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Guest Jobber of the Week

Who the hell is this guy on MSNBC?

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Guest Jobber of the Week

This show (10PM Pacific, 1AM Eastern) on MSNBC has this loudmouth dude who argued with his Guests so much and screamed so loudly about "liberal elitests" like the NY Times bashing Dubya's religious beliefs, and going on about how we are a religious society and blah blah blah. Now he's talking to Jerry Falwell or someone and bashing Time and... JESUS (pun not intended)


Whoever is whining about liberal biases in the media needs to turn this guy on.


The show is called "MSNBC Reports" but I remember it was formerly "Target Iraq" or something similar. Either way, this guy has to be seen to be believed.

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Guest Jobber of the Week

It was Joe Scarborough (spelling is off, I'm sure). Some former Senator hick. He's a loon.

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Guest Some Guy

He's a poor man's O'Reilly. I've watched him a few times this week and was not really too impressed. He's really just another Conservative with a TV show. Which says somethig about what Cable News thinks will draw now. Donahue has been a total flop, maybe this guy will be successful adn go head up with O'Reilly. WHo knows? I'll stop and hear what he has to say now and then but I won't set my VCR or anything.

He is right though. This is a religious society in AMerica, about 85% of the people claim to believe in some form of "God." Also bashing a man for his religous beliefs is a little but much considering you don't really hear too many in the Times bash bin Laden for his radical beleifs.

I think it is a very fair critisism (and one of my own against him) of the President to say that he might be too religious or preachy, but to bash he religion is too far.

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Guest Some Guy
Scarborough signed by MSNBC


Former congressman will provide commentary, analysis and will continue guest host duties


SECAUCUS, N.J., Feb. 20 — MSNBC has signed former Republican Representative Joe Scarborough (R-Fla.) as a regular contributor to provide on-air commentary and analysis. Scarborough will also continue as guest host on shows within the channel’s perspective programming block.


That is who he is according to MSNBC.com.

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Guest kkktookmybabyaway

He was funny when he was a guest -- I won't watch a show hosted by him though...

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Guest JMA

What is it with conservatives and Christianity? Is it because they're all trailer trash from the south (I'm from the south, Alabama to be exact)? Just once I'd like to see a MAINSTREAM conservative who is a secular humanist. Just once. Anyways, conservatives who thump the Bible are generally referred to as the "religious Right" or "stupid fundies." They simply want everyone to have the same religious beliefs they do. Thank robots for the ACLU.

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Guest Jobber of the Week

Whoa whoa whoa. I'm going to try and take a rather middling and fair view of this, which I admit will be difficult since I have my own biases with some of these people as well as a left-leaning political bias myself. But you don't have the whole story here:


I think there's a difference between most Conservatives and someone like Jerry Falwell (who Scarborough seemed to be agreeing with on everything that night, actually. Scary.)


Unfortunately, the Right is somewhat crippled because they have a minority that keeps dragging Jeebus into the picture. It's a blemish on them. Most all Republicans don't want to be seen with Jerry Falwells and even the Pat Buchanans.


Similarly, the Right's complaint is that the Left have their own special interest types. Jesse Jackson also plays race just as much as former KKK leader David Duke. But nobody pays attention to Duke except people with the same bigoted beliefs he has. On the other hand, Jesse Jackson appears on a lot of national programming and flies around on jets and is always dressed classy. Why is this?


Maybe that will shed some light on it. I don't agree with Conservatives on a lot of things, but I certainly understand they're not "all trailer trash."


I just prefer my Republicans more like Rudy Giulianni and less like John Ashcroft. ;)

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Guest JMA

I don't dislike Republicans. There are some very fair and moderate Republicans like John McCain. I'm just not that into conservitive Republicans (or conservative Democrats for that matter). My favorite President WAS the guy who started the GOP (Abe Lincoln). Sadly, all of the moderate and liberal Republicans have disappeared. :(

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Guest Some Guy

My Governor is a moderate Republican. Mitt Romeny is not the Facist anti-Christ that the Left in MA wan't him to be. The poor guy inhrited a totally fucked up state that was spending way more than our means and he *HAS* to cut spending. He has no choice, other than to repeal the tax cut that we voted for, which many Dems, really think should happen. Romney actually believes in Democracy, he must be EVIL~!. Go figure.


Jobber, I watched the show with Falwell and I didn't hear him say anything that was totally disagreeable. I have heard him say shit that was way out of line before, but on that show his was pretty subdued and reasonably fair and honest. About as much as you can get from a deeply religious guy. He stuck up for the President's religous beliefs and questioned why Bush gets shit on for his, but no one on the left gets it for their's, he even stuck up for Jews, not somehting you hear from him too much. IIRC.

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