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Guest BDC

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Guest BDC
(CNN) -- The Anti-Defamation League has denounced a campaign by an animal rights group that compares slaughtering animals to the murder of 6 million Jews in World War II.


The graphic campaign and exhibit "Holocaust on Your Plate," devised by the People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, juxtaposes 60-square-foot panels displaying gruesome scenes from Nazi death camps side by side with disturbing photographs from factory farms and slaughterhouses. One shows a starving man in a concentration camp next to a starving cow.


The exhibit opens Friday in San Diego, California, and went up Thursday at the University of California at Los Angeles. It also is posted on a PETA Web site, www.masskilling.com, which calls for support for the campaign from the Jewish community.


The comparisons prompted an angry statement from Abraham Foxman, Anti-Defamation League national director and a Holocaust survivor.


"The effort by PETA to compare the deliberate, systematic murder of millions of Jews to the issue of animal rights is abhorrent," the statement said. "PETA's effort to seek approval for their 'Holocaust on Your Plate' campaign is outrageous, offensive and takes chutzpah to new heights."


Lisa Lange, PETA's vice president of communications, told CNN's "American Morning With Paula Zahn" on Friday that the idea for the public relations effort came from the late Nobel Prize-winning author Isaac Bashevis Singer, who, she said, wrote: "In relation to them [animals], all people are Nazis; for them it is an eternal Treblinka" -- a death camp in Poland.


Lange said the campaign is appropriate because "Nazi concentration camps were modeled after slaughterhouses."


The Singer quote, which the group draws upon in its literature as well, was not spoken directly by him but rather comes from his novel "Enemies: A Love Story," when the main character muses on the plight of animals. Singer was a vegetarian who believed strongly in animal rights.


"It's shocking, it's startling, it's very hard to look at," Lange said of the exhibit. "We're attacking the mind-set" that condones the slaughter of animals.


"The very same mind-set that made the Holocaust possible -- that we can do anything we want to those we decide are 'different or inferior' -- is what allows us to commit atrocities against animals every single day," PETA representative Mark Prescott wrote in a statement, which added that members of Prescott's family were murdered by Nazis.


The Anti-Defamation League statement, however, counters that "abusive treatment of animals should be opposed, but cannot and must not be compared to the Holocaust."


At the time I voted, 89% of people had said this was "An unfair and outrageous comparison ". 11% said it was "An effective argument for animal rights ".


PETA, for taking advantage of millions of deaths for the advancement of your own agenda, I'd like to send out a very rare and very emotional reward from me, it's the FUCK YOU, YOU WORTHLESS EXCUSES FOR HUMAN LIFE award.

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Guest kkktookmybabyaway

It's stories like this that remind me why I don't give a crap about PETA.


I'm all for more humane treatment of animals that will end up on my dinner plate, but this comparison only defeats the cause...

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Guest JMA

I'd heard about this. I think compairing the Holocaust to animal slaughter is a grave insult to Jews and all those hated by Hitler. It's a very unfair compairson (obviously). Animals are killed for a good reason, those in the Holocaust weren't. Even if you're a vegan you have to admit there is a good reason animals are killed. That being said, I have the utmost respect for vegans. Hitler killed people because he wanted a pure race while animals are killed for food.


Killing something to survive is humane. Period. It's the law of nature.

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Guest Vern Gagne

11% think it was an effective argument for Animal Rights. That number is still way too high.

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Guest Mad Dog



Just when you think that these people can't get any dumber and more disgusting they go and top themselves.

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Guest The Hamburglar

Since when were animal rights weirdos considered to be liberals? They have their own category - animal rights weirdos.

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Guest JMA
Since when were animal rights weirdos considered to be liberals? They have their own category - animal rights weirdos.

Agreed. Unfourtunately, idiot talk-radio hosts will blame liberals for this (like everything else). :rolleyes:

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Guest evenflowDDT
Since when were animal rights weirdos considered to be liberals? They have their own category - animal rights weirdos.

I agree fully, I mean I'm "liberal" and still think this is an outrageous comparison (although, given how the Nazis dehumanized the Jews in the concentration camps such that many survivors, to survive had to throw any sense of morals and, in their words, "become animals" to survive means that there is an ironic, unintended, symbolic context).


Why can't there be any normal animal rights activists?

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Guest LooseCannon

What really irks me, is that these people are basically comparing Jews to animals. I know they didn't intend it in the way it sounds, but that's the way it comes off to me.

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Guest Vern Gagne

The overall vegetarian comment was wrong.


I just find it ironic that one of the biggest mass murderers was a strong animal rights supporter.

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Guest Olympic Slam
What really irks me, is that these people are basically comparing Jews to animals. I know they didn't intend it in the way it sounds, but that's the way it comes off to me.

That's what bothers me most about this as well. What happens to animals before they end up on my plate is undoubtably horrible and I have no desire to ever see the process because as a staunch animal lover, it would seriously bother me. However, there's one huge reason why the Nazi death camps were and still are a horrifying thought: killing humans is completley different than killing animals. That's the problem with PETA, they view animals as equal or higher than humans when in fact, they're not. They're walking sources of food, that's their life duty!


I will say this about PETA though, they're the only leftist activist group that routinely has female followers that are actually really hot. It almost makes up for their insanity, almost.

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Guest JMA
That's the problem with PETA, they view animals as equal or higher than humans when in fact, they're not. They're walking sources of food, that's their life duty!

I disagree about their life duty just being food. Keep in mind that humans are animals themselves (sentience animals, but animals nonetheless).


I will say this about PETA though, they're the only leftist activist group that routinely has female followers that are actually really hot. It almost makes up for their insanity, almost.

They aren't a leftist group.

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Guest kkktookmybabyaway

"They aren't a leftist group."


They are in my book.


What's a shame is that I agree with a lot of what they try to do, but damn, they go at it all wrong...

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I will say this about PETA though, they're the only leftist activist group that routinely has female followers that are actually really hot. It almost makes up for their insanity, almost.

They aren't a leftist group.

Are so.


As a member of the right I'm sure not going to take ownership of them :)

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Guest Silence

If the clowns at PETA spent 5 minutes with the real Schutzstaffel in one their camps, they would think twice before spouting such nonsence.


Now I think I'll eat a hamburger to salute PETA.

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Guest Midnight Express83

I am a leftest(some what), and NOBODY wants to claim PETA.


I am sorry but what happens to Carl the Cow does not warrent a comparing exmaple of anywhere from 8 to 12 million people being KILLED because they were different. Saying "killing of animals is wrong" is sone thing. Having that done by bringing up one of the blackest peroids of the 20th Century, hell the HUMAN history is just so wrong that it shouldnt be allowed. Freedom of Speech does have limits, not allowing decency should fit in that group. And this is coming from a person who doesn't like censorship

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Guest Mad Dog

Let's just say they're the freaks of society and quit trying to push them onto the other side.

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Guest Kahran Ramsus

They are leftist, they just happen to be further to the left than most liberals will be willing to go.

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Guest B-X

Actually, Hitler was a connesuer (sp?) of fine sausages and hams.


I should edit this and say that Hitler was seen many times eaing sausages and hams. Just not frequently.

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Guest Agent of Oblivion

I've said it before, and I'll say it again: I'm going to eat a member of PETA someday. It's one of my goals in life. Can't eat a chicken, huh? Well friend, you're going to take his place.


Their goals are asinine anyway. Do you know what would happen to the economy if the meat industry went under? Look out below.

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Guest MrRant

I personally wouldn't mind watching a building full of these animal hippies be burned down.

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Guest JMA
I personally wouldn't mind watching a building full of these animal hippies be burned down.

Hippies don't have jobs. They aren't hippies.

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Guest TheMikeSC
Even bleeding heart liberals like myself absolutely hate PETA.

Pro-lifers hate the guys who kill abortion doctors.


We still get lumped in with them.


Live with it.


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Guest evenflowDDT
I personally wouldn't mind watching a building full of these animal hippies be burned down.

Ummm... you know, every liberal's not a hippie. And every vegetarian isn't a PETA member.

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Guest JMA
Ummm... you know, every liberal's not a hippie. And every vegetarian isn't a PETA member.

What he said. The grass isn't greener on either side.

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Guest Powerplay
Ummm... you know, every liberal's not a hippie.  And every vegetarian isn't a PETA member.

What he said. The grass isn't greener on either side.

Um, wasn't Mr. Rant talking about PETA members? Or am I just missing something?

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