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Guest Tony149

2-28-03 Hoss Report

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Guest Tony149

Greetings from the black hat or whatever the hell I ramble about. Some big happenings over the past week, so let's get on right to the news.




The OAOAST reorganizied management last week when Tony149 stepped down as Executive Producer, after the whole BPP/CWM ordeal which sent shockwaves through the industry--which brought out the vultures--and heat from activist, dating back two months after Tony became "in power" in July 2002. Despite the hard work Tony did for the OAOAST, many still believe or blame him for the OAOAST's "changes." But have no fear... Tony will still direct and co-producer all OAOAST pay-per-view events.


In a personal note: as somebody who worked close with Tony, I ensure you, he feels bad that many feel once he "took over," they felt the fun was taken out. But Tony loves to remind those who feel that way, the OAOAST has had an increase of new recurits and ratings are hitting the 6s and 7s.


Now the George Steinbrenner of the OAOAST is in charge and making sure people know there roles. Of course, I'm talking about the new Executive Producer, Anglesault. 'Sault is already taking heat from the fans, especially those in the Boston, Mass. area for cancelling four sell-out shows and not bothering to offer refunds. Anglesault refused comment at the time of this release.


Big Poppa Popick's role in the OAOAST remains the same. Chairman of the OAOAST Board of Directors, "Cowboy" Bill Watts on BPP: "Stephen is a great young man with incredible talent in the creative part of this business."


Zack Malibu and Sandman9000 also move up the coporate ladder, as Zack now co-produces all OAOAST programming. Sandman is now an Associate Producer, but background checks are holding up his arrival at OAOAST HQs.



ZERO HOUR wasn't our best effort, due to a number of things. However, I promise you ANGLEMANIA II will rock the house--as the kids say--when it goes live on March 30th.


The INTENSE ZONE was most likely the best one yet. Everything clicked. A wonderful job by everyone involved with last Monday's telecast.




My God! What a breakout proformence

The Superstar is having in his feud with Tony "The Body." Great character development on Superstar's new flamboyant style. Superstar's phone has been ringing off the hook with Hollywood agents and producers trying to sign SS up with movie/TV deals.




Following my last report, I received some heat during my predictions for 2003 by suggesting the OAOAST would go into porno. Folks, J.R. is too old to get it up, but let it be known: that was totally BPP's idea. Did you know, he wanted to rename the OAOAST...get this...XPW. Xtreme Popick Wrestling. Ever seen The Simpsons episoda where Homer becomes the cartoon character "Poochie" on the Mickey/Dicky...I'm too old to follow the show folks... where he suggests they should always say "Where's Poochie?" That's exactly what BPP wanted to do; ask "Where's BPP?" Now good 'ol J.R. will probably get heat with BPP over that. But when isn't J.R. hated?


By the way, what's with pEople like ZACK ATTACK -- doesn't the name give away who's really the fraud behind the name ZACK? -- and Hot NewSWIRE~! ruining profeSsonal journalism? Guys like that make J.R. look old and so not hip.


If my report sucked this week, it's because I'm experiencing a hangover from drinking J.R.'s B-B-Q sauce. Pick it up at your supermarket.




Till next week,


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