Guest Angle-plex Report post Posted March 1, 2003 The OAOAST Presents........ THE ROAD TO ANGLEMANIA II March 1, 2003 Pyro goes off and the crowd goes crazy as we are coming to you live…it’s the debut of the ROAD TO ANGLEMANIA~! We head down to ringside, with your hosts for this extravaganza, none other than the top B-Show analysts, Michael Cole and The Coach! Cole: Hello, and welcome to week number two of The Road To Anglemania II. We have some exciting action coming to you this week, including the main event of SpiderPoet vs Triple H! Coach: That's right Michael. We also have Angle-Plex in action, as well as one of the newest OAOAST stars, The Mad Cappa. Cole: But right now, we're going to kick off the action with The Purist! Screen goes black and white. Timothy -- The Purist's personal ring announcer -- is standing in the ring, ready to introduce... TIMOTHY Already in the ring, from Boston, Mass., William "The Choker" Buckner. Slight applause from the crowd. The manager of The Purist, Jim Cornette is headed to the ring. Cole: Wait a minute, Jim Cornette is coming down to the ring! CORNETTE Timothy, old chum... I hate to break the news to ya -- just like Cookie went the way of "Tiger" on the Brady Bunch... your services are no longer needed. Jim then whacks Timothy with his trademark tennis racket. CORNETTE Ladies and gentleman, coming to the ring, the man who makes every OAOAST superstar wet his pants...The Purist. Crowd boos. The Purist makes his way to the ring with no music. He's old school. William "The Choker" Buckner attacks The Purist as he gets into the ring. Knee to the gut. Irish-whip into the ropes is countered into a hip-toss by The Purist. Suplex. Bodyslam. 1-2-NO! Buckner kicks out. Coach: We were just one second away from having the shortest match in OAOAST history! Jim Cornette jumps onto the apron, trying to distract "The Choker" to give The Purist sometime to recover. The ref tries to get Buckner away from Cornette, but Jim shoves William into the ref, sending the ref to the ground. Buckner checks on the ref. Cornette slides his tennis racket into the ring; Buckner tries to pick up the racket, but it goes between his legs, right to the Purist. The Purist grabs the racket and drills Buckner with it. Cole: That damn Cornette keeps interfering! Cornette is trying to revive the ref... he does. The Purist locks on the Boston Crab. Buckner isn't moving. The ref calls for the bell. The Purist wins via submission! Coach: It's over! The Purist wins by submission. Cole: Impressive win by The Purist. You can tell that this guy is going to make a serious impact in the OAOAST. Coach: Well, you better get backstage Michael, because after this commercial break, you're going to be interviewing OAOAST newcomer, The Mad Cappa! (Commercial) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Angle-plex Report post Posted March 1, 2003 THE MAD CAPPA INTERVIEW (They go to Michael Cole in the backstage area as he interviews the new rookie, The Mad Cappa, whom is very excited to be on TV.) Michael Cole: “We’re here with this rising new star, The Mad Cappa. Greetings Mr. Cappa.” The Mad Cappa: “Sup' MC.” Michael Cole: “Welcome to the OAOAST. Mad Cappa, you debuted last weekend in the newbie battle royal on Road to Anglemania II. What are your thoughts on the OAOAST roster?” The Mad Cappa: “It’s the greatest bunch of wrestlers on the face of the planet hands down! The talent here is excellent.” Michael Cole: “Tell me Cappa, what drove you to join the OAOAST? Why you joined?” The Mad Cappa: “Well MC, it’s like this. I’m a nobody. I’m a nobody who wants to be a somebody. I am on a quest for respect Michael. And what other place can I be a somebody than here in the OAOAST!” (gives a thumbs up!) Michael Cole: “What are your objectives? How do you plan on accomplishing them?” The Mad Cappa: “Like I said MC, I’m determined to make a name for myself. (suddenly he gets serious) I will do whatever it takes, believe you me, sooner or later, I will make (pauses) an impact! (The Mad Cappa and Michael Cole split up as the camera zooms on a gentleman in a suit who standing away in a distance. Camera fades into commercial break.) Coach: The Mad Cappa is in action.........NEXT! (Commercial) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Angle-plex Report post Posted March 1, 2003 THE MAD CAPPA VS. OSCAR PENN The show returns from commercial break as Oscar Penn is already in the ring. The Mad Cappa comes out to "The Final Audition" by Banya with a very excited look. He comes out to apathy from the crowd. Coach: Well it's nice to have you back Michael. Cole: It's nice to be back. I missed you, Coach. -Awkward silence- As soon as the bell sounds, the gentleman in the suit who appeared earlier comes out with a note pad and a pen. Oscar and Cappa circle around each other for a couple of seconds. They soon tie up as they jockey for position. Cappa powers Oscar down. Cappa then runs to bounce off the ropes. Oscar gets back up and puts Cappa in a sleeper hold when Cappa bounces back. Oscar punches Cappa's head a couple of times as Cappa tries to struggle out. However, Cappa grabs hold of Oscar and does a side suplex! Cole: What a move that was! Cappa gets back up and kicks Oscar's neck a couple of times. Cappa pulls Oscar up to Irish whip him to the ropes. Oscar bounces back into a dropkick from Cappa! The guy in the suit continues to take notes. Cappa goes for the cover. Oscar gets up at one. Cappa gets Oscar up into a snap suplex! Cappa drags Oscar to a corner where he proceeds to kick his neck some more! Cappa climbs to the top turnbuckle to a more lively crowd where he does a legdrop from the top turnbuckle! Oscar clutches his neck in pain as Cappa sets Oscar back up! Cappa decides to bounce off the ropes. Oscar tries to clothesline Cappa, but Cappa ducks to stop dead in his tracks right behind Oscar to do a reverse DDT. Cappa goes for the cover again. Oscar gets his right arm up at two! Cappa is surprised! Coach: Mad Cappa can't believe that Oscar kicked out after that move! Cappa tries for the cover again. Oscar again gets his right arm up at two! Cappa gets frustrated at the fact that he can't finish off Oscar! So, Cappa rapidly sets Oscar back up as he lauches a rapid succession of punches! The guy in the suit stops taking notes and walks down to ringside. He yells at Cappa to calm down and focus on taking out Oscar! Cappa is wondering who this guy is and what he is up to, but calms down. He sets Oscar back up on his feet as Cappa bounces off the ropes. Cappa attempts an IMPACT!, but Oscar ducks! Oscar celebrates motioning to the crowd that he is smart! However, Cappa stops and does the Fall From Grace! Cole: Oh man! This one has got to be over! The guy in the suit tells Cappa to not waste time. Thinking it's all over, Cappa goes for the cover. However, Oscar's left foot is under the rope! Cappa snaps Oscar back up and Irish whips him to the turnbuckles. Cappa gets upset and does a set of chops on Oscar! The crowd WOOOS everytime a chop is done! Cappa yells out, "It's over!" He grabs Oscar, climbs up to the top turnbuckle, and IT'S SHOWTIME! Oscar Penn is out! The crowd cheers very loudly for the move! The guy in the suit tells him to cover Oscar. Cappa gets the pinfall victory in 4:27! Coach: Cappa wins! Cappa wins! Coach: Who the hell is that guy in the suit? Cole: I'm not sure, but that was a very impressive debut for The Mad Cappa. The Final Audition plays over the speakers as The Mad Cappa celebrates his singles debut match! Oscar Penn is still out! The guy in the suit tells Cappa to attack him while he's down! Cappa flat out refuses to do so and walks back to the backstage. The guy in the suit follows him to the backstage. They go to a commercial break. Winner: THE MAD CAPPA (Commercial) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Angle-plex Report post Posted March 1, 2003 We cut to a shot of Tony "The Body's" house in Hollywood U.S.A. EXT. - "THE BODY'S" MANISON - DAY A very long, black limo pulls up to the manison. The driver opens the door, the red carpet rolls out by itself and The Superstar, decked out in no doubt a $10,000 custom made suit, steps out. Cole: What is The Superstar doing there?! SUPERSTAR Since Tony is still in some hospital recovering from a broken ego. I thought I would make sure his manison was well taken care of. This will also be my pilot episode of.... Graphic on-screen: SUPERSTAR InVades! SUPERSTAR (CONT'D) Where I go to people's homes and... trash their place. You punks be sure to watch out for that mega-hit, coming soon to a network near you. So this is it? Looks very small compared to my palace. SS's butler opens the gate of "The Body's" manison. SUPERSTAR What a buffoon, doesn't even have sercuity. Ha. The butler tries to open the front door but can't, it's lock. SUPERSTAR Gentlemen. Two large men break the door down. The butler opens the door. SUPERSTAR Ugh! Look at this hell-hole. The cameras show a great looking front room, complete with all the cool shit one may want. SUPERSTAR Let's see what's upstairs. SS and his crew head up the stairs. A sign saying WEIGHT ROOM is seen. INT. - "THE BODY'S" MANISON - WEIGHT ROOM It's a very large room that has weights, a television, DVD/VHS player. SUPERSTAR Boring. Trash the place. SS's crew starts smashing every and anything. SUPERSTAR Bingo! A sign reading PRIVATE is hanging on a door. SUPERSTAR Private, huh? Gentlemen. SS's two thugs break another door down. Apparently, this is the room of OAOAST legend, Tony "The Body." SUPERSTAR (chuckling) Look at this. (SS holds up a funny looking object) A penis enlarger. Everybody starts laughing. SS roams around the room. SUPERSTAR Mm, a very large porn collection. Take that with us. SS looks under the bed and pulls out something. SUPERSTAR An inflateable woman and a box of condoms. What a freak our legend is. I guess he doesn't get as much action as he claims. Everybody starts laughing. SUPERSTAR Let's go into his bathroom. SS opens the bathroom door. Your nomal bathroom... just 10 times larger. SS goes through the cabinets. SUPERSTAR Shaving cream, razor, comb, towels... bor... wait a minute, a super-sized bottle of UnManly Smooth Legs? Ha. Now that jerk can't make fun of the old Superstar anymore. He was using it himself. Guys, I'm bored. Let's go. BUTLER What do you want us to do with the manison, sir? SUPERSTAR Do what every other smart person would do: trash it... then set the house on fire. CUT TO: INT. - SUPERSTAR'S LIMO SUPERSTAR I hoped you enjoyed the debut of my pilot show: Superstar InVades. And I hope you're watching Tony "The Body." I took your house, now I'm going to take your career. SS sticks his head out of the sun-roof. As the limo takes off, we see "The Body's" manison on fire. SUPERSTAR Cut! That's a wrap. SS, arrogantly waves as his limo leaves. (Commercial) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Angle-plex Report post Posted March 1, 2003 THE MAD CAPPA RETURNS (They return back from commercial break as they go backstage as The Mad Cappa and the gentleman in the suit talk to each other.) The Mad Cappa: "Who are you? And, what are.." Guy in Suit: (interrupts) "Pipe down and I'll tell ya'! You looked a little lost out there kid! Let's face it, you lost it! I was out there taking notes on potential prospects and you were among my candidates. However, when I saw you lose your focus, I had no choice but to help ya' out!" TMC: "But I was doing fine..." Guy: (interrupts) "Don't talk to me until I'm done! I came down to give you a sense of direction. I heard ya' earlier about you are on some quest for respect. I heard ya' talkin' about you wantin' to make an impact! I can help ya' out. I'll tell ya' what I'm gonna' do!" TMC: "What?" Guy: "Shut yer' trap and maybe this conversation can proceed quickly! I've decided to be your manager." TMC: "But I don't need a...." Guy: (interrupts) "YES, you do!" Just do as I tell ya' and you will be on your way to respect. That is because I am Vince Rusco, the best damn manager that ever was! Just trust in me and you will ... (pauses) make an impact! (Segment ends as the camera zooms in on Vince Rusco pointing at The Mad Cappa.) (Commercial) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Angle-plex Report post Posted March 1, 2003 AGNES: THE WARRIOR!? Generic music hits as none other than NATHAN JONES~ walks out to the ring. He gets in the ring and just kind of stands there. Crowd is dead~! Cole: This guy is a monster! "Thunderstruck" blares over the loudspeaker, and out comes Agnes the War.......Angle-Plex? AP walks into the ring and tells the ref to start the match. The fans are confused. Coach: What?! I thought that he was going to debut his new look tonight! The match starts, as Angle-Plex runs at Jones. Jones hits a horrible looking titl-a-whirl slam. AP gets up quickly, but gets a big boot in the face. Jones calls for the Chokeslam! Cole: Oh my! The end may be near for Angle-Plex! Jones picks Plex up for the chokeslam, but AP low-blows the hoss, sending him on his ass. Plex runs into the ropes, and dropkicks Jones in the face. Jones no-sells and gets up. He kicks AP in the stomach and then hits a powerbomb! Plex counters it into a Triangle Choke! Coach: Nice counter by Angle-Plex! Jones powers his way out of the choke and throws Plex across the ring. He lifts AP up, and gets ready to deliever the SPINNING KICK OF DOOM~! Sadly, he falls back and trips. Coach: A Spinning Kick by Jones........uh........Angle-Plex tripped him before he could execute the full move! Jones, just after embarassing himself, gets up quickly to repeat the spot. He goes the the spinning kick again, but this time AP catches it, and counters it into the ANGLE-PLEX! 1...2....3!!! Winner: Angle-Plex via Pinfall Plex is obviously pissed at Jones for missing the finishing spot. He walks backstage with an angry look on his face as Road to Anglemania II goes to commercial break. (Commercial) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Angle-plex Report post Posted March 1, 2003 DREAM MACHINES PROMO California Love plays as The Dream Machines make their way to the ring. The Parka grabs a mic) The Parka: First off this week I want to set the record straight. I am not an angry man. I just don't like being messed over. I am quite jovial and even fun to be around. You don't mess with me I don't mess with you. I came to the OAOAST for competition and glory. Speaking of competition. I have looked over the other teams here and I have come to a conclusion. We are the tag team of the future. Let's just look at the competition and you will see what I mean. First you have The Originals. We defeated them pretty easily. I guess you could now call them THE ORIGINAL victims of The Dream Machine! Next we have a team on the brink of ending in Los Infernales. I am sure soon we will not even have to worry about them. Then you have The MWC. To be honest with you these guys scare the hell out of me. They're some strange people. Maybe someday we will meet. I'm sure we would be succesful in that meeting because nothing can stop us. Finally we have Boogie Knights 2K3. I saved them for last, but not because they are best. I must say I am insulted by the fact that we lost the battle royal to a dancing fool. Everyone knows Kotz is not in our league. I hear he's going around bragging about throwing SD here out of the battle royal. I guess Kotz and Zorin are jealous of all the women we get. See we like our women clean. Unlike the skanks Kotz and Zorin hang out and party with. We don't have to find some drugged up girl at a rave. Women come to us because we are successful and downright handsome! You know what I'm tired of wasting my breath on these guys. SD tell them what's up. SD: Now I am usually a forgiving man. I could forgive Kotz for cheap shotting me and tossing me from the battle royal, but he just won't let it go. We're itching for some action so part of me wants you to keep pushing the issue. We'll wrestle circles around you if you want. Hell we could dance like you do.........if we wanted to. Tell you what. You want a match I'll just have my people call your people and it's on baby! The Parka: (pulls out a cigar and lights it) Now THAT would be entertainment! I'm beginning to like it here. There's a reason they call us The Dream Machines. We make dreams come true and we also make them die! Tell 'em PK. PK: Sweet Dreams! (laughs an evil laugh as the Machines walk off) (Commercial) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Angle-plex Report post Posted March 1, 2003 ZACK MALIBU PROMO Coach: We now bring you to my broadcast partner Michael Cole, live with Zack Malibu! We now cut to Zack Malibu's dressing room, where he and Alison are seated with good friend and OAOAST correspondent Michael Cole. MC:"Zack, usually everything is all laid back for you, but today you requested some interview time to speak your mind. What's eating you?" Zack lets out a sigh, and Alison just looks on. ZM:"Michael Cole, I've been in this company for a year now. One whole year. I've beaten everyone thrown in my path. I beat Caboose...phantom title change or not, I beat him. The aWo...don't get me started. I've gone through them all. Remember the unsanctioned streetfight, Cole?" MC:"Oh, you meant when I got squashed by Rikishi?" ZM:"Hehe, yeah man, the one where you were ref. I beat AS that night. I've beaten AP. CWM, Hell In A Cell, what more can you say." MC:"Zack, those are all high achievements, but what do they have to do with why I'm here today?" ZM:"Because, Michael...because Monday night I face a challenge greater than all those things combined. I have to face EvenflowDDT, my best friend." MC:"You mean ex-best friend, right?" ZM:"No, I mean best friend. He's got issues Cole, no doubt. But I never leave a friend high and dry. I'm trying to get him back to his old ways, get him to see his errors, and it's just not working. I..." Zack pauses. He seems unable to get the words out. ZM:"Cole, I've tried. God knows I've tried to do the right thing. And I don't want to fight Evenflow, I'll be the first one to admit it. Not because of fear, but because I don't want it to come to that. Despite everything, there might be hope. And now, in order to get to the title, to the one thing that has always eluded me, I have to." MC:"Are you afraid of losing? Of missing out again on a shot at the big gold?" ZM:"I'm not afraid of losing Cole. I'm afraid that I can't do it. I can't face off with 'Flow." MC:"So, what does..." ZM:"I forefeit." Alison and Cole are shocked. A:"Zack, no...listen, you've worked so hard." ZM:"I know. But I'm not going to risk going to the point of no return, just for the belt. I can't do it." Zack, flustered, gets up and leaves, leaving Alison and Cole shocked. (Commercial) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Angle-plex Report post Posted March 1, 2003 Coach: Well Michael, we're just a few weeks away from the biggest OAOAST event ever, Anglemania II. Cole: That's right. AngleMania II is sure to rock the house! Coach: We'll lets take a quick look at the card. Madison Square Garden Main Event Winner of AS/AP (Champion) vs. Winner of Title Contention Tourney OAOAST WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT TITLE AngleSault (Champion) vs. Angle-Plex Big Poppa Popick vs. ??? for #1 Contendership Tokyo Dome Main Event Sandman9000 vs. The Purist OAOAST NORTH AMERICAN CHAMPIONSHIP Thunderkid (Champion) vs. "Your Hero" OAOAST X CHAMPIONSHIP Reject (Champion) vs. ZsasZ Brock Ausstin vs Jailbait Saddledome Main Event The Superstar vs. Tony "The Body" Jingus vs. Mario Logan Boggie Knights 2k3 vs Dream Machines Hot NewzWire vs Zack Attack Cole: Looks like a great card! Coach: That's right Michael, and you can be sure that more matches will be announced. (Commercial) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Angle-plex Report post Posted March 1, 2003 Cole: Well it's time for tonight's main event! Coach: That's right. This is Triple H's first match since Main Eventing AngleMania I. Cole: It's The Poet. The Game. In a match, for the love of a woman. TIME, IS NEVER TIME AT ALL ::footage of SP in an Indy, hitting the SPIDAHSAULT~! with Stephanie McMahon attending in the crowd:: YOU CAN NEVER, EVER LEAVE WITHOUT LEAVING A PIECE OF YOU ::SP leaving the WWE under dubious circumstances some five years earlier, he is seen walking away with his bag slung over his shoulder, Steph looking on sadly:: AND OUR LIVES ARE FOREVER CHANGED ::McMahon-Helmsley era footage, Steph and Hunter at the top of the RAW ramp:: WE WILL NEVER BE THE SAME ::SP debuting on IZ:: THE MORE YOU CHANGE THE LESS YOU FEEL ::SP turning heel, intercut with Stephanie's heelish antics:: BELIEVE, BELIEVE IN ME ::SP on top of a turnbuckle:: BELIEVE . . . BELIEVE~! ::SP leaps off and hits a high air Spidahsault:: THAT LIFE CAN CHANGE ::Stephanie and Shane at the ECW return:: THAT YOUR NOT STUCK IN VAIN ::SP saving his partner by putting himself through a table at Bloody, Battered, and Beaten:: WE'RE NOT THE SAME ::old footage of SP and Steph backstage at an old RAW:: WE'RE DIFFERENT ::shot of SP and Steph, with Triple H with his arms raised between them:: TONIGHT ::SP coming down the ramp:: TONIGHT ::Triple H spitting water:: TONIGHT, SO BRIGHT ::SP moonsault:: TONIGHT ::Trips Pedigree to Rocky:: TONIGHT ::both:: AND YOU KNOW YOUR NEVER SURE ::SP getting pinned:: BUT YOU"RE SURE YOU COULD BE RIGHT ::Dandy tagging SP into a match:: IF YOU HELD YOURSELF UP TO THE LIGHT ::Reports of Triple H's politics flash by:: AND THE EMBERS NEVER FADE ::A picture of Steph taped to the inside of SP's locker as he walks by in a shot:: IN THE CITY BY THE LAKE ::Shot of SP at home in SC, which is by a lake:: IN THE PLACE WHERE YOU WERE BORN ::Shot of the OAOAST Arena:: BELIEVE ::Dandy and SP high fiving one another:: BELIEVE IN ME ::Shot of SP looking at the pic of Steph in his locker:: BELIEVE ::Triple H and Austin with the Tag Titles:: BELIEVE ::Triple H and Evolution standing over Steiner:: IN THE RESOLUTE URGENCY OF NOW ::The engagement announcement:: AND DO YOU BELIEVE ::SP freaking out:: THERES NOT A CHANCE TONIGHT ::The OAOAST Arena, and SP taping his wrists up:: TONIGHT TONIGHT ::Triple H holding up a world title:: SO BRIGHT ::The Road to AngleMania logo:: TONIGHT TONIGHT ::SP sitting alone in his locker room:: WE'LL CRUCIFY THE INSINCERE TONIGHT (Tonight) ::SP watching Triple H Pedigree Stephanie at WMX8:: WE'LL MAKE THINGS RIGHT ::SP trying to get into Titan Towers:: WE'LL FEEL IT ALL TONIGHT (Tonight) ::SP and Triple H staring one another down outside the offices while WWE officials seperate them:: WE'LL FIND A WAY TO OFFER UP THE NIGHT (Tonight) ::Stephanie shaking her head from inside the towers through a window:: THE INDESCRIBABLE MOMENTS OF YOUR LIFE (Tonight) ::SP making his entrance with his pyro and lights going off around him:: THE IMPOSSIBLE IS POSSIBLE TONIGHT (Tonight) ::Triple H making his entrance:: BELIEVE IN ME AS I BELIEVE IN YOU ::(slow motion) SP with his hand pressed against a window at Titan Towers, as Steph backs away and officials pull him away:: TONIGHT ::SP sitting alone in his locker room:: TONIGHT TONIGHT ::Steph leaving Triple H alone in his:: TONIGHT ::Stephanie sitting alone elsewhere in the building:: TONIGHT ::Matchup Graphic with SP and Triple H posing:: ::fade out:: Cole: The NEXT! (Commercial) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Angle-plex Report post Posted March 1, 2003 MAIN EVENT SPIDERPOET VS "THE GAME" TRIPLE H *DISCLAIMER: This Match was taped at a WWE Raw House Show earlier in the week. Cole: The time has come Coach! Coach: I can't wait for this one. The lights dim as the opening guitar sequence of SHORT STORIES WITH TRAGIC ENDINGS begins. The lights change colors slightly in shades of red to match them, and the stage explodes as the harder guitar pounds into the system. The "Spectacular" Spider Poet emerges from the back of the WWE RAW set, and makes his way down the ring. He looks focused, and the weight of the world seems to be on his shoulders. He reaches the ring and climbs the ropes and holds up two hands. There are apparently some OAOAST fans in attendance, as more than a few cheers can be heard at his signal to the audience. Coach: Spiderpoet getting a few cheers here tonight. The music dies down and the opening strikes of TIME TO PLAY THE GAME hit. Triple H emerges and pours water on his head before convulsing and beginning his journey down the ramp to the ring. The crowd gives him an entrance pop, but it soon hushes as pure intensity can be felt between these two men. Hunter steps up onto the apron and in sync with his music, sprays water into the air while posing. He looks back over his shoulder at the waiting Poet, and spits the remainder of the water out in a mist towards him in disrespect. Hunter enters the ring and the lights come up, and the crowd is JACKED ladies and gentlemen. A roar goes up as the ref signals and the bell chimes to start the match. However, Hunter shakes his head and asks for a microphone. HHH: "Poet, I just wanted to say that I'm going to enjoy cutting your career short here tonight. I -- SP has a mic in his hand. SP: "Hunter, save it. I didn't go out of my way to put together a match with you to have you give an infamous WWE twenty-minute promo. I didn't come here to talk. I came here to get one chance, one final shot at telling a Lady some things that my heart needs to bleed to her. So either put down the mic and wrestle, or forfeit and, to quote your own company, 'Get the F Out!'" The crowd goes BALLISTIC at that! Despite any dastardly deeds in the OAOAST, SpiderPoet is THE MAN here tonight folks! Agitated, Hunter tosses the mic out, adjusts his pads, and we're ON. Lockup in the middle, reversed into the ropes by SP, Hunter comes back with the clothesline attempt but SP ducks. Hunter continues to the ropes, and SP goes for a Spin Kick on the rebound but Hunter ducks, passing SP. Back into the ropes and SP leaps and CONNECTS with a DROPKICK! Both men down, they scramble to their feet to face off again. Tie-up in the middle, SP hits a knee to the stomach and moves to quickly lock HHH in a stretch, but Helmsley pulls it into an arm drag. SP goes to kip up, and kicks Hunter in the face, THEN kips up and turns to face his opponent. The two merely stare, tense and still, waiting for something to happen. Applause comes from the crowd but neither man seems to hear it. Intent on one another, they circle the ring, trying to plot. Cole: These to seem to have each other's number right here tonight! SP braces and holds up a hand, wiggling his fingers for a strength contest. Hunter goes for it, and SP hits a quick knee to the stomach and rolls him up. Hunter kicks out before a 1 count, and is on his feet first. He quickly stomps SP back down, and puts the boots to him heavy. SP can't get up, but finally the ref pulls Hunter back. SP gets to his feet, but Hunter is on the attack again, delivering a quick right hand, sending SP stumbling back into the corner. The Game climbs to the second rope and begins pounding away on the dazed Poet, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, but hesitates on the 10'th punch to smirk to the crowd. SP uses the time to shove Trips off and down, and pulls himself up to the top rope. HIGH RISK MANEUVER~! as SP tries to hit a quick FROGSLPASH, but Hunter scouts it and gets the knees up. SP COLLIDES and bounces back up, crumbling to the mat in a heap nearby, nursing his ribs. Coach: The Game got his knees up! Spiderpoet is hurt! Hunter is on his feet and he makes his way across to SP. He nudges Poet out of the ring, and he simply tumbles out and to the ground outside. Trips climbs out of the ring himself and calmly walks over to the announcer's table. One of the techn's nearby gives him a microphone after he motions for it, and he turns and walks around the ring to where SP is trying to get back to his feet, or at least his knees. HHH: "You cut me off, Poet. Never cut off one of our interviews, kid. WWE Has a 'Style', y'see. Most of our information is conveyed through this wonderful thing we like to call a 'microphone' here in the Big Leagues, kiddo." SP merely looks up with a sneer. HHH: "Aright, fine, whatever. Just thought you should know something." Trips raises up the folded chair in his hand. "Dad -- oops, I mean Vince told me that I could add an in-match stipulation. You cut me off before I could announce it. This match . . . is NO DISQUALIFICATION." Cole: That's not fair! He just made the match no Disqualification! Trips drops the mic and BASHES SP across the face with the steel chair. SP slumps backwards, but somehow refuses to fall over. Though no skin was broken, apparently that one rattled some teeth. SP rocks back forward and sneers before spitting a wad of bloody spit towards Hunter. Triple H sneers and swings the chair back for another massive hit, but SP throws an arm up quickly and hits a LOW BLOW. Hunter drops the chair and reaches for the jewels, bending over and dropping to his own knees. SP has crawled over to the barricade, however, and is trying to pull himself back up. The Game quickly reaches over and yanks SP's already shaky legs from underneath him, and he comes down hard, his jaw slamming into the barricade. SP simply lies motionless, propped up against it, for a few moments. Coach: The Game is really taking it to SpiderPoet here tonight. Hunter is pulling himself up on the ring apron now, and he hobbles over to SP. The Game pulls Poet up to his feet and twists, throwing SP towards the nearby steel steps leading up to the ring. SP slams into them and flips over, landing sprawled near the entrance ramp. Hunter is on it quickly, dodging the now disjointed steps as he makes his way over to SP. As he nears, however, SP twists and hooks Hunter's legs, tripping him over. The Game lands face down, his forehead hitting the metal ramp. The two men lie together, side by side now, sprawled, SP's mouth leaking blood and drool. SP rolls over, though, and hauls himself back to his feet. Triple H stirs as well, and SP stumbles over to the ring, and pulls himself in under the ropes. Hunter is on the way back in as SP pulls himself to his feet on the ropes, and Hunter is looking a bit more healthy as he's on his feet the same time as SP. Cole: They're both up! Spider turns just in time to see HHH driving towards him, and H tackles him right into a corner. SP quickly starts pounding on The Game's back, however, and forces him away. Mustering up a bit of strength, SP starts hitting a quick series of rights. Four rights and Trips BLOCKS and hits a right hand of his own, and ANOTHER, and quickly snags SP and tries to shoot him off into the ropes. REVERSAL, and SP fires off Triple H into the ropes. Thinking quick, SP runs forward a bit to meet him, hoists him up -- though by the look on his face at the expense of already aching ribs -- and drops him back down in a neckbreaker -- TILDEBANG~! Both men are sprawled, and SP rolls a few feet away to nurse his ribs. The ref is over to check on him, and after a second flashes an 'X' signal to the back. SP is curled up in a ball, but he looks up to the ref and shakes his head. Apparently hurt, SP wants to finish this one. Cole: Whether you like him or you hate him, you have to admit that SpiderPoet is going to continue this match! Triple H gets to his feet shakily and takes his time walking over to SP, smiling as he shoves aside the Ref, who is trying to talk some sense into SP. He reaches down and picks the young man up, and pulls him in for the Pedigree setup. Poet doesn't seem to be fighting much, and Hunter grins wide as he reaches down to hook SP's arms. SP reaches down to the bottom of his boots, however, and FORCES himself upright, straining, screaming under the pain of whatever is wrong with his upper torso, HOLDING ON to HHH's legs at the knees, SLINGING him OVER his shoulders! It's almost like a STYLES CLASH setup! SP struggles for a few moments to keep his balance, but finally hooks his legs around Hunter's arms. Can he --- YES! MODIFIED STYLES CLASH on TRIPLE H! Coach: He just hit the Modified Styles Clash! Cole: But SpiderPoet can't take advantage! Both men are down! Both men are down and the ref begins his ten count. 1 . . . 2 . . . 3 . . . 4 . . . 5 . . . Triple H begins to stir . . . 6 . . . 7 . . . SP pushes himself to his knees as Hunter gets to his feet . . . 8 . . . Both men are on their feet, woozy, facing each other. Breathless, they stand there. SP's brow seems to be busted, a single drop of blood curving around his eye and running down his cheek like a crimson tear. Hunter's face apparently connected hard, and blood is slowly dribbling out of his nose. He reaches up and wipes it away, but more blood replaces it. The two men wait another moment, both trying to recover their senses from an intense few minutes of big moves. SP senses someone behind him, however, and Hunter's gaze floating to the ramp confirms it. STEPHANIE MCMAHON is standing at the bottom of the ramp! Cole: That's Stephanie McMahon! What the hell is she doing here! The crowd is going INSANE! SP looks at her for a moment, gasping for breath as he reaches up and wipes away the blood flowing down his face. More follows however, the split above his eyebrow flowing freely now. Stephanie begins walking around the ring, and SP is distracted. . . . leaving a spot open for Triple H to move in with a quick NECKBREAKER! SP is down, and he doesn't appear to be moving all too well. He rolls onto his side, or spasms over more accurately, eyes closed as the pounding of his heart pushing blood throughout his body causes more blood to gush from the wound. All around him, SP can hear the crowd's volume growing, but he can't figure out why, but he does as he wipes the blood from his eyes and gets to he knees. He looks up just in time to see STEPHANIE in the ring . . . holding a Steel Chair behind Triple H. Trips is looking at SP, smirking, and Stephanie is staring at Hunter. Hunter turns around and looks at the chair and at Stephanie . . . and smiles as she hands him the chair. Cole: That damn Stephanie is helping The Game! Betrayed, all SP can do is look on as the whole reason for being here suddenly gets thrown in his face. His heart perhaps breaks more as the chair comes down on his head with a hard THWACK. SP falls forward, and Triple H rolls him over and makes the cover. Stephanie grins wickedly as the 1 . . . 2. . . 3! is counted. Coach: Triple H wins it! Triple H wins it! Cole: Oh c'mon! The woman that SpiderPoet was fighting for all this time just cost him the match! Winner: Triple H with the chairshot at 13:46 Triple H appears to want to drive the point home, however, and he reaches down to pick SP up off the mat. More or less limp, SP is in no condition to fight back really, his brains likely scrambled from several shots to the head throughout this match. Few men are Mick Foley, and SpiderPoet is only capable of so much. The Game pulls SP in for the Pedigree, and hooks the arms . . . AND IS BLASTED FROM BEHIND! He drops SP and whirls around to find himself looking into the face of a woman. A strikingly beautiful woman with jet black hair, olive skin, and bright blue eyes. Not quite sure what to do, Hunter looks to Stephanie, who quickly steps in and gets in this mysterious woman's face, sneering. The woman smirks, however, and SLAMS Steph with a vicious right. The Daughter McMahon stumbles back, and the black-headed woman clotheslines her out of the ring. Cole: Who the hell is this woman! Coach: Just a few seconds ago, she saved SpiderPoet from a Pedigree, and now she attacked Steph! The Game, never one to shy away from female brutality in the ring, reaches out to snag a head full of that black hair for a Pedigree, but SPIDERPOET comes up with a SECOND LOW BLOW! Hunter doubles over, grunting in pain as SP is helped to his feet by this mysterious woman, who then picks up the steel chair and hands it to SP. Cole: This woman helping SpiderPoet finish off The Game! SP looks to Steph and then to The Game and smiles before looking in milkd confusion to this mysterious woman. Who is she?? SP goes say something to her but she merely shakes her head and puts a finger to her lips in a, 'shhhh' gesture. SP nods, a smile crossing his features, and he turns his attention back to HHH, who is trying to stand upright again. SP Bashes him with the chair. And Again. And Again. And once more, beating him down into the mat. Finally, SP throws the chair down and stumbles over to the mysterious woman. They both look to Stephanie on the outside, who is looking on in anger and confusion. The mysterious woman grins at Stephanie, and offers a grin, bearing her teeth in an unmistakable message. She looks back to SP, puts an arm around her apparent battered man, and wipes the blood away from his mouth before kissing him. The two then drop under the ropes and back up the ramp, SP nursing his ribs while this mysterious woman has an arm around his waist to help. The two eye Stephanie as she tries to help Hunter regain conciousness, grinning wickedly, despite being bloody and battered. Cole: What a shock! Who can this mysterious woman be? Coach: I have no idea. SpiderPoet is going to have a lot of explaining to do regarding this woman. Cole: Hopefully we'll get more information Monday on Intense Zone! For Jonathan Coachman, I'm Michael Cole. We'll see you next week, as the Road To Anglemania II continues! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Angle-plex Report post Posted March 1, 2003 © 2003 OAOAST Productions CREDITS God Angle-Plex Writers SpiderPoet Tony149 Superstar ZackMalibu The Mad Cappa LaParkaYourCar Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Anglesault Report post Posted March 1, 2003 WHAT? Agnes, a show on March 1, and no large "HAPPY BIRTHDAY ANGLESAULT!" message? I'm dissapointed. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
LaParkaYourCar 0 Report post Posted March 1, 2003 Hey you're not supposed to list the Dream Machines/BK3 match yet we haven't set it up storyline wise! Otherwise a great show. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Kotzenjunge Report post Posted March 1, 2003 It's your birthday, AS? How old are you? 17-25 still? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
LaParkaYourCar 0 Report post Posted March 1, 2003 Hey Kotz are BK3 doing a promo for IZ? Because right now we're doing all the talking and have nothing to play off. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Anglesault Report post Posted March 1, 2003 It's your birthday, AS? How old are you? 17-25 still? Yeah, that's a smart comment to say to the boss. And my birthday is tomorrow. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Patty O'Green 0 Report post Posted March 1, 2003 It's your birthday, AS? How old are you? 17-25 still? Yeah, that's a smart comment to say to the boss. And my birthday is tomorrow. Happy Birthday, best buddy!!! I *heart* Anglesault! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Anglesault Report post Posted March 1, 2003 Who the hell are you? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Patty O'Green 0 Report post Posted March 1, 2003 Who the hell are you? Damn it! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest ZACK ATTACK~! Report post Posted March 4, 2003 My Road 2 Anglemania 2 Review by ZACK ATTACK~! hey guyz ive b en traning realy hard with teh touff enouff 4 2 taek on da numbha 1 intrent newz sorce for da smatrkz - da HotNewzWIRE~!. toda i learnd a davastatin move da headscizzerz n al snow was all dont scizzers my head no more taht hes crazeeee LOL and i put it on maven and sed OMGOMG U SUX DOOOOD NO WONEDR YER IN TNA and hes all OMG WTF R U TALKEN A BOUT so i beated him with dropkix ov DOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! in da face and scizzers hiz haed and he submitz for da 1 2 3 if i was wacthin it id proly give it ***** jk im not that godo yet LOL ill kee pyou updaetsd on my touffe onuff progrezz! 1 - aw crap its da purist tihs guy is soooooooooooo boooooooooorng i cant wiliam da chocker what kinda jober naem is taht dum jobbre i bet all he choeks is his chiken LOL anyway taht tim dud was kixed out by tah tflaming cornet tenis doooood god and finaly it endz. furst tihs guys all "oooh lookit me i sux but at laest i have intigrety" i gues sangle sued ihm for charater infringe LOL -***** for tihs boooooooooooorrrrrrrrrrrriiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnnggggggggg shiz. hre dint even have my mom out @ ring sied this weak 2 - da mad capa - i dun owho dis doood is i thougt he waz a jobbah but jobers dun gte promoz unless its all "grrr im gona lose" LOL ahh heer comez da rael jobber oscer mad cappah unst 2 bad teh only wayh teh macth woold be betta iz if oscer was SMACKED DOWN WIHT A GARBIG CAN~! waht a growch LOL ***** post macth some creepie dppd in a sute is all wachtin him OMG DOES MAD CAPA HAVEZ A STALKX0R~ OMG ITZ DFDP!!!! hahahahahahahaha jk what r u a dumb markz or somethin ddps not unda contarct but it is mad cappa's managre vince rusco. no thatz not a tupo member vince rusSo haz da jpaneze puro doodz like blakc tiger. damit im ranting next tihgn ya knowe ill put on a milion lbz n becom scot kieth LOL 3 - OMG~! IR%TZ DA SUPERSTAR~! and hes SHOOTING at tonyz hizzouse tonys gotta lotta kew stuff i gues but nothin spoecial OMG~! tonyz got da same pr0ns i do... i maen dsmna that tony hes a sicko for kepin pr0n. then superstra DESTROYS IT ALL WHAM BAM THANX U DOOOOOD~! ***** 4 - oh tiss! tehy didnt anounce rusco was mad capas managre yet! guess smarkz liek me are just taht. damn. smarz. i redea dat shiz on da intrent hoep i didnt SPOILERZ~! it for anyone ***** 5 - out cumz natahn jonez hes no outbakc jack doooood he sux i wish more ozzzy (not ozborn u good oz = astralya) wrestlrez didnt sux so bad look at tihs he cant even bocth a finisher propalhy agens did a good job caryin him mabye he shouldnt be baned afterall LOL ***** BAN OZZIES~ ! 6 - dreeeeam machinez promo - la parja confedinti goz on abuuut how dirty boogy niftsh r for sleepin wit raver chix one tiem tihs girl i kno went 2 a raev and she gotz FUXED UP n was me talkin abot unts unts unts unts unts ba da da da da da da ba da da da da ba da unts unts but she kept wantin t o see mah fat boy... and lemme tel u itz not slim LOL 2 bad my mom was hoem otherwies id post letin you guyz noe I DID IT anywyaz cant wait 2 se edream machinez vs boggie knighrs 2K3 specialy if da net trumorz r tru and paul ickenoflsd wil paly llives at da ppv for da theme muzic! ***** 7 - ZACK MALIBU~! zackz talkin bout how he doesnt wanna fight evenfLOSER on monda (ed itrz noet: TONIGH Tsory bout my delay cuz of touhf enouff) cuz hesz got honer and doesnt wana hurt his freinds ee WTF is evenflow talkin about zack dint sell out he knowz waht freidnship is all about tho i realy did wanna see that opunk iget his azz kixed by ZACK DA KING MACK ***** 8 - spirahpoet vs hhh - doooooooooooood i dun usualy cher for sp but EVERYONE HATEZ HHH M TALZK ABOT HIS QUAD INJURIE itz lika a law of da intretnet or somethin. anywaz hhh usz DA NEE and makez is no dq but sp is all bicth and lo blowz leek blud TILDBANG~! OMG STYLEZ CLAZH!!!! get up i wana see hhh loooooose like da infernales LOL burn ihm up and tera his quad LOLOLOLOL stepfhany comz in 2 help but WTF SHEZ HELPIN DA GAME!!!! FUKCIN MCMAON HELMSLEE TEHY R WURST DEN DA AWO FUX FUX FUX!!!!!!! whoa wha who the... WHAM BAM BICTH WTF some mystry HOT CHIX helpz spidapoet! ewh0000000!!!!! beat em down hel yea tear quad hunter tear quad (i dun want anyone to die evne sumeone dat suxy LOL) teh nthey beat stef taht jizzibill! hahahahahahaha best fangelmania rode macth so far ***** well datz all fer tihs weak hopefuly i can catch up on diz shiz but i gota strain for mah macth ya kinow? keep it real Share this post Link to post Share on other sites