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Guest TheZsaszHorsemen

Brock defeats all of Team Angle

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Guest TheZsaszHorsemen
The guy is over yes...but that still isn't an excuse for shitty booking an Angle that should be huge.


Think how much more heat this match would have if the feud was more back and forth? They're short changing themselves by making this so one sided. It almost makes Angle look like nothing more than a transitional champ.

1. Angle IS nothing more than a transitional Champ.


2. I agree that the feud is flawed. I thought it should have been face Brock against Tweener-Leaning-Face Angle going into WrestleMania, and then at WrestleMania Heyman makes a surprise appearance and starts helping Angle, and it looks like all hope is lost....


And then Brock overcomes insurmountable odds to reclaim his crown and truly becomes the People's Champ. Angle returns to his "Hated Heel" role and all is right with the world.

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Heroes journey?? Why after? Why later why not now? Why put it off and then go, "oops I guess we better start doing something now"


Do you really think anyone of those people in those seats give a crap about "heroes journey"? Do you think any of them are even thinking that?

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Guest Brian

He's more than a transitional champ if they book this right. Down the line, come back to Brock and Angle after all the teased face turns on Angle's part go through, and you have a money match at SummerSlam.


They blew it much further back, when unstoppable heel Brock failed to fall down to someone. Which is why whoever pins him down the line, like Angle, will get alot out of it.

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Guest TheZsaszHorsemen
Heroes journey?? Why after? Why later why not now? Why put it off and then go, "oops I guess we better start doing something now"


Do you really think anyone of those people in those seats give a crap about "heroes journey"? Do you think any of them are even thinking that?

Quite frankly none of the people in those seats analyze every aspect of the feud to see how even it is. they just say 'Wow that was cool! Brock is the man!"

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Heroes journey??  Why after?  Why later why not now?  Why put it off and then go, "oops I guess we better start doing something now"


Do you really think anyone of those people in those seats give a crap about "heroes journey"?  Do you think any of them are even thinking that?

Quite frankly none of the people in those seats analyze every aspect of the feud to see how even it is. they just say 'Wow that was cool! Brock is the man!"

So that's why you gotta make it simple. Have a highly contested back and forth feud and they'll think "oh these two are evenly matched"


Have a one sided feud and they'll think "wow that guy doesn't stand a chance" and if he does win they'll think "well that was stupid why have the wuss win?"

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

1)Give the Hero a quest.

2)Give the Hero an initiation into the quest.

3)Build up the Hero.

4)The Hero descends.

5)The Hero makes his way back up.



That's the gist of it. They have done the first 3 steps. (And it fit well, no need to say "they don't give a damn about the Heros Journey" because it's evident that they have gave a damn). The last two steps are for the WM match. They have, what, 4/5 weeks to focus on #4?

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

The Heros journey is a universal theme in literature, stage, film etc.

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

Generally I would agree with you, but not with Brock/Kurt. The WWF has been planning for this match for a LONG time. It's not the general 'booking-on-the-fly' style they do with 99% of their angles.


They probably have it storyboarded and everything ;)


1)Give the Hero a quest.


Heyman screws Brock and sides with the Big Show. Heyman says "you will never get this title again Brock". The title passes on to angle.

2)Give the Hero an initiation into the quest.


The Royal Rumble. Beats the big show, gets the titles shot.


3)Build up the Hero.


The past few weeks that everyone has been bitching about Brock getting too much offense and team angle being too weak.


4)The Hero descends.


Brock is put in the ankle lock by Kurt, we see pain on his face, he can't escape, he is being mocked by team angle. This is the beginning of his descent. It will probably pick up at NWO, and continue on until wrestlemania (most likely an injury - as Team Angle were focusing on his legs).

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If the WWE does this right then you gotta ask the question why didn't they with everything else?


That's a sad statement to the fact that the WWE could be doing so much better than they are now. They just choose not to.

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

I agree, I hate the WWE for that. But Angle and Brock are WWE boys - they are born and bred - they are 'legitimate athletes' and are basically golden boys.


The WWE could be better? Oh yeah, why do you think I have the line in my sig? That is the #1 thing that annoys me about the WWE - the fact that even now, when they are down, they aren't willing to give it their all.

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The hero hasn't been built up enough already ? He's only had one -- ONE -- pinfall loss in his entire WWE career, and that was due to a screwjob ! The WWE should be putting Angle up to Brock's level, showing that Angle knows how to deal with someone so much stronger than him. Instead, WWE has had Brock run rough-shod over Angle and his team since this feud started. You show non-stop Brock beatings for 1-2 months and occassionally, to the casual fan, Angle beatdowns won't mean shit. Brock has proven he's better, and any of Angle's ambush wins come as a result of a fluke.

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Guest Army Eye
Austin: Despite kicking over old ladies got pops everytime he came out.


Rock: Had to "sell-out" the business to get a 50% heel reaction


Hogan: Had to wish death on every WCW fan and wrestler to get a midcard heel reaction.

Hogan a midcard heel reaction? When was this? Certainly not when he was heel in WCW. He got insane heel heat.


He hardly 'wished death on the fans' either. Mostly he did really cocky 'I'm great' promos.


You just making this all up or what..



Funny that you say stuff like the above when Brock had to be put over EVERYONE clean just to get decent pops. Goldberg got far more out of a similar push.

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Guest Army Eye

To all the complaints that the feud has been all Brock - between No Way Out and WrestleMania , Brock WILL catch some beatdowns. That time period is when the heel always dominates.

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Guest Anglesault

I give up with this feud. At this point, it could probably become the greatest ever, but this first month has just ruined it for me. I absolutely HATE it.


I ignored the show until 9:58 tonight. I turn in on to see Brock doing the bare minimum to sell the ankle lock. (No tapping, three men needed to keep him down, nothing more than an "owchie" face, standing up and selling it like his foot fell alseep) I just give up. This great magical beatdown that could will just never happen This feud can't be salvaged.

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Guest Anglesault
Generally I would agree with you, but not with Brock/Kurt. The WWF has been planning for this match for a LONG time. It's not the general 'booking-on-the-fly' style they do with 99% of their angles.


They probably have it storyboarded and everything ;)



I think they just keep forgetting what shit they put out the week before, so they don't quite realize how horribly one sided this feud is.

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Guest TheZsaszHorsemen
Austin: Despite kicking over old ladies got pops everytime he came out.


Rock: Had to "sell-out" the business to get a 50% heel reaction


Hogan: Had to wish death on every WCW fan and wrestler to get a midcard heel reaction.

Hogan a midcard heel reaction? When was this? Certainly not when he was heel in WCW. He got insane heel heat.


He hardly 'wished death on the fans' either. Mostly he did really cocky 'I'm great' promos.


You just making this all up or what..



Funny that you say stuff like the above when Brock had to be put over EVERYONE clean just to get decent pops. Goldberg got far more out of a similar push.



Hogan: Was on his way out anyway. No long-term drawing power.


Rock: Was on his way out anyway. No long-term drawing power because he was too busy taking hiatuses.


Undertaker: Never has been a draw, never will be.



They sacrificed two has-beens and a guy on his way out. Hello, McFly! That's GOOD BUSINESS.


Oh and I already explained why hogan was booed in WCW. Maybe you should read ALL the posts before you say I'm making shit up, moron.

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How quickly we forget about the Hardyz, RVD getting the shit beat out of him, the Big Show - who was getting built up like a monster, Edge at Rebellion, Rey Misterio getting his ass completely kicked on Smackdown, and anyone in between. Brock was put over literally everyone and there's really no denying that.


P.S. - I knew it was only a matter of time before the name-calling started :D

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Guest Anglesault

They also made an attempt with RVD and Ric Flair, but the fans couldn't be payed to care about Brock at that point.


There was a point that they were jobbing ANYONE, ANYONE (Right down to fucking Tommy Dreamer) that got any semblence of a pop to brock in an effort to get brock over.

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Guest Army Eye
They sacrificed two has-beens and a guy on his way out. Hello, McFly! That's GOOD BUSINESS.


I didn't say it wasn't good business. Just stop talking like Brock like is some kind of prodigal talent for being 'pretty over' after all they did to that end, or saying stuff like 'oh X had to do this and this to this just to get a midcard heel reaction' when Brock is the same kind of deal.


Oh and I already explained why hogan was booed in WCW. Maybe you should read ALL the posts before you say I'm making shit up, moron.


I read that post and it was pretty weak. Even taking it as gospel, it doesn't change that your first comment about Hogan (midcard heel reaction, wishing death on the fans) was made up.

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Guest creativename
Oh and I already explained why hogan was booed in WCW. Maybe you should read ALL the posts before you say I'm making shit up, moron.


I read that post and it was pretty weak. Even taking it as gospel, it doesn't change that your first comment about Hogan (midcard heel reaction, wishing death on the fans) was made up.

I'd just like to say that I laughed my ass off at him calling you a moron for that :lol:

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Guest the pinjockey
Hogan: Was on his way out anyway. No long-term drawing power.


Rock: Was on his way out anyway. No long-term drawing power because he was too busy taking hiatuses.


Undertaker: Never has been a draw, never will be.



They sacrificed two has-beens and a guy on his way out. Hello, McFly! That's GOOD BUSINESS.

Yes they all should have been jobbing. But when it took jobbing all of the to Brock to get him over when the three of them seperately could have been used to create three stars instead of one. And if I know good business three people with the ability to draw is better than one.

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Guest Mulatto Heat

All I'm going to say is that anyone (and I mean A-N-Y-O-N-E) that destroys their opposition at will week in and week out is going to get cheered by the WEEEE sheep. Hard. They cheer someone that's portrayed as a winner, and always have. That doesn't make Bwocky that special or indicates that he has a special connection with the fans other than he "kicks ass" because they're unable to. Saying he's as over as Jesus is overrating it as well. He is nowhere NEAR Hogan levels - that is just preposterous.

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

I agree to a point. However, Brock has impressive strength and fills the role of the ass kicker quite well. Had Bill Demott been give Brocks push, he wouldn't have nearly been as successful.

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Guest Anglesault

No, I'm pretty sure that if they had ME go out there and beat anyone with any kind of a reaction soundly, I'd be as over as Brock.


He really didn't have anything else going for him, especially early. he has a very generic character, his matches weren't very good (Especially in the beginning) and he can't cut a promo. That, if anything will be his downfall.

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Brock seems to have been going to the Steiner school of wrestling lately with all his overhead belly to belly suplexes he's been doing. Add that to the Super Bearhug of Extreme Pain and we have one winner here!

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

1)Brock is one of the best bumpers the WWF has today.


2)Brock is one of the strongest wrestlers in the WWF.


3)Brock has a distinctive look.


4)Brock has the amateur credentials that a base can be built from.


5)The F5 is one of, if not thee, most over finisher in the WWF.


6)Brock has a very nice b2b - not as nice as Angles though... Which is nearly albrightian in its execution.

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Guest Anglesault
1)Brock is one of the best bumpers the WWF has today.


I remember many debates with Brian brought this up and I didn't care. Still don't. Bump all you want for all I care. Spike Dudley can bump. Doesn't make him anything special.


2)Brock is one of the strongest wrestlers in the WWF.




3)Brock has a distinctive look.


You say that like it's a GOOD aspect. A babyface with a stupid hairhut is not desireable in a monster.


4)Brock has the amateur credentials that a base can be built from.


That will never happen. That and the Angle face turn. We've been waiting for both things for almost a year.


5)The F5 is one of, if not thee, most over finisher in the WWF




)Brock has a very nice b2b


And he has a real boring bearhug. So?


And the main thing. He's terrible on the mic. They just won't do in the mains.

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