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Guest Nathan J

ECW Three way Dance

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Guest Nathan J

ECW Three Way Dance 1995


Joey Styles introduces us to the show


Back to ringside and Joey brings out Raven, Stevie and the Broadstreet Bullies. Stevie tells the broadstreet Bullies if they lose their fired. The Bullies get angry but Stevie hides behind and says Raven said that. Quite funny stuff. Stevie says he will make Raven proud; he then introduces Ravens new recruits the Pitbulls.


The Pitbulls Vs The Broadstreet Bullies

A short Sharp squash the Bullies get no offence at all. The Pitbulls hit the Superbomb just under a minute. DUD of course but we know the Pitbulls have a purpose now.

Raven tells Stevie he has made him proud. The Pitbulls pledge their allegiance to Raven and tell everybody there the best tag team there is. Stevie says he's bringing out the girl he went to summer camp with. Raven slaps him in the face but Beulah comes out looking quite different to how Raven remembered her. He now have...


Raven w/ Stevie & Beulah Vs Tommy Dreamer


Raven attacks as soon as Tommy rolls in the ring. Raven then dumps him out the other side. They brawl on the outside. Dreamer reverses the Irish Whip in the Guardrail. They brawl over the guardrail Dreamer throws Raven into the wall at the back of the building then hits him with a trashcan to the head. They fight through the crowd blind to the camera. Tommy throws Raven back over the rail. Dreamer has the Cheesegrater Raven hits a low blow but that just keeps Tommy at bay for a few second he must wearing a cup. Cheesegrater to the head and Raven blades. Then the devastating safety sign to the head by Tommy. A crowd member holds up a chair for Dreamer but Raven reverses and Tommy's head goes into the chair. Rave grabs the chair of the fan and hits dreamer with it twice quite weak shots to boot. Raven Irish whips Tommy into the guardrail. In the crowd Raven slams Dreamers head into the chair. They brawl and Dreamer slams Raven into the pole at ringside. Raven form the pole takes Dreamer out with a back block. Raven uses the chair again. They fight to the Eagles nest and Dreamer hits a backbreaker. Dreamer goes off the higher level and splashes Raven, knees straight into the stage for Dreamer that looked nasty. There back at ringside and Dreamer uses the VCR then rolls Raven back in the ring. Dreamer picks up Raven does a 360 then hits the piledriver. But Dreamer doesn't go for the pin instead bits into Ravens bloodied head. Dreamer whips Raven into the ropes but Ravens catches him with the DDT. Raven then hits another DDT. Then a dropkick from the second rope. Dreamer reverses a hiptoss into DDT.

Meanwhile at ringside Richards has been putting the moves on Beulah, Stevie kisses her and gets a slap for his trouble. Stevie then begins to strangle her. Tommy makes the safe but Beulah turns around and sprays the hairspray into Dreamers eyes. Stevie then hits the superkick. Raven come out hits the DDT on the concrete and then rolls Dreamer in for the 3 count. *** A good short brawl with a great ending to continue the feud.


Ron Simmons Vs Mikey Whipwreck

Mikey hesitates to get in the ring. Simmons dropkicks him off the apron. Back in Simmons hits a gutbuster. Whipwreck hits a low blow to come back, then a dropkick and clothesline. Simmons powerslams mikey off the top. Simmons gets angry for some reason and chokeslams the referee, Mikey wins by DQ 1/4*. 911 comes down to save Mikey, Simmons gets the better of him then runs. A bunch of jobbers come down to help 911, he then chokeslams them. Nice guy that 911.


Chris Benoit/Malenko cut a promo the infamous "Fuck Sabu" chant starts up. Benoit challenges Taz, Taz runs down to the ring and they start to beat on him but RICK STEINER makes the save. The crowd goes nuts for Ricks debut, and the "Fuck Sabu" chant is even louder.


ECW Television Title: 2 Cold Scorpio Vs Eddy Guerrero


Eddie has on the stars and stripes tights, his biggest match in the states at this point. Mat Wrestling to start goes nowhere. Scorpio hits a head scissors, then follows up with an STF. Eddie reverses it into an arm lock. Eddie has an arm ringer applied and turns it into a suplex right on Scorpios taped up shoulder, which causes Scorpio to roll out of the ring. Eddie extends the hand Scorpio pushes him down. Eddie extends the hand again put this time turns it into a short arm clothesline. Eddy hits a scoop slam, then his senton slingshot splash. Eddy applies the sharpshooter, Scorpio reverses it but Eddy is in the ropes Eddie hits a dropkick, then a nice brainbuster. Eddie hits the frog splash, but ONLY GETS ONE, geez. Eddy puts on the sleeper, Scorpio escapes but Eddy pokes him in the eye to take over again. Eddy hits an underhook arm drag, cool, then a dropkick followed by a superkick, Eddy then boots him into the face and dumps him outside. Scorpio throws him into the guardrail multiple times that's got to hurt the way Eddy is taking them. Scorpio suplexes him back in for two. An Eddy chant goes up, Underhook suplex gets two for Scorpio. Eddie comes back with the low blow, Scorpio rolls out and Eddy follows him with a top rope frog splash with Scorpio standing, AWESOME. Thr Eddy Chant is even bigger. Back in, Eddy hits a fishermans suplex into a floatover for two, nice combination. Eddy hits a tornado DDT after a rake of the eyes. Blind charge by Eddy misses, Scorpio goes to the top but is crotched by Eddy. Frankensteiner gets two. Scorpio blocks another attempt and hits a crossbody for two. Moonsault gets two for Scorpio, followed by a powerbomb. Scorpio hits the top rope somersault leg drop setting up the Tumbleweed, which only get 2 and Scorpio is SHOCKED. He hits a superkick and Eddy looks dead. Scorpio whips Eddy off the ropes and goes for a suplex, but Eddy blocks it and gets the rollup to WIN THE ECW TV TITLE at 14:00. They shake hands after the match.

**** 1/4, Eddy carried Scorpio superbly; great bumping by Eddy and creative and well-executed exchanges make this a great match. Eddy had left his mark in the US scene.



Ian Rotten Vs Axl Rotten


The feud that carried ECW in 1995, yeah right. Not much to talk about in this one. They hit each other with stuff and blade. Weapons include forks, ring hammers and of course chairs. The end happens as Axl whips Ian into the ropes. On the way back Axl hits a chairshot for the pin. Ian attacks him post match to continue the feud, yay. Like you had to ask, DUD.


Hack Myers Vs Dino Sendoff


Sentoff attempts to get cheap heat to start. Hack pounds him until Hack runs into the ring post, giving the jobber some offence. Sendoff misses the short arm clothesline and Hack hits the brainbuster for three. DUD but it at least gave the crowd a chance to chant "shaw".


ECW Heavyweight Title match: Shane Douglas © Vs Sandman w/Woman


Douglas attacks before the bell. Sandman gets a backdrop and a neckbreaker (clip) Sandman has an arm submission on. Sandman with a Shoulder breaker, arm vice a slap (clip) Sandman hits a top rope leg drop (clip). Styles Clash by Sandman, of all the to pull of that move, more just the way it happened not a planned move. Sandman lights a cigarette. Woman gives Douglas the cane, he hits a low blow with it, into an inside cradle for the pin. Douglas and Woman are together. To clipped to rate, but it looked about *ish to me.


Sandman is interviewed in the back about Douglas and Woman; I think he basically threatens to eat their children.

Shane Douglas and Woman continue the feud with Sandman, hyping hostile city showdown.


Main Event Three way Dance

ECW Tag Titles Chris Benoit/ Dean Malenko Vs Public Enemy Vs Tazz and Rick Steiner


PE and Benoit/Malenko start off, Taz and Rick Steiner come in and clear house with Tazplexes and Belly to Bellies. Rick Steiner rolls through Benoit Suplex and knocks him down with a steinerline, then a bulldog from the top rope. Suplexes are everywhere and there landing right on their heads, it's pretty sick. Their fighting all over the arena, Benoit sends Taz into the ring post. Steiner hits the Tiger driver on Rocco, nasty. It's a big mess this match. Rocco takes out Benoit and Malenko with a frying pan. Rick seems especially lost. In the ring Benoit and Malenko double team Taz, hitting a flapjack. Benoit hits the swandive headbutt; Malenko does the roll-up for the 1-2-3, nice looking spot. Taz and Steiner are eliminated, in rather anti-climatic fashion. They hang around though and take everybody out, with Tazzplexes and suplexes. Benoit stomps away at Rocco and knocks down Grunge, Benoit and Malenko are in control, but Taz and Steiner are back and Rick knocks everyone down with Paul. Es phone. Finally they leave, but not before Paul. E knocks down a security guard. Grunge is bleeding, Benoit and Malenko pick up from where they left off, before Steiner came back in. But Deano is caught with a nut shot and this match is going nowhere. Grunge gets the vaderbomb on Dean for a one count. Benoit is hit with a low blow aswell. Grunge has a steel chair, taking out Benoit with but Malenko reverses it. Rocco whacks Benoit with the crotch on the outside. Malenko gets two after Grunge misses a blind charge and runs into the ring post and this is really falling apart, with PE in control to boot. Grunge chokes Dean with a steel cable, and then knocks him down with it. Benoit and Rocco have fought up onto the stage, Rocco sets Benoit up on a table, Rocco climbs up to another table a few metres higher, Rocco goes straight through the table, landing on the concrete back first OW! as Benoit rolled off. Grunge is hanging Malenko with the cable and then gets a neckbreaker for two. Benoit and Malenko are in the ring with Grunge and Dean kills him with a brainbuster. "Fuck Sabu" chant starts. Benoit superplexes Rocco through a table, PE are crazy. Malenko starts doing the Sabu pointing to the sky thing and the crowd is going nuts with the "Fuck Sabu" chant. Not something you'd expect Dean to do. They hit a double suplex on grunge, they hesitate on who should get the pin and Grunge kicks out at two. They hit a double dropkick and get two. Grunge comes back with a double DDT. Rocco is back and on the top rope, he connects with the senton and gets the 1-2-3, and there are new Tag champions.


Some crazy stuff gets the rating this high it may even be a bit kind. The match had no flow and the wrestlers seemed lost much of the time. Benoit and Malenko aren't the guys if you want a completely crazy match, though they did an admirable job but this isn't their style. Rick Steiner also didn't seem like he knew what to do in this sort of match.



I would have to give this tape a recommendation, if only for Eddy Vs Scorpio. The Raven Vs Dreamer feud is advanced, which is pretty good brawl and to make up your mind on the three way dance. Everything else is complete crap, but I think the good outweighs crap.

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Guest Pegasus Kid

This was literally straight PbP and pretty boring. I stopped 1/2 way through. You could probably stand to insert something (humour, insight, anything) into your next review.

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Guest Nathan J

The first part isn't good, I did that along time ago. I take your point, the end is better though.

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