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Guest Dangerous A

A couple of problems I have with the upcoming

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Guest Jobber of the Week
Their going to build this feud up after Austin spills coffee on the Rock.

You mean Zima, right? ;)


Although Austin spilling drink on Rock's tofu is (not) an awesome way to start a feud.

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Guest Rob Edwards

I can't see the what-ing ruining Rock's mic work, He'll just find a way to play off it, probably in a similar vein to Angle

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Guest Austin3164life

Perhaps Austin might not use "what?" after all. The best mic work for him to do is how he talked in earlier 2001 when he always interrupted people and just said what he wanted to say, defiantly. Austin/Rock feud has a ton of backstory and is one of the feuds comparable to HBK/Bret or Hogan/Savage.

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Guest The Hamburglar

Rock and Austin somehow managed to pull an awesome two weeks of buld-up out of their rectums in 2001 despite being hornswoggled into pointless "Debra as manager to the Rock" crap by Vince. For any doubters, I invite you to recall the sit-down interview Rock and Austin had with JR in the week preceeding Wrestlemania. It was fucking awesome, intesity personified. When they're on, none can touch these two on the mic, and they can make gold out of nothing. Have faith in Rock and Austin when they're in a program together.

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Guest Your Olympic Hero

Austin has beaten Rock at WM twice, so obviously Rock needs the job back.... but are they really gonna job out Austin in his first PPV match back?

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Guest Dangerous A
Austin has beaten Rock at WM twice, so obviously Rock needs the job back.... but are they really gonna job out Austin in his first PPV match back?

Vince may have Austin job to Rock as penance for leaving in the first place. If Rock doesn't immediately leave after WM, I could see Rock going over. Also depends on what happens in other matches like Lesnar/Angle and Booker/HHH. I could see two out of three heels winning or two out of three faces winning these matches, but not a clean sweep for either side.

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Guest Choken One
I can't see the what-ing ruining Rock's mic work, He'll just find a way to play off it, probably in a similar vein to Angle

What? Angle STILL hasn't be able to avoid the whating...Angle was Horrible giving Promos during the What era...The best one at fighting "what" was, Triple H.


I would like for Rock to Finally GET some sort of Comppuence (?) at Mania and then they could have a final match at Backlash or Judgement Day.


The set of this angle is pretty much going to go two ways...One, it will just be an continuation of a long fued dating back to 1997 or tHe whole

"You left for money, I left for the Business" revolving Austin's walking out and Rock leaving the fans.


However, the Austin left the fans and tHE COMPANy angle shouldn't be done with Rock/Austin but instead should be the storyline for the eventful HHH/Austin fued...

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This feud has been done too many times and personally i don't want to see it ever again.

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Guest Choken One

Why not? All variations of this fued has been very excellently done and the matches have been very good...It is certaintly better then alot of other possible combonations...

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Guest Lord of The Curry

My idea: Since The Rock is only supposedly going to be around for 2 PPV's before taking off, the WWE should use him to the fullest extent that they can a.k.a put somebody over.


I would job The Rock out to Austin at Mania because to me it's a much more important match for Austin to win then it is for Rock to win.


The next Tuesday night on Smackdown have The Rock show up, totally ignoring his loss to Austin and saying "The Rock has chosen to come to Smackdown because he is too good for RAW." He can cut a promo involving Hollywood and call wrestling just a "hobby."


Enter Chris Benoit. As I've said before, Benoit should be the one to retire The Rock, storyline and personality wise it's a tailor-made feud. Beniot can be the passionate, long-suffering journeyman and Rock can be the cocky, arrogant prick who sees wrestling as a hobby, not his life. Do Benoit vs Rock at Backlash, Benoit taps Rock out in the middle of the ring and Rock "retires" aka goes away for a couple months before the ratings plummet again.

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Instead of feuding with each other it's time for them to pass the torch to other wrestlers, doing the same feuds over and over it's what's killing this company, people want to see new blood on the main event scene.

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