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Guest Plushy Al Logan

How much are you guys like your gimmicks

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Guest Plushy Al Logan

I do have monsters everywhere, but they are animatronic beasts, and plasic stand ins.


I have a coffin.


I ussually have a Freddy glove with me


Uses actuall wieght and height


Don't fuck with me when I'm carrying a chainsaw, or a heavy object


Listens to Metallica


I'm into the Occult (Sorry, no lightning)


Creepy loner at times


Newly developed explosive temper


Incredibly ugly :angry:


Hates Preppys


Can frighten anyone I choose to


Can be attention seeking asshole a times (This is rare)

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Guest TheZsaszHorsemen

I am very cerebrel.


I enjoy planning a task before-hand, of attempting to account for every imaginable contingency.


I'm not as focused, or as ruthless as ZsasZ.

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Some of the stuff in my character specs also applies to my real life


I do have a red and white scarf which I wear a lot causing people who know me to call me "Candy Cane"


I do own a pair of wrestling tights with red polka dots


I am 5'8 but I'm only 180 lbs.


When I was little I would fake injury to avoid having to go to soccer camps.


To aggravate people I'll call them sweetheart or baby.


I'm very vain, self centered, flakey and superficial.


I was a child model but I was never on the cover of Good housekeeping

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Guest Zack Malibu

Zack Malibu IS me. Those of you who have seen my pics know how much of a prep I am, and I have been called a very charismatic individual. I was always the "leader of the pack", or "Mr. Popularity" as some would put it. And I get called Zack pretty much everyday by friends who dubbed me with that nickname years ago.

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Guest Big Poppa Popick

If you consider me and Zack together, I've always been the brains behind the group, not necessarily the most popular front-man, but a great right hand man.


I was Nick-Named Big Poppa Popick by my best-friend for several hookups I provided for many events.


I have a slight arrogant streak, am religious, and can crack a few good jokes


I am the height but not hte weight..only 187 at this time...


its a close one

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Guest Angle-plex

I'm obviously a winner in real life, unlike my wrestling counterpart.


I am also an asshole, but I usually don't confront people about it unless they are really pissing me off.

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Guest Tony149

The only thing me and Tony "The Body" have in common -- although it doesn't really show in my promos because BPP wrote most of them :) -- is charisma. I'm a smart, charismatic individual who prefers to be a loner. But I'm loved by all who know me.

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I am a dancing machine, not a very good one, but a machine none the less.


I can be the suave ladies man if I try, having a girlfriend means the skills have rusted a bit, but it's just like riding a bike, you never forget

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Guest Mystery Eskimo

I'm not an Eskimo, and I dont wear a mask (outside the bedroom).


But I do like fish.

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Guest The Superstar

I am rather egotistical, but not to the oozing, shut the fuck up-mode I am here. I, of course, am CHARISMATIC~ and quite the DRAMA KING~.


But I suck.

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Guest evenflowDDT

I'm broke as fuck, and can only afford obscure '80s 12-inchers that I find in the dollar bin. I used to say there was no such thing as a bad new wave song... now I know better. At least the cover art is cool.


Real height, I think I've lost weight though now that I'm down to two meals a day. But today I cheated and had a sandwich at 2PM 'cuz I was really hungry and tired.


EDIT: But seriously, there's a little bit of me in every aspect of my character, just very highly exaggerated. After all, you can't spell evenflowDDT without E-D!

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Guest caboose

My height and weight are correct.


But know matter what you here, I do not lower from the rafters in white face paint waving about a black Cricket Bat in real life.


I use a black Tennis Raquet.

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Guest What?

When I was coming up with the K Money character, I tried to make him almost the exact opposite of me.


I am wealthy, though...thanks to my parent's hard work...


I'm not a snob, or at least HOPE I'm not...


I'm not an asshole to those that are different than me


I DO have a hot girlfriend named Josie, though...only she's brunette, not blonde




In fact, the Donny Vicious alter-ego (see the OAOAST Thread for his punk-rock debut) is more like me. I spike my hair like Sid Vicious of the Sex Pistols, I wear leather jackets and tight pants, kind of...



oh, and I'm one BAD-MOTHA FUCKA!~!~


So yeah...whoo...

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Guest caboose

Hey! Wilson gave me a better deal with their Tennis equipment than Slazenger were with the Cricket Gear, and I wanted that Ford Escort bad. I had to go for more money...

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Guest SP-1

As Kotz can confirm, I'm far from a well built mid-weight. I have a bit of a weight problem due to a few reasons, which I'm working to overcome before I go to school this fall. If anyone has any quick weight loss tips I might be receptive.


I do write poems, I think I'm charismatic and I enjoy performing when I get to.

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Guest Sandman9000

As a person with the body of a small Samoan, I can advocate starvation as a weight loss tactic.


That and lots of DDR.

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Guest The Mad Cappa

While I also second playing lots of DDR as a method, I also recommend playing lots of Pump It Up (if it's around).

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Guest What?

Dude, just go out on runs...seriously...



as far as you can go for, like, two days? Watch the pounds drop like a drunken prom dates panties

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Guest SP-1

Sweet. Thanks for the advice all.


I've been jumping around like a madman since I discovered the wonders of BLIND GUARDIAN. My new favorite band and all I have are three songs.


I'll definitely be running alot. And eating less. Much less.


What's DDR? *flinches*

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Guest What?

DDR = Dance Dance Revolution...




you dance to incredibly annoying songs, and for some odd reason it's fun...I dunno...



I never liked it, mainly because I can't dance for shit...but, a lot of people can't either, and they still throw their money away when they can go RUNNING for free, god dammit

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Guest Sandman9000

Running doesn't involve flashy lights and Japanese pop songs like DDR does.


DDR > running.

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Guest What?

Dude, DDR is for kids who can't dance at social events so they have to try and impress the fat chicks at the arcade with their "UBER c001" dance moves.



Now, I'm not dissing you...you're cool...you like the Messiah and Deathmatches...you're a-ok in my book

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Guest Big Poppa Popick

DDR sucks


nerds play it


I'll say it again


DDR sucks


If you play DDR, you become Agnes


Any questions?

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Guest Kotzenjunge

DDR is, like Sandman said, for people who can't actually dance. I mean, there's a reason there's a song called "Stomp To My Beat" in one of the versions.


I love all the music though, and whenever I try to play it, I just end up dancing normally no matter how hard I focus to hit the different pads.

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Guest Big Poppa Popick

DDR is, like Sandman said, for people who can't actually dance.


Exactly why I hate it



I do the following: Jitterbug, West Coast, Lindy Hop, Collegiate Shag~!, Carolina Shag, Salsa, Cha-Cha, Samba, Step, Breakdance



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Guest Plushy Al Logan

Ever since I started lifting weights, I have gained forty pounds. I also have not eaten in a week, because I don't get hungry often.

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