Guest evenflowDDT Report post Posted March 3, 2003 So, I'm on AIM minding my own business, stalling for a paper, and I run into none other than our very own HotNewzWIRE~! HotNewzWIRE: U FCUKIN BITHC WANNA MESS WITH EEM!?? aLi3NFi3ND: OMG WTF?!?!?!?! HotNewzWIRE: IM UR FCUKING DESIER, KID~ aLi3NFi3ND: shit man, who is this? aLi3NFi3ND: look, i'm uhhh... well... i'm... HotNewzWIRE: UR BIGGEST DESIRE aLi3NFi3ND: i don't do that gay modeling anymore, ok? aLi3NFi3ND: that was YEARS AGO!! HotNewzWIRE: FCUK U I HAV A WIFE AND 2 DATERS! HotNewzWIRE: DAUGHTARS TYPO aLi3NFi3ND: wha? that's not righ tthen... aLi3NFi3ND: what, what do you want from me?!?! HotNewzWIRE: UR FUCKIN LOFE HotNewzWIRE: LYFE TYPO HotNewzWIRE: I NO TAHT U NO ZAC KATTACK!!!!!!!!!!! HotNewzWIRE: WHO IS HIM?!? aLi3NFi3ND: i dunno what you're talking about aLi3NFi3ND: honest! HotNewzWIRE: FCKU THAT GAY ASS SHITTT HotNewzWIRE: U BUT BANG HIM MONTHLY WEEKLY MAYBE EVEN HOURLY!!!!!!!111111 aLi3NFi3ND: wtf? aLi3NFi3ND: i'm a VIRGIN ok? HotNewzWIRE: gat! HotNewzWIRE: gay! HotNewzWIRE: i have 2 duaghters i m FILLED with ESTROGEN HotNewzWIRE: I MEAN TESTOSTERONE ASSHOLE!!!!!1111111 aLi3NFi3ND: dude, i'm just... is this about your daughters? aLi3NFi3ND: i don't know no zack attack HotNewzWIRE: FCKU Y aLi3NFi3ND: ok? aLi3NFi3ND: uhhh... are you one of those closet gays? you have this desire to... ummm... perform sexual acts on me aLi3NFi3ND: and this "zack attack" fellow aLi3NFi3ND: i'm just curious HotNewzWIRE: NO!!!!!!!! ZAC KATTACK TRIN TO WSTELKAN MY SPOTLITE aLi3NFi3ND: uhhhh aLi3NFi3ND: i realize you're heated, but ummm... aLi3NFi3ND: i have no idea what you're talking ab out aLi3NFi3ND: about* HotNewzWIRE: I LIEV IN YELLOWKINIFE FUCKIN MY WIFE HotNewzWIRE: WHILE CHECKIN SHIT ONLINE aLi3NFi3ND: what is YELLOWKINIFE? HotNewzWIRE: AN I SEE ZAC KATTACK (UR FRIEND) TAKIN MY SPOT HotNewzWIRE: Yellowknife is my home JACKASS HotNewzWIRE: IN YUKON TERRITORY CANANDADNADNA aLi3NFi3ND: oh, i've never been to that part of canada aLi3NFi3ND: i've only been to quebec and nova scotia HotNewzWIRE: FCUK U aLi3NFi3ND: you know, the COOL parts? HotNewzWIRE: I"LL RAPE YOUR PENIS aLi3NFi3ND: uhhhh aLi3NFi3ND: that's sexual harrassment! aLi3NFi3ND: and i don't have to take it! aLi3NFi3ND: ;-) HotNewzWIRE: BTICH SHIT HotNewzWIRE: IMMA FUCKIN SLIT UR COCK OPNE AND EAT THE CONTINTS aLi3NFi3ND: hahahahahahaha aLi3NFi3ND: you are one SICK freak, you know that? aLi3NFi3ND: besides, i think your wife already did aLi3NFi3ND: bitch HotNewzWIRE: I WNAT ZAC ATTACK NOWWWWWWWW aLi3NFi3ND: :-P HotNewzWIRE: GIVE HIM @ ME aLi3NFi3ND: even if i knew who the hell you were talking about, you couldn't have him! aLi3NFi3ND: nope, eh eh, nada HotNewzWIRE: BYE BYE BITCH aLi3NFi3ND: you'd probably tie him up and lick his balls you freak Now, I'm suitably freaked out. The HotNewzWIRE~! that posts around here is sweet and gentle, and makes a whole lot more typos. This HotNewzWIRE... well, this HotNewzWIRE freaked me out. Not funny at all, just vulgar, sick, and scary. It can't be the same person. It's just... it just can't be. So who's this HotNewzWIRE? EDIT: I just wanted to make it clear, I thought this guy was joking at first, so I tried to humor him. The gay modeling stuff? Not true. It's just... well, humor didn't work, this man was a MONSTER Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest The Superstar Report post Posted March 3, 2003 Me? HotNewzWIRE~? HA! I wish I was half as creative. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest evenflowDDT Report post Posted March 3, 2003 Me? HotNewzWIRE~? HA! I wish I was half as creative. Yea I never bought into that stuff either. You're only good at writing matches anyway, I've read your promos Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest evenflowDDT Report post Posted March 3, 2003 It NEVER ENDS!! I am Zack Attack: MUWAHAHAHAHA aLi3NFi3ND: OMG~! ZACK ATTACK~! aLi3NFi3ND: you suck! :-P I am Zack Attack: ohh sandmans on\ aLi3NFi3ND: why can't you mark for a wrestler as awesome as me, me, evenflowddt! aLi3NFi3ND: ? aLi3NFi3ND: heh aLi3NFi3ND: hey, one thing i wondered - since you love zack so much and all, do you even buy his "gay" shirts? like "oooh i looove myself~!"? I am Zack Attack: HEeeeY!!!! youNOT GOING BAN@ MEW!!!! likE SANDMAN!! aLi3NFi3ND: sandman?!?! grrr.... don't even mention him when talking to me! aLi3NFi3ND: you think you're such a "smart markz" and it's kayfabe? aLi3NFi3ND: FUCK YOU I HATE SANDMAN AND HIS STUPID ASS~! I am Zack Attack: SAnDFuCKER BLooCKED Me~! He NOt Like Fans..HE Suxor and DiE!!!! aLi3NFi3ND: hahaha I am Zack Attack: Itzzz ANGLESAULTz B-DaayyY!!! aLi3NFi3ND: why would he like someone who likes ZACK? aLi3NFi3ND: of all the roster... aLi3NFi3ND: i mean come on! aLi3NFi3ND: yea, it's as' birthday, i wonder who has "heat" for not getting him a present? I am Zack Attack: He'ZZ Not KEWL DOOd Like U!!! U TalkszZ to Fans aLi3NFi3ND: true that, well, i aim to please aLi3NFi3ND: that's really all i ever wanted as a wrestler, ever since i wanted to get the dingo warrior's autograph once and he shunned me aLi3NFi3ND: i vowed if i was ever famous to never be a dick I am Zack Attack: tHaT SuX!!!! aLi3NFi3ND: even if someone is a zack fan ;-) I am Zack Attack: ~Got Anneyee BaaacK StaGE RumoRS!!! Are U n AliSSSOnn ssooo HOT!!! Really BReaking Up[... I'd Bone HERR !!!! aLi3NFi3ND: dude, that's gross. show some class man! she is attractive, but veronica (OMG HER REAL NAME~!) is in another relationship with someone else aLi3NFi3ND: besides, i don't want any heat by giving too much away I am Zack Attack: VerONICA!!! KREAM~! WHATa NAme ughh!!! Whaaat Tabout SPiderBard's New Guurrlll!!! She'S HOTtttttiee DoodD I am Zack Attack: Yo"RE not Like SuperStarSuckS who Sleeps with AgNEsss's MoM or Dad Or Dog R U!? aLi3NFi3ND: nah, i don't sleep with... well... anyone, i'm single, my wife left me saying i spent too much time on the road aLi3NFi3ND: sigh. I am Zack Attack: ThaT SuccckSSS... Was Yer WiFE HotT? I am Zack Attack: She ProLLy Is With Zack..>CauSe BitCHEs Need MONEY! aLi3NFi3ND: OMG WTF?! that's just UNCALLED for! I am Zack Attack: Heahahaaa I am Zack Attack: AdMiT~! You WanT to BE Richies Like Zack, My IDOL!!! aLi3NFi3ND: i'm not greedy, i don't have too many expenses aLi3NFi3ND: besides, we midcarders make a good $60K a year in oaoast aLi3NFi3ND: nothing to sneeze at aLi3NFi3ND: unlike unemployed 13 year olds aLi3NFi3ND: who sit around at their computer and bitch about wrestling all day aLi3NFi3ND: i hope your training is going well I am Zack Attack: WHAT~!!! I am Zack Attack: YOU SUCKSS A MY LEFT NUTTSSZZ!! YOU GAY FAG! aLi3NFi3ND: maybe you and "hot newz wire" can collapse after 30 seconds for a double countout I am Zack Attack: I am RIch LiKe Zack! My DaD is RIch He bIg Smart Man aLi3NFi3ND: oh please. is that supposed to give you more credibility? I am Zack Attack: MONEY~~!!! is Powaa aLi3NFi3ND: why don't you get your nose out of the "wrestling porch" as you call it, and get out of your house aLi3NFi3ND: work out, do SOMETHING aLi3NFi3ND: what a life... spending all day online, whining about veiled homoeroticism aLi3NFi3ND: god I am Zack Attack: I GoT a GirlFriend!! She'S HOT~! Not AlliSOn BonERiSh Hot But Hot....I beT u Don't Got that...U DOn't YOUR WIfey Sucks Zack;s DiCK noW!!! aLi3NFi3ND: UGH! you know what? i can't WAIT for you to show up at freakin' anglemania aLi3NFi3ND: so you can see for yourself how zack REALLY is... aLi3NFi3ND: you know what he does before a match? doesn't get his dick sucked, doesn't do anything... it's all a FACADE I am Zack Attack: ANd How Is HE...BEtter Than Yu!!! aLi3NFi3ND: he watches saved by the bell tapes aLi3NFi3ND: and gets a pizza delivered I am Zack Attack: No Ittzz Not..HE got Hunnies Up In hiS DiZziCK an MizOuth an Such! aLi3NFi3ND: that's IT! nothing magical, nothing pimping, nothing! aLi3NFi3ND: nada! aLi3NFi3ND: zip! aLi3NFi3ND: zilch! I am Zack Attack: U JeaLOUSS!!!! I am Zack Attack: Hah! You're A LOSSer... aLi3NFi3ND: of WHAT? his saved by the bell t-shirt collection? aLi3NFi3ND: hey life's dealt me a bad deck I am Zack Attack: U Never Be Worl CHamp!!! HAHa Even AgnES gOt A Shot B4 YOU! aLi3NFi3ND: but i'll show you who's a loser aLi3NFi3ND: tomorrow aLi3NFi3ND: when i pin you rprecious ZACK aLi3NFi3ND: 1 aLi3NFi3ND: 2 aLi3NFi3ND: 3 aLi3NFi3ND: that is, if he's even brave enough to fight I am Zack Attack: He'Z GoiNG To BE ChamP My FriEnd SaiD BPP is Going To Book HiM thaT wAy CauSe BPP haS Da PoweR...He'S Cool...Kewl! aLi3NFi3ND: sigh... yes, your "friend"., on the "intrenet" right? I am Zack Attack: MispElS WerdZ Is Kwl! I am Zack Attack: YEs! i HaVe Lots Of Kewl Friends! aLi3NFi3ND: then why don't you GO TALK TO THEM INSTEAD OF BOTHERING ME! God... and people think I'M ZACK ATTACK~! ? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Kotzenjunge Report post Posted March 3, 2003 I feel left out. HotNewzWIRE~! only IMed me once when I said I wanted to have his child, and he said "hey sexy." Unfortunately, I wasn't home at the time to respond. ZACK ATTACK~! has never bothered me at all on AIM. (sniffle) I wanna be harassed too! Come on Superstar, hit me with your worst! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Kotzenjunge Report post Posted March 3, 2003 Whee! I Am Zack Attack bothered me! Here's the conversation: I am Zack Attack: U FeLZ LEFt OUt!!! u WEANt SoME ZaCk AttaCCKSss LOvIN ...BPP SuxxED>..HE BLoCKed ME CAuSe I SAai D He NOT SexY N His GurL~! SuckS Too!! HAHA!!!! Kotzenjunge: Sure, let's get it on. Kotzenjunge: Why not? Kotzenjunge: Hello? Zack? Come back! I am Zack Attack: U WAnNNTed ME~! EvERyoNE WAnTs ZaCk AttaCK~aa! I Kick ASzz SpeCIallY HotNEWss!WireS~! Azz Kotzenjunge: I don't care about HotNewzWIRE~! unless he wants to get in on a threesome chat or something. I am Zack Attack: U ProBabLy WaTChIn FakE KyLIe PoRN~! I am Zack Attack: At LEsT ShE Hot~! EvENflOW Don'T kNowW Hot Kotzenjunge: (grabs Zack and kisses him) Take me, man meat! I am Zack Attack: ~!!EwwW! I'M TnoT GheY ~! LikE AgnES TwaT Kotzenjunge: The hell you aren't. Drop those pants, big boy. I am Zack Attack: I'M noT Zack 22...I'm ZacK Attack~!!. Zack;s BIggesT Fan!!! Kotzenjunge: The point is that you have a penis. Kotzenjunge: And I want it. Kotzenjunge: Now let me have it. I am Zack Attack: U WoulNDt Be AblE TO Find U DiCk BoY...SupeS Got TwEEEEZers N A MiCROSCOPE!!! I am Zack Attack: HE Can HElp U! I am Zack Attack: My DiCk goES In PUSsssyy!! Mmmmm!!! NOthING elSE unLessS IT S A ABitCH's MouTH!! Kotzenjunge: Do I have to do all the work myself? (undoes Zack Attack's belt and pulls his zipper down with his teeth) Kotzenjunge: I'll be your bitch, Zack Attack. I am Zack Attack: I DonT Do CYbEr ThaAT S Sick SUtf CauSE U Sick..U No BItch U Got NO pUssy U R a Pussy CauSE RaveRS SUCKK!!!! But no Pussy anD No BOoBS!!!! Kotzenjunge: But I've got a mouth/ Kotzenjunge: A very talented mouth. I am Zack Attack: I Be BAck TO HAreaSSSS yOURET ASS SOonn MuwHAHA!~!!! IO Gots HOneYS WHo WANt ME oVer HErr....e...You BEttER Wach Out At ANGLEmaNIA~~!!!! CauSE I'M TAKING ovvaaararrrr!!! I am Zack Attack: RAVES R GHEY~!!!!! Kotzenjunge: All right, fine. I'll take it first. Previous message was not received by I am Zack Attack because of error: User I am Zack Attack is not available. Damn, I was looking forward to that too... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Angle-plex Report post Posted March 3, 2003 (sniffle) I wanna be harassed too! Come on Superstar, hit me with your worst! What are you asking SUPERSTAR to hit you with his worst? Shouldn't you ask HotNewzWire to do that? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Big Poppa Popick Report post Posted March 3, 2003 this is too funny Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Sandman9000 Report post Posted March 3, 2003 Sandman's quick on the block button. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Big Poppa Popick Report post Posted March 3, 2003 i kinda like how kotz fucked with em Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Kotzenjunge Report post Posted March 3, 2003 He IMed me again, but I was sadly still asleep. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites