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Ultimo Dugas

The No Way Out Gambling Thread

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Guest CanadianChris

World Heavyweight Title Match

Triple H © vs. Scott Steiner

$100 on Triple H, hopefully ending this feud for good.


The Rock vs. Hulk Hogan

$50 on Hogan. C'mon, when did you ever see Hogan not get a job back?


Steve Austin vs. Eric Bischoff

$100 on Austin.


The Undertaker vs. The Big Show

$100 on Undertaker.


WWE Cruiserweight Title Match

Kidman © vs. Matt Hardy

$50 on Mattitude.

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Guest tpww7
The Rock vs. Hulk Hogan

$50 on Hogan. C'mon, when did you ever see Hogan not get a job back?

Did he ever get his job back from Angle?

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Guest j.o.b. squad

World Heavyweight Title Match

Triple H © vs. Scott Steiner $100 on hunter


The Rock vs. Hulk Hogan $50 on rock


Steve Austin vs. Eric Bischoff$50 on bischoff


The Undertaker vs. The Big Show $50 on big show


Brock Lesnar, Edge, & Chris Benoit vs. Kurt Angle, Shelton Benjamin, & Charlie Haas $50 on team angle


Chris Jericho vs. Jeff Hardy $50 on the king of the world


WWE Cruiserweight Title Match

Kidman © vs. Matt Hardy $100 on kidman


World Tag Team Titles Match

Lance Storm & William Regal © vs. Kane & RVD $ 50 on where there is smoke there is fire


if you already have the 5 new guys just ignore this one

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Guest Your Olympic Hero

Matt Hardy vs. Billy Kidman ($100 on Hardy)

Team Angle vs. Brock, Edge, & Benoit ($50 on Team Angle)

HHH vs. Scott Steiner ($100 on HHH)

The Rock vs. Hulk Hogan ($50 on Rocky)

Austin vs. Bischoff ($100 on Austin)

Taker vs. Big Show ($50 on Taker)

Jericho vs. Hardy ($50 on Hardy)

Storm & Regal vs. RVD & Kane ($50 on RVD & Kane)

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Guest NaturalBornThriller4:20

World Heavyweight Title Match

Triple H © vs. Scott Steiner

$100 on Triple Dose Of Roids


The Rock vs. Hulk Hogan

$100 on The Rock


Steve Austin vs. Eric Bischoff

$100 on the S.C.S.A.


The Undertaker vs. The Big Show

$100 on The Undertaker


Brock Lesnar, Edge, & Chris Benoit vs. Kurt Angle, Shelton Benjamin, & Charlie Haas

$ 100 on Team Angle. After the match, Brock Lesnar destroys Team Angle

for the 3,000th time.


Chris Jericho vs. Jeff Hardy

$100 on Moongoose


WWE Cruiserweight Title Match

Kidman © vs. Matt Hardy

$100 on Matt Hardy


World Tag Team Titles Match

Lance Storm & William Regal © vs. Kane & RVD

$100 on The Impact Player & HHH's Buddy.

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Alright, the 5 newbies are:


The Tino Standard


the r-train



(Sorry to ArchoanJB, FigureFourTapes, Showstoppa Icon, Lightning Flik, j.o.b. squad, and Your Olympic Hero.)


This means of course no new people can join this time around.


That brings the current standings to:


1—Kotzenjunge 1700

2—DeputyHawk 1400

3—Kingpk 1150

4—Canadian Chris 1100

5—tpww7 1100

6—Marvinisalunatic 900

7—I’m That Damn Zzzzz 900

8—Secret Agent 900

9—teke184 900

10-Canadian Chick 900

11-creativename 800

12-Original Orange Goblin 800

13-NaturalBornThriller 4:20 800

14-Sandman 9000 800

15-Slickster 700

16-Ultimo_Dragon 650

17-Space_Cowboy 650

18-Hollywood Spike Jenkins 600

19-AM The Kid 500

20-The New Me 500

21-TajiriTheJapBuzzkill 500

22-The Tino Standard 500

23-MrZsasz 500

24-the r-train 500

25-EricDraven 500

26-Bischoff Is God!!! 450

27-African American 450

28-Anglesault 400

29-Bravesfan 300

30-Downhome 300


Ryu, DeputyHawk gave me no record of you partcipating before. If you were under a different name, please let me know this.


Also, TajiriTheJapBuzzkill, as a newbie you only have $500 to bet with, you must change your bet otherwise I you will be disqualified and I will enter in ArchoanJB as your replacement.

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Guest DeputyHawk

Turns out i didn't have to leave town after all, but big ups to ultimo for taking this on again. if memory serves me i think ryu got disqualified last time for editing his bets after the ppv started.

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Guest creativename
*Triple H © vs. Scott Steiner

Winner: HHH, $100


*The Rock vs. Hulk Hogan

Winner: The Rock, $100


*Steve Austin vs. Eric Bischoff

Winner: Steve Austin, $100


*The Undertaker vs. The Big Show

Winner: Undertaker, $100


*Team Angle vs. Lesnar, Benoit & Somebody

Winner: Team Angle, $100


*Chris Jericho vs. Jeff Hardy

Winner: Chris Jericho, $100


*Kidman © vs. Matt Hardy

Winner: Matt Hardy, $100


*Lance Storm & William Regal © vs. Kane & RVD

Winner: Kane & RVD, $100

6 and 2. This gives me $1200 for next time.


I wasn't sure about RVD/Kane winning, so that didn't surprise me, but damn--still can't believe the travesty that happened to Team Angle.

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Guest Space_Cowboy
I used to be midnight_burn, so i have $650 to bet with.


World Heavyweight Title Match

Triple H © vs. Scott Steiner

Winner: Triple H - $100


The Rock vs. Hulk Hogan

Winner: The Rock - $50


Steve Austin vs. Eric Bischoff

Winner: Steve Austin - $100


The Undertaker vs. The Big Show

Winner: Undertaker - $100


Brock Lesnar, Edge, & Chris Benoit vs. Kurt Angle, Shelton Benjamin, & Charlie Haas

Winner: Team Angle - $100


Chris Jericho vs. Jeff Hardy

winner: Chris Jericho - $100


World Tag Team Titles Match

Lance Storm & William Regal © vs. Kane & RVD

Winner: Storm & Regal - $100

Well with only getting the Team Angle vs Lesnar/Benoit match wrong i made a nice profit, i should be around about $1000 now. Hooray for the WWE's overly predictable pay per views.

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Guest HollywoodSpikeJenkins
World Heavyweight Title Match

Triple H © vs. Scott Steiner - HHH $100


The Rock vs. Hulk Hogan - Rock $100


Steve Austin vs. Eric Bischoff - Austin $50


The Undertaker vs. The Big Show - Taker $50


Brock Lesnar, Edge, & Chris Benoit vs. Kurt Angle, Shelton Benjamin, & Charlie Haas - Team Angle - $50


Chris Jericho vs. Jeff Hardy - Jericho $50


Kidman vs. M Hardy - M Hardy $50


Storm/Regal vs. RVD/Kane - Storm/Regal $50

Since I had $600 at the start, shouldn't I be at $1000?

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