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Guest Zack Malibu

Another Former World Champion

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Guest Zack Malibu

OK folks, time to place your bets on this week's surprise. Bob Ryder says it's another World Champion, not specifying if it's NWA, WCW, ECW, or what have you. Given the fact that he was bragging about how many former ECW Champions are on the roster, I'd have to say that either Justin Credible or Shane Douglas debut tonight. If it's a champion from the NWA, my bet is that Steamboat comes back.



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Guest Zack Malibu

Borash did go to meet with him at XPW's show in Philly last week. Makes sense for him to show up, although my markdom for "The Franchise" seems to have me holding out hope every week.

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Guest j.o.b. squad

if it is ecw world title my four guesses are

Bam Bam Bigelow Mike Awesome and Justin Credible. with a man can dream vote to Masato Tanaka

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Guest Angle-plex

Credible would be a dissapointment. He wasn't even a good ECW Champ. He never deserved to get that title.


Hopefully Douglas, Mike Awesome, or even Masato Tanaka. I wonder if TNA could pay Tanaka enough money to have him come in for a few weeks.

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Guest ShooterJay

Ronnie Garvin :rolleyes: .


Seriously, I'd say Douglas (who, while a below-average wrestler, can rock the mic and knows how to carry himself like a main eventer) who would a great pickup. So would Mike Awesome, who can finally cut loose and return to ECW form- heck, you could make him the "monster" of the X Division to push the "no weight limits" side of it. Awesome was always at his best destroying cruisers.

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Guest the 1inch punch

If you're bring in Awesome, Masato Tanaka better not be too far behind

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Guest Youth N Asia

Terry Funk...then he'll retire in 4 weeks...then come back just in time for the 1 year anniversary show...then retire 3 months later

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Guest wrestlingfanatic

I will probably get this tonight just to see who it is. They fished me in with this mystery stuff.

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Guest the 1inch punch

Could be Sabu again, just to feud with Fullington


or (Dave's been looking at the NWA Title history page)



Who the FUCK is Mike Rapada

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Guest Zack Malibu
Who the FUCK is Mike Rapada

Mike Rapada, aka Colorado Kid, was a hot indy prospect in the mid-90's, however never made it past jobber status in WCW.

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Guest Black Tiger

What about Dan Severn? He was stripped of the title and that was how TNA got ahold of it in the first place.


If its ECW then I say either Awesome or Douglas.

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actually tna got it because its the largest in the nwa family. what sense would it make to let nwa hammerlock use the world title all of the time and no one even knows what nwa hammerlock is.




I have prepared a list of possible champions returning.




Ricky Steamboat


Masahiro Chono

The Great Muta

Barry Windham

Chris Candido

Shane Douglas


Ken Shamrock




I would Vince Russo, but he is already there ^_^

Lex Luger


Randy Savage

Diamond Dallas Page (is he still on wwe contract?)

Sid Vicious




Jimmy Snuka

Mikey Whipwreck (to talk to the SATs? that would be cool. jerry lynn and whipwreck vs the sats)

Bam Bam Bigelow

Mike Awesome

Masato Tanaka

Justin Credible

Terry Funk




Ultimate Warrior

Mankind (they were in talks)




so there you have it. pick outta those.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

Funny how when Ryder pointed out that there were 6 world champions on the show last week (Sandman, Raven, Corino, Truth, Lynn and JJ) he forgot that there were 7.

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Guest Space_Cowboy

It'll probably be Shane Douglas.


Either that or David Arquette will come in and challenge Vince Russo to a match to determine who the better WCW Champion was.

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Guest Black Tiger

'86 Chono and Muta off the list. Chono is booking NJPW, and Muta is booking AJPW, and Tn. fans wouldn't give a rats ass about either one.


Windham might be used for the Dusty Rhodes angle, since he and Dusty were always good friends.


Sid or Credible would be good additions for SEX

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Guest My Eyebrow is on fire

Vader is one of my all time favorites - i'm really happy he's back - if anyone can squash a cruiser and still elevate them (ala Sting) it's vader


best big worker ever besides vintage razor ramon

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Guest My Eyebrow is on fire

Vader is one of my all time favorites - i'm really happy he's back - if anyone can squash a cruiser and still elevate them (ala Sting) it's vader


best big worker ever besides vintage razor ramon

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Guest My Eyebrow is on fire

Vader is one of my all time favorites - i'm really happy he's back - if anyone can squash a cruiser and still elevate them (ala Sting) it's vader


best big worker ever besides vintage razor ramon

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