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Guest pinnacleofallthingsmanly

The rock has come full circle

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Guest pinnacleofallthingsmanly

Judging how the crowd booed the Rock at Wrestlemania, I think it's safe to say that he has come full circle. Sure he may be called the Rock now, but he's Rocky Maivia again. He's older with a different haircut and a different finisher, but he's the same guy that Vince McMahon envisioned all of those years ago. Now he's a prick babyface instead of a pure babyface. I hope they don't just chalk up Wrestlemania to nostalgia over Hogan's return, but come to grips with the fact that ROCKY SUCKS! ROCKY SUCKS! ROCKY SUCKS! Maybe he'll step his game up if he hears those chants enough.

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Guest goodhelmet

I've said it before, NOW is the time for A rocky heel turn. I had predicted the crowd turning on Hogan but I was wrong. He's not quite the Blue Chipper but it's close.

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Guest Red Hot Thumbtack In The Eye

We need to see a ton of "DIE ROCKY DIE" signs before the circle is truly complete.


Heel turn is a must if for no other reason than balance.

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Guest goodhelmet

Yeah, HHH and Rock on the same side of the fence is just wrong. Kind of like the Corporate Ministry.

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Guest Vern Gagne

Rock should got a promo tomorrow night. Ripping into the crowd for cheering for someone that nearly killed someone. Ripping into the crowd for cheering for some old man who was a phoney and never worked hard, while they boo someone that bust their ass night in and night out. Rock can than continue, talk about Hulk Hogan being pure bullshit, and Hulkamania being a pure bullshit  gimmick. The Rock is real...you fans should be ashamed for cheering for a cartoon character.

When the Hulkster goes bad, he steals everything from the great Superstar Billy Graham and Jesse "the Body" Ventura. The only persona Hulk Hogan can portray is some Red and Yellow Candy Ass, or steal another wrestlers character,and put on a fake beard. Millions and Millions of fans saw who the true icon of sports entertainment was at WM XVIII.


...or something like that.

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Guest goodhelmet

That would be an excellent promo but the writing staff isn't that smart. We should be thankful that Hogan and Rock were able to change heel-face lines mid-match. I bet the writing staff has to start completely from scratch tomorrow night. Oh well, not like they know how to plan ahead or anything.

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Guest Mystery Eskimo
Rock should got a promo tomorrow night. Ripping into the crowd for cheering for someone that nearly killed someone. Ripping into the crowd for cheering for some old man who was a phoney and never worked hard, while they boo someone that bust their ass night in and night out. Rock can than continue, talk about Hulk Hogan being pure bullshit, and Hulkamania being a pure bullshit  gimmick. The Rock is real...you fans should be ashamed for cheering for a cartoon character.

When the Hulkster goes bad, he steals everything from the great Superstar Billy Graham and Jesse "the Body" Ventura. The only persona Hulk Hogan can portray is some Red and Yellow Candy Ass, or steal another wrestlers character,and put on a fake beard. Millions and Millions of fans saw who the true icon of sports entertainment was at WM XVIII.

That would be great, gives the Rock a new direction.


Sadly, it's far too imaginative for the writers. They'll be too busy with Steph.

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Guest converge241

They could have pulled a double turn so easily last night. Thats two WrestleMania main events they have had the chance to turn Rock heel again.

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Guest Brian

He had the little heel tendencies for a little time in that match (strutting, showing off, jawing off) which is what I liked most about that match. They shouldn't turn him yet though; he still needs to pin Austin clean before he can turn.

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Guest Rabies

When will everyone realize that they will absolutely positively NOT turn Rock anytime in the next year? It's just terrible business. They need him as a top babyface when his movie comes out (which I feel will BOMB) and milk it for everything it's worth with box office $, merchandise, promotional deals, video release, etc.. and they'll do it while the fans still love him to death. The movie will never draw if Rock's a hated heel. The WWFE and Universal just can't afford it. GET REAL!!!

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Guest teke184

Rabies, I agree FOR NOW.  Once Scorpion King flops at the box office, The Rock can use THAT as a reason for a heel turn (It's about as good as we'll get with Steph's writing team on the case).

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Guest converge241

I think rock would still be a valuable draw even as a heel.

people would pay to boo him, watch him get his ass kicked etc


Yeah they definetly wouldnt turn a face before he's milked and fans are still cheering him

no, not all

*cough* Austin

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