Guest Whatmaniac Report post Posted February 19, 2003 I can't really see any way that the Austin vs. Bischoff match at No Way Out is going to have a good resolution. There are only about four outcomes that Gerswitz can book. One is the obvious swerve where Bischoff and Austin reveal that they have been in cahoots all along and the match doesn't take place. This would be predictible and a bait-and-switch to boot. The second scenerio would have Austin squash Bischoff, which isn't a very interesting payoff to the angle. They could also have Austin lose to Bischoff through nefarious means but it would be incredibly stupid to hype the guy's return only to job him in his first match. Lastly, they could just not have the match at all and screw over the paying customer. What exactly is the WWF going to do with their main Raw storyline? P.S.: Does anyone else find it retarded that they gave a storyline involving a non-wrestler, an overweight announcer, and a broken down has-been who isn't even on tv top billing over the two top heels and the two top babyfaces on the Raw roster, one of whom is the champion? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest bob_barron Report post Posted February 19, 2003 I say do this- Bischoff goes to escape but the Dudley Brothers cut him off and force him to face Austin. The Dudleyz act as enforcers and when Morley trys to run in they do a super dooper table bump to put him out. During the distraction 3MW and Rico can try to run in to help Bischoff but- KICK WHAM STUNNER (repeat 4 times) The Dudleyz dispose of 3MW/Rico and Austin ducks a Bischoff kick, KICK WHAM STUNNER beers all around Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest AndrewTS Report post Posted February 19, 2003 I say do this- Bischoff goes to escape but the Dudley Brothers cut him off and force him to face Austin. The Dudleyz act as enforcers and when Morley trys to run in they do a super dooper table bump to put him out. During the distraction 3MW and Rico can try to run in to help Bischoff but- KICK WHAM STUNNER (repeat 4 times) The Dudleyz dispose of 3MW/Rico and Austin ducks a Bischoff kick, KICK WHAM STUNNER beers all around Wisely booked. It should be an extended squash with the Dudleyz getting their long-awaited revenge on Bisch in some form. I honestly don't give a shit about the Dudleyz, but the fans do, and they way Bisch has dicked them around again, they need to get their ultimate revenge on him in the ending. That's good booking, that's paying off your angles. Austin STUNNER STUNNER STUNNERing Bisch would just be the icing on the cake. Too bad the rest of the show looks like utter crap, mostly. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest The Tino Standard Report post Posted February 19, 2003 Call me crazy, but after last night's Raw, I'm beginning to think the Austin-Bischoff match will be higher on the card than the World Heavyweight Title match with Steiner and HHH. It just might be possible they realized how absolutely awful that rematch will be and have instead decided to push the sports entertainment segment as the top draw. Honestly, this isn't the worst idea ever. What do you think people care more about: a Steiner-HHH rematch or the return of Stone Cold? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest bob_barron Report post Posted February 19, 2003 I book the card (from bottom to top like this) Mattitude v. Kidman Taker v. Big Show Booker v. Jericho (or whatever Y2J does) HHH v. BPP Steiner v. Bischoff RVD/Kane v. Commonwealth Connection Team Angle v. Brock/Benoit/Edge Rock v. Hogan Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest AndrewTS Report post Posted February 19, 2003 I book the card (from bottom to top like this) Mattitude v. Kidman Taker v. Big Show Booker v. Jericho (or whatever Y2J does) HHH v. BPP Steiner v. Bischoff RVD/Kane v. Commonwealth Connection Team Angle v. Brock/Benoit/Edge Rock v. Hogan Er--don't you mean Steve Austin vs. Bischoff? Not Steiner vs. Bisch? Not a bad way of placing the matches. Although, Rock/Hogan as the top draw? I think the anticipation for the rematch isn't anywhere near as much as the first one. The main should have Team Angle & Kurt vs. Benoit/Edge/Brock. The Rock vs. Hogan match should be a little earlier in my opinion. Still, I'm not sure how/where you'd book a nostalgia act vs. returning wrestler match anyway. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Angle-plex Report post Posted February 19, 2003 I say do this- Bischoff goes to escape but the Dudley Brothers cut him off and force him to face Austin. The Dudleyz act as enforcers and when Morley trys to run in they do a super dooper table bump to put him out. During the distraction 3MW and Rico can try to run in to help Bischoff but- KICK WHAM STUNNER (repeat 4 times) The Dudleyz dispose of 3MW/Rico and Austin ducks a Bischoff kick, KICK WHAM STUNNER beers all around No!!!! The whole point of Austin's character (or at least, what it SHOULD be) is that he is a loner. He should stun the DUDleyz too! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest CED Ordonez Report post Posted February 19, 2003 But the big question remains unanswered: How many beers will Austin fail to catch during his celebration? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest HartFan86 Report post Posted February 19, 2003 I say do this- Bischoff goes to escape but the Dudley Brothers cut him off and force him to face Austin. The Dudleyz act as enforcers and when Morley trys to run in they do a super dooper table bump to put him out. During the distraction 3MW and Rico can try to run in to help Bischoff but- KICK WHAM STUNNER (repeat 4 times) The Dudleyz dispose of 3MW/Rico and Austin ducks a Bischoff kick, KICK WHAM STUNNER beers all around No!!!! The whole point of Austin's character (or at least, what it SHOULD be) is that he is a loner. He should stun the DUDleyz too! Yes. Then Bob's booking is perfect. Then have JR come in the ring to celebrate, Austin stuns him. Austin gets the mic and says "That's for Confidential." Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest bob_barron Report post Posted February 19, 2003 I meant Austin sorry. Montreal is Hogan country- seriously. Hulk Hogan is like a God there and if they do what they did at X-8 then every match after it will die. Put it on last- that's the best way to go. Austin doesn't really need the Dudleyz help though- He still beats up 3MW/Rico. This is also a good way to finally give the Dudleyz the last laugh and the crowd will go bonkers beyond belief. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest HartFan86 Report post Posted February 19, 2003 Rock/Hogan needs to be the final match because even though Montreal is one of the hottest crowds, the main event or the following matches will look weak in comparasion to the heat Rock/Hogan gets. Here's how I'd order it: Mattitude v. Kidman Jericho vs. Whoever RVD/Kane v. Commonwealth Connection Taker v. Big Show HHH v. Steiner Team Angle v. Brock/Benoit/Edge Austin v. Bischoff Rock v. Hogan Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest HartFan86 Report post Posted February 19, 2003 Austin doesn't really need the Dudleyz help though- He still beats up 3MW/Rico. This is also a good way to finally give the Dudleyz the last laugh and the crowd will go bonkers beyond belief. Maybe Austin starts to get beat down by Bischoff, Morley, Rico, Jamal, Rosie, etc. and the Dudleys come out and fight with 3MW into the crowd. Then Austin makes the come back over Morley and Bischoff. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest saturnmark4life Report post Posted February 19, 2003 Wow, I agree with bob_barron. I guess I should savour this moment. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Brian Report post Posted February 19, 2003 I don't know if it'll go over as well as the first match. Rock as a heel just outclasses Hogan on the stick and the mystique behind the match and really being Hogan's first match back in the WWE is gone. I still think this match should go on second to last. Six man last. But then again, they've been pushing the hell out of this. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Army Eye Report post Posted February 19, 2003 I can't really see any way that the Austin vs. Bischoff match at No Way Out is going to have a good resolution. There are only about four outcomes that Gerswitz can book. One is the obvious swerve where Bischoff and Austin reveal that they have been in cahoots all along and the match doesn't take place. This would be predictible and a bait-and-switch to boot. The second scenerio would have Austin squash Bischoff, which isn't a very interesting payoff to the angle. They could also have Austin lose to Bischoff through nefarious means but it would be incredibly stupid to hype the guy's return only to job him in his first match. Lastly, they could just not have the match at all and screw over the paying customer. What exactly is the WWF going to do with their main Raw storyline? Austin overcomes lots of cheating and interference from Morley, and still wins. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest saturnmark4life Report post Posted February 19, 2003 I dunno, not as much as the last one (obviously) It doesn't look like goldberg's gonna show so I wouldn't put rock/hogan last. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Brian Report post Posted February 19, 2003 He's not going to show. If he's not signed in the next two or three weeks, he won't make Mania probably. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest HartFan86 Report post Posted February 19, 2003 Whatever is after Rock/Hogan is going to look weak...that's why you need to either do Rock/Hogan again in the midcard followed by a filler match, or make it the main event. You don't want the fans to be sitting on their hands, so to speak, for the 6 Man if it's the main event after Rock/Hogan. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest bob_barron Report post Posted February 19, 2003 But knowing how bonkers Montreal is over Hogan- it makes sense to put the match last. Every match will die following Rock v. Hogan? Remember last year. I see your point Brian but in Montreal- Hogan is like Maurice Richard Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest HartFan86 Report post Posted February 19, 2003 I'm very intrested to see how they are gunna book Rock/Hogan. I've got a bad feeling we are gunna see the ending be Rock/Sharpshooter/Vince/You know what. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest EternallyLazy Report post Posted February 19, 2003 I'm very intrested to see how they are gunna book Rock/Hogan. I've got a bad feeling we are gunna see the ending be Rock/Sharpshooter/Vince/You know what. It's a given... and I would bet alot of money on it too. The only way I would really like them to rehash Montreal, is if it goes this way. Vince comes down to the ring and takes a seat near the time keeper. Match begins. Near the end, the obvious comes, as Rock locks on the sharpshooter, flashing his look towards McMahon as Vince screams at the time keeper to ring the bell... just as this happens, we hear the screeching guitar of Bret Hart's music hit, and Bret slowly walks down to ringside. Vince stands up looking shocked. Rock, distracted lets go of the sharpshooter and goes to confront Bret but Hogan catches him, rolling him up for the three count. Vince tries to run away as Bret catches him and throws him into the ring where Hogan hits the leg drop, sending both Rock and Vince to the back. From there, as Bret starts to walk off, Hogan opens the ropes for him and invites him into the ring. From there, Hogan leaves as Bret basks in the enormous ovation he'll get, finally getting ahold of the mic and giving his farewell address. They could show it the next night on RAW or on SD. So you set up Hogan/McMahon, you give Bret his moment of glory Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest HartFan86 Report post Posted February 19, 2003 Straight from Fantasy Booking, my scenario: Hogan gives Rock the big boot, McMahon pulls the ref out of the ring and punches him, Hogan goes after McMahon, Rock catches him with the Rock Bottom, Rock looks at Vince (Who is now at ringside) and gives him the people's eyebrow, then puts on the Sharpshooter to Hogan (Remember Survivor Series 98? Think that) and Vince goes to ring the bell, but Bret comes out of nowhere, 1 punch and Vince is down on the outside, gets in the ring and hits Rock with a chair from behind, Hogan gets up, Leg Drop of death.....ref counts 3, Montreal goes nuts, and all is right with the world. Then I like your idea...PPV ends after Hogan wins, but the next night on Raw you fill up 20 minutes by showing exclusive footage of Bret's farewell speech. Then maybe a WWE Desire video right after that. But that would be too nice. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites