Guest ShamRock Report post Posted February 26, 2003 Not like hitting your brother or eating cany before dinner. I'm talking about stealing. I have been twice. Me and my friends went to the mall.It was the five of us.We wanted to check out a DVD in Target. They didn't have it,so as we were about to leave,my friends "shoulderblocks" the metal detector. Two security guards come up and take us to the back.I and my friend thought that we got in trouble for wrestling.But we didn't. They tell us to drop all the merchandise we have. We don't have nothing on ourselves. So the security guard tells my friend where he left the DVD. Me and my other two friends were confused.The other one wasn't because he was in on it with his brother. The security guard gets the DVD and then gives us this whole big speech . The one who tried to steal the DVD, which was American Idol by the way, had to stay to fill out a report. So the four of us walk out and we got caught in Target again,they would get us for traspassing. Later the brother of the dude who tried to steal the wrapper told me that they wanted to steal the wrapper of the DVD so they could return a PS2 game,but they would keep the game at home and put nothing in the case. I still go in Target occasionally,but I never get caught trespassing. Another time was at Suncoast. They didn't give us a reason why they banned us from the store. My friend stole RR01 DVD from there once.It could've been the brothers trying to commit refun fraud everytime they bought a wrestling DVD there! The fucking bastards got me banned from two stores. I shouldn't went in the first place. Any of you got stories? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Sandman9000 Report post Posted February 26, 2003 I started the civil war. And I suggest dropping your stealing bastard friends. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest treble charged Report post Posted February 26, 2003 One time I got accused of beating up little kids on the school yard. The vice-principal said that I could have been charged with assault, even though I actually hadn't done anything. They had followed us around the school yard so we kicked some snow at them. I hated that bitch of a vice-principal. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Kinetic Report post Posted February 26, 2003 Well, I have been accused of stealing a few hearts here and there. But, like I told them at the time, I have no use for hearts and I didn't even realize that the butcher shop was there. True story. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Kotzenjunge Report post Posted February 26, 2003 I'm currently being accused of stalking that girl in Louisiana whose conversation I posted in the LSD folder. Apparently I sent her a letter WITHOUT KNOWING HER ADDRESS. It's made me an even larger pariah on, and I've decided to wipe my hands of that site and all the Internet Drama that lies within. Actually, I'm sick of Internet Drama period. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest RugbyDiva Report post Posted February 26, 2003 yeah... and I know this girl who was accused of taking the breath away from a guy. Now that's some serious stuff. -Lis' Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Samurai_Goat Report post Posted February 26, 2003 I've been accused of stalking multiple girls, and considering I only know the location of 3 places (school, movie place, walmart) it'd be impressive for me to stalk anyone. One girl I didn't even know. My biggest obvious crime? I'm the quiet guy. You know, you always watch the quiet ones? Well, apparently that's me. "I know you're stalking me because you're always so...quiet." Dead serious. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest NoCalMike Report post Posted February 26, 2003 Ya know this happened to me when I was approx 7 or 8 years old. It may seem petty, but it really affected the way I couldn't stand up for myself for years to come. When I was in class, the teacher told all of the students to get our books out, and under my breath I said, "oh, well I already have mine out" and for some reason she felt I had said, "I don't care what you want us to do" So I was immediately sent to the principal's office. He asked me what happened so I told him, and when I say that, I meant I was literally in tears trying to plead my case, yes I was crying,(I was 7 dammit). Then he asked the teacher and of course she gave me her version. Then of course he took her side and gave me some huge speech about it is not good to lie about things. Now being 7 or 8, I FINALLY gave in, and then aplogized, it was stupid, I know, but at the time I was more afraid of the principal telling my parents a lie than getting the truth out. At the time I never thought it would play a part later in life, however to this day, I remember second-to-second how it went down. For the longest time in the following years I was afraid to stand up to authority or just other people because I always thought it I did, I would be shut down and told I was a liar. I guess it made me afraid of confrontation. I would always agree with things I thought were wrong just to avoid confrontation. Oh well, years went by and now I am normal again, but I will never forget that bitch of a teacher because I told her to her face what I REALLY SAID, and she refused to believe it and went on to tell the principal that I was a liar. So I give a big FUCK YOU to Mrs. Whatever her name was. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest IDrinkRatsMilk Report post Posted February 26, 2003 I went to court for allegedly molesting children in the name of Satan. It's a LONG story, but in a nutshell, the charges were the most ridulous bullshit I've ever heard. Nothing ever came of it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest papacita Report post Posted February 26, 2003 Never anything serious. Back when I was either 8 or 9, I was sitting on the step with my friends Shawn and Muhammad when a car goes by...I think we were playing with thumbtacks or something...I dunno, but I just come outta nowhere and say "Hey, wouldn't it be funny if that car rolled over a tack or something and got a flat tire?" So my dumb ass friends look at me like "That's a great idea! Let's try it!!!", and run out and start laying thumbtacks in the middle of the street. Being the goody two shoes that I am, I'm desperately trying to stop them, but they do it anyway. Then, a couple of cars come by, roll over the tacks, and nothing happens. Relieved, I tell them to just forget about it, but now they're determined to flatten somebody's tire, and since the original idea didn't work, they decided to flatten one of the parked cars on the street. For the first couple of cars they tried, the tires were too thick, and again I tell them to leave it alone so they don't get in trouble. But again, they don't listen to me, and are finally able to penetrate someone's tires with the tacks. I damn near flipped when I heard the air escaping from the tires, and bitched at them for a good five minutes to stop, but tell me to "stop being a baby" and keep on poking holes. Finally, I'm like "Ok, fuck y'all", and head back towards my house to keep from getting into trouble. Now, I was getting ready to go inside, and my friend Muhammad's sister (my girl at the time) stops me and asks what they're doing, when all of a sudden I hear "WHAT Y'ALL DOIN'?!?!?!!?" The car's owner bursts out of her house, they come running back up towards me, and I walk (somewhat quickly) across the street towards my house. She chases my friends toward their houses, and before I went inside she points at me and says "YOU'RE NEXT! I'M TELLIN YOUR MOTHER!" and I'm like "NOOOOOOOO!" and start crying and shit. In the end, I told them the whole story so everything worked out fine, but I never let my friends hear the end of that. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest kkktookmybabyaway Report post Posted February 26, 2003 In my fast-food days some old wench accused me of pelting her car with ranch dressing. I was in high school, and I would have had to drive on my lunch break and hit her car with dressing packets during the middle of the store's busiest shift -- in broad daylight, mind you. Ironically, a few weeks later I got fired for saying that this chick's daughter just stood around and never did anything... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites