Guest EMAXSAUN Report post Posted March 18, 2002 Okay I just finished watching the show, and here is what I thought. I personally thought that the set looked awesome, but the crowd was totally dead for most of the show, and the live bands were pretty crappy too. on to the matches: Rvd. VS Regal Pretty good match to start the show with. Entertaining. **1/2 Christian vs. DDP Good match, even better than the one before. More entertaining. **3/4 Goldust vs. Maven This was pretty terrible, Maven took some good bumps though, but really messed up his only move, a dropkick into a trashcan. It was pretty stupid how they had the title switch hands again and again throughout the show, they should have just done another hardcore battle royal like the one from WM 2000. Whatever. 1/2* Angle vs. Kane Good match! Angle carried Kane to a great match here. *** UT vs Flair Another good match. Flair went all out here. I thought it would be a little more brutal though. *** Booker vs Edge Another entertainging match. good, but just entertaining. thats it. **3/4 Scott Hall vs SCSA Pretty good, but nothing really special. **3/4 Tag title match I thought that this match was okay, just a standard tag formula match. Too short. **1/2 Hogan vs Rock I don't care if wrestling fans say that hogan is a jackass or has an ego or whatever, but this guy makes basic old school wrestling entertaining as ####, and this match was awesome. **** Women's Title Match A good women's match but it is weird to have this kind of a match after having the epic showdown before it. i personally would have put it before the Hogan-Rock Match. ** HHH vs Jericho This match was great, and it really told a story. This was totally awesome, and it really ended well. ****1/2 Overall a thumbs up from me. What did you guys think of the show? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Brian Report post Posted March 18, 2002 RVD vs. Regal Decent, too short to actually break out. Cool little spots courtesy of Regal and RVD's bumping. Better flow than normal Regal matches as he stayed away from the methodical style and just went for the big moves. ** Christian vs. DDP Interesting match-up, I really liked it. Not sure about the rating, between **1/4 and **1/2. Golddust vs. Maven Won't give a rating because the finish was screwed. It started to shape up into a better than normal hardcore match, than fell apart towards the non-finish. Angle vs. Kane Good for what it was. Angle really needs moves that work the legs though because using the ankle lock in that fashion, and not really working towards it or shooting for it isn't really cutting it for me. **3/4 Undertaker vs. Flair Undertaker's selling was really horrible in this match, and I can't look around it. **1/4 Booker T vs. Edge Sort of bland. **1/4 SCSA vs. Hall Need to see again to rate. Didn't really like it but it didn't seem bad. Tag Team Basic stuff from these guys, just running through the motions. **1/4 Hogan vs. Rock As a sports entertainment match, it was great. It should have been the main event and totally drained the crowd. Great how Rock strutted and showed off like a heel for that minute or so. Another match I should watch again, but *** sounds right but might be high. Women's match Lita has the worst strikes in wrestling. Match flow wasn't great, so I'll go on the low-end. *1/2 HHH vs. Jericho I calleed the finish mid-match thinking HHH's leg would give out after pedigreeing Steph so Jericho could get the Walls for the submission. Good match, stellar leg work for the most part. ***1/2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Report post Posted March 18, 2002 These are simply my first impressions, I didn't see the Austin/Hall match(lack of interest in it, so I took that time to let my dog out for a little while), and was on the phone during the DDP/Christian match... Regal/RVD: I'm sooooo glad they stopped the Regal reign, and gave the title to someone who can make it seem important, screwy over-leg-kick thingie, but it was pretty good, as an RVD match will get a crowd excited. **3/4 for RVD. Christian/DDP: Looked good, liked how Christian kept his composure(the post-match stuff shot that in the ass), **1/2 because I can't give it higher than my man RVD(yes, I am a HUGE RVD mark). Hardcore Shenanigans: The whole night of vignettes gets **** simply because it kept me guessing and laughing. The chaotic nature of the whole thing was really fun, and THE HURRICANE made it onto Wrestlemania!!! May I also note that I could watch Al Snow crash into walls of boxes in a golf cart with a referee in tow all day long with no complaints. Of course a real rating of all that would be around *, but you don't rate such things. Angle/Kane: Liked it, lose the black tights, Kurt. Angle's escape by grabbing the mask was brilliant. Intelligence! ***. Undertaker/Flair: I loved this whole match. Arn's spinebuster got one of the biggest pops of the night from me. It was just, in my words at the time, "the RAW-EST thing!!!!" ****1/4. Booker T/Edge: Edge finally makes public what we all look like trying to do the Spinaroonie. Predictable, but decent. **1/2. Austin/Hall: Explanation above. Must've been short, I wasn't out of the room that long. I was surprised at its positioning on the card. I still have to see it. Hardyz/Dudleyz/APAz/Billyz & Chuckz: ARGH. I had the Hardys picked. Neat, but disappointing. Stacy being there adds 1/2, so ***. Rock/Hogan: This match OWNED the show. I would have bet you $100 it was going to be last, but then I remembered that HHH was owed the main event at Wrestlemania for letting Rock/Hogan do their things. The crowd heat alone adds ** to the match. ****1/2. It was only decent, but that crowd booing Rock's mere breathing was amazing. Jazz/Lita/Trish: I expected a good one here, but too many flubs. *1/2 for the really cool finishing suplex. Jericho/HHH: The leg working, while making the psychology people go nuts, killed it for me. He should have pedigreed Steph as soon as he came out and gotten her out immediately. I FELT that chairshot. ***. May I now reiterate what I said to myself around the 80th live performance: Limit one per show please. "Tell the story of the Undisputed Title match?" PLEASE! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest bps "The Truth" 21 Report post Posted March 18, 2002 I'd like to point out that the psychology of attacking HHH's leg meant NOTHING since it didn't factor in to the decision at all. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Report post Posted March 18, 2002 Yeah, you're right. Why didn't Jericho just waffle HHH in the leg with the chair? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Frank Zappa Mask Report post Posted March 18, 2002 My very initial sports-entertainment ratings.. RVD/Regal: *3/4 Christian/DDP: **1/4 Maven/Goldust: 1/2* Angle/Kane: **1/2 Taker/Flair: ***1/4 ARN'S SPINEBUSTER~!: A million, billion stars Booker/Edge: **1/2 Austin/Hall: *1/2 Tag 4-Way: *1/4 Hogan/Rock: *** (but one of the most wonderfully surreal things I have ever seen. If that doesn't take you back to watching Superstars on Saturday morning, then I don't know what will) Ladies 3-Way: * HHH/Jericho: *** (dead crowd killed this one dead) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Report post Posted March 18, 2002 Where DID Arn come from, anyway? Must've been through the crowd, because he seemed to just poof! appear in the ring, and BAM! spinebust UT. #### that was awesome. I think I'll watch it over and over again. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Phr33k Report post Posted March 18, 2002 My thoughts: RVD vs. William Regal = *** Christian vs. DDP = **1/4 Big schmoz for Hardcore belt all night == **1/2 Kurt Angle vs. Kane = **3/4 Undertaker vs. Ric Flair = ***1/4 Booker T vs. Edge = ** Stone Cold Steve Austin vs. Scott Hall = ** Tag Title 4-Way: *1/2 Hulk Hogan vs. The Rock = **** Women's Title Match = *3/4 HHH vs. Chris Jericho = **** Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest bps "The Truth" 21 Report post Posted March 18, 2002 RVD vs. William Regal = **1/2 Christian vs. DDP = **1/4 Hardcore all night rating == ** ( I was entertained) Kurt Angle vs. Kane = **3/4 Undertaker vs. Ric Flair = *** Booker T vs. Edge = ** Stone Cold Steve Austin vs. Scott Hall = ** Tag Title 4-Way: * Hulk Hogan vs. The Rock = *** Women's Title Match = 1/2* (fuck Lita) HHH vs. Chris Jericho = *1/2 (psychology that went no where. the smallest crowd reaction to a title change ever...this is wrestlemania isn't it? HHH will burn in ####...for that I am happy) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest dilk bathoon Report post Posted March 18, 2002 RVD/Regal: *** (good opener, that wierd half nelson suplex regal gave looked like it broke RVD's neck) Christian/DDP: *** (DDP needs new enterance music, good flowing match) Maven/Goldust: *1/2 (any time maven is badly beaten i smile, the half star is for al snow driving into the boxes) Angle/Kane: **1/2 (about as good a match you'll ever see with kane, even though we saw this match on RAW about a month ago) Taker/Flair: ***1/4 (flair does a 0.4 muta, JR gets the line of the night for "it looks like taker cut himself shaving") Booker/Edge: **1/2 (nothing too spectacular) Austin/Hall: N/A (pretty good story, and hall taking two stunners in a row was great) Tag 4-Way: *1/2 (pretty crappy; they finally found a team gayer then The Smoking Gunns) Hogan/Rock: ****1/2 (match of the night, hogan was so over it was scarry, and the crowd chanted "rocky sucks". whatever) Ladies 3-Way: *** (good effort, and surprisingly enjoyable. what the #### was it doing as the second last match though?) HHH/Jericho: *** (i thought they were wrestling in an empty building. hogan and rock should have headlined) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest midnight_burn Report post Posted March 18, 2002 RVD vs. William Regal = **3/4 Christian vs. DDP = **1/2 Big schmoz for Hardcore belt all night == **1/4 Kurt Angle vs. Kane = *** Undertaker vs. Ric Flair = ***1/2 Booker T vs. Edge = **1/4 Stone Cold Steve Austin vs. Scott Hall = **1/2 Tag Title 4-Way: *1/4 Hulk Hogan vs. The Rock = **** Women's Title Match = * HHH vs. Chris Jericho = *** Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest BA_Baracus Report post Posted March 18, 2002 I didn't watch it. ...but it got really good reviews from most sources. Plus I liked the developments for the most part. Nothing really stupid happened... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest goodhelmet Report post Posted March 18, 2002 I don't know what show most of y'all were watching but I'll cut&paste my review from another thread: Ok, I've let the show sink in and watched a couple of matches again to get a grasp on it. Here's my thoughts 6 man tag- 1/4*. Absolutely nothing special here. I feel bad for Lance Storm. RVD-Regal- **1/2. I was loving the match but it was way too short. I'm glad they got all stiff on each other. It was the only way it could work. Christian-DDP *1/2. After watching the match again, it wasn't anything special at all. A few nice near falls but nothing special. Goldust-Maven- 1/4*. A couple of nice Maven bumps but a really weak hardcore match. Al Snow would have been ten times better in the role. Mentor vs. student. Smell the money! Kane-Angle- ***. The best actual match of the show. Beside the weak ending, the work was solid. Only problem is we've seen it before and they didn't really build off their past matches. UT-Flair- **. Taker's no broomstick but Flair did a great bladejob. Picked up toward the end but the early portion dragged horribly. Booker-Edge. *. A friggin 5 minute match for what could have been a great showcase of young talent. What a waste. The botched rana didn't help either. Stone Cold- Scott Hall- DUD. This match sucked. The most overbooked and convoluted match on the card. Kevin Nash dragged it down ten notches and he wasn't even a player. Stone Cold needs a new enemy and quick. 4way tag match- DUD. This match sucked and I've never seen so many botched and telegraphed moves. The double DDT was a friggin handstand for chrissakes!!! D-Von's face first dive through the table elevated it a little but not by much. We need the Flock in the tag ranks now!!! Hogan-Rock- **1/2. As a match, I've watched it twice since it has aired, it's really thin. The end is solid but the early portion was all heat and no wrestling. If I ever felt like I was in a twilight zone, this match was it. I'm glad it was clean too. What more can you ask from Hogan? This was so friggin weird! If there was ever a time for a Rock heel turn, the time is NOW! that's two Manias in a row where the fans have turned on him. Woman's match- *. Jazz and Trish bust their ass and Lita sucks. She botched her moves, her cues and couldn't even throw one believable strike. Pathetic!!! Fire her now! Bring in Hamada's (grand)daughter and let Jazz and Molly and trish run wild. Trips-Steph- **3/4- Jericho busted his ass but Trips is useless right now. the screwiness was less than I thought and no shock turns or swerves but Trips is Sid2002. That sucks because him and Lucy will be shoved down our throats for the next two years. Adios Jericho! RVD and the midcard are waiting. Overall: No way this show was worth $40. Not one standout match although Rock-Hogan went way beyond my expectations but it was so surreal I don't think I can knock it down. Did anyone else notice that Trips, Rock and Austin all won their matches. The more things change, the more they stay the same. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites