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Guest Tony149

From the Inside

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Guest Tony149

Greetings from Nashville, where we've had exactly 119 minutes of sunshine in the last three weeks. However, harsh weather did not keep the fans away last Wednesday night at the TNA Asylum for another great night of action. Lots of news this week, so lets get to it.

TNA had its strongest advance gate this last Wednesday night, and turned away a record number of fans to the TNA Asylum. If you are planning a visit to the hottest wrestling venue in the country right now, make sure and order your tickets via Pay Pal on the site to guarantee your seat.


AJ Styles has quickly solidified his spot as a TNA main eventer, and this is only the beginning of what should be a great career for Styles. Styles has been a franchise player for TNA, and is a great example of what a ton of talent, ability, and a great attitude can get ya these days. Styles gets asked a lot about not taking the offer from WWE he was offered about a year ago. Did he make the right decision? Without a doubt. On the flipside maybe could have been used as one of those hilarious bit players from the Taker/Big Show feud, which has to be the best way to use great workers like Spanky and Kanyon. Don't get me started.

Alot of people have been asking about our business situation, and how things are looking these days. In reading the latest Year End Special of PWI, a page of the issue talks about my comments of our survival as a company from September, and how many people didn't give us a chance. Yet, here we are nearly nine months later stronger than ever. While we have made great strides as a company, we are not out of the woods yet. We are up against the clock and need to continue growth in all areas in order to assure our survival. While we have overcome hurdles and defied the odds, we aren't slowing down for a second as our biggest challenges lie ahead of us.


Jeff Jarrett is in Las Vegas this weekend with TNA execs booked solid with television and sponsor meetings. Jarrett will be appearing at the Roy Jones fight and the Nascar race this weekend.


Xplosion debuts on Time Warner in Manhattan this weekend. Check your local listings, as the program will be airing on a promotional channel. Xplosion also has gained clearance in Roanoke. Philly looks to be almost done as well.


John Boy and Billy have become big TNA fans. You can hear Don West every Wednesday morning on the big show.


I had a "welcome to the south" moment last night, as Jerry Lynn's prodigy student, the 6'9 300+ athlete working under the "Humongous" here locally shocked me last night by putting a large handful of peanuts into his full Pepsi can, saying the mixture was "pure heaven." I've never heard of such a combo in my life. He swears it is a Kentucky thing. I was disgusted. Keep your eye on this kid though, as he has an incredible physique, not to mention a tremendous understanding of the wrestling business. A little more ring time and he will be star. A big star. He has trained previously in OVW, and is now being trained by Jerry Lynn.


TNA Girl Miss Lollipop (guess who gave her that gimmick... :} ) has opened her own website, http://www.lollipopgirl.8m.com/. She has the unique ability to vibrate her booty at record speeds. Gotta love it.


Jimmy Yang burned a bridge with TNA management this week, refusing to sign a very simple and basic one night (with no further obligation) contract. Everyone who performs in the ring must sign the same document, including referees and dark match wrestlers. In the contract, the wrestler agrees to allow us to use their name for their performance on the pay-per-view broadcast. For instance, if Vader appears on the program, by signing the contract, he is agreeing to allow us to use the name Vader as relates to his performance on that particular show. It is that basic. Yang had signed a previous multi-date agreement several months ago, but that agreement had expired and when he refused to sign a new agreement it was impossible for us to put him on the show.


Its very disappointing for me, personally, as Yang is a former roommate of mine, and someone I still would consider a friend. After several minutes of trying to personally convince him that this was a completely safe thing for him to sign, and our record of trust speaks for itself, he still refused my plea. This caused a last minute scramble to rearrange a very important segment on the program, and in my opinion, hurt the show. I still like Yang as a person, but he has burned a bridge professionally that will be hard to repair. Don't expect to see him back. My gut is someone from another organization told him not to sign anything, which is code for "We don't like you enough to give you a contract right now, but maybe we can keep you from being on TNA, unless you are a one-legged guy from Florida... or is it Michigan..."


The bright side of this silly situation? Julio Dinero stepped up to the plate, took his place, and impressed everyone. I've been a big supporter of Dinero since I first saw him, and was glad to see something good to come out of such a ridiculous situation.


America's Most Wanted and a few others have been honoring the memory of Curt Hennig after the show Wednesday nights by going to Curt's favorite Nashville Honkytonk (yeah, they do exist and have to be seen to be believed) called Tootsie's, where he used to go after the show. Curt had a lot of friends in Nashville, and they made it a regular post show stop. I went there with Curt in December, and he joined country star Joe Nichols up on stage to sing a Johnny Cash tune. Tootsie's routinely plays Curt's favorite Merle Haggard and Waylon Jennings songs to honor his memory. It still hasn't sunk in that Curt is gone.


www.wildcatchrisharris.com is up and running. Chris writes some very personal thoughts on the loss of Curt Hennig.

Prediction? This week may be the most violent edition of TNA with the "House of Clockwork Orange" match signed between Raven and Sandman. The match will not be explained until we go on the air Wednesday night, but it will be violent.


Lots of great TNA websites have popped up. Make sure and check out www.heelsection.com, the group of angry heel fans who frequent the Asylum who have launched their own site.

Erik Watts, David Flair, and Brian Lawler showed up at the end of the night and destroyed Jeff Jarrett. After the show went off the air live, the athletes did not go to the S.E.X. locker room.


The TNA crew will be at BAR NASHVILLE this Tuesday night for the "Search for the New TNA Girl Contest." I will be hosting the event with Goldylocks, and The Harrises, America's Most Wanted, and several other TNA stars will be the judgest. TNA Xplosion cameras will be on hand for the event.


That is all for this week. Have a great weekend!


Jeremy Borash

[email protected]

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Guest BifEverchad
TNA Girl Miss Lollipop (guess who gave her that gimmick... :} ) has opened her own website, http://www.lollipopgirl.8m.com/. She has the unique ability to vibrate her booty at record speeds. Gotta love it.

Yes, Yes I do LOVE it!



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Guest Lord of The Curry

Are there any vids of this girl shaking said booty at mach 5 on her site?

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Guest Vyce
Its very disappointing for me, personally, as Yang is a former roommate of mine, and someone I still would consider a friend. After several minutes of trying to personally convince him that this was a completely safe thing for him to sign, and our record of trust speaks for itself, he still refused my plea. This caused a last minute scramble to rearrange a very important segment on the program, and in my opinion, hurt the show. I still like Yang as a person, but he has burned a bridge professionally that will be hard to repair. Don't expect to see him back. My gut is someone from another organization told him not to sign anything, which is code for "We don't like you enough to give you a contract right now, but maybe we can keep you from being on TNA, unless you are a one-legged guy from Florida... or is it Michigan..."




I have feeling he's probably right. See, I KNEW there was more to the Yang story than we first were hearing.

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