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Gert T

No Way Out

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Guest notJames
That would be a RAW ending. If people are paying to see a wrestling card, the Main Event should be a wrestling match, not some glorified "Moment of Zen".

I am certain that MORE people will watch for Austin and Rock and Hogan's return to PPV rather then the 6Man...

That's why I said it should be second to last. The 6-man would be fourth from last, then some popcorn match to save heat, then Austin/Bisch, then Rock/Hogan II.


I know how WW_ PPV works... everything completely opposite to what "should" happen. ;)

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Guest Brian

It's the only match featuring full-timers and the only match that has a stroyline involved headed towards WrestleMania, where the participants are involved. Heck, one of the matches involves a non-wrestler. I'm telling you what they should do. Triple H wins in a Steiner match that might bomb. Austin comes back, gets the crowd pumped. Rock/Hogan, see how that goes. Then you use the heat to work into your final, long match. Whoever's subbing for Edge is going to make this a long, exciting match and it should be one that holds the crowd. And the last thing the fans at home should see is Angle going over.

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Guest Anglesault
And the last thing the fans at home should see is Angle going over.

Over Brock. Make that clear, Angle going over Brock. Just saying "going over" could lead to Angle beating Rey or something when some warped WWF employee reads the board. :)

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Guest teke184

Anglesault, get over it. The best Angle will get is pinning Benoit or an injured Edge then beating down Brock.

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Guest Anglesault
Anglesault, get over it. The best Angle will get is pinning Benoit or an injured Edge



I know.


then beating down Brock.


If that.

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Guest Brian

If they do it right, sub Mysterio, have Matt interfere and pull him to the side, have a short little heat segment with Angle and Brock in the ring where Angle rolls-up the leg, and Team Angle throws Benoit in to have him watch as they finish up Brock. End the show with Team Angle celebrating over the two fallen warriors.

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Guest Anglesault

Keep Matt hardy out of it. That just distracts from the point and decreases the value of the match.

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Guest Brian

But Mysterio's just a placeholder ahis main feud going into Mania should be against CW champion Hardy.

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Guest nikowwf

Angle should go over Brock. Then on the next show, brag about it incessentantly. Builds heat. Brock can even be distracted by SOMETHING else in the match. Whatever. Angle has to pin Brock....


and i disagree this should be last. It will have more heat if its BEFORE hogan/rock...first few minutes will be somewhat slow probably and fans will be a bit burned after Rock/Hogan.


As long as it gets a lot of time...and ANGLE PINS BROCK im good.



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Guest Anglesault
But Mysterio's just a placeholder ahis main feud going into Mania should be against CW champion Hardy.

I really don't care. The last thing this match and feud needs at this point is to be over run with midcarders from the division no one cares about.


As long as it gets a lot of time...and ANGLE PINS BROCK im good.


They have made every mistake conceivable in this feud up until now. (making it look like Team Angle in full force has the same effect as Funaki might) They'll fuck this up.

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Guest Brian

Once again, Rey is fodder for the feud added on at the last minute. The main beef between guys here is Angle vs. Lesnar and Benoit (through association with the Guerreros) vs. Team Angle. So if Matt takes out Rey, it'll have no bearing on the story of the match, especially since they've gone quite a distance proving that Brock can hold his own against Team Angle.

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Guest Anglesault

I see your point, I mean I understand where you are going with this, I just really think sticking Matt Hardy into that match in any capacity will hurt a feud that really can't afford it at this point. It's stupid to have interference form a comic midcarder have such bearing on the title feud.

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Guest Brian

Then again, putting Rey in there will do a ton for the Cruiserweight Division and the mid-card as a whole, and I don't think it will really take away from the match. The bulk of the story doesn't have anything to do with Rey. Rey's just in to sub for his old tag partner.

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Guest Anglesault
Then again, putting Rey in there will do a ton for the Cruiserweight Division and the mid-card as a whole


I REALLY have a problem with that theory. While it's great to try and elevate the midcard like this, more then once, it's ended in total and absolute disaster, dragging the main eventers down instead of elevating the midcard. I STILL hate the US title for what it did to Kurt Angle's career for close to five months.


My point, is how can you guarantee that loading the match up with midcarders (It already has Haas and Benjamin, with borderlines on Benoit and Edge, and now possibly Matt and Rey) will help the midcarders rather than hurt the main eventers? You have to cement the main eventers before you try something like that.

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Guest Anglesault

And it ruined him for four and a half months.


I'm just using it as an example on how trying to use unestablished main eventers as tools to elevate the midcard isn't always the greatest idea.

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Guest nikowwf

AS, who would you put in to the 3rd slot if Edge can't go? Me, I'd put Rey there but I would NOT have Matt interfere in the match. The only protagonist who should interfere from outside could be Heyman, and I really don't even see the need for that.



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Guest Rob Van Dam

My prediction is that Rhyno will be in instead of Edge, then turn on Benoit during the match, setting up a rhyno/benoit feud. Also i think a raw match will be the main event, considering rumble had benoit/angle as the main event (yeah yeah i know about the rumble match it self)

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Guest Anglesault
AS, who would you put in to the 3rd slot if Edge can't go? Me, I'd put Rey there but I would NOT have Matt interfere in the match. The only protagonist who should interfere from outside could be Heyman, and I really don't even see the need for that.



Rey makes the most sense. Rey in there by himself isn't even that bad. We just CANNOT let this match turn into the midcard parade, though.

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Guest Brian

Matt Hardy is not a mid-card parade. He won't even figure into the rest of the match, it'll just be a way to push Rey out and focus on the bigger storylines going on.

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Guest Anglesault

If Matt's out there, Shannon's put there, plus a possibility (Weak) of Billy Kidman showing up for whatever reason. Ass to the three other midcarders already in the match, and all you need is a baton.


focus on the bigger storylines going on.


That's where we differ. I see his interference distracting from the match and main storylines.

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Guest Brian

Since Rey's a lesser player and Matt has no involvement other than Rey and they'll still be going at it, it shouldn't distract too much. Just brawl to the back.

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