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Guest Anglesault

The State of the Anglesault

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Guest Anglesault

YAY! I'm in charge and you're not! I'm in charge and you're not! I'm in charge and you're not!


::dances around room::


Anyway, as of right now, I'm in charge of the OAOAST. My first offical act?


Superstar? YOU'RE FIRED~!*


And also, I'm putting a ban on being British. Any current Brits can have their case reviewed by me. Any future Brits should be advised to move to any other country except France. **


Have a nice Day!


::Leaves and watches Tony frantically rush in to try some damage control.


** I'm just kidding. All of my fine British friends will remain employed.

* Superstar, we're offering you a custodial position.

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Guest Big Poppa Popick

All of a sudden, I remember this booking plan to giv e AngleSault all the titles...

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Guest The Superstar
YAY! I'm in charge and you're not! I'm in charge and you're not! I'm in charge and you're not!


::And the world ends::


How come did someone who doesn't even participate in the fed get the head position? Zack deserves it MORE~

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Guest The Superstar

Too bad you can't write matches OR promos.


I dread seeing AngleMania, with YOU running things.

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Guest Anglesault
Too bad you can't write matches OR promos.

Eh, we can't be good at everything. At least I put the effort forth.

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Guest The Superstar

Why'd you delete the Hot Newz threads? Just because you're jealous that they're 10 times better written than any of the dribble that you put out, doesn't mean you delete them.


Can someone take away Sault's mod powers before I quit this doomed company?

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Guest Tony149

We can't take away Mod powers due to SQL errors. And AS doesn't have the power to delete threads. When I made him a Mod, I made sure he wouldn't have the power to delete things (due to what happened with TC on the VM forum. But now...AS will probably get the power when the errors are fixed. And SM will become a Mod, too.

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Guest The Superstar

Well, he deleted Hot Newz threads. Obviously he doesn't know that they took 3 hours to write.

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Guest Tony149

Maybe he can delete threads. I'm not sure about posts though.


3 hours?! Damn! That used to be how long it took me to post the PPVs. Now I can do it (depending if I have to write commentary) in an hour or less.

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Guest Anglesault

I did nothing of the sort. I deleted posts that were a waste of time (The arugment in the thread itself) in the OAOAST, and that's that.

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Guest Zack Malibu
YAY! I'm in charge and you're not! I'm in charge and you're not! I'm in charge and you're not!


::And the world ends::


How come did someone who doesn't even participate in the fed get the head position? Zack deserves it MORE~

I love this guy.

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Guest Kotzenjunge

(defiles a picture of Shawn Michaels winning the World Title at Survivor Series in the Elimination Chamber)

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Guest SP-1

Gotta post it for the full effect, bro. I have a secret weapon hidden away if you feel froggy.

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Guest evenflowDDT
Obviously he doesn't know that they took 3 hours to write.

I can believe it. Sometimes it takes me like 20-30 minutes to write a good promo. Want to make sure I've got my facts straight and I'm bringing the QUALITY~!

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Guest Kotzenjunge

If you post it, I'll find you and kill you. There aren't that many people in Berkeley County, you know. I WILL find you.

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Guest SP-1

That may be a task you would find yourself unprepared for, my friend. My homies is backwoods folk. We don't take kindly to islanders crossing into these here parts.

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Guest caboose

Really? The first Rumble took me 3 hours. If you guys remember how I posted it, I was writing the next part while I posted the previous part.

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Guest Sandman9000

There is no way in hell I could have written that beast in 10 minutes. I worked on it on and off for about two weeks. If I had to add up all the time i spent on it, I could estimate about 20 hours, maybe more maybe less.

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Guest The Superstar

Hell, the newbie battle royal from Road to Anglemania took me 3 1/2 hours.

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Guest Plushy Al Logan
YAY! I'm in charge and you're not! I'm in charge and you're not! I'm in charge and you're not!


::dances around room::


Anyway, as of right now, I'm in charge of the OAOAST. My first offical act?


Superstar? YOU'RE FIRED~!*


And also, I'm putting a ban on being British. Any current Brits can have their case reviewed by me. Any future Brits should be advised to move to any other country except France. **


Have a nice Day!


::Leaves and watches Tony frantically rush in to try some damage control.


** I'm just kidding. All of my fine British friends will remain employed.

* Superstar, we're offering you a custodial position.

"Ha ha! You can't do anything to me or my friends!" :P



::Metallica plays Re-Load. Mario orders his Moblins to terar down OAOAST. Freddy gives Sault nightmares of me taking over::



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Guest The Superstar

Sault, that doesn't have the same effect of being fired first, with GIGANTIC SIZE 14 RED FONT letting you know of your release.

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Guest Angle-plex
The State of the Anglesault


So, are we going to have to start calling you "The Anglesault" now or was that just a typo?

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