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Guest Breetai

How I would book the Smackdown title

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Guest Breetai

OK, it's pretty much a given that Brock is going to get the title at WM19, and given

the current build-up I can see that any other option would do the company more harm

than good. Brock wins, but only after an F-5 is unsucessful, and he has to bust out the

SSP for the win. SO...


The months after WM see Brock continuing to feud with Team Angle, mainly through

a bunch of 6 man tag matches with Brock's team being Beniot and Rhyno (due to

Edge's unfortunate injury. Rhyno is, of course, introduced into the team with his

history with edge, perhaps after being given a similar offer by Kurt (going back to

THEIR history) and rejecting it). These matches go back and forth, with the leader of

each team making the pin on the lesser members of each, but neither Brock or Kurt

being pinned themselves. On occasions where they aren't involved in 3-ways Beniot

and Rhyno can feud with Team Angle for the belts (they win the belts at WM19),

which adds another dimention to the feud and provides them with the neccisary

motivation to hate Team Angle.


At the Summerslam PPV, there is a title match between Angle and Brock. Earlier that

night Team Angle and Beniot/Rhyno fought in a ladder title match, dropping the

straps back to team angle and ending with an insane bump in which both of them are

streachered out. Team Angle provides commentary for the main event, and after the

requisite ref bump help Angle win the strap back, and after the match they DESTROY

brock. I'm talking about a MASSIVE beatdown, culminating in Angle putting Brock's

ankle in a folding chair and hitting a moonsault on it. Think Bob Holly for the

implications of that. Beniot/Rhyno try to interfere, but they're still selling the sick

bump and are easily taken care of.


It is announced at the next Smackdown that Angle indeed HAS broken Brock's ankle,

and that he'll be out for several months. In reality he'll be down a OVW honing his

mic skills and in-ring skills. Angle proclaims himself the real crippler of the WWE,

and no prizes for guessing who that brings out. Beniot takes exception to Angle, and

the race for the gold is on. Beniot first wins a no.1 contender's match at the next PPV

against the Undertaker. Taker taps like a little bitch to the crossface. The games

continue, with Angle constantly putting his tem-mates against Beniot in an effort to

delay the inevitable. After running through team angle a few times, Beniot finally gets

to face Angle at the PPV. They put on their typical solid performance, and Beniot just

barely loses, after getting pinned off an angleslam from the top-rope.


After this Angle's attitude to Beniot is basically one of "you're good, but you just don't

have what it takes and I'm always that little bit better than you". Beniot does a series

of interviews where he talks about how the title is his dream, and he's going to take

one last shot at being the best. This is his last chance. He talks about his career in

Japan, basically talking about how in those days everything was more intense, and that

he needs to capture the spirit of that intensity again to finally go all the way and get a

WWE title win. Video packages of his japanese matches are shown.


Coming up to Survivor Series, Angle, who has been talking Beniot down all this time,

agres to one last title shot for Beniot. Just to make it interesting, and to find out once

and for all who the better man is, he proposes the following; a best of 3 MATCHES

(not a best-out-of-three-match) on the PPV with the title on the line. Beniot accepts.


Come the PPV, the first of the best of 3 matches is the opener. 7-10 minute

back-and-forth match, with Beniot BARELY ekeing out a victory over Angle, but

team Angle running in after the bell for a beatdown. Massive beatdown ensues. Angle

prepares to break Beniot’s ankle with the chair/moonsault combo, but is interrupted by

the return of Brock Lesnar. F5’s for everyone, and Brock helps Beniot to the back.


Second match, 1 1/2 hours into the PPV. Absolutely valiant effort by Beniot, who is

still clearly feeling the beatdown, but Angle manages to beat him after a top-rope

angleslam PLUS rollup PLUS tights grab PLUS using the ropes. Sympathy for Beniot

= massive. It should last about 7 minutes.


Final match, end of the PPV. Angle comes out first. Slight pause, and Angle starts

talking shit about Beniot and how he isn’t going to show up because the canadian

crippler can’t beat Angle when it counts. Angle basically says “You know, and I

know, and the fans know, that the rabid wolverine is too much of a mangy bitch to

take down this Olympic hero.”


Beniot’s normal video/intro starts playing, but just as soon as it does, the ‘canadian

crippler’ motif starts do burn up from the inside out. Make it look like a faulty theater

projector ie. the film is burning. It becomes skewed. The audio stops with a ‘needle

skipping across the record’ effect.


Lights out.


A voice over the PA system.


“You know Angle... you might just be right.”



Explosion of lights and pyro.


NEW intro for Beniot. Footage of him in Japan, as well as the usual facial closeups,

CG stuff etc, but with a noticably meaner edge. Beniot runs down the ramp, wearing

his tighty-whities ie. these...




which the audience will remember from the viginettes and interview. (Maybe have

him show them in one of the interviews as a memento from his japanese career.)


The following match is to be booked very specifically. Basically it’s all about Angle

being used to Beniot’s american style, and beniot blowing him away with his Japanese

style and moves. ie. a typical german suplex series ensues, but when the switch is

made Beniot doesn’t go for the Germans but rather for a Tiger Suplex. Angle is

shocked as all shit, near fall. Beniot knocks Angle down, goes for the flying headbutt,

Angle goes for the pop-up superplex (his normal reaction to such an attempt) but gets

dumped with a top-rope powerbomb. Beniot hits all sorts of shit that the fans have

never seen before (besides in the previously mentioned video packages of course) and

wins with a bridged Chimera Suplex.


The following month is Angle/Beniot; the rematch, in which Beniot goes over on

PPV. Meanwhile a mutual respect thing is going on between Beniot and Brock. Angle

feuds with Brock over the no.1 contendership for the next few months, Beniot feuds

with Eddy (whose past as Black Tiger is revealed and they rekindle an old feud, so to

speak) and finally elevates him to upper midcard/quasi main even status, although he

does not drop the title. Beniot and Lesnar both look out for each other, making sure

that neither are injured so that they are in top shape for their title confrontation, a face

vs face at WM20, where either could go over. After that you either have Brock/Angle

II at the following Summerslam, or go for a new long-term title race with Beniot

dropping to eddie and eddie feuding with either Brock or Angle for the remainder of



Of course this acknowledges history, other promotions, makes sense, would elevate

all parties involved, and would draw, so it could never happen, but it’s a nice thought,

dontcha think?


Feedback much appreciated.

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Guest Stennick

You don't send your two time WWE Champion back down to OVW, They pushed him too far too fast, they had a great thing going with Heyman as his manager but they can't use that card anymore so my suggestion would be for Brock Heel turn. It would have been over a year since he was heel, turn him heel and align him with Angle that would be my only suggestion. Don't send him back down to OVW that would make him seem like no threat at all once he came back up, look at Big Show he went down to OVW came back and in my opinion is EVEN WORSE talent wise than before. Just my two cents though.


Lata All,



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Guest Your Olympic Hero

Kick ass ideas man, but sending Brock to OVW wouldn't be such a great idea. Goldberg got over without great mic skills, and so did Brock.

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