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Guest BoboBrazil

WWE Planning To Do Seperate Brand PPVs Starting

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Guest The Tino Standard

I think if nothing else, split PPVs would give them a better idea of who is actually drawing and who isn't. It's one thing to kill a couple hours watching something on UPN or TNN, but to lay down 35 bucks on a show, you are most likely going to have to be really interested in what you are getting.


Another thing, if Raw gets a gimmick PPV (KOR), why does that necessarily mean that Smackdown HAS to have a gimmick PPV too? On one hand, we have people bitching that the two brands aren't different enough, but then on the other hand, when a difference is proposed between the two brands- whoa, we have to have things equal and the same for both. You can't have it both ways.

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Guest nikowwf

Couple of problems i see...


1) This is where treating the cruisers as secondary citizens really bites them in the ass, because instead of having ready to go good matches to fill out a PPV card, people will see them as filler...more filler than usual.


2) The Raw roster is too weak for this kind of thing. There is a way to check out what the cards look like...its called a HOUSE SHOW. Those cards are not PPV worthy.


Oh, and give me a break with the TNA stuff already. I put down my $10 yesterday and got Russofied again. The only reason its not as obnoxious as Raw is cause the talent roster is less talented so it pisses me off less. $10 for Russo...sigh....



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Guest RedJed
I think if nothing else, split PPVs would give them a better idea of who is actually drawing and who isn't. It's one thing to kill a couple hours watching something on UPN or TNN, but to lay down 35 bucks on a show, you are most likely going to have to be really interested in what you are getting.


Another thing, if Raw gets a gimmick PPV (KOR), why does that necessarily mean that Smackdown HAS to have a gimmick PPV too? On one hand, we have people bitching that the two brands aren't different enough, but then on the other hand, when a difference is proposed between the two brands- whoa, we have to have things equal and the same for both. You can't have it both ways.

Because its not fair to have that outlet to elevate a brands talent when the other brand doesn't have that same luxury.

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Guest The Tino Standard

Why is a gimmick PPV considered a "luxury"? If WWE considered gimmick PPVs such a "luxury," then they probably wouldn't have done away with the traditional Survivor Series format.


... and besides, if one brand IS going to get a "luxury PPV", why not give it to Raw? That show needs all the help it can get right now.

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Guest Super Pissed Smark

They can slap whatever fucking gimmick names they want on Triple-H's pay per views, with Austin on SD and Rock back in Hollywood, they are going to bomb horribly. Vince is such a moron it's beyond unbelievable. He's really trying to put himself out of business.

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Guest TheCynicalHateMongerFromHell

What a stupid idea. They should be cutting more people, and ending the brand extension - not the exact opposite.

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Guest Brian

There's still alot of talent on the indy scene who they should have picked up on and some developmental guys, even if they do go through with cutting. And you can't cut everyone, like Show is almost too costly to cut (at this point). The brand extension in theory works, and it's just a creative screw-up that will continue to be there no matter what. More time for feuds, more time between pay per views, more room for talent, and more pushes.

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Guest teke184

They can easily fire Mark Henry (only 3 years left on his big-money deal), Billy Gunn, Bill DeMott, Johnny Stamboli, Rikishi, Crash Holly, Jacqueline, Albert, and a few other choice talents which will take the match quality up and the payroll down at the same time.


If you add that to non-wrestlers who can be fired or just not have their contracts renewed like Droz and Terri, that starts adding up to some big money they can save.


Edit- Forgot about Bradshaw. Fire his fuckin' ass.

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Guest teke184

Droz's deal runs up in a few months. If they can find a way to palm him off on some other company, they'll do it.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

Proven fact time.


#1 the WWE can't write storylines in the first place. Two months of buildup to job for HHH seems a tad overkill. Honestly...when is the last time you wanted to order a ppv because the buildup was so well handled?


#2 unless they aren't planning on having matches of any kind on TV anymore...every possible permutation of match that they could put on ppv would have been used up by about the third month.


#3 For this to have any shot the title can't be on HHH on the RAW side. Why? Because after he beats Booker T at Mania there is NO ONE LEFT.


I'll think of more later...but I can't see ever ordering a RAW ppv, but Smackdown could probably survive if they don't focus all on Undertaker and Big Show.

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Guest iamsherm
And since I DON'T see the WWE bringing down their PPV prices (honestly, why would they?)

It's economics. Law of demand says if you decrease price then demand goes up. I don't have the numbers to back me up, but I'm assuming the buyrates for Pay Per Views aren't as high as when they increased PPV from 30 to 35 dollars (2 or 3 years ago?). Whether they go to separate brand PPVs or not, I think a price cut is long overdue.


And if they DO go to separate brand PPV's, how you can charge regular price for half the talent is beyond me.

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Guest RenegadeX28

All I know is if they go on with this plan, the RAW PPVS....unless there is some great booking, better wrestlers, will be sucking.

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Guest JMA

I liked it when the only PPVs were The Royal Rumble, WrestleMania, SummerSlam and The Survivor Series. Having so many takes away the importance of the events. Plus, the fans have to spend their hard earned money. I haven't bought a PPV in a while and I hear they've raised the prices. That, to me, is pretty stupid. Remember when the PPVs only costed $29.99 at most?


Also, having so many PPVs means we get less quality matches on free TV. If I was running WWE (robots willing) I would cut down the number of PPVs to the four main ones and have them feature both brands. This would also increase the number of good matches on TV. Not to mention give feuds a chance to develop enough heat.

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All I know is if they go on with this plan, the RAW PPVS....unless there is some great booking, better wrestlers, will be sucking.

If they do this, expect that SD and Raw will undergo serious revamping in their rosters because in the current state, they will have to send some if not all of the good wrestlers from the SD roster to Raw to get people to buy their PPV....

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Guest El Satanico

JasonX...is talking about WWE sending people to Raw the only thing you post here.


Haysoos man talk about something else every now and then.

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Guest papacita

I've got mixed feelings about the PPV split. I've wanted them to go through with this since the split began, because as some of you already pointed out, it gives the writers more time to build towards PPVs, and it furthers the illusion of the split. However, if they're gonna go through with this, they REALLY need to shape up Raw, because I can't see too many people putting up $35 for an all-Raw PPV with the show in the shape it's in right now. Also, they need to bring back the I-C, US, TV or some form of secondary title to fill the void that's gonna be caused in the undercards of both brands solo PPVs.


Personally, I think that they should get rid of either the December or the July PPV and make KOTR a joint PPV. Also, it might not be a bad idea if they shortened the seperated PPVs...maybe if they went back to the old IYH format from the mid-90's. I dunno.

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Guest Space_Cowboy

Who the hell would buy a Raw PPV?


Smackdown at least has the Smackdown 6 and a few others to pull some good matches out of, though the rest of the card would be made up of the likes of Rikishi, DeMott, A-Train, Show, and Taker, nobody will want to order an event full of them.

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Who the hell would buy a Raw PPV?


Smackdown at least has the Smackdown 6 and a few others to pull some good matches out of, though the rest of the card would be made up of the likes of Rikishi, DeMott, A-Train, Show, and Taker, nobody will want to order an event full of them.

Again, if they go though with this moronic plan I would most definately expect SD to get gutted in order to boost the Raw PPV roster. Especially if and when SD gets renewed and the WWE stops devoting all of their attention on SD and refocuses on salvaging Raw ..

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Guest Kahran Ramsus

I would buy a Smackdown PPV over a duel-PPV with the RAW matches stinking up the show. What would you rather see at No Way Out? HHH vs. Steiner or Eddy Guerrero vs. Rey Misterio? Now who's on the PPV and who would be on if it was Smackdown only?

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