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Guest Johnny Blaze

The All-Time Greats

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Guest Johnny Blaze

So I've been following NA pro wrestling on and off since about 1987, and japanese wrestling for much less time but i'm pretty limited in my knowledge of wrestling prior to that, it being limited to primarily WWF and NWA. I occasionaly hear names brought up in discussions of the all time greats that i've just never heard of, and i was wondering if anyone could gimmie some background on some of these guys, or at least tell me where to find it. I'm really looking for where and when they wrestled and what it was about their work that was so great.


The Destroyer


Volk Han

Jack Briscoe ( I know he was NWA champ in the 70s, but what was so great about his matches)


I'm sure there's more that i'm forgetting right now, but if anyone could help out, i'd be much obliged.

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Guest Tim Cooke


- Probably the best wrestler to come out of the United States. Wrestled in the 1960's and 1970's in LA and Japan. Check out the following:


3/5/69 v Baba (1 hr draw)

7/25/74 v Mil Mascaras


Nobuhiko Takada

- Worked for New Japan first in 1983, went with Maeda to UWF 1.0 in 1984-1985, came back to New Japan in 1986-1987 after UWF collapsed........


Basically, the innovator of Shoot Style and along with Kazuo Yamazaki. TREMENDOUS draw for UWF and UWF-I.


Volk Han

- Best Russian Gajin ever. Awesome submission skills and one of the most technical worker shoot guys ever.



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