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Guest Youth N Asia

Family Business on Showtime

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Guest Youth N Asia

They showed the first episode on Showtime tonight after the Tyson fight (all 50 seconds of it)


It's funny. It's about a guy who directs and produces pornos and he's just trying to meet a nice girl and whatnot. He goes on two internet dates, one of the girls gives him the third degree about how those kinds of movies are an insult to women, and the second girl gets creeped out by the whole thing.


He runs the business with his mom and cousin Stevie, who's in his 50s or 60s, he's the funniest one on the show. There was a part where it's a casting call he has to take pictures of a guy and the dude takes forever to get...up...funny stuff.


A little more penis then I like to see in shows, but since it's about porno and whatnot I can deal.


Anyone else catch it?

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Guest Nevermortal

Great show. I don't know how I'm going to watch it regularly. The only TV in the house that has Digital Cable is usually occupied on Friday nights by the Father.


Hopefully people will put it on KaZaA or something.

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That "guy" who directs and produces pornos is real porno director, Seymour Butts and that is his real family. It's supposed to be a reality show. I don't have Showtime anymore, but I wish I did now. Like the poster above me said, maybe someone will put it on KaZaA.

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Guest Nevermortal

Funniest part was the Cousin and the guy who couldn't get it up.


"Want me to talk in a high pitched voice?"


The only downside was the fact that the guy was wanking it....something I really don't want to see.

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Guest Flyboy

Did anyone see Friday's episode?


Adam going to his class reunion was quite funny.

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Guest Youth N Asia

I saw it...I thought the funniest part was Cousin Stevie out trying to find a last minute girl for the video shoot.


Cousin Stevie: "Excuse me, honey. But do you squirt?"

Girl: "What kind of perv are you?"


Also Stevie bitching on the phone that he's busting his ass...while getting a lap dance at the same time.


Funny show, it goes into my regular rotation.

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Guest Nevermortal

I'm so pissed. I couldn't wait to watch it, but all the TV's with Digital Cable were occupied.

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Guest NoCalMike
The girl squirting in the limo was quite the scene.

ermm...ok, just how graphic does the show get though?

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Guest Youth N Asia
The girl squirting in the limo was quite the scene.

ermm...ok, just how graphic does the show get though?

They only showed the aftermath, where there was liquid EVERYWHERE, kinda disturbed me a little.


They don't show any penetration (sp)

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Guest Youth N Asia

Cousin Stevie is my hero...2 straight episodes he was suppose to go out and get something done, and was sidetracked by lapdances both times. The man has his priorities.

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Guest Youth N Asia
"I'm stuck in Traffic"

The only thing funnier then all of this is knowing that Adam is watching the shows now on Showtime seeing all the shit Stevie's doing.

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