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It's time, it's time, it's Vader, time!

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Guest El Satanico

I seem to remember reading that while he was healing from his injury that he decided he wanted to return to American to stay.

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Guest cynicalprofit

Vader needs to do the JOB on the PPV to Chris Daniels and leave. I loved the guy, but he's gotten bad lately, and the whole arrest thing gives me fear of a Scott Hall 2.0.

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Guest snuffbox

Im really likin this idea of Vader Americana. Im actually considering purchasing futuure TNA ppvs. Vader is among the most entertaining workers in the world, to me anyway. I think next weeks tag match will be decent, for what it is. A NWA title match with Jarrett would be huge and totally elevate the championship. I say give Vader a monster push with a few months worth of quick squashes and promos and a few longer tag matches thrown in while he works himself into shape for a few longer main event matches before he retires. A brief run with Daniels and a few other possibly good, longer matches to put over talent and push buyrates. Finally have Vader and Jarrett (champ) feud for a bit before Vader is done. Im pretty confidant Vader-JJ can drag a few classics out of each other, maybe like the Flair series with JJ in the Natch role but with a lil more offense. could be a good run. And the NWA can definitly use another recognizable name like Vader. This might be a good thing. If it is, Ill actually watch.

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Guest TheGame2705

Yes let's job a guy who looks like a monster to some little shit in a priest's outfit who can run circles around him. EXCELLENT program idea coming from the guy who marks for an even more over the hill piece of crap legend.

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Guest Space_Cowboy

Vader could be a tremendous asset to TNA, provided he still has at least something left as far as in-ring skills go and he gets in a bit better shape, he could barely get into the ring on the last show and looked tired coming down the ramp.

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Guest cynicalprofit
Yes let's job a guy who looks like a monster to some little shit in a priest's outfit who can run circles around him. EXCELLENT program idea coming from the guy who marks for an even more over the hill piece of crap legend.

Ok Vader is NOT as great as he was and the whole monster image is long gone since his Hogan feud.


The point would be to get Daniels over more, he's one of the futures of wretling and by having some of the old timers job to the up and comers, maybe there will be a future for wrestling, instead of the same old farts cloggin up MEs after MEs.


I dont mark for Muta, I mark for his pants, which are an awesome piece of art.


Atleast I dont mark for a rapper.

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Guest TheGame2705

That would be a good idea in a perfect smark-run world, but if you said yourself Vader doesn't mean anything anymore then why would a win for little priest man give him any sort of boost?


And I don't mark for Ja-Rule. It's a diss and an ad for another board.

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Guest cynicalprofit
That would be a good idea in a perfect smark-run world, but if you said yourself Vader doesn't mean anything anymore then why would a win for little priest man give him any sort of boost?


And I don't mark for Ja-Rule. It's a diss and an ad for another board.

He's a big guy, Daniels is small, even without the talent, it makes Daniels look good. It was like when Shawn beat big jobbers.


I know you're not a Ja Rule fan, i was just using you logic of because its in the sig, you must be a mark logic.

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Guest bob_barron

Didn't you leave?


I think Vader in TNA sounds good but only if he can still work. I think doing Dusty/Vader v. XXX could help the heels get over

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Guest cynicalprofit

Man, in the words of who ever said it first, and the name escapes me at this moment, "If you're gonna follow me around, scream faggot while you're doing it." If you were any closer to my dick, you'd be my nuts. Stop following me around and posting after me, its getting fucking annoying.

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Guest bob_barron

I wasn't following you around asshole.


I was giving my opinion on Vader in TNA while also questioning why someone who started a thread saying they were leaving was posting again? Did that get through your thick skull you assfuck?


I'll post wherever the fuck I want and if it happens to be after you- it happens to be after you. Why don't you whine about someone stalking you rather then me posting after you.


You piece of shit

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

Aside from Dusty Rhodes (who isn't really wrestling with the company anyway...) Vader is the only bug man in the company. That alone makes him usefull.

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Guest bob_barron

What happened to the Legion of Doom bps?


I think Vader can be useful if he can still go and his willing to put people over. I could see him feuding with Jarrett over the title

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

I don't know what happened to the Legion of Doom. Can't say as it bothers me that they're gone...as the only good they could have done was to give the rub to America's Most Wanted.


I assume someone just realized they weren't worth whatever they were paying them.

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Guest cynicalprofit
I wasn't following you around asshole.


I was giving my opinion on Vader in TNA while also questioning why someone who started a thread saying they were leaving was posting again? Did that get through your thick skull you assfuck?


I'll post wherever the fuck I want and if it happens to be after you- it happens to be after you. Why don't you whine about someone stalking you rather then me posting after you.


You piece of shit

About everytime I post, you always post after me, it's like your following me, quit it.


I only bitch because its like a girl following you around saying she loves you, it gets annoying fast.

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Guest TheGame2705

I hate all this talk of bringing in Vader as long as he wants to put over everyone. Isn't this what everyone complained about with Steiner? That he was only coming in to put over HHH

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Guest cynicalprofit

As long as Vader puts someone over who isnt already established, it wont be in vain.

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Guest RedJed

I'd actually like to see him do a turn on Rhodes before the match next week to have him join with Russo. To take it a step further then, he punks out both Harris boys and stretchers them out as well, and we never see the brothers again.


Of course there better not be a Rhodes-Vader match though. Have perhaps Jarrett or some other face come out to save Rhodes from the beating and work that into Vaders first feud, once again as a monster heel, the role he belongs in.

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Guest j.o.b. squad

if he turns on rhodes i woude prefer that someone like samoa joe runs in to save him. a decent segway into a xxx vs amw/joe 6 man tag feud

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Guest j.o.b. squad
Why the fuck would Samoa Joe team up with Americas Most Wanted?

ok just any random tag team and samoa joe vs xxx

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Guest Lord of The Curry

Is Samoa Joe coming in to TNA? Or do you just want to see him there?

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