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Guest Downhome

It's time, it's time, it's Vader, time!

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Guest Downhome

I really wish I could watch TNA damnit! Oh well, I will have to get by on clips and pictures, and reading stuff for now...










...tell me, does he look like he'll be able to live up to his past in TNA? Certainly he isn't as great as he once was, but what do you feel his ability will be in TNA? Is he not still working in Japan, under contract? Also, if any of you have a video of him from last night, let me know, heh.




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Guest Zack Malibu

This was too much. As I posted in the TNA thread, Angle-Plex and I had been discussing who the surprise could be. We got to talking about Vader, and how we'd both like to see him in TNA, and not a minute later, he ran out to save Dusty. AP didn't even believe me at first, figuring I was ribbing him.


I think Vader will do well in TNA. Imagine a match with other guys familar with the Japanese style. Vader vs. Daniels, or Corino would be awesome. Vader vs. Raven would be a dream match. His appearance is a major plus for NWA. I hope he doesn't vanish after a few weeks, like the Road Warriors have seemed to do.

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Guest Downhome

I've always wanted Vader to return to the states, and really try to reclaim at least SOMETHING of his former fame and acclaim that he once had here. The WWF treated him like a pile of shit, and that is one thing I will never forgive Vince for. He had a goldmine, and f'd up as he seems to love to do. Of course, I'll also never forgive WCW for doing what they did to Vader, that being, just a big goof who was seemingly scared of Hulk Hogan. As much as a Hogan fan I was, even I wanted Vader to kick Hogan's ass. THAT is how big a Vader fan, I am.








Ric Flair.




Career on the line.


WCW Heavyweight Title on the line.


One of my top favorite matches, ever.

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Guest oldschoolwrestling

If you look at the first picture, you can see he was sucking wind just walking down the ramp. His stomach looked huge and is probably why the shirt stayed on.


With that said, I still marked out and hope he is here for an extended amount of time. He could still be a monster and take some people out.

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Guest treble charged

He looked like he was having trouble sliding into the ring, due to the fact that he was quite bigger than the last time I saw him. His pants were also falling down at one point, which I found quite humourous.


I marked out when I saw him, but I marked out when I saw Jonah, too.

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Guest CoreyLazarus416

He couldn't even get in the ring on his SECOND try. It took him 3 tries to slide into the ring.


Admittedly, I've only seen Vader's 1997 WWF work, but I dug it a little bit. If he loses weight and goes back to the shape he was in back then (which means he'd probably have to lose 75 pounds within the next month), then maybe he'll be good again.


Right now? Color me unimpressed.

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Guest TonyJaymzReloaded

He actually looks in better shape then the last time I saw him in the WWF. And he has to still be an okay wrestler right...i mean, he has being having good matches in Japan right?


You know...my cable system still doesn't carry TNA...piss me off

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Guest RedJed

He's probably in the worst shape he's ever been, has just bulked up in (from what I can tell so far at least) a BAD way, not just putting on extra muscle. His interactions with the Harris boys were horrid, but thats partly because its the Harris brothers too, who have some really sloppy (and sometimes nonexistant) selling and general execution of even brawling.


Lets face it, we wont be seeing the Vader of 10 years ago, its just not possible. But I think if they put him in there with the right guys he can make an impact. I've seen reasonably recent stuff from him in NOAH and he still could go, but I believe he was taking on Kea or someone like that.


Guess time will tell........I'd like to see him in long term though, for sure. I'm just scared this match next week is going to really start his run on a bad foot.

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Guest El Satanico

He actually doesn't look that bad. He was always a large man and he looks about the same as i remember him looking.

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Guest Kotzenjunge

I could tell he was bigger than before, it was obvious just in how slow he moved, and then later when I saw him minus the shirt, my thoughts were confirmed.

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Guest Your Olympic Hero

Vader = completely marking out.


The match next week will suck, no doubt. Not even Vader could carry Dusty Rhodes and the Harris Brothers, but hopefully in the future we get a heel Vader against Jeff Jarrett. That could be good.

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Guest Joe_G

Let's face it, Vader's 46 and has real bad knees (when you carry around that much weight and do moonsaults on top of it, that's not surprising). He's a definite first ballot hall of famer, but I wouldn't expect a whole lot in the way of ringwork these days.

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Guest Grenouille

I wonder if NOAH has some kind of working agreement with TNA, first Omori, now Vader. Instead of sending over an over the hill guy that hasn't had a good match since 2000, they could send some of their juniors over and have some good matches.

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Guest My Eyebrow is on fire

NWA would get a bigtime boost putting the title on vader and having him defend it in japan. That might raise Vince's eyebrow.


Of course vader will probably just put over Jeff Jarrett with a DQ finish and leave forever.

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Guest j.o.b. squad
I wonder if NOAH has some kind of working agreement with TNA, first Omori, now Vader. Instead of sending over an over the hill guy that hasn't had a good match since 2000, they could send some of their juniors over and have some good matches.

2 reasons


1. the have konnans luchadores whoever they may be for that

2. tna fucked around with omori brought him in for a non-finish with shamrock. no wonder they had to resort to vader omori doesent want to waste time with guys dident have their act together

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21



The finish was to be Shamrock beating Omori. NOAH wasn't happy resulting in the non-finish.

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Guest j.o.b. squad

yeah they wanted the finish to be omori wining. so they were probably not happy with the nonfinish and i woude think omori thought it was a waste of time to travel halfway around the world for a short nonfinish

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

I don't know what NOAH was expecting. They weren't going to put the NWA title on Omori. I'm sure TNA would have put him over other people on the roster, but I think the idea was to show that the NWA title was defended against people from outside the company too.


Good in theory. Bad in practice.

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Guest BoboBrazil
I've always wanted Vader to return to the states, and really try to reclaim at least SOMETHING of his former fame and acclaim that he once had here. The WWF treated him like a pile of shit, and that is one thing I will never forgive Vince for. He had a goldmine, and f'd up as he seems to love to do. Of course, I'll also never forgive WCW for doing what they did to Vader, that being, just a big goof who was seemingly scared of Hulk Hogan. As much as a Hogan fan I was, even I wanted Vader to kick Hogan's ass. THAT is how big a Vader fan, I am.








Ric Flair.




Career on the line.


WCW Heavyweight Title on the line.


One of my top favorite matches, ever.

That was a cage match right? That is one of my favorite matches too. I barely remember what happened though. I would love for WWE to have one of those pajama party things like WCW used to where they would show like 12 hours of wrestling at night and reshow old matches like this. It could be incredible with all the footage WWE has.

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Guest j.o.b. squad
I don't know what NOAH was expecting. They weren't going to put the NWA title on Omori. I'm sure TNA would have put him over other people on the roster, but I think the idea was to show that the NWA title was defended against people from outside the company too.


Good in theory. Bad in practice.

They were just trying to get the best possible deal

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Guest TheGame2705
yeah they wanted the finish to be omori wining. so they were probably not happy with the nonfinish and i woude think omori thought it was a waste of time to travel halfway around the world for a short nonfinish

They wanted him to win only because they didn't want to him to lose. Ohmori would have left anyway. He was going on an overseas tour so I doubt he thought it was a waste to travel and has since quit NOAH.

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Guest Respect The 'Taker






Ric Flair.




Career on the line.


WCW Heavyweight Title on the line.


One of my top favorite matches, ever.



Ah, the good days.


I've always been a huge Vader fan, and I'm very greatful that Australia carries NWA-TNA so that I can watch the big man in action again..


I'm with Corey on the fact he could stand to lose some pounds though..



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Guest Downhome
I've always wanted Vader to return to the states, and really try to reclaim at least SOMETHING of his former fame and acclaim that he once had here. The WWF treated him like a pile of shit, and that is one thing I will never forgive Vince for. He had a goldmine, and f'd up as he seems to love to do. Of course, I'll also never forgive WCW for doing what they did to Vader, that being, just a big goof who was seemingly scared of Hulk Hogan. As much as a Hogan fan I was, even I wanted Vader to kick Hogan's ass. THAT is how big a Vader fan, I am.








Ric Flair.




Career on the line.


WCW Heavyweight Title on the line.


One of my top favorite matches, ever.

That was a cage match right? That is one of my favorite matches too. I barely remember what happened though. I would love for WWE to have one of those pajama party things like WCW used to where they would show like 12 hours of wrestling at night and reshow old matches like this. It could be incredible with all the footage WWE has.

No, the cage match came at the following Superbrawl, with The Big Bossman as the ref, I love that match too so damn much, I just LOVED the Flair/Vader feud, it's one of my favorites ever.

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Guest wrestlingfanatic

He looks alot heavier than the last time I saw him. Last time I saw him was in 2000 in some Tag matches before the NOAH split from AJPW.

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Guest NoSelfWorth

Vader is gone from NOAH. No one seems to be saying why, so it's all mysterious for now, but he is gone from there, and has signed a long term deal with NWA:TNA.

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