Guest TheZsaszHorsemen Report post Posted February 27, 2003 I loved how weeks and weeks leading up to the show all of the smarks here were speculating on whether HBK had the "balls" to show up. Or what that vindictive Montreal crowd would do to him. Well, HBK DID show up. The crowd booed... ...for about five seconds, then they cheer him for beating up two Canadians. So it seems not even people from Montreal give a shit about the Screwjob. (By the way, I told you all he was going to be cheered. It's consistant with the rest of the HBK/Bret Hart relationship.) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest BiOHaZaRD EX Report post Posted February 27, 2003 I noticed that as well. I fully believed that he was going to be booed at Montreal, when the complete opposite happened! I guess those WWE fans at the time who witnessed it don't watch WWE anymore. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Eagan469 Report post Posted February 27, 2003 In reflection I think everyone accepts that Vince did it to save his company's reputation, not to screw over Bret. If I were put in the same situation I would have orchestrated the same thing. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest art_vandelay Report post Posted February 27, 2003 No. In conclusion, the good and memorable qualities of HBK far outweigh any political mishappenings he may have committed in the past. He's done a lot for fans, and they appreciate him for it. Earl Hebner, on the other hand, is a referee who's contributions to the WWE are non-existent and minute in the eyes of the fan. In other words, he's an easy target that gives no reason for fans to cheer him otherwise. Vince McMahon got one of the loudest cheers at the WMX8 press conference in Toronto. It was only when he made apperances in character as a heel that large, "You screwed Bret" chants were heard. Even these are quite rare compared to Hebner's, which are almost always guaranteed. Fans still remember and care about SS97, as evidenced by Morley vs. Lawler with Hebner on Monday. However, blame for the screw-job can be forgiven by other acts, such as putting on classic matches over many years and bringing the WWE to one's home town. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Choken One Report post Posted February 27, 2003 I said this for an whole month and EVERYONE pretty much said I was an Ignoramous and I was an Idiot because Canada HATES Shawn...Yeah...Right back at ya Mother Canuckers. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest treble charged Report post Posted February 27, 2003 They were smart in only having him out there for a short period of time. I think if he had had a match, the crowd may have started to turn on him. I will admit I was a little shocked when the boos he got when he first came out weren't sustained, though. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Trivia247 Report post Posted February 27, 2003 I believe there is still some aggrivation that is conciously done by Vince, Earl etc to keep Heel heat alive.... though a 6 year old scandal shouldn't be that sooo dominating everytime they go to the city. how many times has the WWF/WWE went to Montreal since November 97? and why did it need to be such a issue each time? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Polish_Rifle Report post Posted February 27, 2003 All will be forgiven if and when the Hit Man returns for one final appearance. (Wishful Thinking) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest art_vandelay Report post Posted February 27, 2003 how many times has the WWF/WWE went to Montreal since November 97? Well, everytime they come to Toronto they go to Montreal as well so, approximately 5 times (excluding House Shows). and why did it need to be such a issue each time? NWO was a special case because it was HBK's return to Montreal. Nonetheless, the city is synonymous with SS97 and will continue to be for the forseeable future if Vince continues to re-hash it every opportunity he gets. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Deebo Report post Posted February 27, 2003 Canadians got over it. They could have booed the hell out of him, but I guess they figured.."AH WHAT THE HELL, ITS OUR FIRST TIME SEEING HIM IN FIVE YEARS, LETS JUST CHEER" Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Hitman Jebus Report post Posted February 27, 2003 Canadians got over it. They could have booed the hell out of him, but I guess they figured.."AH WHAT THE HELL, ITS OUR FIRST TIME SEEING HIM IN FIVE YEARS, LETS JUST CHEER" Live from Montreal...It's the Hitman Je(e)bus: Anyway, I could have told you we would cheer Shawn a long time ago. We've had plenty of Raw's and SmackDown's in the past 2 years and everytime they would play the "desire" video...Shawn would get cheered like crazy along with Bret, Owen, Davey, Hulk, Andre and Austin. We booed at first but then realized we don't's not that those fans weren't there in 97. Montreal fans are longtime fans who cheer EVERY NAME from the past...we're nostalgic like that! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest The Mighty Damaramu Report post Posted February 27, 2003 You say "the smarks" here like you aren't one. Please.... And I'll admit that I was shocked they cheered for him. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest mach7 Report post Posted February 27, 2003 No one cares about SS 97 anymore Obviously hypocritical WWE does. They constantly banter on about how fans can't get over it. Yet they constantly pull out a screwjob whenever they're in Montreal or whenever there's a Survivor Series PPV. Idiots. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest The Mighty Damaramu Report post Posted February 27, 2003 I don't think the fans do it out of anger or anything like that anymore. I think the fans just do it to do it. Because it's something fun to do. I don't think they're serious anymore. This was evidenced by HBK. He's a face and he was attacking the heels so they cheered for him. SS97 had nothing to do with it. Earl Hebner however is not an over face or anything. He's just the referee so it makes no difference to chant "you screwed Bret" at him b/c he's not a big part of the show. See it's just a fun thing they do. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest JMA Report post Posted February 27, 2003 If HBK had done a promo he would have gotten huge boos and chants. They just had him run out fast and leave fast. Not to mention the announcers were yelling too loud to hear anything. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest bob_barron Report post Posted February 27, 2003 Damaramu is right. I chant 'You Screwed Bret' all the time because it's fun to chant and Hebner usually plays it up. At RAW he held up a sign that said 'Brett screwed Brett' to heel heat Share this post Link to post Share on other sites