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Guest Steve J. Rogers

How I would do an anti-smoking ad

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Guest Steve J. Rogers

Okay, I'd use the famous "This is your brain..." ad and variations of it as one thing.


Another idea is do actual stories of young people who have died (or are dying) due to smoking related illnesses as most of the ones in the commericals are on the middle-aged-senior citizens age groups, you want to aim the ads to teens, you have to project the "hey this can happen to you hot shot" image rather than at a time far off in the future. I guess famous people also could be used as well as one image shows the famous person in their prime of life as opposed to a near death image of someone ravagned with cancer (Babe Ruth or Humphrey Bogart come to mind as good examples)


Thats probably the best thing I have. As I said, this isn't something like alcohol that has more destructive and lasting effects on someone's life (hell there is no Cigarettes Anomonyus) so there isn't an easy way of making a good soild ad campaign that gets the message across. Any ideas?



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Guest red_file

I don't think it's possible have an effective anti-smoking ad. I mean, think of the commercials you see on t.v. Their only purpose, really, is to inform you of products or entertainments. If, say, you're a vegetarian, the only Buger King commercials that's going to interest you is one that is advertising a veggie burger; commercials cannot influence, they can only inform.


There no commercial that you can show a smoker that will make him/her suddenly jump up and say, "Fuck! This shit's bad for me." Like wise with potheads or any other user. People quit because something happens to them, not because they're suddenly made aware of bad things that will result if they continue using.

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Guest Agent of Oblivion

I'd like to see a commercial where a smoker constantly gets persecuted because he smokes. At the park, outside work, in a restaurant, by his kids, etc. Then, at a bus stop, one guy bitches at him for lighting up. The next scene is that guy tied to a chair in some dank basement, with the smoker methodically burning the guy's face with a Marlboro.


The tagline: Quit fucking bitching about smoking. Fire hurts as much as cancer.

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I'm a big fan of Donald the homeless black dude that talks about Project SCUM. I think he should star in all the anti-smoking ads.


He could be the anti-smoking version of Shaft. Goes around town, taking it to "the man", and fighting "the power" - all while smelling like dead fish and alcohol.

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Guest Dmann2000
I'm a big fan of Donald the homeless black dude that talks about Project SCUM. I think he should star in all the anti-smoking ads.


He could be the anti-smoking version of Shaft. Goes around town, taking it to "the man", and fighting "the power" - all while smelling like dead fish and alcohol.

How much you wanna bet after that ad was shot he said "now where's that pack of Kool's you guys promised me?"

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Guest CoreyLazarus416

Nah. I'd say Newports. Newports > Kool's.


Of course, Marlboro's/Camel's > all, so hey.


Agent, I like that idea. Have some smokers make it with their friends, and release it. At the end, have a black background with "STOP COMPLAINING" written in huge white letters.

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Guest Samurai_Goat

That project SCUM thing had the wrong effect for me. I don't smoke, and I thought about picking it up, because, hey, project SCUM, that's clever shit there.

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Guest Agent of Oblivion
Nah. I'd say Newports. Newports > Kool's.


Of course, Marlboro's/Camel's > all, so hey.


Agent, I like that idea. Have some smokers make it with their friends, and release it. At the end, have a black background with "STOP COMPLAINING" written in huge white letters.

It's on deck after I never bother to finish my short story/short film about the boxer who fights the supreme court to join women's boxing, only to go 56-0 with 56 KOs. He's going to meet the love of his life in the business, who's also a boxer, and they're going to have a big public wedding. After this, a promoter is going to offer them millions to fight, and he "agrees" to take a dive to save their love and send his wife into the stratosphere of stardom. Come fight night, he pulls a swerve and KOs her with one punch. He takes the cash to vegas, gambles away all of it, and kills himself.

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Guest The Czech Republic
It's on deck after I never bother to finish my short story/short film about the boxer who fights the supreme court to join women's boxing, only to go 56-0 with 56 KOs. He's going to meet the love of his life in the business, who's also a boxer, and they're going to have a big public wedding. After this, a promoter is going to offer them millions to fight, and he "agrees" to take a dive to save their love and send his wife into the stratosphere of stardom. Come fight night, he pulls a swerve and KOs her with one punch. He takes the cash to vegas, gambles away all of it, and kills himself.

I like it!


Make sure in court, that the guy's lawyer jumps up dramatically says "Ob-JECT-ion, your honor, OBJECTION!"


Also make sure that his post-match press conferences include the phrase "Well, sir, all I can say in a time like this is that bitches be trippin'."

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Guest Lethargic

I'd just put up a picture of a zombie-like Keith Richards with the word SMOKER flashing on the screen.

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Guest Agent of Oblivion
It's on deck after I never bother to finish my short story/short film about the boxer who fights the supreme court to join women's boxing, only to go 56-0 with 56 KOs. He's going to meet the love of his life in the business, who's also a boxer, and they're going to have a big public wedding. After this, a promoter is going to offer them millions to fight, and he "agrees" to take a dive to save their love and send his wife into the stratosphere of stardom. Come fight night, he pulls a swerve and KOs her with one punch. He takes the cash to vegas, gambles away all of it, and kills himself.

I like it!


Make sure in court, that the guy's lawyer jumps up dramatically says "Ob-JECT-ion, your honor, OBJECTION!"


Also make sure that his post-match press conferences include the phrase "Well, sir, all I can say in a time like this is that bitches be trippin'."

I'm looking at Steve Buscemi as the lead. After all, he's a scrawny little bastard that couldn't do a damn thing as a boxer, but he could probably whale on some grizzled women's boxers. Kathy Bates as the love interest.


I was also thinking Joe Pesci, just because he's such a short little greaseball.

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