Guest converge241 Report post Posted March 3, 2003 random stuff from ze 'net: Why is it every time I go to a restaurant they always serve me torrid food? Maybe they have to burn my tongue off. Or maybe it's a conspiracy against me. With either case as a scenario I hope that restaurants in this country will tone it down a little. For example, I went to a diminutive restaurant called "Jappa Grill." This restaurant isn't really the type you would take a fellow college student to, but rather a family member or date. Finally the day has arrived that my meal is brought before me to look upon. Good thing for Lisa she doesn't have to remind herself "who had what" because I'm eating by myself. The first thing I notice about the scrod is that it has this red flaky on top of it. I ask Lisa, " What is on top of my scrod?" She replies that it is seasoned breadcrumbs. The second thing I notice is the dreaded steam that is rising off my plate. Why must every dinner I have be simmering? Just by looking at it could cause my tongue to swell. I think I should wait for the scrod to cool down before I burn my mouth. As I'm waiting for the food to cool down, I notice a third thing that is wrong in my eyes. The peas are drenched in what looks like tomato sauce. I am not eating that. At least the potatoes look edible. The conspiracy of burning my tongue off is well upon me. Why can't the waitress serve the food when it is mildly cold and not scorching hot? Is that too much to ask? When the scrod has stopped steaming, I take the fork and dive right in. The seasoned breadcrumbs aren’t that bad and the scrod itself isn't that awful. When I'm finishing consuming my meal, I take another glimpse at the dessert side of the smaller menu and I decided to order the apple pie. Lisa comes by and asked, "How was my meal?" I said, " Just fine. I would like to have the apple pie as a dessert and please no ice-cream on top." She takes the empty plate and bowl of peas away from the table. Within a couple of minutes she comes back with the check and my apple pie. The apple pie was great and delicious. Just like any other dessert after a meal. I get up and pick up the check and leave a tip on the table. Then I paid the check and gave a nod, and left the buildingAs I waited for the meal to arrive and tedium is kicking in. I began to look around at the other booths. There were a lot of older people who dine out at this place. In the center of the room they have tables for much larger parties who come to eat to accommodate families, co-workers, and other events that may have more than four people. Then I picked up a smaller menu that had desserts on one side and the other side had alcoholic beverages. After I put down the smaller menu my chilled salad comes with the French dressing ontopalready on. This also comes what they call, "Jappa Sticks" which is a cinnamon bread stick in my opinion. The "Jappa Sticks" are delightfully tasty and tepid. I now focus on this chilled salad that they gave me. This salad is way too meager! Very little lettuce, only a couple of chopped up tomatoes and way too many onions. This leaves me with disgust and can't wait for the meal to come. Why must my salad be cold and tasteless without having anything interesting in it? The only virtuous point of the salad was the French dressing. That's not saying much so far about the "Jappa Grill" and their so-called cooks. Don't get me wrong, I'm not a food critic or anything but if I were, I would give the thumbs down. This place so far with its performance will not get a tremendous review for other food lovers. As time slips by minute by minute, I am getting hungry and impatient of waiting for the meal. I can't just sit here and do nothing. I must be impolite and listen to other conversations that I might hear from around the room. It surprises me that no one talks about that concerns me so I just put my head back and wait for the recondite. When I first walked into the establishment for dinning, I notice that there is a short bar near the podium. This gives me an expression that they sell alcohol here. The seats to the bar are empty as a bookstore on a Saturday night. Then as I glanced around the "bar room", I noticed that there was wooden bench that has black shinny back to it. I sat down and waited for the hostess. I twitted with my thumbs being bored and finally the hostess surprised me by saying, "hello." I immediately stood up and presented myself in an honorable manner. I replied with a "hello" of my own. Then as I stood there shocked and out of place, the hostess asked me "smoking or non?" I replied with "non." She gave a quick jerk and spun around and walked to the nest dinning room. She then went into another dinning room that had booths. At this point I'm wondering why she didn't ask me to follow her. Then I thought to myself it was all in the body movement she showed off earlier. I politely sat down at the booth and gave a nod that I was satisfied with the service so far. As quick as a bunny the waitress came over and handed me a menu. Then, Lisa asked me what I would have for a drink. I quickly glimpsed at the drink selection and said, "Pepsi." Then she said do you want any appetizers before your meal? I said "yes". I want the salad with French dressing." She wrote down order by order as soon as my mouth opened up and words came out. Scrutinizing over the menu of "Jappa Grill" I saw that they had scrod (a young cod) and it comes with other servings such as, mashed potatoes, and peas. They had other choices but I went with those side dishes. When the waitress comes back I will have an answer for her on what to order.In conclusion, the inept restaurant, "Jappa Grill" did meet my criterion. I didn't burn my tongue off. That's always a plus in my book. The conspiracy still runs wild in the open and ready to strike at a different restaurant. I believe that food is best served cold and that is the way it should be. I can't sit there in a restaurant and wait for the food to cool down, but it should have been cooled down in the first place. The utterance of hot food makes my mouth quiver in malaise. I would go back to "Jappa Grill" if I were going to dine out. Why take any other chances of going to a different eating establishment? While I have a perfect little cozy place to eat, where no one can bother me with their problems. part II aa5784: why must we fight? SilliJilli2: do we really need to start this again aa5784: fine, I can't go through life hating someone SilliJilli2: and i cant believe the shit u were talking to jackie yesterday SilliJilli2: its obvious u want her but shes taken SilliJilli2: and joe will beat ur ass aa5784: thats not my elegance hun SilliJilli2: u better back off Auto response from aa5784: "The poet speaking to a prostitute who falls asleep while he's talking-" SilliJilli2: loser aa5784: slattern, floozy aa5784: and much more SilliJilli2: me? im not the one asking jackie for sex tips aa5784: dawdler aa5784: misanthropic SilliJilli2: what r u doing just searching a dictionary for random words aa5784: nope SilliJilli2: seriously asking jackie to a party as ur date, then asking how to pleasure a girl.......get a life aa5784: my dictionary is down stairs in my bag SilliJilli2: oooh dont we feel special aa5784: "get a life?" aa5784: hmmm... SilliJilli2: what r u planning to accomplish by talkin all that shit to jackie? make me jealous? hit on her? piss me off? aa5784: i'm not planning anything SilliJilli2: then i can only imagine what goes on in that little head of urs? ur motives? aa5784: no motive SilliJilli2: u know what i dont even wanna know SilliJilli2: i dont care SilliJilli2: and i NEVER will aa5784: oh no aa5784: Such harmony in the room SilliJilli2: what the hell aa5784:i was kinding SilliJilli2: kinding? aa5784: don't generalize my statements little girl SilliJilli2: little girl? r u fukin serious SilliJilli2: im more mature than u aa5784: yes, infuckingdeed SilliJilli2: why dont u stop talking to me? why is it that i cannot be online without u IMing me aa5784: you should kowtow to me and show me respect SilliJilli2: and why do i owe u anything especially respect aa5784: because everyone does SilliJilli2: not when u are being treated like u treat me SilliJilli2: and my friends aa5784: how do you mean? aa5784: i try to keep peace and you throw it back in my face SilliJilli2: bc u shouldnt be talking to me to begin with aa5784: oh, i see aa5784: good answer aa5784: your personality is such a hector SilliJilli2: shut up aa5784: i'm not talking, remember? It's called typing. SilliJilli2: whatedver SilliJilli2 signed off at 8:50:44 PM. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest JangoFett4Hire Report post Posted March 3, 2003 LMFAO What the hell? Who are you fighting with? Who is SilliJill? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest converge241 Report post Posted March 4, 2003 thats not me..i dont even have IM Share this post Link to post Share on other sites