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Guest Choken One

First post...wmx8 tournament (old)

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Guest Choken One

My favourite FXB was this one and it got alot of popular response, Just thought I toss it up there for you to relive it or read for the first time...



Wrestle Mania 18

Live From The SkyDome in Toronto, Canada.


The Build up to the Pay Per View...


At the Royal Rumble, The world title Match was HHH Vs Rock©. They fought to a 30

Minute Draw-***3/4. With No Winner and Rock kept the title. The Royal Rumble, as

always gave us the #1 contender for the world title at WM. The big names in the Rumble

and Internet Top Picks...Austin, Angle, Kane, Undertaker, RVD, Jericho,

Beniot(returning) and Booker T. The first and 30th spot as before was Detirmened in the

Opening Match between Kurt Angle and Rhyno...Rhyno won the match thanks to A heel

Jericho(turned heel at Survivor Series during a Elimination Match) and Angle was forced

to be #1. Number two was Tazz. Nothing mentionable until The final 15 Minutes.

We enter with 6 Men in the ring and 4 Left to enter. In the ring are...Angle(1), RVD(7),

Jericho(19) , Kane(20), Beniot(22) and Jeff Hardy(23). Number 27, is Undertaker. then

number 28 is Austin. Booker T. Draws number 29 and of course, Rhyno is #30. That has

10 men and all of them for the most part have been world champions and the least

obvious winner is the punching bag. Because the match is in 90 second intervals, Angle

has not broken the Longevity record but is about 10 minutes away. Kane is sent packing

by Rhyno via Gore. Rhyno piledrives Angle in the center of the ring. Austin Sends

Jeffery Hardy on his way. That leaves 8 left in the ring. Rhyno goes for the gore on

Undertaker but misses and gets chokeslamed out. Undertaker is out in his last Rumble

thanks to Rob Van Dam. Booker T. misses the Axe Kick on Angle and Kurt caught him

and dumped him out. That leaves 5 men...Angle, RVD,Jericho, Beniot, Austin. Austin

and Jericho viciously attack Angle while Beniot RVD are at it and they both Topple the

ropes together. Leaving, Jericho,Austin and Angle. Of Course, people know that Austin

going next because the pay-off will be Angle kicking Jericho’s Ass AND winning from

#1. They continue to brawl around the ring, Until Austin Has Jericho over the Ropes and

Angle flips Austin over and Leaves It him and Jericho. They wrestle for 2 minutes until

they Both Topple the Ropes together and we get the Double Win...(7 years). Although It

pisses off the Masses, it builds to a 4 Way Dance at No Way Out between Rock, HHH,

Jericho and Angle. The match goes 20 Minutes before HHH gets pinned by Angle and

Then Rock And Jericho hit a Double pin on Angle and that Leaves Jericho and Rock as

the final two. But at the 33 Minute Mark they hit the Chicken Suplex with Jericho on top

but it’s a double Count and There is no winner...The ref declares it a draw but before The

fans Riot...Rock beats up Jericho anyways and sends the crowd home happy. The Next

night...6 weeks away from WM18...Linda McMahon Announces the Rock is stripped of

the title due to No body winning a World Title Match. Rock comes out and hands the title

over to Linda and Asks ‘So, I guess this mean there will be a re-match between Myself

and those other Three(insert Random Catchphase of the Night) at WM?...”No.”

“What do you Mean, No. Linda? “Rock, What I mean That there will be a tournament for

the world title at Wrestle Mania.”. The Rock gets pissy. Any ways....It’s a 14 man

tournament...With Rocky and HHH getting the Bye to the second round against each

other(to show the viewers it won’t be a Rocky-HHH Main Event again). Seven Wrestlers

Automatically get into the tournament....

Jericho, Beniot, Angle, RVD, Booker T. Austin and Rhyno along with Rock and HHH

which makes 9 total so far.


5 More can enter.


They set up 5 Qualitfying Matches for the final 5 Spots...


Jeff Hardy Vs Lance Storm(w)


DDP Vs The Big Show(W)


Kanyon(W) Vs Raven


Tajiri(w) Vs Matt Hardy


Edge(w) Vs Saturn(Hardcore Champion)



This Sets Up the Whole Tournament


Round One

The Rock





Tajiri(I.C Champion)





Kurt Angle


(U.S Champion)


Rob Van Dam

Lance Storm(European Champion)


The Big Show

Booker T.


Steve Austin

Chris Beniot





However, there will Be Other Non-Tournament Matches....



Casket Match

The Under Taker Vs Kane

(This will also be hyped as Undertaker’s Fare Well Match)


WWF/WCW Tag Team Title Match

Hardy Boyz Vs Sean O’ Haire and Mike Sanders©



Hardcore Title Battle Royal

Saturn© Vs Tazz, Hollys, Mark Jindrak, Chuck Palumbo, Raven,Credible, Albert,

X-Pac, Billy Gunn, Spike Dudley, Dudley Boyz, Sean Stasiak, Test, APA, Hugh Morrus

and Mike Awesome


WWF Cruiser Light Title Match

Three Way Dance

Jerry Lynn© Vs Christian Vs Hurrican Helms



The Pay Per View Starts at 7:30 and ends 12;00, which gives us 4 and Half Hours.



The Show starts with a 10 Minute Montage about the history of the world title and nicely

builds up the Importance of the World Title. Then, We see the Rabid crowd of 67,000 in

The SkyDome! Paul Heyman and Jim Ross Hypes the World Title Tournament and The

final Match of the Under Taker. Lillan Garcia sings the Anthem. The Enterence is all

Purple and Gray(a small wink to the old Undertaker). The Music Starts Up and It’s the

first WWF Title Tournament Match.


Rob Van Dam Vs Lance Storm

Rob Is wearing a Awesome White and Gold Outfit with RVD=WM on the short left

leg. Lance Storm get’s The Canada Pop but RVD is the Tweener but is Mega-Over as the

face. A hot match as Rob Van Dam gets his Flip-Floppery in. After 10 Minutes Storm

really starts pounding the right leg of RVD. At the 14 Minute mark RVD blocks the

Maple Leaf and Hits the German Suplex and Hits the ***** Splash in pain but manages

to Crawl over and get the 3 count.

Winner-Rob Van Dam via Pinfall at 14:30. Rating-***3/4



:::Backstage:::We see the Undertaker Arriving on his Bike and a huge Pop for that. We

catch Angle Streching for his Match, Coming up next. Rhyno Cuts a quick and angry

promo and Says this “Tonight Is Rhyno’s Night. I will add the World title to the U.S

Title...Kurt Angle is the first to fall...I won’t take his Olympic shit tonight”


Rhyno arrives to the ring in his Old Red Rhyno outfit. Cole Catches Angle on his way to

the ring and Angle get’s a Small blurb out “Rhyno is going down...Nothing Else to say”.

Kurt Angle arrives to a Good Pop as he wears his White Outfit with the red Stars on the

side of the Shorts.


Kurt Angle Vs Rhyno


They do a whole bunch of Grappling and suplexes. Angle is all over Rhyno. Rhyno

shoots and GORE GORE GORE on Angle but Angle kicks out and catches Rhyno’s on

his second GORE try and hits a Angle Slam and Gets Rhyno to Tap.

Winner-Kurt Angle Via Submisson at 6:05. Rating-**


:::Backstage:::Billy Gunn Pumps up The Big Show(Whom J.R calls the Dark Horse) and

gets TBS ready for the World Title...Along the way...They insert a few Gay Innuendos

such as “Go get him Tiger” and slaping each other’s asses. Booker T. is seen stareing at

himself in the Mirror and yelling ...”It’s time for me to prove myself...” over and over.


The Big Show escorted by The Big Show and they continue to do gay overtones(for

examples, think Loki and Lodi.)


Booker T. Jumps out and is Over-Hyper. The crowd gives him a modest Face Pop(he

turned not so long ago).


Booker T. Vs The Big Show

The Big Show actually controls Booker for about 5 minutes until Billy Gunn misses his

cue and Hits TBS and Booker T. Works in a Spinarooie and hits the Axe Kick for the

Three Count.

Winner-Booker T. Via Pinfall at 7:04. Rating-*


:::We see Steve Austin Arrivng with Wife Debra. And A loud Boo for that. We see the

Backlash Promo with No one really being the focus. Cole interviews Kanyon who pretty

much scoffs at Edge and puts himself over. Edge is walking to the Ring.::::



Edge Vs Kanyon

The match teter-tots for about 9 minutes but most of the fans really don’t care.

However, they do a super-hot pinning sequence with about 14 Two Counts and Leads to

Kanyon missing the Top Rope splash and Edge hitting the Vertebreaker(his new finisher)

for the win.

Winner-Edge Via Pinfall at 11:48. Rating-***





::::We have another Backlash Promo and this time it’s the same. We go back to Sunday

Heat and See Jericho Attack Tajiri from behind while he gives a interview with Cole.

Jericho conducts an evil heel interview and claims that he never attacked Tajiri and it

must have been his evil clone...He claims Tajiri will never be the same again...He loses

the Ever. ::::


Tajiri with Tape around his Ribs enters the ring


Tajiri Vs Chris Jericho

Jericho attacks the Ribs with kicks and rib breakers. Jericho is over As Heel although

with the Canadian Backing. Tajiri tires to fight bck but Gets stalled by Jericho. Jericho

finally tears off the tape and we see blood leaking from Tajiri and The ref...calls the

match and awards it to Jericho but Jericho continues with a Liontamer(not the WOJ) and

is forced off as he leaves to big time heel heat.

Winner-Jericho Via Ref’s Decision at 9:04. Rating-**3/4.




::::Austin Makes threats to Beniot as he walks to the Ring With Debra by his Side. Beniot

walks by Cole and ingores him so to amplify his seriousness. :::



Chris Beniot Vs Steve Austin


They go right at it. A mixture of Brawling and mat wrestling. They fight to the death as

Beniot is tore open and is Bleeding .6 on Muta Scale. Austin is also open at .2 muta. The

ring is covered in blood as they fight some more. Beniot finally hits the Multiple Germans

at 10. Debra saves the count. Austin stumbles and goes for the Stunner but Beniot shoves

him off and Austin Collides with Debra and falls back into a German Suplex and Beniot

hops up and hits the Swan Head Dive for the “Upset” Win.

Winner-Chris Beniot via Pinfall at 14:58. Rating-***3/4













::::The first Round is complete and the Second Round is...








Kurt Angle

Rob Van Dam


Booker T.

Chris Beniot




:::We See The Hardy Boyz having a Chat Session with Lita until M.C comes and they do

a Quickie Interview and The Hardyz with Lita walk down to the Ring::::



Sean O’ Haire and Mike Sanders Come out and are Accompanyed by Torrie Wilson.


Hardy Boyz Rush out to a Major Pop.


WWF-WCW Tag Team Titles

Hardy Boyz Vs Sean O’ Haire and Mike Sanders


The match is your usual Cookie Cutter Hardy Boy Match with Sanders Selling and

Bumping like a Mofo. The final 4 Minutes make the Match...Jeff Brings out the ladder to

a big pop. Jeff Starts climbing it while Matt fights off Sean and Mike. Jeff Waits until

Matt Lays out Sean and Mike and Signals for the Swan Ton on them(The Ladder is

Behind the Ring....It’s the 25 Ft. One and S&M are in the Middle laid out). Wait! It’s

Eddy G.! He’s back! He Climbs up the Ladder with out Jeff or Matt seeing him and

shoves Jeff off and he lands flat on the Mat...He leaps and hits a STUNNING Froggy

Splash and lands with a Monster Impact. Sean DDT’s Matt and Mike lays on Jeff for the

3 count.


Winner-Sean and Mike via pinfall at 11:03. Rating-***


::::Cole wets his pants as Eddy makes threats at Jeff and Matt and explains his reasons.:::


J.R and Paul review the tournament and what we have in the Second Round...They sell

the “Any of them can win the whole thing!”. We go to the Second round...



::::Edge sells the Underdog role well against Jericho and leaves for the ring. Jericho

slams the hell out of Edge in the interview....::::



Edge Vs Chris Jericho


They go at it with a series of Arm Bars and Quick canadian action! Edge manages to

gain the advantage of Jericho. However in The End jericho hits the Bulldog and finishes

Edge with a Lionsault for the win.


Winner-Jericho Via Pinfall at 8:06. Rating-**3/4


::::Jericho runs backstage and brag some more.::::


:::Angle cuts a Interview and This time promises it won’t be like Armageddon (where

RVD pinned Angle in ***3/4 match) and this time RVD will get the ass-kicking of a

lifetime. RVD rebuts and claims that Armageddon was just the tip of the Iceberg and

RVD has a lot more planned for Angle tonight. ::::


RVD vs Kurt Angle


They start with a number of various suplexes and they do a quick 2 count pin sequence.

RVD brings out the chairs(There are RVD Rules...Like Raven Rules). And Props them in

between the turnbuckle rope and whips Angle to the chairs but it’s reversed and RVD

hops up and hit’s a moonsault for a 2 count. Some Flip-Floppery from RVD. RVD puts

himself over as heel for this match as he stomps on Angle’s Ribs and thus using the

magic word. He hits a few of his spots like the Rolling Senton and the Split legged

moonsault but each only get a 2 count. Angle hits a Big time Dragon Suplex but it only

get’s a Two count. RVD sends Angle over the ropes and into the crowd...He props the

chair and runs and jumps off the chair and hops on the ropes and nails a stunning

Twisting Somersault to a major pop. RVD drags Angle back in the ring for a Springboard

Moonsault. He overlooks the pin fall and poses and does the thumbs. Angle slowly gets

up and gets a roll-up for a two count. RVD goes for a spinning heel kick but misses and

Angle locks the Angle Lock but RVD finds the ropes. RVD runs off the ropes with a

Running Hurracana for a 2 count. RVD Leaps up to the Ropes and misses the *****

splash and Angle grabs Dam and hits the Angle Slam for the win.


Winner-Kurt Angle Vai Pinfall at 16:05. Rating-****





::::We catch booker T in the mirror again whispering ‘Another Win and We’re one step

closer”. Beniot continues to ignore M.C.::::



Booker T. Vs Chris Beniot


Paul Heyman makes mention of the 7 Game Series. Booker and Beniot wrestle sound

technical match. In final Minutes Beniot fake outs Booker and grabs the Axe Kick and

Sweep him down for a Crossface and get’s The tap-Out.


Winner-Chris Beniot via Submisson at 6:05. Rating-**1/4



:::HHH cuts a Slight Heel interview...Although he is a Tweener. The Rock does his

cookie cutter interview saying the World title is Still his and he will win it for the 8th



HHH Vs The Rock


The match goes on like any other Rock-HHH match. Sound and Hot. At the 25

Minute Mark HHH hits the Pedigree but Rock Kicks out. Rock hits the RB but HHH

kicks out. They keep fighting. Then The bell rings...”Time has ran out!” the fans Are


Winner-Draw at 30:00. Rating-***3/4.





::::The camera goes back to J.R and Paul and they argue about the Draw but they push the

fact that Jericho Gains a HUGE bye. They shift the attention to the Three Way

Cruiserlight title match. They hype how Jerry Lynn has held the title since No Mercy and

has beaten every one but has his toughest fight yet tonight with helms and Christian.::::



WWF Cruiser Light Title Match

Jerry Lynn Vs Christian Vs Hurrican Helms


The match is too hard to keep up with. Multiple High Risk maneuvers to count. After

10 Minutes, Helms hits a Top Rope Bulldog on Lynn but Christian comes from behind

and hits a Impaler for the Two Count. Jerry Lynn gets the tornado DDT on Christian for a

2 count and then Helms hits a 360 splash on christian. However, Kidman comes from the

crowd...who was Taken out at No Way Out by Jerry Lynn’s Cradle Piledriver. He grabs

Jerry Lynn and hits the Kid Krusher and flips the middle finger as he runs away and

Christian hits a Spring board leg drop on Helms for the win.

Winner-Christian via Pinfall at 11:59. Rating-***1/2






::::Cole catches Jericho singing in the shower for a little R&R and Jericho runs for a

Towel but we can’t see anything thanks to Smog. He comes out with a HUGE KIMONO

over him. Jericho cuts a Arrogant Heel interview. We have another Backlash Promo. We

come back with Saturn cutting a Promo.:::


The Next Match is for the Hardcore Title! It is a Normal Battle Royal...In order to be

eliminated you Must be thrown over the top Rope.


The Order of Enterances...

Albert and X-Pac


Mike Awesome


Chuck Palumbo and Mark Jindrak

Justin Credible

Sean Stasiak


Billy Gunn



Hugh Morrus






Awesome instantly sends Crash Holly over the ropes. Raven and Billy crawl under the

ropes and fight on the outside. Stasiak is knocked out by Bradshaw but The Duds Double

Clotheslines Bradshaw out but Farrooq sends those two over but topples out with

them.Morrus is backlfliped out by Saturn(no longer Goofy but Eliminator Saturn).Xpac

gets help from Albert and eliminate Palumbo. Albert is knocked over by Jindrak. Xpac

sends Jindrak out. Credible Superkicks Test over the ropes. Awesome powerbombs Spike

over the ropes. Billy Gunn and Raven return. Credible is knocked over by Tazz. Hardcore

Holly misses a move and Awesome throws him out. 6 men Left. Tazz flips X-Pac out.

TBS arrives and Pulls Billy Gunn out as payback for costing him the match and title.

Raven is sent over by Tazz. Awesome Sends Tazz out. Saturn and Awesome go at it but

Awesome Prevails with a Powerbomb through the Mexican Table.


Winner-Mike Awesome via Last Man Standing at 11:25. Rating-**






::::Beniot is ready for Angle. Angle is ready for Beniot.:::



Chris Beniot Vs Kurt Angle


The match is a instant classic. They go at it like never before. This tops Last year’s

Mania match. Angle hits the Angle Slam but Beniot kicks out and hits the repeated

Germans.(7). Angle get his foot on the ropes. Angle gets up and hits a tiger suplex for a

Two count. Beniot finds the shot and locks the crossface but only Angle finds the ropes

after a long minute. It’s been 25 Minutes. We get a shot of Jericho smiling at the match in

his leather Couch eating grapes. Beniot is busted open again but not as severe as the first

round. Angle goes for another Angle Slam but Beniot counters into the crossface and gets

the tap out win.


Winner-Chris Beniot at 27:49 via Submisson. Rating-****



::::We get a video Montage of Undertaker’s legancy at Wrestle Mania that goes on for 10

Minutes. It sets up the final nail in the casket for Kane and Undertaker. Undertaker will

retire after tonight. ::::



Kane Vs The Under Taker...


Kane makes his normal entrance. The Undertaker’s Lights go off and Rollin’ hits the

arena and the bike rolls on Out but it’s not The Undertaker...It’s Paul Bearer! The Music

Goes quiet and the Gong hits and the music fades into the Original song as the Druids

carry the casket(we can clearly tell that Bruce Pritchard is one of them). The Undertaker

walks out in A cool Outfit...The Jeans with the black top and gray gloves. He steps in the

ring and raises his hands and the lights come on and smoke rises behind him.


The match goes on and they brawl and Undertaker of course no sells but since it’s his

last match we can let it slide. The match ends when Undertaker Hits the Chokeslam and

hits the Last Ride and Opens the casket door and It’s red inside...with Photos of “Kane”

and Undertaker pulls the mask off but shoves him in before we get the whole face but we

catch a glimpse of it. Undertaker slams the door shut and retires to a Standing “O”.


Winner-The Undertaker via Closing Casket at 8:46. Rating-*3/4.









:::We get the Opening Promo again and We get final interview with Beniot and Jericho:::


Main Event

World Title Match

Chris Beniot Vs Chris Jericho


Jericho stalls to start but Beniot slaps some sense in Jericho and Jericho is pissed. They

quickly roll into a wrestling sequence. Jericho starts to work on Beniot’s Knees. He slams

Beniot’s knees to the canvas and hits multiple Kneebreakers. He even does a top rope

stomp on the knees. Mainly it’s the left knee he focuses on. Jericho domintates Beniot for

about 8 Minutes with various impact moves. Jericho misses a splash and Beniot finds the

advantage although he is limping as he sells the knee. Jericho clips the knee and works in

a half crab and standing ankle lock. The crowd is hot chanting “Let’s Go Beniot let’s go!”

Jericho tries to ignore them and tells them to shut up but Beniot pulls Jericho down and

gets a mexican Surfboard on Jericho to a pop. Beniot whips Jericho to the ropes and

catches him with a Belly to Belly suplex and follows with a Snap powerbomb and another

one. The crowd is super Hot. Jericho crawls out of the ring and stalls to monster heat.

Beniot lands a Plancha to a huge pop. They brawl in the crowd and Jericho snap suplexes

Beniot on the concrete floor. He takes a chair and smashes it into the left knee of Beniot.

Jericho Hits a leg drop off the guardrail on Beniot’s dead knee. Jericho pulls Beniot back

in the ring and continues working the knee with more Knee breakers and leg grapvines.

Beniot slowly gets up and kicks Jericho with the weak leg and sells the pain. Jericho up

first and goes for a German suplex but Beniot counters and hits a one legged repeated

germans(10). Beniot, however, hyper-extends the knee even more and did even more

damage to him then it did to Jericho. Jericho sets Beniot on the top rope and hits a Super

plex for a Two Count. He goes for another but Beniot shoves Jericho off and climbs to

the Top Rope and goes for the Head BUTT, however Beniot misses as Jericho moves.

Jericho goes for the Lionsault but Beniot gets the right knee up and drives into Jericho’s

Ribs. Beniot limps up and takes a low drop kick from Jericho and Jericho grabs the legs

and goes for the Liontamer but Beniot hooks Jericho’s Legs and Rolls him up...One, Two

and Three! Chris Beniot has Won the WWF World Title in a Thriller Classic!

Winner-Chris Beniot Vai Pinfall at 23:58. Rating-*****




The Faces come out and Celebrate with Beniot who still sells the Injury.


The Show goes off with Fire works as Beniot stands proud with the Title Belt over his

shoulders as the crowd continues to chant ‘Beniot” “Beniot’


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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

I can dig it.


And I like the tournament idea.


The only problem that I see is that if you put Benoit over Austin in the first round (even in Canada) there is bound to be a little bitterness towards Benoit for the rest of the tourney.  And imagine when he got back to America


But this show would kick major ass.


Jericho/Benoit the main event the WWF is afraid of.

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Guest Tony149

Good stuff. Though the casual fans will probably get bored with Benoit as WWF Champ. Since he isn't the greatest talker in the world.

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