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Guest Banky

Evan Dando

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Guest Banky

Anyone a fan of this guy? When I dug his stuff back in the early 90's I thought he was a fluffy loveable guy who wrote bubblegum love songs. In reality, the guy is an old fashioned drug addled basketcase who has some serious problems. With his problems came unreal music. Even with his last Lemonhead's record, Car Button Cloth, Dando began to show his dark side. He has taken the Gram Parson's route and drowned his sorrows into acoustic country songs. And may I say they are unreal. So if you are strapped for some layed back acoustic tracks, check out Evan Dando's material. He is slowly losing his mind, and in the process becoming a better all around artist. He has his first solo album coming out in April. Check it out.

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Guest Eyeball Kid

I use to hate the Lemonheads, soley for Evan Dando's insufferable "holier-than-thou" attitude that he'd often sport in interviews back in the day (same goes for his pal, Julianna Hatfield). I use to not be able to get into the Smiths for the longest time, as well, simply because of Morrissey's persona.


I'm older and wiser now, and I've since become a Smiths fans. Maybe I should give the Lemonheads a fair shake, too.

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Guest Banky
I use to hate the Lemonheads, soley for Evan Dando's insufferable "holier-than-thou" attitude that he'd often sport in interviews back in the day (same goes for his pal, Julianna Hatfield). I use to not be able to get into the Smiths for the longest time, as well, simply because of Morrissey's persona.


I'm older and wiser now, and I've since become a Smiths fans. Maybe I should give the Lemonheads a fair shake, too.

I'd recommend checking out Dando's acoustic stuff. Unfortunetly, he is stick as arrogant and fucked up as before. Many of his past indiscretions soured me on the guy (dating Courtney Love months after Cobain's suicide) but his music is so damn good. Its beyond the Lemonheads, his new stuff is much much better,

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Guest Edwin MacPhisto

My favorite Dando moment is his collaboration with Craig Armstrong, "Wake Up In New York." It's infinitely soothing and impressive, and makes a great mix disc segue into some Andrew WK or AC/DC.

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Guest notJames
I use to hate the Lemonheads, soley for Evan Dando's insufferable "holier-than-thou" attitude that he'd often sport in interviews back in the day (same goes for his pal, Julianna Hatfield)…

(This is me screaming into the void.)


I'm probably one of Juliana's biggest fans, having seen her in concert practically every year since 1993. Your words cut through me like a knife cutting through me. Having talked to her on several occasions, I can honestly say that she can be standoffish at times, but only because she's extremely shy. Extremely. She touches on it in her song "I Got No Idols". I think that shyness makes her extra sexy.


But her stuff is really good, especially her current stuff. Raw but polished, very honest and stripped down. Great guitar work, too. I"m glad Atlantic cut her loose so she could get back to writing real rock songs again. She even reunited with her old band the Blake Babies for one album in 2001.


If you're willing to give the Lemonheads a shot, definitely pick up Jules' Beautiful Creature and Total System Failure either separately or in the box set. All her stuff is great, even Become What You Are, the one with "My Sister". My favourite song is "Nirvana".


And I'm glad you like the Smiths now. They are an essential band for people who can appreciate really good songwriting. And Moz is such a character. I hear he's found a new fanbase in the young gay Latino community.


As for Dando, his exploits with drugs are well-publicized and tragic. Shame, really. I liked the Lemonheads during their Taang! days, but the good stuff stopped after It's a Shame About Ray. Maybe I'll check out his new stuff.

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Guest Eyeball Kid

It isn't the gay Latino community. An article in Spin sometime ago focused on this, and many of the Latinos were oblivious to Morrissey's sexuality. Still, it's pretty odd.

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Guest notJames

My bad. I thought I had read it somewhere. He's always been a hit with the gay crowd, even though he's a self-proclaimed asexual, whatever that means.

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Guest Banky
but the good stuff stopped after It's a Shame About Ray. Maybe I'll check out his new stuff.

I disagree, his stuff got better and more progressive AFTER Its a Shame about Ray. Come on Feel the Lemonheads is their best record. It has a little of everything, and the first signs he was losing his mind.

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Guest RevEvil
My bad. I thought I had read it somewhere. He's always been a hit with the gay crowd, even though he's a self-proclaimed asexual, whatever that means.

Main Entry: asex·u·al

Pronunciation: (")A-'sek-sh(&-)w&l, -'sek-sh&l

Function: adjective

Date: 1830

1 : lacking sex or functional sex organs <asexual plants>

2 a : involving or reproducing by reproductive processes (as cell division, spore formation, fission, or budding) that do not involve the union of individuals or germ cells <asexual reproduction> <an asexual generation> b : produced by asexual reproduction <asexual spores>

3 : devoid of sexuality <an asexual relationship>

- asex·u·al·i·ty /"A-"sek-sh&-'wa-l&-tE/ noun

- asex·u·al·ly /(")A-'sek-sh(&-)w&-lE, -"sek-sh(&-)lE/ adverb

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Guest Eyeball Kid

I think he was being facetious when he said "whatever that means."

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Guest goodhelmet

dude, first johnny cash love, now evan dando and the lemonheads. the lemonheads were great at simple upbeat pop songs with the occasional melancholy twist here and there. i could listen to "it's a shame about ray" any day of the week.


in all honesty, i could give a shit if the guy is a fucked-up neurotic drug addict. it is a shame and i empathize with him (except for selling the millions of records and beng nationally known part) but as long as i enjoy the music, keep doing what you're doing. as for being a prick in interviews, i could give a shit about how he acts because i will prolly never meet the guy and have no interest in his personal life.

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Guest Banky

The reviews of Dando's solo album are coming out good. They say the record isn't much of a change from his Lemonhead's work, but still a good variation of it. Personally I'm stoked.

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Guest JangoFett4Hire

Ray and Come on Feel are a great 1-2 punch. I think the songs on both discs are interchangable and both make for a great listen. "Drug Buddy" "Rudder" "Confetti"

"Great Big No" "Allison's Starting to Happen" "Dawn Can't Decide" are ALL great pop tunes. The Lemonheads were one of the best, and underrated, bands of the 90's. A lot of great bands came out of the Boston area in the 90's that received little fanfafe underservingly. Buffalo Tom, Belly, Letters to Cleo. But I think the 'heads were the cream of the crop.

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Guest notJames

I much prefer Letters to the Lemonheads, only because I have a thing for female lead singers who rock. Of course, I also dug the Blake Babies, but I already stated that before in my little shout out to Juliana Hatfield.


But you're right. Boston was rife with bands in the '90s that deserved more than a footnote in the annals of rock.


I guess I'll have to get a copy of and re-listen to Come On… considering how much fanfare it's getting 'round these parts. But for now, I'll pop in …Ray, sit in my geriatric rocking chair and reminisce on when music wasn't so bad.


I just want a bit part in your life…

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