trying to run a promotion here!"


ZsasZ: "Well, I won your match. I'm getting a shot at Agnes at Zero Hour?"


BPP: "No. Reject feels his match with you was unfair. He feels he had no time to prepare. I agree, and at ZERO HOUR the X-Title WILL be on the line."


ZsasZ: "So what's on tap for tonight?"


BPP: "Let's see. Oh this is interesting, Reject's free tonight as well... "


ZsasZ: "Shouldn't we save that match for the PPV?"


BPP: "Oh definatly, that's why you'll be teaming with him against Los Infernales. I felt you needed a partner you can trust."


ZsasZ: "This isn't over..."


BPP: "No, it's just begun."


We come back from commercial to see Reject/Zsasz already in the ring, talking in a corner over strategy presumably. "Hell's Bell" segues into the beginnings of "Short Stories with Tragic Endings" Spiderpoet and El Dandy make their way to the ring...and the bell rings, as does Reject's head...Zsasz has punked out Reject and left him to Los Infernales. El Dandy grabs a chair while Spiderpoet goes to the top rope...El DandyNator followed up by a SpidahSault! 1...2...3!


Winners: Los Infernales, 25 seconds


Zsasz laughs on the entrance ramp as the beatdown continues. Suddenly the crowd cheers as BPP wallops Zsasz from behind, sending Los Infernales scattering... for now....


BPP catches Zsasz with a look, and Reject does the same..bloodied and all...It's not over between Zsasz and reject yet

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Guest Big Poppa Popick

Segment: Originality Squared


------ The scene fades up ------


...Its All Been Done Before...


***A history as repetitive as any, mankind has traveled through the universe of time, continuing it's path of doing what has already been done. Everything that used to be fresh and new is gone, and all that is left is a wasteland of rehashing, recycling, reusing, and barely remembering the ideas, innovations, dreams, and hopes that got us where we are today. When something new or different does try to make it's way into the world, mankind turns against it, and it can only take a miracle to bring it into the spotlight and into the hearts of a generation. Originality is not dead...oh no. But it's been on life support ever seen the word "copycat" began. What you have witnessed is true....for now***


**The scene shown is nothing truly out of the ordinary, a dark forest that could be anywhere, but chooses to be here. It is almost nightfall, and only a small bit of the sunset is giving the image a glow, a radience that can not be seen anywhere else but here. No noises are heard, for now. Though in the distance it almost seems as though a running brook is responding to its own loneliness and despair. That is, until the serenity is interrupted by some passing hikers**


R: Man...what the hell are you bringing me out here for?


S: I think I left my camera here!


R: What in the hell where you doing with your camera out in the middle of nowhere?


S: Uhhh...nature documentary...


**Rando grumbles softly as him and his tag partner The Shocker come into view. Shocker notices his camera and smiles. His long jacket tredging through some light snow. Rando seems less than pleased**


R: There it is! Now lets get it and get out of here!


S: No...ya know what...I think the OAOAST needs a little introduction of sorts from us...what do you think?


R: Pffftt....that camera probably doesn't even work...it's below freezing out here!


S: No...it's working. Look, that little red light is blinking...


**Rando, sensing his own defeat, decides to go along with it. He sits down on a log in shot and Shocker adjusts the camera so the whole world can get a glimpse. Rando smiles stupidly at the camera**


S: Stop that...act professional!


R: Fine...fine...what should I say?


S: Just introduce yourself for everyone...


R: uhhh...okay


S: Well??


R: Umm....my name is Jushin Rando, though you can call me Amazing.....my turn ons include being Amazing, being Rando, and being the Amazing Rando...


**A subtle thud is heard followed by laughter as Shocker has fallen into the snow laughing**


R: What!?


S: That was so STUPID....can't you talk about all the hate and destruction we are going to bring to the OAOAST?


R: But I like the fans and I am here for good competition. I want them to like us!


S: I know....but still...geez...let me do it. Switch places.


R: No...I'm not laying in the snow!


S: Not in the snow! Get behind the camera!


R: Fine.....whatever


**Shocker and Rando switch places and Rando makes sure Shocker is in frame. Shocker looks down at the ground**


S: Are we rolling?


R: Uhhh...I think so...


S: Is the red light blinking?


R: Yeah, yeah...


S: Good...


**Shocker takes a deep breath and looks to the camera**


S: Hello out there...I am the Shocker. You know me. Or do you? I have come here with my partner Rando to do battle in the tag ranks of the OAOAST, but I'm sure you all already knew that. Soon it will be our turn to take hold of the tag division and choke the life out of it, savoring every moment of our glory. I know the fans out there love violence and bad behavior......but we like to bring a little originality to the mix, and send you home amazed and shocked. It's simple, yet no one ever thought of doing it like we will. We have come here for a specific purpose, to make people take notice. Stop ignoring the truth! Stop ignoring the fact that everything has been done and try to figure out what you can do with the past to help make the future the best it can be. Take control of all those redundancies and shift them around, make them scream, make them bleed, and make them into something that has never been seen before...


R: Woah...


S: ...take a look into my eyes, world. Take a look into MY SOUL, WORLD. I survive knowing that I am different from all others. I strive for uniqueness and change. I work the hardest I have ever worked in my life to make myself different, radical, and inspiring! And I can look out into the world, to those that see my message...see OUR message...and it makes me weep in joy, for I know deep down that you have it in you to breed change. I know you have it in you to be optimistic about the fact that the world would be a much better place if repitition was destroyed. You see it here first......come over here Rando...


R: Uh...okay...


S: With me...The Shocker....and my friend...my partner...The Amazing Rando...you will see Originality Personified. We are The Originals. We Are Change. We Are The Truth. We Have The Answers. We are The Originals~!


R: Shocked? Amazed? WE DECIDE!


**Just as Rando gets out that final line, the small battery light blinks on, and the scene dies into a black screen**


***Change. Truth. Originality. Are they all they say they are? Tune In Next Time. Same Original Time. Same Original Channel. Be There....Or Don't Be At All***


...Its All Been Done Before...




OAOAST Tag Team Championship

CobainWasMurdered & Sandman9000 © vs. The SuperStar & Tony The Body


“Simply Ravishing” hits as Tony The Body, a member of Team OAOAST for War Games, comes out on stage for this matchup. Tony pauses on the stage and salutes the crowd, only to be blasted from behind with a chairshot from CWM! The OAOAST Tag Team Champions ambush Tony from behind, as Sandman drives his title belt into Tony’s skull, knocking Tony down the ramp.


Jesse: “Dammit! Those two bastards just hit Tony from behind! They know they can’t take Tony man-on-man, and I emphasize the MAN part!”

JR: “They’re bastards, I know Jess.”


Tony is rolling down the ramp, bleeding from the belt shot. CWM and Sandman are content to kick him down, looking to severely injure him. Tony tries to stand, but CWM cracks him with the chair across the back again. Sandman is digging under the ring, and pulls out a ladder. Sandman slams the ladder across Tony’s back, as Tony is in all kinds of pain.


CWM whacks Tony across the back with a chair, as the official is trying to get the aWo off of Tony so the match can start. Sandman shoves the official away as stomps on Tony some more, as “Downfall” hits as SuperStar comes sprinting down the ramp to the cheers of the crowd.


SS ducks under CWM’s chair shot and tackles Sandman, driving him into the ring apron. CWM hits SS across the back with the chair, but SS turns and starts to fire away on CWM! SS knocks CWM back against the guardrail, but Sandman grabs the ladder and nails SS’s left knee with it, sending SS down to the ground. SS clutches his left leg as Sandman slams the ladder across it.


JR: “Dammit! Someone end this onslaught! Someone stop these two before they severely injure SS and Tony!”


Tony tries to get up, but CWM grabs one of the tag belts and blasts him in the head with it again. Tony is bleeding severely and is unable to defend himself. CWM grabs his chair and starts to choke Tony with it. SS is still holding his knee, as Sandman slams the ladder across it once more. The official tries once again to stop the assault, but CWM cracks the official over the head with the chair, knocking the official out!


CWM digs around under the ring and pulls out a table. CWM sets it up at ringside and places Tony on it. CWM gets Sandman’s attention and pulls Sandman off of SS. Sandman slides into the ring, flips the crowd off, runs the ropes and comes off with the no-hands somersault plancha, driving Tony through the table! Sandman hops back up to celebrate as Tony lies in the wreckage of the table, bleeding and struggling to remain conscious.


SS tries to stand, but a CWM chair shot to his left leg ends that. Sandman pulls out a second table and helps CWM put SS onto the table. Sandman places the ladder on top of SS and slides back into the ring, looking for the Springboard 450, but Zack Malibu comes running down the ramp with a lead pipe in hand! CWM bails out, running away and hopping the guardrail, as Sandman slides out of the ring and also bails out over the guardrail! Zack throws the ladder off of SS and helps him off the table, as officials and EMT’s come down to ringside to attend to SS and Tony. CWM and Sandman walk away from the ring in the crowd, pleased at their actions.


Backstage, Zsasz is being attended to by paramedics. He didn't make it out to his car...rather...someone attacked him. Reject is yelling, claiming he didnt do it...and the camera pans to spraypaint on the wall


Zsasz, you've just been mutilated...

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Guest Big Poppa Popick

Segment: Purely Mad


Reject's grabbed a mic~!


Ladies & Gentlemen, it is I, Reject, Your OAOAST X Champion, and the biggest Draw this Company has ever seen"


"MrZsasz, I know it was you who attacked me from behind, but I will cut you some slack. You've been here for what? 2 Weeks, so let me introduce myself. Like I've said before, I am Reject, The OAOAST X Champion"


"What were you reasons for attacking me? You want a shot at my X Title ?

Something that i've worked for since day one. What have you done to deserve a shot, besides cut one of you Bullshit Promos"


"You know, i'm a reasonable guy. You want a shot? You've got it. I'll be waiting for your answer"



The Purrrrist.




(Black and white screen effect)


In front of a sold out arena full of people - none of whom look to be under 40 - dressed in 1930s attire, watch the Purist (wearing white trunks/boots) - with a woman - 32, in his corner - showcasing his mat skills against "Joe Blow."


The crowd graps as a bodyslam by the Purist sends "Joe" down hard. 1-2-3! Just like that, it's over. Crowd roars with approval.



The winner of the match, the Purist.



I'm now joined by one of the greatest mat wrestlers of this era, the Purist.



Great to be with you Timothy.



Same here. Another great proformence, but whose the lovely lady by your side.



That's my valet, Cookie. Unlike the trashy women in this sport today, such as Alison and all the other bimbos - Cookie is an intelligent women who doesn't degrade herself for a bunch of adolescent boys. Like myself, Cookie is here to bring class back to the sport - in her case, the role of valets.



I understand you have signed a contract with the OAOAST to wrestle your first match at ZERO HOUR.



That's correct. I'm going to participate in an exhibition match to showcase my superior wrestling skills, because I'm here to cleanse the sins of the OAOAST for what it has done to professional wrestling. History has comed back...with a vengeance.



The Purrrrist.











"Die Another Day" rips the crowd into a frenzy, and Zack Malibu, flagbearer for the OaOasT races down to the ring to face his toughest challenge yet. To get a chance at the World Title, he must run the gauntlet of CWM,Sandman, and Angle-Plex tonight.


Waiting around the ring are numerous OaOasT officials.


"aWo Porno" blares and the unit of CWM, Sandman, and Angle-Plex start to walk down the stage...Only one of them is allowed in the ring at a time, whilst the others can remain on the entrance ramp. They seem to discuss strategy for a moment, and finally decide to send Sandman in.


Gauntlet Match #1: Zack Malibu vs. Sandman


Their fury is unmatched. Each exchanges right hands with the other head, with no sign of stopping for several seconds. Sandman blocks a right and comes in with a roundhouse left, but Zack twists out, flips over, the backflips and kicks Sandman right in the jaw...quick 2 count!


Sandman is up and clotheslines Zack down, applying a leglock.


JR: A leglock?

JESSE: That's not typical Sandman

JR: It's...wrestling

JESSE: Thank you Captain Obvious


Zack kicks Sandman's head a few times with his free leg to get out, but Sandman rolls and flips Zack over...Standing AnkleLock for a brief time, Zack twists through, into a standing Educational Lesson ::Edgeucator::. Sandman makes it to the ropes and the count is broken.


Sandman: Fuck this.


Sandman rolls out of the ring, and snaps Zack over the top rope when the prep tries to follow. Quickly under the ring, Sandman grabs a steel chair and re-enters the ring, swinging at the referee, knocking him out. Sandman catches Zack coming up with a shot to the head, then hitting the ankle as Zack falls down. A few chairshots to the leg/ankle later, and Sandman places the chair in a pillmanizing position. Frog Splash from the top rope to the chair! Zack writhes in pain, but the ref woke up in time to see that. Sandman is disqualified


Winner: Zack, by DQ in 3:01


Sandman smiles and leaves the ring, but then grabs a light-tube from under the ring before security can get him. Zack is just standing up when Sandman pushes Zack into a turnbuckle, draping him across the top with the injured leg drooping down...and then shattering the light-tube across Zack's leg and ankle. Sandman smiles sickly and is finally caught and brought away by OaOasT security. CWM races down from the entranceway, leaving Angle-Plex there to smile


Gauntlet Match #2: Zack Malibu vs. CobainWasMurdered


CWM comes in and immediately focuses in on Zack's legs, yelling WHOOO~! and encasing Zack in a trademark figure four leglock. Oh the humanity! Angle-Plex is chuckling on the entranceway. Zack struggles for the ropes and finally makes it, but gets pulled back into the ring by CWM...into an Ankle-Lock.


The crowd gasps, then pops! BPP nails Angle-Plex from behind with a a rolling clothesline and runs to the ring, yelling for Zack to wake up. CWM lets go and the two being jawing with each other...CWM is begging for BPP to hit him, finally BPP has enough and lets go a swing, but CWM is pulled down by Zack into a roll-up..1..2..CWM grabs a rope but BPP kicks the hand off...3!


Winner: Zack, by fluke roll-up and BPP distraction, in 6:05


Gauntlet Match #3: Zack Malibu vs. Angle-Plex


BPP turns around and is kicked by Angle-Plex on the ring apron...Perfect-Plex to the arena floor! Angle-Plex turns and runs straight back into the ring, rolling through a Zack attempted clothesline with a front leg sweep. Deathlock with Bridge from Angle-Plex, turning over to put even more pressure on Zack's injured leg...Zack fails to move after a bit, and the ref starts checking...1...2...3...Zack does not answer the three count.


Kotzenjunge runs down ringside and picks BPP up..LAST RECORD ON THE OUTSIDE! Kotz takes off through the crowd...and AngleSault appears on stage, flanked by CWM and Sandman again...from the back...BIGMCLARGEHUGE and SOMEGUY appear holding steel chairs...they join AP in the ring


Winner: Angle-Plex, Deathlock w/bridge, inverted in 7:55


Angle-Plex and the aWo celebrate as fireworks ::from the aWo:: go off in the arena, confetti littering the ring. Zack Malibu has just failed to run the gauntlet, and to make matters worse, will he be able to compete at Wargames with his badly injured ankle? And what about BPP, who lies below the ring knocked out, or Tony and Superstar, already taken away in ambulances?


What will become of the OaOasT?

Who will survive...War?



::Ending scene opens with SP emerging from the showers, towel wrapped around his waist. He looks over at El Dandy, who is sitting at SP's laptop in the corner, frowning.::


SP: ::Pulling on his shorts before losing the towel:: What's with the frown, me amigo? I think we did well tonight.


Dandy: Have you heard the WWE rumor?


SP: ::looks suspiciously at Dandy:: Which one? Are they supposedly trying to get me under contract again?


::Dandy shakes his head::


SP: What? ::Pulls on his shirt and pads over to the laptop.::


::Dandy, perhaps wisely, gets up to leave::


::SP reads the rumor thread in question at TSM's forums::


SP: ::looks back at the camera, a mixture of pain and outright rage twisting his features.:: GET OUT. GET THE **** OUT! NOW!


::SP throws the cameraman out of the lockerroom. Outside, Dandy merely crosses his arms and stands by the door, making sure that nobody enters to disturb his friend.::


::From inside the locker room, a phone being dialed can be heard::


SP: (muffled by the door) Yeah . . . it's SP. I need some strings pulled. I know I'll never get it on IZ, but I need a match . . . that ROAD TO ANGLEMANIA show . . . yeah, yeah, the B show . . . yeah, I have a killer match for it. And I need to get something out of my system. Yeah . . . get me Shane.

::scene fades out as Dandy gives the cameraman a menacing look and he shuts the camera off::


What will happen at Road to AngleMania?!


End Show:




Sandman, Tony, Rando, LaParka,King, Shattered Dreams, KotzenJunge,SpiderPoet, Mystery Eskimo


Producer of Sorts: BPP

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