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Guest RugbyDiva

RAW Rating..

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Guest RugbyDiva

Hey everybody,

Just curious as to if anyone heard what the RAW ratings were?



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Guest FeArHaVoC

WWE RAW did a 4.0 rating this week. That number is slightly up from last week, but has to be a disappointment considering that much of the audience expected Steve Austin to appear.


Austin returns to RAW next Monday which will prove to be a very interesting rating.


Credit: 1wrestling.com

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Guest Mad Dog

Well that shows what their dependence on older stars is getting them.


It'll probably get spinned around that no HHH = ratings not jumping to the mid 4s.

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The number should be over 4.0 next week.

It will be, dare i say it, will Raw turn the corner? With Rock's recent promo on Raw as good as i've seen, and Austin coming to Raw again next week, the rating will be VERY interesting.


PS RugbyDiva - nice to see another trip fan!

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Guest Caliban

Wow. I would expect it to be more than that, given it's coming off a PPV where Austin returned..

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Guest The Hamburglar

Well, PPV buy-rates are down these days, which is why the whole extra ratings off the back of a PPV idea doesn't really hold water anymore. It's when plenty of people get PPVs that they have an effect on ratings.

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Guest wwF1587

I think that perhaps when some people heard Austin was coming back NEXT week... they turned off..

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Guest AndrewTS
I think that perhaps when some people heard Austin was coming back NEXT week... they turned off..

When I saw that, I was thinking "what a load of bullshit."


Will anyone even believe them then? I mean, for those of us who didn't see NWO, for all we know he may not have even showed up on the PPV.

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Guest RugbyDiva
I think that perhaps when some people heard Austin was coming back NEXT week... they turned off..

Exactly. I mean, they keep pullin' all types of stalling tatics. I for one, am sick and tired of it. This routine is getting old..




TheFranchise2002 it's nice to know that I'm not the only one.. :)



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Guest Downhome

Am I the only one who sees this as a pretty big dissapointment, seeing how just last week they pulled in a 3.9? I mean, just a 0.1 increase after a PPV and Austin's big return, and more. That can't actually be looked upon as a good number, not at all.


If it isn't more than that next week, I'm talking more than a 0.1 increase, then something is very wrong.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

I guess it could be considered a dissapointment if I actually beleived any of the fans left in WWE were stupid enough to buy into a ppv headlined by Rock/Hogan 2 and Austin/Bischoff.


The fact of the matter is the kids are all gone now. The audience grew up in the Austin era and WWE has done NOTHING to bring back the youth segment...yet continue to book like the only people that matter are the ones who can't remember/don't care what happened ten minutes ago.


They're all gone now. At least .1 of them came back.

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Guest Downhome
The fact of the matter is the kids are all gone now. The audience grew up in the Austin era and WWE has done NOTHING to bring back the youth segment...yet continue to book like the only people that matter are the ones who can't remember/don't care what happened ten minutes ago.


They're all gone now. At least .1 of them came back.

I was thinking along these lines also. Perhaps the ratings are not even going to go all that much higher anyhow, perhaps what they are pulling in right now SHOULD be looked at as outstanding. I mean, they are doing much better than they did before the Pro. Wrestling boom aren't they?


As is, maybe no matter what they do with many of the people they have right now, the ratings wont go up all that much, but instead will just remain steady.


It'll take a hell of another Pro. Wrestling boom to even begin to LOOK like they'll get numbers like they did a few years ago.

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Guest Jobber of the Week
The fact of the matter is the kids are all gone now. The audience grew up in the Austin era and WWE has done NOTHING to bring back the youth segment...yet continue to book like the only people that matter are the ones who can't remember/don't care what happened ten minutes ago.

Okay, so let me get this straight. You got two "booms" that added a bunch of fans to the pro wrestling scene:


* The Hulkster bodyslamming Andre "Whatchoo gonna do brother?" t-shirt tearing milk drinking boom


* The Austin DX Rock Foley vehicles falling out of the sky boom kapow "Holy shit did she just take her top off?" Russo boom



Supposedly, a lot of the people in the second group left, leaving a few reamining and what's left of the people in the first. Now, I wasn't there, but what from what I've understood, the old "What the world is watching!" days of the company were not known for their psychology-driven brawls, aside from Randy Savage and Ricky Steamboat.


It seems like what guys like BPS are constantly crying for is shows reminiscant of the days when Bret, Davey Boy, Shawn, etc were up there in the card and the whole show was a workrate fan's dream. (If I'm running on revisionist history, sorry. Again, I wasn't there.)


But the thing is that shit didn't draw flies. The company was on the risk of bankruptcy.

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Guest The Hamburglar
It seems like what guys like BPS are constantly crying for is shows reminiscant of the days when Bret, Davey Boy, Shawn, etc were up there in the card and the whole show was a workrate fan's dream. (If I'm running on revisionist history, sorry. Again, I wasn't there.)


But the thing is that shit didn't draw flies. The company was on the risk of bankruptcy.

Well, you're right about those guys not drawing anything, but I wouldn't say WWF back then was workrate-driven. King Mabel, Diesel, Sid, Yokozuna, they were all right up there. Workrate today is much better.

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Guest Brian

Besides, the mid-card was filled with horrible gimmicks and stupid storylines. BPS, like many others, is just asking for a wrestling promotion that actually does something to cater to wrestling fans while rewarding the workers who do well but not losing sight on strylines.

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Am I the only one who sees this as a pretty big dissapointment, seeing how just last week they pulled in a 3.9? I mean, just a 0.1 increase after a PPV and Austin's big return, and more. That can't actually be looked upon as a good number, not at all.


If it isn't more than that next week, I'm talking more than a 0.1 increase, then something is very wrong.

A lot rests on the rating for NEXT week's Raw, if they can increase two weeks in a row, we might just be getting somewhere.


That said, i can foresee a 3.4 coming...

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

I am not a workrate fan.


I am a realist. And therefore a fan of what sells.


It doesn't take a genius to realize that everything the WWE is doing is not getting that done.


I don't care if the main events are Big Show vs. Rikishi if that's what the business demands.


That being said...I am 100% certain (and have been for some time) that the business and it's future have been and are only being hurt by headlining ppvs with Hogan, Rock, HHH, Taker, HBK, Bischoff and Vince.


While WWE is trying to sign Goldberg for 2 dates they should be thinking about turning the business around.

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Guest AndrewTS

So, WWE should be doing shitty stuff if they happened to be doing shitty stuff during a period of high ratings? Also, they should do the SAME shitty stuff they were doing that happened to be what they did during those high ratings periods, despite that those were years ago?



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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

Yes. That's exactly what I said.


Thank you for taking the time to understand.


I salute you.

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