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Guest cynicalprofit

What would Vince do if a large amount of the

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Guest cynicalprofit

What would Vince do if a large amount of the talent was to die suddenly? Lets say its a plane crash. What would Vince's response to it be? He probably couldnt do a show just because no one would be in a good enough emotional state. Would he even bother to do wrestling anymore? Would he actually hire Chris Daniels and Low-Ki then? I dont know, just wondering.

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Guest Spaceman Spiff

That's pretty...morbid.


If that was the case, that would probably mean people for a tour, which isn't even an entire show's roster. So, w/ the other show's roster and the remainder of the afflicted roster, coupled w/ some OVW call-ups, there'd probably be enough people to still put on shows. Probably sign a few top indy guys, but that would probably be the extent of it.


And I could see him cancelling shows for a week (or at least I'd hope he would).

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Guest El Satanico

Vince would likely say fuck it and retire.


If Shane won ownership I'd say he'd bring in the top indy stars and at least give them a shot.


If Stephanie won ownership...then i think we all know what would happen.

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Guest Youth N Asia

Why would he buy TNA? Are any of their guys under real long term contracts? He wouldn't buy it out...he would just pick the pieces and take what he'd want. I wouldn't want the WWE stuck with the Harris brothers again

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Guest Choken One

The only time such an incident like this ever occured was the plane crash of 77 that had included Johnny Valentine and the future legend, Ric Flair.


It's an Morbid topic and quite frankly, I think your fucking disturbed...


However, Let's say that A plane containing WWE superstars (which is rare, since aside from Intl. Shows, they hardly ever use the plane) goes down...McMahon will learn from the backlash Raw is Owen got and not play a show for that week...You know what? I really don't know what?

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Guest Frankie Williams
Why would he buy TNA? Are any of their guys under real long term contracts? He wouldn't buy it out...he would just pick the pieces and take what he'd want. I wouldn't want the WWE stuck with the Harris brothers again

Dude....look at the topic of this post. A ridiculous post deserves a ridicuous responce. Dont let your panties get in a bind over this.

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Guest notJames

I don't think this thread is overly morbid. Depressing, maybe. But it's a valid question.


How did a lot of the old-timey territories deal with loss of talent back in the day? They tried to move on with whomever they had, or formed alliances with other struggling federations. The question at hand is which talent could they "afford" to lose, and which could they use to rebuild. On ther other hand, could Vince and Co. survive by buying out smaller feds or allying themselves with foreign organizations?


As for the morbidity of the topic, it's also valid because it's been shown that Vince deals with the death(s) of wrestlers in different ways. Would he halt touring and TV production? How long? I'm sure we'd get the Owen treatment if a majority of the roster was lost, but how soon before they'd go back to "business as usual"?


An interesting question for sure, not to be dismissed so quickly just because it might challenge people's sensibilities.

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Guest Brian

I think the better question would actually be what if HHH, Austin or Undertaker died, would it force Vince to start building for the future?

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Guest notJames

Cynically speaking, it might spur him even harder to sign Goldberg, since Vince isn't known for learning from the past.


That or we'd hear something like "… and NEWWWWWW WW_ champion, Test!!!"

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Guest Spaceman Spiff
That or we'd hear something like "… and NEWWWWWW WW_ champion, Test!!!"

OK, now that's even more disturbing than the original topic.

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Guest Brian

I think the whole Test-thing has cooled for the most part. I think they're just trying to turn him into a mid-carder first.

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Guest BoboBrazil

I have to admit, I've wondered about this topic as well. I've also wondered what would happen if the McMahon private jet crashed with HHH, Vince, and Stephanie inside.

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Guest kkktookmybabyaway

I've wondered this as well -- all it takes is one faulty jet while doing an overseas tour.


My guess is that the media will think it's a publicity stunt or something and then go on and call V.K. McMahon the devil or somthing...

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Guest jester
What would Vince do if a large amount of the talent was to die suddenly?

Dance around singing "Yay! I finally unloaded Mark Henry and Big Show's contracts!"

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Guest DerangedHermit

Triple H would fuck all the wrestlers' dead corpses.




Frankly, I'm surprised no one said this!

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Guest RevEvil

This is kinda like the episode of Seinfeld where they meet Keith Hernandez and George discusses the possibility of a baseball team's plane crashing. I'm surprised that hasn't happened to a North American sports team yet. I hope I'm not giving any terrorists any ideas, although if something happened to the yankees, I wouldn't cry.

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Guest Vern Gagne

The Marshall football team in the early 70's lost like 30 players in a plane crash.


This may sound morbid. It depends on who dies in the plane crash. Anyone dieing is a tragedy. But looking at it through a strickly business standpoint, there are more important wrestlers to Vince McMahon.

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Guest Downhome

I've always wondered this also, this is a great topic if you ask me. I think Vince would stop running shows for a few weeks, and durring the time off he would hire more talent, and totally re-start his on tv aspect of WWE.

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Guest Jobber of the Week

It's a slightly valid question, since The Plane Ride From Hell would have killed a whole bunch of people, including several main eventers and Stephanie McMahon, should Donkey Kong have busted the door open by accident.


I just think they'll run nothing but 2 hours of video packages. Promos with music running in the background, matches with various color overlays, you name it. Giant long video packages for every feud.


Then, after the packages, JR says "BAW GAWD STAY TUNED." Then they go to CSI.

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Guest TheGame2705

Personally I think that's incredibly stupid to think about some WWE superstars dying so your stupid little indy shits can get their chance at the big time. That's how I see it. Sorry if that offends any indy fans but that's how I feel. When I say indy shits I don't mean that they're all shitty either.


Secondly, Vince would continue. Vince would just probably stop production until everything settled over. They'd notify families, prepare memorial services, etc. then he'd continue as usual with just trying to spawn new feuds.

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Guest cynicalprofit
I've always wondered this also, this is a great topic if you ask me.

Well atleast someone respects the question's uniqueness.

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Guest Space_Cowboy

The WWE could focus on the cartoon thing they're supposedly doing, so they could still have all their superstars, just in animated form.

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Guest evilhomer
I think the better question would actually be what if HHH, Austin or Undertaker died, would it force Vince to start building for the future?

As we see from injury layoffs, no. The main players stay the main players until another current main eventer comes back to push them down one step. If one of them were to be permanently gone, we'd just have a sustained run with the top players staying where they are. Vince might get a pet project (see: Lesnar,Brock) and decide to run with it, but for the most part, we'd still see the same guys at the top, just with a smaller cycle.



If HHH, Austin AND Undertaker were to go, then it wouldn't leave him with much choice. Unless of course he wanted to see if Angle could really carry a corpse to four+ stars.

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Guest Ace309
Personally I think that's incredibly stupid to think about some WWE superstars dying so your stupid little indy shits can get their chance at the big time. That's how I see it. Sorry if that offends any indy fans but that's how I feel. When I say indy shits I don't mean that they're all shitty either.


Woah, there, way to miss the point, Buddy.

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