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Guest Deebo

Austin & Bischoff.. Will there really be a Match?

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Guest Deebo

How can they honestly make this one of the main event matches? I mean, with Austin coming back you want to make him look as tough as possible. With Bischoff not being a wrestler and Austin being the "Toughest SOB", he should be able to beat Bischoff in a matter of minutes. I'm not sure what Vince is going to do with this, but I don't think Bischoff and Austin will actually wrestle, because the only way the match could be of any length is if Austin struggles with Bischoff and I doubt they'll make that happen.

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Guest treble charged

I'm assuming it will be along the lines of Austin/Rikishi from No Mercy 2000 or Undertaker/DDP from King of the Ring '01. Not so much an actual match, just a confrontation, in which Austin will destroy Bischoff.

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Guest Mik at Cornell

For reference of how a match like this can happen, rent yourself St. Valentine's Day massacre when Austin fought Vince in the cage match...

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Guest Eagan469

my guess -


match starts, Austin throws Bischoff to the outside, pummels him with various objects for 5 minutes, throws him back in the ring, 3MW and Rico come out, get taken care of by Austin, Morley comes out and beats on Austin, Vince saves, STUNNER on Bischoff, Austin wins.

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Guest Brian

You really think they'll put Vince and Austin together? Considering Vince is going to probably be a heel on this same show.

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Guest Trivia247

oh Im sure Bischoff will bust out his "Da Cat" 3 time Karate Champion Trained Moves on Austin... he just the man ain't he?


Austin will come back stun him drink a beer go to the back Stun Vince, Stun HHH Stun the Camera Man maybe even Stun Stephanie.


Then he'll complain he was being mistreated in his stunning and go home and sulk in his room for 8 more months.

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Guest Kotzenjunge

You really think they'd allow Bischoff to show off the Karate skills?


Me neither.

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Guest Trivia247

its amazing actually how well Vince can get over as a Face after years of being a Heel. its like the weirdest thing, its just admiration and respect the guy gets in being able to put on the show after years. and being the only nationally televised game around....


Until TNA gets its act together and get a weekly show outside of the PPV crap

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Guest TheArchiteck

What if Bisch gives a karate kick to Austin and knocks him out legit......

and Bisch goes for the cover.

I would pay to see a camera backstage if that happens.

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Guest The Mighty Damaramu

I think it'll just be Bischoff begging throughout the show. Then he gets to the ring and Austin shows up and Bischoff starts begging, Austin tricks him with some beers....KICK WHAM STUNNER. Austin pins him. Says some stuff. Beers aplenty.

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Guest jester

Not that it's going to happen, but this would be the perfect time to have Goldberg run-in and attack Austin.


That of course would assume Goldberg and WWE could actually work something out, which they can't.

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Guest Steviekick

Instead of Goldberg, what about Sting? It would be interesting to have a swerve with Sting showing up.

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Guest jester
Which is a good thing.



Everything I hear about this guy makes me say that it would be more efficient to just flush whatever money he wants down the toilet.

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Guest Trivia247
Don't want Austin to violate his probation though. :-)

he'll do a Dean Martin routine and instead of it being real beer it will be Apple juice lol

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Guest Lightning Flik
Not that it's going to happen, but this would be the perfect time to have Goldberg run-in and attack Austin.


That of course would assume Goldberg and WWE could actually work something out, which they can't.

No offense, but if I even hear Bischoff admit that he's "got it covered" or something to the effect where he's not afraid of facing Austin... I'd be just a little worried about the whole match/angle thingy.


Just cause I don't wanna see Goldberg.

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Guest JMA
You really think they'll put Vince and Austin together? Considering Vince is going to probably be a heel on this same show.

Vince isn't really a heel or face right now. He's in what I like to call "egotistical businessman" mode. In this mode, Vince only cares about making money and not caring about who wins or loses.

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Guest deadbeater

Not Goldberg interfering --Sting! Pissed off at Ted Dibiase's chairing him during shooting of the pre-paid services commercial, he renounces Christianity and joins the cult of Bischoff.


Just a storyline suggestion, that's all.

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Guest NoSelfWorth

I think the 'match' will consist solely of Austin kicking the crap out of Bischoff, and pinning him.

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Guest HartFan86

Who thinks Bischoff will BEAT Austin as punishment for Austin walking out?









Austin wins after murdering Bischoff for 10 minutes.

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For reference of how a match like this can happen, rent yourself St. Valentine's Day massacre when Austin fought Vince in the cage match...









sorry to shout, it just sucked if that'd happen.

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Guest BionicRedneck

There is always the possibility of Bischoff and McMahon being together all along and screwing Austin somehow, leading to Austin vs. Owner/GM #2451

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Guest Austin3164life
Who thinks Bischoff will BEAT Austin as punishment for Austin walking out?

I do. I think that Bischoff will "punish" Austin for leaving Raw at such a crucial time in wrestling. Austin will kick the shit out of Bisch the whole match, but I think that Bischoff will have Goldberg come and spear the shit out of Austin, setting up Wrestlemania. APO said that Goldy is likely to show up in the WWE soon.

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Guest Your Olympic Hero
my guess -


match starts, Austin throws Bischoff to the outside, pummels him with various objects for 5 minutes, throws him back in the ring, 3MW and Rico come out, get taken care of by Austin, Morley comes out and beats on Austin, Vince saves, STUNNER on Bischoff, Austin wins.

don't forget stunner on Vince

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