Guest Joe_G Report post Posted February 28, 2003 Wow, it's only about 2 weeks away. Special K (featuring Slim J) vs. Low Ki & Da Hit Squad Hard to say if this'll be any good. Depends on which of the 467 members of Special K are in the match. I'm guessing it'll be more of a traditional six man than the usual balls out Scramble matches. #1 Contenders Trophy Match Homicide vs. Samoa Joe vs. EZ Money vs. BJ Whitmer Hmmm, two things don't belong here. Don't get me wrong, EZ and BJ are fine wrestlers, but does anyone give them a hope in hell here? I'd rather see a straight up Homicide/Joe match. Tag Team Scramble Match Winners Receive A Tag Title Shot Later That Night Backseat Boyz vs. Paul London/AJ Styles vs. SAT vs. Carnage Crew Another four way match? I hope the Carnage Crew takes an early exit. I'm betting on London/Styles. Raven vs. CM Punk I'm guessing this'll be like one of Raven's ECW brawls. It'll either be watchable or a trainwreck. Matt Stryker vs. Chad Collyer Two pretty middle of the road guys. Alex Arion vs Hotstuff Hernandez Meh. ROH Tag Title Match Winners Of Scramble Match vs. Christopher Daniels & Xavier I'm guessing it'll be London/Styles vs. Daniels/Xavier and we see a title change. Should be great. Red'll be on the show too, but they don't know who he's wrestling. Looks like a pretty good card, but nowhere near the other Mass shows. We'll see how it plays out. BTW, has anyone gotten their tickets yet? I ordered mine a while ago and still nothing. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest ShooterJay Report post Posted February 28, 2003 3rd row seats, I sent them to my house and not my dorm, haven't asked my parents whether they've arrived yet. I ordered them about a week ago. As for the card, The Ki/Hit Squad vs. Special K match should be cool- Ki is at his most fun to watch when he's murdering midget spot machines. The #1 contenders' fourway looks "meh" to me. I agree that a Homicide/Joe one-on-one match would be better. The scramble match should be good, if the Carnage Crew leave early. The other six guys are my favorite indy workers, so I'm looking forward to this match the most, for sheer markout value. Raven/Punk: I don't care how good it is, I want to see Raven. Matt Stryker/Chad Collyer: This match depends on your tastes, really. Why do they keep bringing back Alex Arion? The tag title match will be par excellance. Edit: Guess who just got booked for this show: AMAZING RED~! HELL YEAH! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest j.o.b. squad Report post Posted February 28, 2003 for the 6 man it coude be bad or real bad. if they are trying to move special k up to feud with corinos group. After the prophacy leaves due to daniels geting picked up by wwe it coude come off real bad otherwise this is going to be a big ole squash #1 contender 4 way I woude expect joe to win that so that they can have the prophacy corinos feud start in ernest with the xavier joe match in the scramble match(they need to knock this off) I dont see the carnage crew geting far into this match. i woude expect eather the backseats or team wildside to win. If the backseats win it sets up a big money match up champions vs champions. Also styles and london woude be good choices to win so that you can get the titles off the phrophacy in case they desolve with daniels being signed by wwe raven vs punk dont see this as a good match up punk can work circles aroun raven tag title match if it is backseats this match schould be great the backseats might even instill fan intrest in xavier who in the 3 matches i have seen him in live has appered to me to be the kidman of the indys 1 or 2 cool spots but the personality of a stone if it is styles and london it schould also be a good match and i see a title change takeing place to cement them as a tag team Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Galactic Gigolo Report post Posted March 2, 2003 I really want to check out this show, but unfortunately An Evening with Ice-T in New York has top priority on the 15th. Looks like a decent card, as I'm always a big fan of the product ROH puts out. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest j.o.b. squad Report post Posted March 2, 2003 well in related news at a wxw show in essen germany trent acid was injured and admited to a hospital Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest ShooterJay Report post Posted March 2, 2003 well in related news at a wxw show in essen germany trent acid was injured and admited to a hospital NOOOOO WHY GOD WHY? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest j.o.b. squad Report post Posted March 3, 2003 turns out it was just a concusion and he is ok now Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Phoenix Fury Legdrop Report post Posted March 3, 2003 Slim J is OUT of the six-man with Special K; he's now in a singles match with Red. Should be average-good, like their previous singles match at Wildside. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites