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Guest Longdogger_Pete

SJL Metal - March 4, 2003

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Guest Longdogger_Pete


Due Date: Tuesday @ 5 PM EST

Location: The Pepsi Center in Denver, Colorado!





Janus came up with a HUGE triumph on SJL Crimson, winning the World Title from Mike Van Siclen in a brutal Canadian Deathmatch. Coming off one of the most brutal and hard-fought matches the SJL has ever seen, Janus has been given the show off from competition. Instead, he’ll speak on his plans for the title, and the return of the JL M7 to power. Go wild with this one, big guy. You earned it.



David Blazenwing vs. Geddion


David Blazenwing made an impressive impact early in his SJL career, defeating three other men. One of those men was Geddion, who wants some revenge against the man who defeated him on Crimson. Therefore, the two of them square off and stuff. Hey, this isn’t rocket science, people.

RULES: Straight singles match. DQ/countout in effect.



Christian Blackwell vs. Quiet Death vs. Aaron Carpenter


These three men are floating around the SJL midcard right now, with different stories. Aaron Carpenter, fresh out of training camp, lost to Aecas in his debut match. Meanwhile, Quiet Death tasted defeat in his four corners match from the last show, ultimately losing to David Blazengame. And finally, Christian Blackwell dropped to Omega Storm in the semifinals of the TV Title tournament. All three men will square off here, looking to get a step up on their competition and make a move towards the upper card.

RULES: Triple threat match. All three men in the ring at once. First pinfall/submission wins the match. DQ is in effect, countout is NOT in effect.



Tryst vs. “Dark Rebel” Terry Wayne


These two men were participants in the SJL Title Tournament, with Terry Wayne dropping his first round match, while Tryst managed to last until the semifinals, where he fell to Fosta. Now these two men square off in an attempt to distinguish themselves from the pack.

RULES: Straight singles match. DQ/countout in effect.




Omega Storm vs. Fosta


These two men have survived from the initial field of 8, and now they finally get to do battle for the ultimate n00b prize: The SJL TV Title. Can Omega Storm complete his turnaround and win the SJL Title, or will Fosta continue his surprising run to his first taste of SJL gold? These men will have to go above and beyond the call of duty, however, as they fight for the TV Title in a Last Man Standing match. The man who leaves the arena with the newly-reinstated gold will have earned this strap.

RULES: No DQ/countout. To win, you must put your opponent down for a 10 count somewhere inside the arena.



Crow vs. Aecas


Crow has had some issues with Janus in the past, including a run-in after his big title win on Crimson. However, Crow will have to wait to go after Janus, who has the night off. Instead, he fights Aecas, who picked up a HUGE win over Aaron Carpenter on Crimson. Can Aecas keep the ball rolling, or will he be just another victim to Crow and his Australian ANGER~! and INTENSITY~!?

RULES: Straight singles match. DQ/countout in effect




Sean Atlas© vs. Thor


These two men have been on rolls lately, although Sean Atlas stumbled on Crimson, dropping to Spike Jenkins in the first loss of his short career. However, he still has his Euro Title, and still will after tonight. He squares off against Thor, who defeated Va’aiga on Crimson, in a non-title match. Will the unstoppable rookie or the giant God of Thunder walk out of this one the winner?

RULES: DQ/countout in effect. Normal singles rules.




“Hollywood” Spike Jenkins vs. Va’aiga/Matt Myers/Mike Van Siclen


Spike Jenkins achieved fame in the SJL one month ago, when he appeared all over a show, then fought a huge gauntlet match, which he won. Now, after snapping a losing streak against the previously-undefeated European Champion Sean Atlas on Crimson, he has decided to go back and run the gauntlet once again. He recruited three men to fight him on Crimson, including former SJL Champions Mike Van Siclen and Matt Myers. Can Spike duplicate his amazing success of a month ago, or is he doomed to a lousy sequel (like Scream 3)?

RULES: Va’aiga will enter first, and fight Spike Jenkins. If Spike defeats Va’aiga by pinfall, submission, or DQ, then Myers enters. If Myers is defeated by Spike, then MVS enters. To win, Spike must beat all three men consecutively. If Va’aiga or Myers beats Spike, then the match is ended immediately. All men must write matches. DQ/countout are in effect

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Guest Longdogger_Pete

As SJL Metal finally comes on air, the camera pans around the crowd, who are raring to go and waving signs around like mad! The cheering is thunderous and the camera pans signs such as "Janus Is God!" (and not to mention the one next to it saying "Of Doors!"). Other signs include "We Love Tryst!" from a not quite sane-looking group of green wearing merry men, and "MVS Sucks" along with "Spike Rules" and "n00bs 0wn j00!" rounding out everything. Finally, the camera pans down to the announe table where Axis and the Suicide King are waiting rather patiently.


Axis: "Welcome to SJL Metal, folks! We're here live in the Pepsi Center of Denver Colorado, and we have some stellar matches tonight! Vying in the finals of the TV Title tournament, we have the Omega Storm taking on the still somewhat-newcomer Fosta!"


Suicide King: "Bah! We'll get higher ratings out of the main event! The King of the World himself is going to make lightning strike twice and run through the gauntlet match!"


Axis: "We'll also have a Triple Threat between the "Picture Perfect" Aaron Carpenter and the two rather gloomy stars of Christian Blackwell and Quiet Death!"


Suicide King: "But right now, we get to see someone who rarely talks say more than a few words!"


The Suicide King's speech rings true as the camera pans to the Smarktron, which shows the parking lot of the arena, and the grinning face of the ever lovable Ben Hardy.


Ben: "We're waiting right here in the parking lot for the arrival of the SJL Champion himself! Janus should have a lot to say about his victory!"


True to Hardy's words, mere minutes pass before a bronze Torana pulls into the parking lot, rolling leisurely up and down the packed lot to find a parking space. Hardy rushes towards the car as it parks, and sure enough, stepping out of the vehicle is none other than the seven foot Janus. He is indeed an impressive sight, clad in what looks like a tailor-made suit. Not expensive, but not shabby either. Resting the SJL Title belt over his shoulder, the giant begins a walk towards the arena as Hardy runs up beside him.


Hardy: "Janus! Good to see you here tonight even though you haven't got a match! Any words about your victory?"


Janus didn't respond, shaking his head only slightly and continuing on.


Hardy: "Okay then, what about your possible opponents in the future!?"


The giant cocked an eyebrow slightly, still not looking at Hardy, a faint frown on his face as if the reporter is like a buzzing fly.Only slightly perturbed, Hardy continues.


Hardy: "What about any plans for the Magnificent Seven?"


At this, Janus pauses, tilting his head back to let the hair out of his face before looking down at Hardy, and clapping a hand on the interviewer's shoulder firmly. Leaning down, the giant smiles faintly, as if bemused by the reporter's insistence at getting an answer. The smile however is not pleasant, and the giant's words even less so.


Janus: "Ben...I'm in a good mood. Now be a good reporter and shut up before I show you how I screwdriver people onto concrete..."


Hardy's eyes go wide and he backs away from the giant, rather pale. Janus straightens up again and adjusts the World Title on his shoulders, before turning on his heel and heading into the arena. Gus stays with Ben, as such no one sees anything of Janus after he goes in the door...


....and about five minutes later, the lights go out in the arena and Fear Factory's "Resurrection" explodes over the speakers, eliciting a shower of boos! Without waiting for the song or the pyros to fully go up, Janus walks from behind the curtain and past the blue pyros, stepping over the top rope and lifting his arms into the air, a loud explosion thundering through the air as blue fire explodes from the turnbuckles. The lights come back up, and the behemoth looks towards the announce table, before holding out his hand...and someone throws him a microphone.


Axis: "The giant is about to speak!"


Suicide King: "This should be rather interesting to see!"


Holding up the microphone, the giant turns his head slowly to look at the booing fans, before finally speaking. His voice was slow, calm and deliberate, almost devoid of any emotion - in essence, a rather boring voice to listen to. So the fans booed as he talked.


Janus: "Confident. Cocky. Lazy. Dead. This is the reason I am the champion. Mike Van Siclen made a grievous error in getting too confident in our match, and he paid the price. Now I am the champion, and he is not."


A pause. The giant scans the crowd for a moment, and with a slow pace, steps to one of the corners, lowering the microphone and rubbing his chin in thought. After a few moments, he steps back out of the corner and lifts his microphone once more.


Janus: "Some people...do not believe I should have this belt. Spike Jenkins, self-proclaimed 'King of the World' wants this belt, but he won't get it. His ego is too crushed. And Crow...Crow bleeds, and wrestles hardcore. He is about as dangerous to me as Annie is to the great Judge Mental."


This gets the crowd's attention, and they start thunderously booing the giant for ripping on the SWF's most well known female hardcore superstar. Janus just weathers the booing storm with the slightest smirk on his face and waits for about three straight minutes for the thunderous booing to die down long enough for him to start speaking again, chuckling lowly before talking.


Janus: "Something was...brought something to my attention...just a moment earlier. The Magnificent Seven."


This gets the crowd off thinking how boring Janus is AGAIN, and a massive roar of "Mag Seven Sucks" begins to race through the arena, much to the giant's apparent bemusement, because that smile is on his face again. Like with Ben Hardy, the smile is not an entirely pleasant one, as if he finds the chant amusing yet irritating at the same time.


Suicide King (groaning): "My poor ratings...this guy is putting everyone to sleep...."


Axis: "Except for that comment on Annie Ecletic. She'd probably think he's a puppy who needs his tail whipped if she heard that."


Suicide King: "Puppy? More like a St. Bernard! With claws and teeth!"


Finally, the camera pans back towards the ring where Janus has waited for the boos and commentary to die down before continuing. His tone is as cool and monotonic as ever, serving its purpose in starting to put people back to sleep. Beginning to pace back and forth across the ring, the giant lifts his free hand into the air, gesturing almost melodramatically as he speaks.


Janus: "I joined the Magnificent Seven...at the behest of Ejiro Fasaki. Shortly afterwards, he and his companion Fugue moved on to greater things. And it has come to my attention - what is a stable-man without his stable? As the sole presence of the Magnificent Seven in the Junior Leagues..."


The giant smiled slowly, once again pausing in his speech to scan the crowd, who continue to chant "Mag Seven Sucks". Stopping in his pacing, the giant steps towards the ropes as if his speech is over, before pausing and shaking his head, and lifting the microphone up once more.


Janus: "Consider this a public service announcement. The Magnificent Seven is a stable of wrestlers who have the power and technical skill to win their matches no matter what the cost. Our presence in the Junior Leagues will rise once more.....when and how is left for you people to ponder."


The fans, who were pretty much sleeping through most of Janus' speech, are now more awake as the giant promises more of the Magnificent Seven. The boos that ring through the arena are loud and hearty, but all the giant does is continue to smile slightly and look at the belt on his shoulder for a moment, then he just snorts and tosses his head back, and "Resurrection" booms out over the speakers once more as the giant slides out of the ring and walks up the ramp, a usually silent behemoth with the Smarks Junior League World Title.


Axis: "Janus with some strong words at the end of his speech there! Promising MORE of the Magnificent Seven?"


Suicide King: "That got MY attention! I don't think the fans liked it either!"


Axis: "We'll be back after this quick break ladies and gents, with our first match of the evening!"


With that said, SJL Metal fades to a brief commercial of Judge Mental's SWF Action Figure being advertised, now with even more flashbacks per set...

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Guest Longdogger_Pete

"And we are back here at SJL Metal! As always my name is Axis and I am here with the one and only Suicide King!" Axis blares into the mic. King smiles.


"Yes, as always I am here to make sure that you actually hear some real announcing."


"I am a very capable announcer, King." Axis responds indignantly. King just shakes his head. "Anyway," Axis continues, ignoring his partner. " We have a great card for you tonight, starting with two relative newcomers, David Blazenwing and Geddion, who was interviewed in the back earlier."


Suddenly the Smarktron glows with life. The Denver, Colorado crowd grows silent, rapt in attention. We see Ben Hardy, the backstage interviewer.


"Hello everyone, I am here with the newcomer Geddion. Geddion, how do you feel about fighting Blazenwing tonight? He defeated you last week." He holds the microphone to his face.


"It makes no difference to me who I face. You see the only reason I lost last week was because there were three other guys as opposed to one. I wasn't even pinned." He responds in a cool, even voice. Hardy shuddered, feeling a bit unnerved.


"Well, what about the statements made by others that you are crazy?" Hardy asks slowly.


Geddion turns, looking directly at Hardy's eyes. "Do I sound crazy? No, I'm not crazy. Fanatical yes. But not crazy. You know there is a fine line between genius and insanity, and I walk it daily. As far as my in ring work lately goes, it hasn't been up to par. But now I am focused. Now you will see what I mean, for I am ready. Maybe after you see me dominate someone in the ring, you will listen to what I have to say. My name is Geddion, and you will see that I am a warrior."


The TRON fades out and the camera fades back to the announcers. Axis looks noticeably uncomfortable. "I don't know what it is, but something about that Geddion unnerves me." Suddenly, STAND BACK! BLAZENWING'S COMING AT YA! And a familiar song comes over the sound system. It is Eye of the Hurricane.


"Holy Hurri-Wannabe! It's Blazenwing!" King shouts over the applause. Clad in mask and cape, David Blazenwing makes his way to the ring, carrying the defunct XWE TV Title. He enters the ropes and climbs the nearest turnbuckle, striking his best superhero pose, drawing a pop. He repeats on each of the other turnbuckles. Funyon grabs his mic and does his thing.


"The following contest is scheduled for one fall. Introducing first, already in the ring, weighing two-hundred fifty pounds, David Blazenwing!" The crowd seems to be drawn to the charisma of the newcomer. Suddenly the lights go out.


"Screw-job!" King cries, laughing.


"Oh please King, the match hasn't even started."


Then red strobelights begin to trace intricate patterns in the jam packed crowd. POD's Set it Off blares through the speakers. Geddion slowly walks out onto the stage. He crosses his middle fingers over his index fingers and pulls his ring fingers down with his thumb in his trademark hand sign. He raises his arms over his head and crosses them. Looking at the crowd momentarily, a gleam in his eyes can be seen. He lowers his arms, causing red pyro to ignite. The sound heard in the crowd is a strange mix of mostly boo's, but with some small but noticeable cheers. He makes his way to the ring as Funyon introduces him.


"And from parts unknown, weighing two-hundred thirty-five pounds, this isssssssssssss Geddion!" Never taking his eyes off his opponent Geddion climbs into the ring. The bell rings and the match begins.


The two modern gladiators circle eachother, never breaking eye contact. They lock up, collar and elbow style in the center of the ring. They struggle for a few seconds, neither gaining an advantage until the stronger Blazenwing grabs a side headlock. He tries to take Geddion down from that position, but Geddion backs him into the ropes. Being the virtuous hero he is, Blazenwing breaks clean. As soon as he unclenches his hands Geddion sends him into the far ropes. Geddion makes his way to the center of the ring, ready to catch David once he gets there, but as he is ready to strike, David slides between his legs. David pops up and bounds off the ropes again. Full of steam he comes charging at Geddion, but this time Geddion leaps in the air, letting David pass under him. David stops, ready to attack as soon as Geddion touches the ground. But as he swings Geddion ducks the attempted clothesline, and delivers a leg-lariat to Blazenwing's head that sends him to the mat.


"A great leg lariat sends Blazenwing to the mat!" Axis calls.


"Geddion has a speed and intelligence advantage. He will need to use both to win." King comments.


"What gives him the smarts advantage? You taking his word for it?" Axis asks sarcastically.


"No, he's smarter because A: He doesn't think he is a super hero and B: He cheats!" King laughs.


In the ring, Geddion is repeatedly driving boots to the back of David's head. Geddion then grabs his adversaries head and picks him up. He delivers a hard punch to the gut that hunches the hero over in pain. Geddion takes a few steps back, watching his opponent intently. Suddenly bursting into action, he runs forward and grabs David's head. Not slowing down, he somersaults forward, driving Blazenwing's head into the mat. The crowd groans.


Geddion lifts David to his feet again. THUMP! THUMP! THUMP! Geddion unloads with hard right hands to the gut of his foe. He then delivers a knee to the stomach that sends David stumbling away, holding the attacked area. Quickly Geddion moves in front of the still doubled over Blazenwing and delivers a vicious roundhouse kick to the temple of his head. David falls like a sack of potatoes.


"Oh man! That may have knocked him out!" Axis says in a hushed tone. Geddion rolls him onto his back and goes for a cover.






















NO! The crowd pops as Blazenwing gets his shoulder up at two! Geddion shakes his head, he thought he had him. Geddion stands up and stomps on the stomach of his opponent, making sure he will stay down. He stands perpendicular to Blazenwing and holds his arms out to the side. He then jumps in the air and somersaults foreword, but instead of landing back-first, he spins farther and lands chest to chest.


"A standing 450 splash! Incredible!" Axis yells. Geddion goes for a cover but David is to near the ropes so he decides not to waste the energy and picks him up instead. David is desperately trying to shake the cobwebs out of his head, but Geddion wants to end it quickly. THWACK! A stiff roundhouse kick is delivered to Blazenwing's chest. Geddion tries a second, but David catches it right before it connects. Not wanting to give Geddion time to counter Blazenwing drops onto his back, taking Geddion over in a dragon screw leg whip.


Both men rise to their feet, dazed. Geddion charges at the hero, ready to take him down with a sholderblock, but Blazenwing, perhaps with super powers activated, senses him coming and scooping him in his arms, he spins and slams him to the mat with a THUD! A roar goes up in the crowd as they sense the momentum changing sides.


Blazenwing picks up his foe. Geddion stumbles around groggily after having his head bounced off the mat. He puts a hand to his head, trying to steady himself, and doesn't see David throw himself off the far ropes and charge at him, running full out. As he approaches Geddion Blazenwing jumps at him, bowling him over and landing on him in the mount position. He fires off three lightning quick right hands to the side of Geddions head. WHOMP WHOMP WHOMP!


"He's using a closed fist!" King shouts to the ref.


"Everyone uses a closed fist King." Axis replies.


" 'Super hero's' should be held to a higher standard."


Geddion, perhaps purely on instinct, delivers a kick to David's back that sends him tumbling forward off of him. David quickly rises to his feet, and as Geddion climbs to one knee, he runs forward and springs off of Geddions knee and delivers an inziguri kick to the back of his head.


"A shining Black!" Axis shouts. Geddion falls to the mat face first. "He may be out!"


"I don't think so! This Geddion character is a tough cookie." King rebuts.


David rolls over onto Geddion and covers him.

































THR- No! Geddion rolls his shoulder over, breaking the pin.


"Told you so!" King gloats.


David, realizing it will take quite a bit to put this opponent away, picks him up. He grabs his head, drapes Geddions arm over his own neck, grabs his pants and lifts him into the air in a vertical suplex. Using his strength advantage he holds Geddion there. With all the blood rushing to Geddions head he walks him around the ring a full time, still elevated. Once back to the center of the ring he falls backward, dropping Geddion hard to the mat. Geddion clutches his back as he spasms in pain.


Blazenwing again helps Geddion to his feet. He grabs him by the arms, and uses his strength to throw him into the ropes. As Geddion comes back toward him, David lowers his head. Geddion, thinking quickly, slides back to back with his foe, flipping backwards and lands on his feet.


"A great counter!" Axis calls.


As David turns around he is met with a perfect drop kick to the chin, courtesy of Geddion. As Geddion rises to his feet he is met with a sound chorus of boo's which he ignores. Blazenwing climbs to his feet and is met with a stiff boot to the midsection. Geddion grabs his head and lifts him up, trying to give him a DDT, but Blazenwing shifts his weight and lands back on his feet. David uses his strength to lift Geddion over his head into a pin, a Northern Lights Suplex.





































NO! Geddion bridges up onto his neck, stopping the count. Showing great fortitude he lifts himself off the mat using only his neck and twists his body until he is in control with a front face lock. The advantage is short-lived as David quickly reverses into a rear waistlock. Geddion counters into a hammerlock. David drops to the mat and sweeps the legs out from under Geddion in a drop toe hold. He quickly releases the hold and floats over into a front face lock of his own. Geddion spins out and holds onto his arm in an arm wringer. He spins and sends the hero off the ropes. As he approaches Geddion resorts to an old tactic, extending a finger and poking Blazenwing in the eye.



King cackles maliciously. "I like this Geddion kid."


As a result of the despicable move David is stumbling around the ring blindly. With his back turned to Geddion he is prone to attack, and Geddion realizes this and locks his hands around David's waist and falls backward, throwing David overhead in a German suplex. Geddion opts not to release and bridges for a pin attempt.































THRE- NO~! David gets his arm up at the last possible second. Geddion pounds the mat in anger. He lifts his opponent up and delivers stiff body punches that drive him back into the corner. David uses the time to regroup, but has to be wondering about the pause in Geddions attack.


The answer comes momentarily as Geddion rushes at David, extending his leg and ramming his foot right into David's face, bloodying his nose.


"A brutal Yakusa Kick sends the fans into a rage! Geddion has bloodied their champion!" Axis says. David slumps in the corner, falling to his BUTT. Geddion flashes the fans a demented smile. He lifts his foot even with Blazenwing's head and scrapes his face, giving the hero a good taste of shoe leather. He laughs, an erie sound, and does it again, smearing David's face in his own blood. He laughs again, sounding almost like a corny movie villain, and begins to put the boots to David.


Using his wits, David quickly rolls out of the ring and falls to the floor. Geddion walks to the middle portion of the ropes and waits like a tiger stalking prey for David to stand. As David rises to his feet Geddion pounces, gripping the top rope and slingshoting himself onto his adversary.


"An exelent Pescado!" Axis shouts as the crowd attempts to rally behind their champion. Geddion stands and rolls his bloodied foe back into the ring. Geddion climbs onto the apron and signals to the audience he is going to the top.


"Geddion is looking for the final blow! An incredible corkscrew shooting star press!" King says.


"Yes, he is. And if he connects it may be over!" Axis agrees. He slowly mounts the turnbuckle, climbing to the middle, then top. He stands at the top, looking down at his foe and leaps.


Time slows around me as I fall, twisting, turning, I feel like I defy gravity. All laws are beneath me now. I am invincible, impervious to anything of this Earth. It's euphoric really. Until I land.


And landing proves to be a harsh reality. David, sensing his chances fading, lifts his knees at the last second, letting Geddion land chest first onto them. Feeling the wind driven from his lungs Geddion rolls into the fetal position.


David, feeling the crowds energy, stands up and gives the crowd the thumbs up. Geddion rolls onto his knees and shakely stands, using the ropes to steady himself. Blazenwing walks over to his doubled over foe and delivers a kick to the stomach, driving any air left in Geddion out. He hooks Geddions head under his armpit and drops to his BUTT, driving Geddions head to the mat in a vicious DDT. David stands up and throws his arms in the air in his best superhero pose. This momentary lapse in judgement gives Geddion time to roll over to where his left foot is under the bottom rope.


Silently cursing himself, David moves over to his fallen foe and stomps him once in the chest. He grabs Geddion by the wrist and drags him to the center of the ring. David throws himself off the far ropes and runs across the ring, and as he approaches the fallen adversary he stops, twisting his body and falls, uncoiling himself, increasing his momentum as he drives the point of his elbow to Geddions heart.


"A Muta like Pile-drive elbow drop!" Axis shouts. "That popped the crowd! He goes for a cover!


























TH- No! Geddion kicks out!" Axis screams



David picks Geddion up. As he turns him around, possibly looking for a German suplex, Geddion takes advantage of the Ref's blind spot as he brings his foot up in-between David's legs, crotching him.


David hunches over in pain and Geddion grabs his head, spins around and drops down in a hangman's neckbreaker. David clutches his neck, feeling the stinging effects of Geddions concentrated attack. Geddion lifts him up and hooks his head and arm in a vertical suplex position, but rather than dropping strait back, Geddion drops strait down, letting David's head bounce off the mat with a CRASH! Quickly Geddion covers.



































THRE! NO! Blazenwing kicks out at the last second! The crowd is going insane, chanting BLAZE-N-WING! BLAZE-N-WING! Attempting to drive their hero to victory! Geddion, now in a trance like state, picks David up again. He scoops him up, with one hand on the back of Blazenwings neck, the other between his legs, supporting weight, he lifts him overhead. Geddion sits out, dropping Blazenwing directly on his head, between his own legs.


"A Michinoku Driver!" King shouts over the boo's and jeers from the crowd. "This could be it!" Geddion rolls over into a cover.



































THRE!!! NO! Somehow, Blazenwing kicks out. Geddion is in a state of disbelief. The crowd is ready to tear the roof off the house. Geddion curses audibly.


"Sorry for that folks." Axis apologizes.


Geddion picks Blazenwing up, but as he goes to slam him again, Blazenwing slips over his shoulder, countering the move. Geddion turns, arm extended, and clotheslines David, but he is also the recipient of a lariat of Blazenwing's own.


"Both men are knocked out! INCREDIBLE!" Axis yells over the jacked fans. The ref begins to count both men out.




ONE! Neither is moving.





TWO!! The crowd is chanting for David.





THREE!!! Still no movement.




FOUR!!!! Geddion is starting to stir. Geddion makes it to one knee, stopping the count. As David starts to kneel, Geddion is on his feet. Geddion gives Blazenwing a kick to the gut. He locks him in a DDT position, but elevates him into an inverted DDT.



Geddion, tired from the long match, drapes one arm over David in a cover.




















TWO!!! "This is it!" King shouts.
















THREE! NO?! At the last split second David gets his arm up! The crowd is hanging from the rafters. Geddion turns to the ref, in total shock. David, sensing the opportunity, cradles Geddion up.
































NO!!!! David can't hold the move. Both get to their feet and Geddion delivers a kick to the gut and delivers a Doomsday Driver. His finisher.




He covers.
























TWO!! The crowd waits with bated breath for the miracle comeback.
















THREE!!! It wasn't to be. Geddion stands, raising his arms in victory.



"The winner, Geddion!" Funyon announces. Geddion looks down at his fallen adversary. He smiled. For his work was good.

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Guest Longdogger_Pete

Fade into a shot of Axis and the Suicide King, sitting peacefully at the announce table.


“Well, folks,” Axis says, in his annoyingly cheerful Aussie way, “we just saw an impressive match from David Blazenwing and Geddion, and earlier in the night we heard Janus speak out about his victory over Mike Van Siclen. But this past Sunday night former SJL Champion Mike Van Siclen conducted an interview with our very own Ben Hardy for the SJL website, which you can find at www.freewebs.com/sjl. Let’s take a look at what Van Siclen had to say.”


-=: Flash, to the SJL studios, Sunday, March 2, 2003 :=-


Ben Hardy and Mike Van Siclen are sitting down, facing one another. Hardy clears his throat and begins to speak.


“Ben Hardy here with Mike Van Siclen. Mike, how do you feel about your recent loss to Janus for the SJL Heavyweight title?”


“You know how I feel about my recent loss to Janus for the heavyweight title, Ben? I feel sick. I am disgusted. I’m disgusted that a league that I helped to carry over the last nineteen days has to have somebody [that] can only defeat me in golden ticket matches and with chairshots as their champion. Do you think that they deserve that, Ben? Do you think that the fans deserve to have a cheater… and a loser… as their champion? Because I don’t. I feel the fans deserve a god among men, a champion among champions, the man who defines winner. And that man… is me. I may be wearing a neck brace right now, but I’m still better than Janus could ever hope to be, could ever dream to be. The closest he’ll ever get to my level of greatness is when he looks up winner in the dictionary and sees my face, smiling back at him. Because I am the best. And the next time Janus and I face, I will make him tap like the sorry punk that he is. And make him say, that I am better than he is. That’s all there is to it.”


There is a pause before Ben Hardy asks the next question.


“That’s great Mike. But what are you gonna do about your next opponent, Hollywood Spike Jenkins, who you face in a gauntlet match along with Matt Myers and Va’aiga this Tuesday on SJL Metal?”


“You know, Ben, I know Va’aiga and I know Matt Myers and I know that neither of them are able to get the job done against somebody who has been in a gauntlet match before and won it, and that man, is Hollywood Spike Jenkins. I give him, all the credit in the world for being able to do that. But the fact remains, is that Hollywood Spike Jenkins is not at my level. I have defeated him before, for my shot at the World Heavyweight Title. And I can do it again. So when I step into that ring, face-to-face with Hollywood Spike Jenkins, and he’s had his little warm-up from Va’aiga, and from Matt Myers… and I give him the Riot Act onto that mat, and when I put him into the Cardinal Sin Clutch and listen to him, yelling in pain, and watch his hand hit the mat like it’s on fire? Well, I’ll be seeing Janus’ face, attached to Spike Jenkins’ body. That will be Janus, the next time the two of us meet. He will tap. He will be broken. He will be defeated. Because of me. The Spectacular One. The greatest individual ever to grace an SJL ring. Mike… Van… Siclen.”


Van Siclen’s body, tense, slowly begins to relax, and he stares daggers as we fade back in… on a shot of Mike Van Siclen, sitting calmly in his locker room.


“Well, tonight, King! ‘Hollywood’ Spike Jenkins runs the gauntlet once again, against Va’aiga, Matt Myers, and Mike Van Siclen! Coming up next, Christian Blackwell, Quiet Death, and Aaron Carpenter square off in a triple threat match! Stick around!”

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Guest Longdogger_Pete

Christian Blackwell vs. Quiet Death vs. Aaron Carpenter


Nothing received yet. To be inserted later.

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Guest Longdogger_Pete

It's showtime tonight, baby...


I smile slightly to myself as I roam the backstage area of the Pepsi Center. It's the crown jewel of Denver, and tonight...


Tonight... It will be the crown jewel of my short career. The pinnacle of my rash of recent success. Ew... Pinnacle of a rash? That doesn't sound good.


But... "Omega Storm, Smarks Junior League Television Champion"... Ahh, now -that- sounds just right. Just the right amount of syllables and alliteration. Besides, the weight of gold would add well to my physique. And it'd make my wardrobe look just that much more GQ. But... Before I can fight this match, there's things I must take care of. It'll make my night that much easier. And besides... I'm evil. This kind of shit is fun.




Just after the Blackwell / Carpenter / QD triple threat, the camera picks up on Fosta walking towards the locker rooms backstage of the Pepsi Center. The crowd levels some heel heat upon the unknowing superstar as Axis and King chime in on a voice-over...


"And here's Fosta, everyone!" Axis states in an obvious, but steady tone. "I wonder if he's ready for the big TV Title match tonight against Omega Storm..." The camera zooms in on him as he walks...


"Mmm..." King mumbles. "Fosta... Australian for 'He's gonna get his ass handed to him!'"


"On the contrary," Axis refutes. "He seems determined and focused for his match with Omega Storm tonight. It's for the newly-resurrected TV title, and it's easily the biggest match in this young athlete's career." Fosta's eyes bely little emotion, but you have to know that he's excited... Maybe a little nervous... But definitely pumped. He is passing a darkened hallway and coming towards the camera when a voice shouts out:


"Hey, Fosta! Catch!"


"What the Hell...?" Axis utters as the man from Chi-Town turns towards the voice, facing down the darkened hallway we passed before. Suddenly, we see him catch a chair mere inches from his face... Obviously thrown...


"Whoa!" Axis breathes out in a stutter. "That nearly... HOLY SHIT!!!" The last statement is blurted out as a figure comes flying out of the hall, and...




The mystery figure connects with a flying kick to the chair... Which solidly connects with Fosta's face, sending him reeling. The crowd revels and levels massive pops at whoever took out this sinister devil of a man. The lights finally catch the assailant's face, and it's none other than...




The fans' mood changes from avenged to downright acidic as the New Haven native takes full-advantage of his custom-made ambush. Storm grabs up the chair again... Fosta, doubled over trying to recover, is caught unaware as...




The chair comes full-force down on his back! He grunts out in agony and crumples to the floor as Storm tosses the chair aside, opting to get his hands dirty with his work as he hauls the slightly smaller man up to shaky feet.


"This is unreal!" Axis sputters as Storm jaws at the semi-concious Fosta. "Omega Storm just -brutalizing- Fosta before their Last Man Standing match tonight! What an under-handed, low-down..."


"...Strategic, ingenious idea!" King finishes with a laugh. Storm gives Fosta a quick short-arm clothesline to the floor... The crowd lays on more heat than two fat people between the sheets. King is laughing like a giddy schoolgirl. Storm kicks Fosta over and over again, each kick sounding like a bone breaking in the empty, echoing hallway.


"Storm is making a mockery out of Fosta," Axis bemoans as Storm hauls Fosta up one more time. "Fosta will not be in -any- shape to fight in the title match!"


"Exactly the point, Shed Boy!" King coos. "Storm is softening up the competiton, thus making the match that much easier." We can only watch as Storm slings Fosta... THROUGH a nearby glass door into a storage closet! Storm walks to the shattered remains of the door, with the shattered remains of Fosta in the middle. The camera can pick up Storm screaming:


"The match'll be over before it starts! You don't get in the way of the Storm!" Storm then spits at the unconcious worker, and nearly bowls the cameraman over as he heads out of shot.


"This is unbelievable," Axis groans. "This title match could be indeed over before it starts. We'll find out later in the show, but now we need to go to commercials..." The screen fades as the cameraman focuses on Fosta's prone, unmoving body.

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Guest Longdogger_Pete

We fade back in to a shot of Mike Van Siclen sitting on the couch in his locker room, idly twirling a pen in his left hand as he holds a cup of water in his right hand. He goes to take a drink… and promptly spills half of it all over himself! Hurriedly, Van Siclen puts his drink down, dropping the pen onto the couch as he reaches into his pocket and extracts a cellular phone!


“Damn vibrate function,” Mike growls, as he pushes the talk button. “Talk to me.”


Mike pauses. Obviously, the sound crew didn’t rig Mike’s cell phone as he came in. Van Siclen’s reactions help to give him away, however, as he breaks into a smile.


“Yeah, so you’re on your way, right?”


Van Siclen smiles again.


“Boy, we’re gonna crush that son of a <expletive censored> and wipe his blood all over the mat, you just watch.”


Mike leans back on the sofa, putting his legs up.


“Yeah, so you’re going to watch, right?”


Mike smiles again.


”Good man. Now, you’re sure I’ll have enough time to… okay. Before you… no problem? That’s why I hired you, man.”


Mike pauses. “What am I doing? … Well, I’m getting ready to watch Siren Quake or something battle with the rest of the roster for that title with the picture of the television… TV title? Quiet Storm and Fosta? Man, you seem to know how it works around here.” Mike pauses again. “Uh-huh.” And again. “Oh, no problem.” Mike again pauses, listening intently. “Oh, don’t you worry, I’ll be the one making the pin… Va’aiga won’t be able to hold his temper long enough, and Myers can’t get the job done ever.” Mike’s face visibly hardens. “Okay, so he can when he’s working with the right refs.”


The crowd erupts from the last statement by Van Siclen, but Mike can’t even hear them.


“So we’re cool, right?”


Mike smiles, nodding. “Good man… no, thank you. Later.”


Mike presses the end button on his phone. He puts it back in his pocket, grinning to himself. “Yessss… here I come…”


Fade to black…

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Guest Longdogger_Pete

We come back from the commercial break to SJL Wrath... Only to be greeted by Breaking Point's "One Of A Kind" blaring over the house speakers! The fans take their cue to roll out the red carpet o' heat for the just-appearing Omega Storm. He heads down towards the ring as Axis and King take to the airwaves.


"Welcome back to Wrath everyone," Axis starts as Storm slides into the ring, growling at the ref and motioning for a microphone. "We're coming back to you live from the Pepsi Center in Denver, and apparently Omega Storm's got something to say about his behavior earlier!"


"I can't wait to hear what this man of strategy has to say to the fans here in the Mile High," King utters in veiled anticipation. "He might seem like he's just out trying to get people and make them suffer, but he's got a brilliant mind for doing what needs to be done. I should know. I did the same in -my- career, and I'm famous for it."


"Riiiiight," Axis agrees for the sake of non-argument as Storm readies to speak...




I can't help but smile as the crowd starts up a sizeable "Asshole!" chant... It's cute, really. They love me in the 'hate' sort of way, and I could just eat this up all night long. But, they're waiting for me to speak to them. So, I'll give them what I want... And I guess, deep inside, they want it too.


"Good evening... To all of you... In the Mile High..." Lemme think about this for a second... "Pile of dog shit called Denver!" It's perfect! The crowd is getting all sorts of rowdy and just giving me Hell. I put up a hand, as if to attempt to silence the crowd. "Now wait... Wait, wait, wait... I'm sorry if you can't take the truth, but it's not my fault." The boos renew their intensity, and I have to laugh.


"Alright, since I can see you all want me to get down to business..." I pause a moment. "As you all know, I will be your new SJL TV title holder..." The chorus of boos rain down again. "...But we have to take care of this match first. Though... I do remember hearing that Fosta had a bit of an... Accident... Backstage." I chuckle into the mic, and the fans are relentless in their hate. "No matter, though... Considering the match should be started by now, we should do the only fair thing and start the count!" The fans are incredulous as I turn on the ref... With tazer in hand!


"So what do you think?" I say as I flip the switch. The air in front of the little device seems to crackle with energy and the ref turns about 12 shades paler. "Think we should get this thing going?" The fans are begging and pleading with the ref to not go pussy and give in... The ref, however, has none of it. He gasps and nods, turning to the time keeper, and asking for the bell. As he's turned, I give him a quick...




...on the backside, just for reaction's sake. The zebra jumps about 20 feet high, and I laugh as the bell rings.


"C'mon, everyone!" I shout as the boos and jeers rise once again. "Count with me!" And count I do...


"One!" This is the chance of a lifetime...


"Two!" Everything's coming up roses...


"Three!" Damn... I'm gonna be the champ!


"Four!" Listen to that... The crowd knows it too...


"Five!" They're getting into it! That's right...


"Six!" Four to go... It's mine now...


"Seven!" Do you smell that? It's the smell of success!


"Eight!" Or maybe I forgot deodorant...


"Nine..." Suddenly, my count is interrupted by "Loco"... Coal Chamber... Waitaminute, there's -no- way! I turn towards the entranceway, and... DAMNIT! The fans are going wild... As wild as I've ever heard them go for a self-proclaimed "evil bastard". Fosta is on the damn entranceway, wrapped up in bandages, but still... He's -there-! I thought I put that little bastard away! He pulls a mic up to his lips, smiling slightly, but pained.


"Expecting someone else?" he states simply. The fans pop massively as he locks onto me, and starts running down the rampway. I steel myself, getting ready for him, when... What the Hell's this? Someone else just jumped the guard rail... With a chair!




Whoever it is just whalloped Fosta in the side with the steel chair... The side where I kicked the living crap out of him! Fosta goes down in a crumpled heap, pain taking over his brain... And the mystery man continues the pounding with the chair. This man is merciless, like he has something to prove... The assailant turns to face me, trading the chair for a microphone. And when I didn't think it could get any wierder...


It's Christian Blackwell! The crowd murmurs in surprise.


"Take the title, Storm," he utters quietly. "And enjoy it. Because you won't have it long..." And with that, he darts back into the back. I'm stunned, surprised... I don't even notice the count get to ten... Didn't notice the title in my hand, the arm raised... The crowd's reaction didn't even faze me... All I could think about was Blackwell, and the sheer brutality he displayed... The thought of facing him again suddenly seemed a lot worse than it ever did.

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Fade in from Michael Craven Extra Small Condom commercial.


An outer shot of the Pepsi Center is seen, and a faint din can be heard. The din becomes much louder, and much more volatile as the shot cuts to the inside of the arena – the camera swivelling around the sections in the crowd. The Denver crowd cheering louder and louder, the Smarks Junior Leagues putting on a fantastic show tonight that is only going to get better! The camera cuts to a shot of the ring and slowly pans around revealing the two SJL Metal commentators Axis and The Suicide King. Axis begins to speak...


“Welcome back to SJL MEEETTTTTAAAAAAAALLLLLL!!!! We just witnessed the finale of the Television Title tournament, and I think the winner was very deserving. What about you, King? Enjoy that match?” asks Axis; curious to what King might have to say.


“Yeah yeah, guy, winner, deserving, yeah,” responds King, distracted by something or someone in the crowd.


“... Ok. Well fans, the next match we have for you tonight is a straight singles match between the psychotic fan favourite Aecas and the man who has developed a cult following as of late, The Antichrist Superstar Crow. He’s still hated by majority though...” explains Axis.


“I bet you all the people that cheer him have vaginas,” says King.


“The opposite of your fans then, King?” cheekily remarks Axis, grinning from ear to ear.






Cutting of the obligatory banter that always occurs between Axis and King is the snarling and spiteful opening line of Soilwork’s blistering thrash metal hit Natural Born Chaos. An overwhelming amount of voice is thrown from the crowded sections; some cheers but mostly heavy boos. Crow, The Antichrist Superstar, walks out from behind the entrance curtain and onto the Metal stage – with lit cigarette in his left hand, one third of it already smoked.


“And there is the Antichrist Superstar, standing on the stage with his cigarette. Notice once again he is wearing a shirt, as last week he suffered tremendous wounds on his back,” reports Axis.


“That was one gruesome match, and props to Crow for winning the match after being smashed with god know show many light tubes,” says King.


Crow takes a rather large drag of his cigarette and inhales, blackening lung as he holds it in. He sticks his arms out in the crucifix pose and throws his head back – exhaling the smoke into the air. A powerful visual is seen and many cameras flash in the audience; the camera cuts to a close up of Crow’s face – scars and a few unhealed wounds present on it.


“Look at that, King. Crow’s face also suffered some wounds after Matt Myers, well, smashed a light tube across his head,” comments Axis, eyeing Crow’s face.


Crow takes another drag of his cigarette and begins to walk down the rampway. He peers into crowd while he continues to smoke, absorbing the boos and cheers that are coming his way.


“Making his way to the ring, hailing from Anchorage, Alaska, weighing in at two hundred and twenty one pounds, standing at the height of six foot two... he is the Antichrist Superstar, this... is... CCCRRROOOOOOOOOOOOOOWWWWWWW!!!” booms Funyon over the cheering and jeering crowd.


Crow slowly and steadily walks up the steel steps and puts his cigarette out on the ring post; he climbs through the ropes and begins to warm up.


“We now await Crow’s opponent Aecas...” says Axis.


Darkness falls upon the Pepsi Center in Denver, Colorado and stays pitch black for several long moments. Suddenly, the face of Aecas appears on the Smarktron screen.


“Sanity is just a weird form of madness...”


The somewhat profound words echo throughout the arena as Aecas throws back his head and lets loose with a laugh of insanity. The opening strains of Superbeast by Rob Zombie vibrate through the arena speakers. Red lights begin to strobe around the arena as the heavier, crunchier riffs of Superbeast kick in. The Smarktron displays A E C A S – blood dripping from above and onto the top of the letters.


“Such a lovely effect that,” remarks King.


A video collage of Aecas’ sadistic manoeuvres plays on the Smarktron as thick smoke rises up from the rampway – dirtying the air and covering the floor. Aecas strides out from behind the entrance curtain and makes his way down the rampway; a blood red spotlight picking him out in the darkness.


“Making his way to the ring, from Shrewsbury, England, weighing in at two hundred and sixty five pounds, standing at the height of six foot seven... this is AAEECCCCCAAAAAAAAASSSSSSSSS!!” booms Funyon, his voice ringing in the ears of the cheering crowd.


He enters the ring and the lights rise and everything and everyone can be seen again. Aecas’ face changes often, from a demonic grin to an impassive look and then back to the psychotic grin. Crow just looks on from the turnbuckle he sat near, and grins at his bigger opponent.


“Alright, let’s get this baby under way, ring the bell dammit!” exclaims Axis, ready to get it on.




“And hheeeeerrrrreeee we go!”


Crow uses the ropes to get back onto feet and cracks his neck while on the opposite side of the ring Aecas stands grinning widely, his sickly white eyes staring at Crow. The crowd cheers in anticipation of the two men locking heads... the two men circle around each other. Crow runs towards Aecas, and a palm and elbow tie up is locked in! Both men struggle and struggle hard, but Aecas the bigger wrestler of the two powers Crow off! Crow flies back and falls to the mat, shocked at the remarkable display of power by Aecas. Crow cringes, his back very unhealed and painful, but he sucks it up and rises back to his feet. Aecas approaches Crow and sticks his hand in the air, moving his fingers constantly – requesting a test of strength take place. Crow sticks his hand in the air and the two wrestlers move their hands closer... and closer, and they lock hands! No! Crow throws a roundhouse kick to the stomach of Aecas, winding him and causing him to double over. Crow pushes Aecas back up and throws back his arm!






A vicious blood-curdling knife edged chop sends Aecas stumbling back a step, and Crow unleashes another wicked chop to Aecas’ chest! And another! And one more for good measure!


“Crow seems to do that a lot,” comments Axis.


“Natasha probably taught him that...” remarks King.


Aecas is leaning back on the ropes, his chest a bright red/purple; Crow latches onto Aecas’ arm and Irish whips him across the ring. Crow quickly runs after him, Aecas bounces off and runs straight into the elevated knee of Crow! The knee making contact with Aecas’ stomach. Crow latches on and Irish whips Aecas again – Aecas bounces off and runs right into a roundhouse kick, the kick connecting on the side of Aecas’ knee. Aecas’ hobbles a bit and Crow latches on one more time and Irish whips the big man into the ropes. Aecas comes off the ropes, Crow drops down to the mat and captures Aecas’ legs with his own – Aecas is flung face first into the mat and a large thud resonates.


“The signature drop toe hold, done to perfection by the Antichrist Superstar!” reports Axis.


The Antichrist Superstar quickly rises to his feet and charges towards the ropes; he comes off and jumps into the air spinning forward onto his back! But no! Aecas with split second timing rolls to the ropes Crow just bounced off, narrowly missing being crushed by Crow’s running somersault senton. Both men rise to their feet as quick as possible, Aecas with that demonic grin present on his face; Aecas runs towards Crow with his arm perched back. Aecas makes a violent clothesline swing, but Crow ducks under and bounces off the opposing ropes and nails Aecas with a running body press! Cover!












Aecas pushes Crow off and both men rise to their feet once again and run at each over! But Crow runs into an arm drag! The arm drag flips Crow over and his lands stiffly on his back, a small cry escapes Crow’s mouth but he ignores the pain and quickly jumps back to his feet. Aecas falls into an arm drag from Crow! An arm drag from Aecas! An arm drag from Crow, but it is quickly replied with yet another arm drag!


“Aecas keeping up with Crow here, throwing back what Crow dishes out,” reports Axis.


“Pfffft, I could keep up with Crow and take it one step further,” responds the Gambling Man.


“But we all can’t as perfect as you, King,” sarcastically replies Axis.


Crow doesn’t get a reply to the arm drag this time though, as Aecas quickly sidesteps Crow showing remarkable agility for a man his size and grabs onto Crow’s head! Aecas runs with Crow and throws him over the top rope to the outside! The Antichrist Superstar lands awkwardly on the thinly protected concrete floor, his back taking the brunt of the impact. Aecas doesn’t let the pace of the match slow down as he climbs out of the ring post haste and begins to assault Crow. Aecas bends over and pulls Crow’s body off the mat by the hair, and starts pummelling at Crow’s back with hard, stiff forearms. Crow yelps with every blow – his stitches becoming looser and unhealed wounds beginning to bleed once again. Aecas grins much more widely as an idea of imminent carnage flows through his mind; he lifts Crow onto his feet and latches onto Crow’s arm. The Psychotic Animal lays a couple strong punches into Crow’s face before he heaves and Irish whips Crow... right into the steel steps adorning the ring post! The force and power behind the whip causes Crow’s body to flip around – Crow’s back connecting extremely hard with the steel steps.




“Oh my god! I could hear the pain with that move right there! Crow’s back flying into the STEEL, remember fans, the STEEL steps,” conveys Axis.


“I can see the pain, Axis! Just look at Crow’s face!” exclaims King.


King is right, agony and torment is written across Crow’s face – his mouth wide open, attempting to shout, but nothing is coming out. Aecas’ face representing the inner demon of us all as he slowly walks over to Crow, ignoring the cries of referee Anthony Michael Hall to get back in the ring. Aecas bends down once again and grabs the collar of Crow’s “Cradle of Fear” t-shirt... he rips it right off Crow’s body! Aecas beats down on Crow’s back again, this time utilising his elbows and driving them into the bandages covering the Antichrist Superstar’s wounds! Aecas lifts the fallen heap called Crow off the ground, and scoops him up into position for a scoop slam. Aecas launches Crow down...






... Straight onto the steel steps! Crow screams out as his back lands nastily on the corner of a steel step!


“Good God I’m not a commie! Aecas just threw, literally threw Crow onto the steel step... that had to be extremely painful,” says Axis.


“Crow will get him back for that, just you watch,” remarks King, having full confidence in one of his “favourite” wrestlers.


Crow’s spine cracked against the corner of the steel step and now various bursts of pain are shooting through his upper body and out into his limbs. Aecas climbs back into the ring and begins playing to the crowd.


“And Referee Anthony Michael Hall begins the count...” reports Axis watching his monitor.






... Crow shows no signs of getting back into the ring.








... Slight movement.








... Crow turns over onto his stomach.








... Crow pushes his body off the ground with his arms.








“Crow is moving onto his knees...” reports King.








... Crow uses the railing to stand up.








... Crow slowly walks over to the ring.








“Crow is back in the ring just in time and referee Anthony Hall stops the count!” exclaims Axis.


Aecas runs over and starts stomping on Crow before he has the chance to get back onto his feet. Aecas wretches Crow up by the hair and throws his across the ring, he does it many times, throwing Crow around like a broken rag doll. Aecas rips and rips at Crow’s bandages, pulling them off revealing an uncountable amount of scars, lacerations and stitches.


“The Psychotic Animal pulling off Crow’s bandages, much reminiscent of Crow’s match with Insane Luchador a while back,” reports Axis.


“I remember that match, didn’t Insane Luchador rip out Crow’s stitches?” asks King, disgusted at the remembrance.


Aecas beats down on Crow some more, much to the delight of the majority of fans; Aecas lifts Crow up and wipes his blood covered hands on Crow’s chest. Aecas throws a right hand and smacks Crow right in the cheek – the force of the blow throwing Crow around, his back now facing Aecas. Aecas applies a waistlock, and bends his knees down building up some power.


“GERMAN SUPLEX COMING UP!!” screams Axis, the daft Aussie is becoming excited you see.


Aecas heaves Crow overhead in a release german suplex! Except, something snaps in Crow’s head and he is removed from the world of pain, agony and torment. He senses that the end is near... The Antichrist Superstar flips out of the german suplex and lands on his feet, the fans in the arena booing as they see this occur!


“What the!? How the hell did he do that!?” shouts Axis.


Crow bends over and runs forward, charging his shoulder into the back of Aecas’ knee – Aecas falls down onto the mat! Crow grabs a hold of Aecas’ foot... he lifts it up into the heavens and drives The Psychotic Animals’ knee into the canvas! Crow lifts it up to the heavens once again and drives it down another time! Aecas obviously is feeling the pain... but he’s laughing... he’s just laughing at Crow!


“That guy’s a fuckin’ maniac, Axis... I mean, damn. I thought Natasha was bad,” remarks King.


“... whooooaa! Let’s not go THAT far, King!” replies Axis.


Blood seeps down Crow’s back as he looks down in amazement at Aecas...


“Oh yeah? You like the pain?”


Crow winds his right leg back and swings it forward with colossal force; the toe kick hits the side of Aecas’ head and he suddenly stops laughing. Now, a different expression appears on Aecas’, one of surprise and pain – as the blow inflicted much damage. Crow using this moment of advantage drags Aecas’ body to the ropes; he lifts Aecas left leg (the one that has been worked on) and places it on the bottom rope.


“What the hell is Crow going to here?” queries Axis.


Answering Axis’ question, Crow uses the top rope to get some elevation and jumps into the air! He drops an elbow on the side of Aecas’ knee! Aecas yelps out feeling the immense agony of something tearing in his knee; the Antichrist Superstar places Aecas’ leg back up and launches himself to the heavens one more time! The elbow drop bends Aecas’ knee in the wrong direction and slams it into the canvas and Crow wastes no time doing it again... and again, and again.


“Aecas isn’t laughing any more, Axis... Crow put him in his damn place!” shouts King marking out for Crow’s sadism.


“Crow... brutalising at Aecas’ leg, some payback for the back torture just before? I think so,” conveys Axis.


Crow slides under the bottom rope to the outside and grabs onto Aecas’ feet; Crow then proceeds to drag the Psychotic Animal across the canvas to the ring post. Referee Hall starts throwing warnings at Crow thinking that he is going to crotch Aecas on the post but Crow just ignores his obscene warnings and proceeds on his plan. His plan is to destroy Aecas’ leg...


Crow throws Aecas leg against the ring post and Aecas shoots up into a sitting position reacting to the blow. Crow doesn’t hesitate to inflict more punishment on the knee as he throws it into the ring post again – Aecas once again in reflex action sitting back up and grasping at his left knee. An idea flicks through Crow’s mind, and a sickly demonic smile spreads across his face... much like the demonic grin of Aecas.


“That grin usually means something bad is going to happen, King...” points out Axis.


“Well no shit, Sherlock. Would you like to point out something more obvious now?” replies King, pfffffting at Axis.


Crow pulls Aecas as close to the ring post as he can without being called for the DQ (for crotching) and extends Aecas’ left leg fully; the Antichrist Superstar then bends Aecas’ right leg around the ring post and places it on top of the extended leg. Crow jumps up into the air and applies a figure four leg lock on Aecas; Crow falls back onto the floor and Aecas is elevated in the air! Aecas flails his arms in the air as the pressure on his knee grows! He grips at his hair trying to focus the pain away from his knee, but it is just too much.












Anthony Michael Hall screams at Crow threatening him to break the hold or he’ll be disqualified – but Crow isn’t breaking the hold and Aecas yells his head off some more, his face now bright red from the figure four leg lock. Referee Hall slides to the outside and breaks the hold himself with force; Crow falls back onto the ground as Aecas quickly pulls himself away from the ring post. Crow gets back up and takes a moment to recover himself, his back now hurting quite a bit... but very quickly he turns his attention to Referee Hall...


“What the fuck are you doing, little man!?” screams Crow.


Crow pushes the referee back but Hall jumps froward and pushes Crow back, yelling and screaming in Crow’s face. Referee Hall telling Crow who the boss. The majority of the jam-packed Denver crowd cheers for this little altercation as Crow backs off and slides back into the ring.


“Referee Anthony Michael Hall showing everyone who is boss in that ring,” comments Axis.


Aecas is slowly getting back up onto his feet with the assistance of the turnbuckle... and Crow lets him; but the Antichrist Superstar doesn’t let him hobble for too long as he charges at Aecas and squashes him into the turnbuckle with a running splash! Aecas is stunned... and Crow quickly locks on a tight front face lock. Crow climbs up the ropes, jumps off and swings around! Sailing through the air and twisting the Psychotic One’s body around and his head into the mat!


“Mmmmmuuuuuurrrrrrddddeeeeeerrrrrrooooouuuuuuuussssss DDT! And Crow goes for the cover!” shouts Axis.










































Crow cannot believe it and immediately questions the count!


“That was a three!”


Referee Hall sticks his two fingers up indicating that it was a two, and Crow quickly diverts his attention back to Aecas. Aecas though, has sat right up... and is grinning like a mad man... Crow pulls Aecas up onto his feet via the hair and whips his hand across Aecas’ chest with a wicked knife edged chop!




Aecas just stands there his right leg taking most of his body weight... and he stares right back at Crow. Crow fires a right hand but Aecas bats it out of the way; Aecas throws his head back and throws it forward – head butting Crow viciously. Crow stammers back clutching his head... a huge blow from Aecas that head BUTT was. Aecas hobbles forward... his sense of purpose now regained... and starts punching Crow!










“What a explosion of offence! Aecas has just kicked Crow’s ass!” shouts Axis.


“Caaaaarrrrrrrrrnnnnn, Crow! Win me that bet I made!” screams King.


Crow is rocking back next to the ropes, and Aecas latches on to Crow’s arm! Irish whip to the turnbuckle! The force behind the whip, flying Crow round and causing him to hit back first! Some more wounds begin to bleed. The Psychotic Animal walks over to Crow at a very casual pace; Crow is slumped against the turnbuckle not showing many signs of moving out of there. Aecas grabs Crow by his long black locks, doubles him over and locks on a standing headscissors. Aecas gut wrenches Crow up!!




And powerbombs his down into the turnbuckle! Crow’s body awkwardly hits the turnbuckle and lands on the ground. A cry out can be heard through the arena as Crow’s body connects with the ground. Aecas hobbles across the ring...


“Aecas has Crow lined up for THE GORE!!! This is going to be the end of it all for Crow tonight, King!” exclaims Axis, sensing the end is near!


“CROW! NO! NOT NOW! NOT LIKE THIS!!” screams King, almost crying.


Crow is stumbling back to his feet after being rocked by an adrenaline flurry of wrestling moves from Aecas; he’s dazed and almost falling over into the ropes near the turnbuckle - as if drunk. Aecas perches down putting most of his weight on his right leg... gearing himself up for the powerful charge! Crow stumbles around and his eyes fly wide open - a fucking train of pain is coming his way! Running along is Aecas ignoring the aching in his left leg ... in the direction of Crow’s stomach! Contact and the three count is near...












“GOOOOOOOOO CROW!” cries out King, cheering on his choice for the match.


Aecas bounces out from crushing his skull against the turnbuckle, turning around and stumbling towards the middle of the ring. Crow whips Aecas’ leg out from under and twists himself under it – flipping Aecas over on the canvas!


“Dragon Screw Leg Whip! Crow regaining the advantage now!” reports Axis, still screaming.


Crow lifts up Aecas’ legs and steps in between them; he crosses Aecas’ legs around his leg and locks them in position with his arms. Crow steps over and turns Aecas on to his stomach; the Antichrist Superstar crouches back – applying more pressure on Aecas’ legs!


“Sharpshooter! Sharpshooter! I don’t think we’ve seen Crow use this move in the SJL! He’s got it locked on and Aecas is dying in there!” exclaims Axis.


“Hey! What about Crow!? His back must be killing him, absolutely killing him! He’s lifting up Aecas’ legs and let me tell you, that guy ain’t light!” rebuts King.


King is right; Crow is hurting as well. His back has gone through lots of punishment and this move is putting him through even more. Aecas yells out and grips onto his hair once again, trying to divert the pain from his knee but it is of no use! The Psychotic Animal tries to leverage out, pushing himself off the ground with his thick, muscular arms. Aecas manages to restrict some of the pain and starts to crawl towards the ropes, using his reserve vitality to power his way there! Crow lets out a shout of frustration, as Aecas’ crawling is ripping at Crow’s body – putting it under astounding pressure to keep the hold locked on!








Aecas is clawing closer...








Two feet away...








Aecas’ hands are touching the rope! He’s almost got a hold of them!
























BUT NOOOOOO! CROW PULLS AECAS BACK INTO THE MIDDLE OF THE RING!! AND SITS BACK ON THE SHARPSHOOTER EVEN MORE!! Aecas cries out and is now in trouble. The Psychotic Animal’s face is only one of agony and he cries out!










Referee Anthony Michael Hall calls for the bell and raises Crow’s hand.


“The winner of this singles bout... CCCCRRRRRRRRROOOOOOOOOOOOOOWWWWWWWWWW!!!” booms Funyon.


The crowd responds with a mixture of boos and cheers, the boos more dominant. Crow slides out of the ring while Aecas lies in the ring regaining the feeling in his legs...


“And Crow wins this hard fought match up, but you gotta admit, Aecas put up one hell o... hey, why has Crow got a chair!? No! He’s not going to do that! It’s after the bell dammit, the match is over you crazy bastard!” shouts Axis.


Crow slides back into the ring with chair in hand, and waits behind the slowly rising Aecas... the audience is screaming and shouting, telling Aecas to get out of the ring. But it is no use... Aecas hobbles around... only to be brained by the most head splitting chair shot seen since Raven and Dreamer.


“Holy shit! That was HARDCORE!! HARDCORE!!” exclaims King.


Aecas flies in the air and lands heavily on his back in the ring; Crow walks up to the fallen body and looks down upon it. Crow reaches behind and rubs his hands in his wounded and bloody back; he pulls them forward and knees down to Aecas. Crow uses the blood from his own injuries and starts trailing his fingers across Aecas’ chest....




















The word “VICTIM” is written across the Psychotic Animal’s chest... written in Crow’s blood. Crow calls for the microphone, and the Mic is thrown into the ring from the timekeeper’s table. Crow catches it, turns it on and begins to speak...


“JANUS! I know you’re watching this backstage... I just want you to take a good, hard look at this heap that stands before me in the ring,” yells Crow, breathing heavily.


Crow points to the word sprawled on the chest of Aecas.


“Cause when I beat some sense into that fucked up head of yours, Terrence will see that written in the mirror...” finishes off Crow as he throws the mic down onto the canvas.


Crow grabs a cigarette from the deck that was just thrown at him and lights it up. He walks to the backstage area to a mixture of boos and cheers...


Fade out to Christian Blackwell SJL Smirnoff Vodka advertisement.

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Guest Longdogger_Pete

As we come back from commercial, we see a view of the outside of the Pepsi Center here in Denver. It's a chilly night, and some of the snow from this past weekend remains on the sidewalks. We cut back inside, where the crowd is moderately quiet after the wonderful match between Crow and Aecas. Suddenly, the lights begin to flash and Breaking Benjamin's "Polyamorous" hits the speakers. Then, just as the drums kick in...




...A loud explosion goes off onstage, and standing behind it is none other than Sean Atlas. He proudly wears the European Championship around his waist as he strides down the ramp. The fans, mostly Catholic here in Denver boo Sean as he glares at them through his white mask.


Funyon quickly perks up and announces from ringside "Making his way to the ring, from Chicago Illinois, weighing in at 230 pounds, he is the European Champion... SEAN ATLAS!"


He arrives at ringside and as has been the custom for many of his matches, Atlas walks around the ring to the timekeeper's table. Instead of handing his belt over though, he picks up a microphone and heads for the ring. Using the stairs, Atlas steps inside and waits until the fans quiet down enough to allow him to speak.


[Axis] King, it seems that many of the jeers stem from Atlas' first loss last Thursday on Crimson, to none other than Spike Jenkins.


[suicide King] That's probably what he's about to address right now.


Once the fans let up on the booing, Atlas begins to speak.


"You know, I think it's fitting that my first match on American soil was a loss. And it was about time too. I mean, five wins to start off one's career - that's a hell of a run. Especially considering the fact that I've beaten everyone from rookies, to European champs, to former World champs. So it's about time that someone handed me a loss. And you know, I don't even care that it was Spike Jenkins. For all it matters, we're even as far as matches against each other go. The problem is that I traveled all around the world: Japan, Australia, Russia, France, and Mexico, and everyone there saw things my way. I was winning. I won European gold in Europe. But the moment I return to the good old US of A, things come to a stop"


[Axis] So now he's Anti-American too?


[suicide King] No, fool. Keep listening.



"What's clearly going on here is that this whole country's got problems. Everything from its economy, government, and society is flawed. And what is it that causes all these flaws? Religion."


[Axis] He's blaming religion for his loss last week? Wow, what a lunatic.


The crowd shows its disapproval to Sean's points, causing him to have to speak louder to be heard, bordering on yelling much of the time.


"From the beginning, this nation's problems were caused by religion. The early puritans, and all their self-denying ways, to the conservative right wingers of today, religion has dominated the society YOU live in. You're taught from an early age to believe in God. To fear God… To deny yourself the right to enjoy your life… Let me ask you all one question... WHY?"


The members of the audience get more rowdy, many of them yelling incoherently to answer Sean's question. He obviously can't hear them all, and keeps going with his speech.


"How can you believe that there is some all-knowing, all-wise, and all-powerful omnipresent being running things around here? Worse than that, you're convinced that this God is doing a good job! Let me let you know something... God is a LIE!"


More boos from the crowd.


"There's nobody up there answering your prayers. Every visit to church, synagogue, mosque, or simply to your bedside was a waste of time. Turning to God for salvation; finding him as your savior; hearing dogs message... they're all signs of weaknesses that only show how feeble your minds are!"


The spectators are growing more agitated with Atlas, and some even throw items at him, thoroughly disgusted with his words.


"Well that's not for me, no. I don't believe in any Gods. To me, the Bible is nothing but an overrated work of fiction, which all of you seem to believe in! Well next time you see a miracle like anything in the Bible, let me know. Next time Noah gets scores of animals on one ship and lives, tell me. Next time lightning comes down from the sky to bring life and joy to the hearts of millions, I want to be there to see it! Because like I said when I first arrived... I'm here to STRIKE GOD DOWN FOR THE BLASPHEMY THAT HE IS!"


Suddenly a shrieking voice rings out from the speakers









A large bolt of lighting comes hurtling to the stage, causing an incredible explosion of blue and red pyro. The lightning bolt does seem to bring joy and life to the crowd as they quickly burst into cheers. Out of the light smoke created by the explosions, steps the God of Thunder who carries a mic in his hand, and an unsettled look on his face. Thor’s music dies down as Thor raises the mic to speak, thoughts ablazing in his head.


“Sean Atlas... I say thee nay.” The crowd pops again for Thor’s pseudo-catchphrase. “Why doth thou feel it necessary to impose thy opinions on these good people? They came this eve for a wrestling show, not a moral berating. The more time I spend amongst the mortals, the more I am puzzled by them. Why would one choose not to believe in a higher being? For the whole of Man’s existence he has feared and worshiped something greater than he, if for no more of a reason than to feel a sense of security. A sense that everything will be there, safe and sound, when they wake in the morn.”


Thor begins to pace back and forth slowly on the stage, trying to pick apart the brain of Sean Atlas with his long-winded verbal barrage.


“Men have always wanted to know that somewhere, something was greater than he. Not you... I know thee not well, Sean Atlas, and from what I’ve seen of thee, I wish it to remain that way. Yet there is something about ye, a never-ending quest to prove others wrong, and to prove yourself superior. This displeases me. I see nothing wrong with improving thyself, but the route you take makes me want to stray you from your path.


“It is not for thee to tell these people that belief is fallible, that is not thine place at all. Let it be said that I have not seen thine contract, but I am fairly certain it says ‘Wrestler’ and not ‘Lecturer’. You say that thou doth not believe in any Gods. Your beliefs are thine own true, but methinks thou need'st a lesson in faith.” The fans cheer loudly for Thor’s challenge. “You need to believe that something is greater than thee, European Champion. Long ago, I merged the Television and European belts, and they remained that way for some time. Until your reign as champion in fact. But now the two have been split, and you are simply the European Champion.


“I’m sure that you do not want to lose thine other title so I shant ask thee to defend it tonight. All I ask of thee is to prove to me how you have earned that European title because from here, thou doth not appear to be worthy of that gold. Perhaps they have lessened the standards to become European champion since I last held the title.”


In the ring, Sean Atlas, who appears to have been amused by Thor’s speech, chuckles and nods. Calling Thor’s bluff, Sean Atlas then removes his European title and pats it, showing Thor he earned his title through his own merits.


Thor grins wide and speaks again. “A man of faith you are not, but a man who knows when he must prove himself thou appear’st to be. You say you do not believe in any Gods Sean Atlas. Tonight, thou will’st believe in the God of Thunder!”


With that, Thor drops his microphone and sprints down to the ring, into the waiting arms of Sean Atlas.

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Guest Longdogger_Pete

[King] And it looks like this match is about to get underway!


[Axis] An impromptu matchup here between Thor and Sean Atlas!


[King] The Norse God of Thunder against a man who doesn't believe in Gods... let's get it on!


*ding ding*


As Thor rushes into the ring, Atlas throws his title towards the timekeeper's table. He prepares for the 345 pound behemoth of a man, but no preparation is enough as the Thunder God attacks the European Champion! To a burst of cheers from the crowd, Thor starts things off with some hard rights, knocking Atlas back against the ropes with just a couple of swings. At this point, a referee darts out from the back and makes his way down the ramp and into the ring.


[Axis] Anthony Michael Hall, out to officiate this matchup.


[King] Hey... Brian!


Thor forces Atlas against the ropes, then grabs his arm to send him running across the ring. Atlas reaches the opposite ropes and bounces off, trying to think of a way to avoid his huge seven-foot tall opponent. As Thor winds up for a clothesline, Atlas' keen eye notices it and baseball slides down as Thor's arm swings over him. Atlas smoothly comes back up to a standing position behind the big man and rushes up at him, trying to hit a bulldog... but Thor doesn't budge! The attempt only made Thor stumble slightly, and Sean backs away, realizing what he just got himself into.


Thor tuns around, wide eyed and excited, apparently mouthing "I say thee nay". The fans cheer their God on as he slowly walks towards Atlas, backing him into the corner. As Atlas' back reaches the pads... "WHOO!" Yells the giant as he snaps his wrist against the bare chest of the champion, striking his flesh with all the might of a God. "WHOO!" The crowd yells along with Thor as he continues the assault, hitting Atlas with chops stronger than he's ever known. "WHOOO!" His deep voice resonates, drowning out even the noise of his hand colliding with Sean's flesh. "WHOOO!!" Yells Thor again, for a final time as he places his enormous palm on Sean's head, tilts back, and drives his skull into Atlas' head with a devastating Headbutt!!


[Axis] My God! Thor is dominating!


[King] Your God, Axis? Your God? Thor is your God now?


[Axis] No, I was just...


[King] Yeah, yeah. Go worship Thunderpants over there.


Thor backs up and lets out a battle cry, eliciting yet another loud cheer form his fans. Atlas meanwhile falls down in the corner, sitting up against the turnbuckle pads. Thor returns to him and lifts up his hand. Without allowing him to even fully stand up, Thor whips Atlas across the ring towards the other corner. Atlas crashes into it with more force than he can ever remember hitting turnbuckle pads with. Thor stomps his foot once and speeds up towards the corner, directly at Atlas. Seeing the mountain of a man dashing at him, Atlas quickly goes with his first instinct and kicks his foot up, causing Thor to run directly into it!


The force of the collision almost sends Atlas over the top rope. He manages to keep himself inside though, and sits up on the top turnbuckle. As Thor gets his focus back on his opponent, Atlas leaps off the second rope, trying to use a cross body on the giant... but Thor catches him! He took a step back, but manages to catch Sean Atlas across his body. Effortlessly, Thor swings Atlas up and onto his shoulders, laying him across his back in a Torture Rack! As the crowd cheers him on, Thor applies pressure to Atlas leg and neck, stretching him with the submission maneuver. Atlas is visibly in pain, and before long, Thor turns him around and slams him down onto the mat. He comes down, covering Sean....









NO! Atlas kicks out, despite the complete dominance by Thor.



[Axis] If Sean is to even stand a chance here, he has to change his approach.


[King] Obviously. He can't do most of his suplexes on a guy that big. You've got to wear him down; find a weakness and take advantage of it.


[Axis] This will truly be a test for Atlas, a chance to prove that his earlier winning streak wasn't just a fluke.


Getting back up, Thor disregards Atlas' kickout, and stands him back up, continuing his assault. Taking Sean's hand, he tugs on it and sends him towards the ropes. Atlas bounces off and as he returns to his opponent, Thor is doubled over. At the moment Atlas approaches, Thor sneaks under him and flips him up and back, sending him in the air with a Backdrop! Atlas comes down hard on his back, landing in the ring with a massive thud. Despite his mask, it is clear that he is screaming in pain. He can feel the ring shaking beneath him as Thor runs at the ropes parallel to Sean, and as he approaches, Atlas can sense the impending Leg Drop... Thor leaps up, his legs hovering over Atlas' body...


And comes down flat on the mat!


[King] Atlas rolls away!


[Axis] Yes, his first good move of the match - a roll-away. Good job, champ.


[King] Shut up or I'll roll you away.


Sean rolled away to avoid the Leg Drop, but didn't get very far, with Thor's size 22 boot missing him by just inches. The flat surface of the ring mat did little damage to Thor, however, as he rapidly returns to his feet. Atlas though, comes up much slower, and before he can even plant both feet, he sees the massive lower body of Thor. Sean glances up, his eyes following Thor's body from below. Once his gaze reaches the giant's face, Thor finally puts a hand on him, pulling him up to a standing position. He grabs him by his throat and tosses Atlas into the corner like a rag doll.


Atlas' back hits the familiar turnbuckle pads again, as Thor approaches, more offense in mind. Standing in front of the European champion, Thor attacks him with a forearm to one side of the head, then a back elbow to the other. Taking his hand, he pulls on Atlas's arm again, in the direction of the opposite corner... but Atlas manages to reverse it, leaving his feet during the weight transfer, and somehow sends Thor running into the ropes. The God of Thunder bounces off, and comes charging at Sean with his momentum built up. Thor lowers his shoulder, apparently going for a shoulder tackle or Spear... but Atlas jumps in the aid and spreads out, leapfrogging over the charging giant!


Atlas lands and turns around as Thor comes off the opposite ropes. But thor has so much speed built up now that Atlas can no longer avoid him... as Thor rams his shoulder into Atlas chest, his momentum sending Atlas back halfway across the ring! The fans let out yet another cheer for Thor as Sean's body hits the ring mat!


[Axis] Running Shoulderblock from the Valhallian!


[King] Atlas looks like he just got his by a truck...


Sean lands near the edge of the ring, clutching his chest as if it just caved in. He breathes heavily as Thor's shadow appears over him, hovering next him from above. He comes down and hooks Sean's near leg, going for the quick pin... Hall counts...














...NO! Atlas gets his foot on the bottom rope, saving the match!



[King] There's Atlas, using his mind when his body is taking such a massive beating.


[Axis] You are aware that this can't go on much longer, aren't you? Thor has stopped Atlas from doing anything even remotely offensive.


[King] Axis, how have others beaten Thor? Actually no, don't answer that. Let Sean Atlas show you.


The fans boo the call, as Hall points out Sean's foot placement to the Thunder God. Thor's eyes widen as he stares at the referee, but chooses not to confront him and diverts his attention back to Atlas. He grabs onto Sean's hand, forcefully getting him up on his feet. Quickly, he turns Sean around, facing his back. Putting on an inverted face lock, Thor grips Atlas near the waist and lifts. He holds him vertically, stalling the eventual Reverse Suplex... and after just about five seconds or so, Thor falls back, and drops Atlas flat on his face behind him!


Returning to his enormous feet, Thor picks Atlas up by his head and brings him to a standing position. He takes Sean's hand and pulls him to the ropes. Atlas bounces off and just as he returns to Thor, one of those massive feet is lifted... and Atlas ducks, narrowly missing the Big Boot Attempt. He keeps running and bounces off the opposite ropes now, with Thor just turning around to face him. Atlas sees an opportunity, and leaps up to Thor's face, trying a Thesz Press... But Thor catches him and manages to stay on his feet! He holds Atlas over his shoulder, and slides his hands down near Sean's knees, preparing to hit the Asgardian Slam...


[Axis] And he hits it!


[King] Or does he? It looked like on the way down, Atlas got his arm around Thor's head and actually used a DDT on him on the way down.


[Axis] You might be right, King...


Indeed, Thor is down in the ring, to the side of Atlas. He does begin to stand up before Sean though, as single DDT won't keep him down for long. Once he's fully up, Atlas starts to stand as well. Behind Sean's back, Thor turns and runs at the ropes, showcasing his surprising speed as he usually does. He bounces off while Atlas makes it up to both feet. Sean can feel the ring shaking underneath him again, sensing that Thor must be behind him, if nowhere else. Instantly, he turns around and jumps, thrusting his feet out in front of him... catching Thor square in the face!


[King] Great dropkick by Atlas, timing it perfectly to surprise the big man.


Feeling the advantage swinging his way, Atlas quickly stands up, even before Thor does. He gets behind the big man, and just before Thor plants both feet, Atlas sneaks his foot in between Thor's legs, falls back and hits a quick Russian Leg Sweep. The crowd boos at Atlas finally getting some offense in, but he disregards them and come back to a standing position. With the Thunder God on his back, Atlas lifts up Thor's left leg and strikes the back of the knee with his foot. Holding Thor's boot, he kicks the back of the knee again. Seemingly concentrating on that leg alone, Atlas attacks it several more times before Thor forcefully kicks him away with his free leg.


As Thor quickly comes back to his feet, Atlas balances himself after being kicked away. Thor walks towards Sean, not showing any effects of the small amount of damage done to his left leg. He backs Atlas up against the ropes and winds up for a Heart Punch... but as he thrusts his arm out, Atlas moves out of the way and instead, grabs his extended arm after the punch attempt. He turns Thor around and back him into the ropes, then Irish whips him... but either Thor attempted to reverse it or Atlas foolishly tried an Unreleased whip, because the two men never let each other go and snapped back towards one another. Right away, Thor puts him arms around Atlas, pops his hips and with an amazing amount of height, brings Sean down with a Release German Suplex!


[Axis] Thor ELEVATED Sean Atlas, tossing him over his head like he's nothing.


[King] He's not nothing. It seems like just a moment ago, Atlas figured out that Thor's legs are his weakest link. He has to attack them and use striking moves to topple that stallion.


[Axis] Stallion?


[King] I'm trying to sound professional here, Axis. Try it sometime.


The fans still cheer for the great Suplex executed by Thor, while the big man runs past Atlas and to the ropes nearest to his feet. He bounces off and just as he gets near Atlas, Sean sits up shifts his feet so that Thor runs right into them... and manages to his a Drop Toe Hold on the running Norse God, sending him falling face first onto the mat. As the sound of Thor's massive body echoes through the arena, in harmony with the boos for Sean, Atlas floats over near Thor's feet and picks up one of his legs. Lifting him by the boot, Atlas pulls Thor's leg up and slams it back down, with his knee taking the brunt of the impact. Lifting again, quicker this time as he now knows just how heavy Thor's leg is, he slams his knee down again.


He abruptly stops the assault on his leg and walks back around to Thor's head. Arrogantly, he lifts the seven foot tall giant up, waiting for him to stand completely. Just before he does though, Thor quickly kicks Atlas in the gut, causing him to double over. By the shoulder, Thor pulls Atlas' head down between his legs and wraps his arms around Sean's waist. The crowd anticipation grows as Thor lifts Sean up... But can't flip him over. Atlas shakes his legs and struggles to prevent Thor from overpowering him.


Coming back down, Atlas is on one knee, his head still between Thor's legs. Suddenly, Atlas jerks his body up, using the back of his head to fiercely attack Thor's immortal jewels. The great God of Thunder lets out a loud, painful "HOOOOO!" as he bends forward, clearly in pain from the low blow. Due to Sean's body blocking it though, the referee Anthony Michael Hall saw nothing. Meanwhile, still under him, Atlas plants both feet, unwraps Thor's arms from around him, and with an immense struggle, pushes back to lift Thor off his feet, in the air, and over onto his back with a Northern Lights Suplex!!! The fans are shocked at the surprising physical display from Sean as he bridges for the pin...!












...NO!! Thor not only stops the count, but throws Atlas off to the side, kicking out with authority!


[Axis] Where did Atlas find the strength to use a Northern Lights on Thor?


[King] Probably in the scrotum, Axis. But besides that, he actually got him down for a near-fall.


[Axis] Please. Thor was just shocked at being suplexed in such a way. He could have tossed Atlas off immediately.


Thor stands up slightly earlier than Atlas does, mostly out of anger and surprise. He charges at Sean just as he's getting to his feet, and when Atlas turns around, he is immediately brought back down with a clothesline. Thor grabs onto his hand and yanks back, literally pulling Sean up by his arm. He finds his feet and stands, but before he can get away, Thor wraps his other arm around him and tries to put on the Bear hug...


[King] Don't let him get you in that bear hug, Sean!


But before he can get both arms around him and lock them behind his back, Atlas starts to kick the left knee of Thor, the same knee he worked on earlier in the match. Thor's grip loosens and Sean sneaks away, ducking under Thor and sliding behind him, pulling his feet out from under him with a Rear Leg Takedown. Once again, Thor falls forward on his face, with Sean near his feet. Just like before, Atlas lifts up Thor's left leg to attack the knee, and slams it into the mat even harder. Thor lets out a grunt after the impact, and an even louder one after the second time Atlas does it. Finally, Thor pulls back and kicks Atlas way with the other leg. He begins to stand up, and just before he plants his second foot, Atlas charges at him from behind, and hits the bulldog that he wasn't able to use earlier!


[King] See, what did I say. Slowly, Atlas is figuring out just how he has to take Thor on. The advantage is swinging toward him.


[Axis] I wouldn't call a few low impact moves and one suplex an advantage.


[King] Really? How about I use a suplex and some moves on you, would that be an advantage, huh?


[Axis] You want to stick to your announcing duties, King?


Sean stands near Thor's head, waiting for him to stand. Now furious, Thor tries to get up quickly after Atlas used such a cheap move on him. Just as he makes it to his feet, Atlas takes a small hop and thrusts his leg out, attempting a Superkick... but Thor is too big and his reaction is too fast for it to be at all effective, and he catches Atlas' leg before it hits. Hopping on one foot, Atlas isn't enjoying his leg being at the height that Thor's chest happens to be. But instead of trying an obvious Enziguri, Atlas places his other foot on Thor's leg and uses his body to back flip, and land right back on his feet! However, Sean doesn't get himself oriented quickly enough as Thor charges at him with a Vicious Clothesline, knocking Atlas back, over and around, causing him to spin 450 degrees, inverted!


A massive cheer from the crowd erupts, as Thor raises his hand and screams "HOOOOOOOO!!!" to the adoration of his fans. Meanwhile, Atlas is slowly coming back up, feeling a bit disoriented after flipping backwards, and then in multiple directions after Thor's clothesline. He begins to stand while Thor turns around, waiting for him to make it up to his feet. Once he Does, Thor swings his arm back, spreads his fingers out, then snaps it forward and onto Sean's neck, preparing for a Chokeslam! The noise from the crowd becomes even louder as Atlas tries to pry Thor's massive palm off his throat. His attempts are futile however, and Thor moves in closer to lift Atlas up into the air and drop him down... But actually falls himself!!!


[King] Was that a Chokeslam?


[Axis] It seemed like he was trying one...


In mid-air, Atlas still had his grip on Thor's arm. So as he was lifted, Atlas kicked the big man in the same knee he's been working on all match, and on the way down, turned the Chokeslam into a Single Arm DDT! The impact of his back hitting the mat impacted Atlas as well though, as both men took got hurt on that spot. they each start making their way up though, and stand at roughly the same time. Atlas initiates contact between the two though, and grabs Thor's hand to whip him towards the ropes. Thor bounces off and runs toward Sean, lowering his shoulder again for the running Shoulderblock...


But Atlas intercepted it this time and sidestepped it, avoiding Thor altogether. The Norse God bounces off the other ropes now, and Atlas sets up in the center, waiting for Thor's return. At the last moment before Thor would have ran into him, Atlas ducks down and grabs the big man's legs, then sweeps them out from under him, executing a Sweep Spinebuster! To the fans' jeers, Atlas picks up both of Thor's legs, but instead of kicking either of them, he steps through, then crosses them in front of his body...


[Axis] Is he seriously trying to use a...


[King] Sharpshooter! Sharpshooter on Thor!


With a struggle from Thor, Atlas managed to turn him over and set up the Sharpshooter, albeit not perfectly... The crowd grows even louder at the mere idea of Thor tapping out to this submission move, while the referee, Hall, slides down near Thor's face to ask if he's quitting... Thor shakes his head, but is clearly hurting at the moment, his left leg taking most of the force from the submission hold... Above him, Atlas pulls back, trying to keep both feet from snapping down and out of his grip... "AAAAAHHH!!" HOOOOO!!!" Yells the Lightning God as he puts his arms under himself and elevates his upper body, trying to get some leverage on Atlas... Hall keeps pestering him about submitting, but he still shakes his head... Finally, the force is too much and with one final push, Thor kicks Atlas away, using his massive size against the smaller European champion!


[Axis] Guess that didn't work out to well for your boy there.


[King] My boy there? Who the hell are you, Tony Kornheiser?


[Axis] Who?


[King] Never mind, you Aussie.


After being knocked forward, Atlas stands back up, way before Thor does. He waits for the big man to stand up, but realizing he'll be waiting quite a while, Sean decides to act before he is even halfway up. He dashes at Thor, jumping onto his back, wrapping one arm around his neck and the other around his arm, trying to lock on the KATAHAJIME!


[King] Why? Why after working on his leg would you try that??


[Axis] Because he's an arrogant prick, King!


Atlas struggles to completely hook on the Katahajime Choke, Thor's thick neck and extremely large deltoid, bicep and triceps muscles getting in the way. Just as Thor manages to stand on both feet, with Atlas still on his back, he forces Atlas to leave the ground, due to the height difference. Gravity now being Sean's opponent as well, he can't lock on the hold, and because Thor now has a grip on his Arm's Atlas can't pull away either. Thor raises Atlas' arms in the air, holding Sean behind him by nothing but his wrists. Thor pulls him over onto his shoulder, then slides him down further and drops, keeps one leg up and hits a Shoulder breaker on Atlas!! To the crowd's appreciation, Sean falls down, his head, neck, then back getting to the mat. He falls down across Sean's chest going for the pin...!
















...NO!!! Atlas kicks out!



[King] Should have hooked his leg, big man.


[Axis] It wasn't very smart to use that shoulder breaker either, as it puts stress on both knees.


His anger growing more now, Thor finally stands up and limps a bit, showing the effects of Atlas' work. He takes Sean's arm and pulls him up, not as quickly as before, however. Thor hits a couple of forearms to Sean's head, followed by some chops, much weaker than his earlier ones at the start of the bout. Backing him into a corner, Thor grabs Sean's hand and walks him out to the middle of the adjacent ropes. Pushing off, he whips him and sends Atlas running off in the opposite direction. Just as Sean gets there, he hooks his arm around the top rope, stopping himself from bouncing off and coming back to Thor. Thor, therefore, charges at Sean, limping very slightly with every other step. When he gets near Atlas, he kicks his leg up, trying the Big Boot...


But Sean drops down, and Thor's leg ends up on the other side of the ropes! Atlas grabs on to the top rope and shakes it, with Thor sitting on top of it. Before the ref can even begin to make the five count though, Atlas stop it and lifts up the leg of Thor that's inside the ring. He hooks it under his arm and leans in closer, wrapping his other arm around Thor's neck. With the giant still sitting on the rope, Atlas lifts, and instead of bending back like he normally does, he rolls off to the side, hitting a modified Leg Capture Suplex!


[King] What a way to adapt one of his signature moves to a new situation!


With Thor down by the ropes, Atlas sees an opportunity to finish him off. He goes through the ropes and stands out on the apron, holding the top rope. To the boos from the Denver fans, Atlas pulls back on it, flinging himself on top of it. Clumsily finding his balance, Atlas leaps off, throwing his elbow out in front of him, hoping to get Thor in the chest with it...


[Axis] Knife Through The Heart!


[King] Beautiful top rope move by Atlas!


Sean goes for the cover....



















Thor kicks out, ignoring the top rope elbow completely. He throws Atlas off him and quickly stands up, showing more energy than he has in the past few minutes. He walks towards Atlas, who backs away, fearing the potential destructiveness of the God of Lightning. Sean turns around and runs at the ropes, bounces off and charges at Thor, hoping to hit a Spear.... but Thor blocks it! He pushes Atlas down, flat on his face, no-selling the attempts completely. The crowd cheers him on as Thor lifts Atlas up by his head and neck, and tosses him from the center of the ring into one of the corners, like a weak and pathetic rag doll. Pulling on his arm, Thor whips Atlas towards the other corner, launching him out with more force than he ever has....


...But referee Anthony Michael Hall is in the way! Atlas collides with the official head on, knocking him down cold!


[Axis] Oh no... Hall is down, and Thor is angry!


[King] Good. Now Atlas is free to do what he wants...


Thor walks over to Sean and glances at the ref, checking that he is indeed down. Smiling, he takes Atlas by the hand and pulls him closer, but Sean hits a devastating low blow, taking advantage of the referee's state! As Thor bands down, tending to his loins, Atlas takes his arm and pulls him onto his shoulders, setting up the Saint's Demise... But Thor is too big! Atlas can't hold him, and Thor falls to the mat!


[King] Did he seriously just try to set Thor up for the Saint's Demise?


[Axis] I believe he did... What a nut job...


As Atlas realizes that he can't get Thor up for the Saint's Demise, Thor stands up, laughing and smiling at that fact. He casually approaches Sean as the fans cheer, sensing the impending end of the match. Thor punches Atlas (with a closed fist!), which sends him back against the ropes. Another punch and Atlas tilts back, early falling over... A THIRD punch, and Atlas falls back onto the rope... but Thor catches his legs and pushes them back down, keeping Atlas in the ring. Immediately, he ducks down and raises Atlas with his arms in a Gorilla Press...


[Axis] Triple Gorilla Press! Thor can set his finisher up this way!


[King] He sure can..


Just as Thor presses Atlas a second time, the fans let out a sudden and loud cheer and a man appears to be running down the ramp...


[King] What the?


[Axis] Is that?


[King] It is!




Thor presses Atlas a third time, just as Janus enters the ring under the bottom rope and charges directly at Thor....




As Janus huge frame rams itself into that of Thor, both men crash on the ring mat, landing in a loud thud followed by the sound of Atlas' body crashing down onto the ring surface. The fans are booing this spectacle, as everything goes on during the referee's knocked out state. Janus stands up, yelling a Thor, then at the crowd. He turns around to see Atlas standing up, and smiles at the European Champion. Janus runs over to Thor's fallen body and quickly brings him up onto his feet. Atlas, meanwhile, motions for Janus to place him on his shoulders...


[Axis] Why is Janus helping Sean Atlas?


[King] How would I know? They both have championships right now.. maybe it's the old M7 trick of bringing all the belts into one group.


[Axis] Wait, are you saying that Sean Atlas has joined the Magnificent Seven??


[King] I don't know, dammit. I don't know!!!


Janus lifts Thor up and with Atlas ducking down a bit, he rolls Thor over to Sean Atlas, placing him across Sean's back. Obviously struggling, Atlas holds the giant up and turns, as Janus leaves the ring and jumps the barrier, running off past the jeering crowd. After completely turning around with 345 pounds of Thor on his back, Atlas Bends down to one side and hits...




[Axis] With the surprising help of the World Champion, Janus Sean Atlas pulled off the Saint's Demise on Thor!


Atlas floats over, his back hurting after holding the enormous body of Thor, and covers him....


But there's no count! The referee is still down, and just as three seconds pass by, Atlas finally realizes this said fact. Frustrated, he stands up and walks over to Anthony Michael Hall. Kicking him and slapping his face, Atlas revives the poor bastard, pointing out the fact that Thor is down. Hall crawls back over as Atlas jumps down to Thor and hooks his leg, covering his shoulders, thankful for the end of the match...






















[King] Unbelievable!!!



The Pepsi Arena bursts as Thor lifts his shoulder off the canvas, kicking out of Atlas' finisher at the last possible moment. Atlas is in disbelief, and smashes his fist against the mat in frustration. He stands up, stomping his feet as well. Hoping that the kickout was the last of Thor's energy, he rolls all 435 pounds of him over onto his chest and jumps on top of him. Atlas wraps his arm around Thor's neck and his other hand around Thor's arm, trying to lock on the Katahajime again... but he can't do it, as Thor's mass is just too big for the submission hold!


[Axis] How is Atlas planning to finish Thor off now?


[King] Well, there's one way.


[Axis] You don't mean...


[King] Oh yes I do...


Realizing he now has limited options, Atlas pulls his arm back from Thor's neck, and brings Thor's hand back behind him. He bends it at the elbow and pushes it up, putting force on it from the bottom, wrenching it back..


[Axis] The hammerlock!




Referee Hall crawls near Thor's face waiting for Thor to say the words or make the motion that would finally end this match... Thor's face grimaces in agony as the fans boo the entire spectacle... Atlas thrusts the arm more and more, putting torque on it and twisting it to its limits... Thor shakes his head, relentless, unwilling to give up... Hall keeps asking, while Atlas yells at his opponent, urging him to tap out; to quit... Thor refuses, and tries to get at Atlas with his over hand... but his huge muscle mass is too much, and Thor can't quite bend that far back... his arm drops on the ring surface, and atlas yells for him to tap, to quit, to end the match... Thor raises his hand one more time, hoping to maybe get Atlas' head... and he tips it! He touches it! He can feel the plastic material of the mask on Sean's face!


But Atlas pulls away and applies even more force on the hammerlock and Thor's arm drops and hits the mat again...


And again...



And again...



And again, and again and again.





[Axis] Atlas topples the seemingly indefatigable Thor...


[King] With a hammerlock...


"The winner of this match... SEAN ATLAS!


[Axis] I can't believe he had the audacity to use a Hammerlock.


[King] I can't believe that dumbass ref didn't catch Janus' interference.


[Axis] What's it all about King, why did Janus help Atlas? What is their relationship???


[King] I don't know, Axis, but there's still time for that to be explained. We'll be back in a minute, folks with tonight's Main Event.

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Guest Longdogger_Pete

A panoramic shot brings us inside The Pepsi Center in Denver, Colorado as SJL Metal returns to the air.


"(Funyon) Ladies and Gentlemen, this next mat--"


In mid-sentence, Funyon's mic is cut and the lights go dark, as "Snap Your Fingers, Snap Your Neck" by Prong hits. The fans immediately stand and burst out in cheers, as multi-colored strobes illuminate the arena.


"(Axis) King, do you know who this is!?"


"(King) I have an idea. It is his hometown, after all."


Manson walks out onto the stage, looking out over the crowd and raising his arms in a crucifix to a pop just as loud as before. Funyon's mic is switched back on, and a look of confusion is present on his face for a brief second, before he announces the arrival of the visitor.


"(Funyon) Please welcome back at this time, MANSON!"


The thought to be injured Manson begins his walk down the ramp, spotlights shining down upon him. He rolls into the ring, and immediately pops up, brushing the left arm of his leather jacket before motioning for a microphone. The lights come back on and his theme drowns out, as he raises the mic to his face.


"(Axis) A tremendous reaction for the hometown boy, and of course, he's been out for a long while due to injury. Let's see what he has to say..."


"(Manson) I suppose you're wondering what I'm doing out here... It just so happens that I heard about the SJL rolling into Denver, Colorado, so I decided to pay a visit."


The crowd pops again at the mention of their city, drawing a slight look of ire from Manson.


"(Manson) Now, admittedly, I originally came for Wild Child, the man who put me out of action. I came to kick him in the face over and over and over and do what he did to me... But that's not what I'm gonna do, because, well, he's moved onto the SWF and I'm OVER that. Besides which, I have no one to blame but myself for what happened. Because I started getting weak... and started caring about the fans."


Like a Pavlovian response, the crowd cheers again at the mention of the 'fans.'


"(Manson) Well, no more. Fact is, I'm fucking sick and tired of catering to what others want. Last time around, I tried to play the nice guy, I tried to play the tragic hero, and I got nothing for it. It ends now, and what better way to start than in Denver."


The crowd boos again, as Axis can't believe what he's hearing.


"(Axis) I can't believe what I'm hearing."


"(Manson, pointing) Suicide King, sitting over there right next to the big Australian idiot, is right, hell, he usually is about these things. Towards the end of my run last time around, he said himself that I was weak, and that I didn't have it anymore."


"(King, with a thumbs up and a smile) Good to see him come to his senses."


"(Manson) The question is, how do I prove this? By becoming the living hell that I was before and finally becoming your SJL World's Champion. Heel or face, you better fucking pray to your God, because the Mind-Killer is back."


With that, Manson becomes strangely content, and drops the mic to the mat, accompanied by the sound of his theme and the boos from the crowd as the show goes to break.

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Guest Longdogger_Pete

We fade in on Mike Van Siclen and Ben Hardy standing in front of the SJL Wrath backdrop. Hardy, a good three inches shorter than the six-four Van Siclen, looks up at the former champion, who has a confident smile on his face, along with a pair of ice-blue Oakleys. Hardy, seeing that the camera is on, begins to speak.


“Ben Hardy, standing here alongside Mike Van Siclen. Mike, I spoke to you two days ago about your match with Janus, but tonight you face a completely different animal in Spike Jenkins. What do you intend to do to the man that many have called the SJL’s boy wonder?”


Van Siclen smiles, his eyes hidden behind his glasses as he accepts the microphone from Ben Hardy and begins to speak. “Well, Ben Hardy, I think it’s very easy what I intend to do tonight. I’m going to walk down that ramp, step into that ring, and beat Hollywood Spike Jenkins from pillar to post. Hell, Ben, I’m going to drill him with a Riot Act so bad that the ring crew’s gonna be patching the ring. But I’m gonna peel Spike off the mat, and I’m going to put him into the Cardinal Sin Clutch. And when he feels my knuckles digging into his face, and when he feels all of the pain that has been put onto his neck amplified two… no, threefold? Well, Hollywood Spike Jenkins will have no choice but to tap like the little b***h he is. And that’s all I’ve got to say about that.”


Hardy takes the microphone back. “And do you think you deserve a rematch with Janus?”


The Spectacular one actually lets out a laugh here, before snatching the mic away from Hardy. “Oh, Ben, you crack me up. You know, you shouldn’t be asking me if I deserve a rematch with Janus… you should be asking me if Janus deserves a rematch with me. Because despite what you may think, Hardy, and what the boys in suits running this show are telling you to think… don’t try to hide it, Ben, I can see the earpiece through these beautiful sunglasses… despite what they think and what they want you to think, Ben, between you and me, do you think Janus won that match based on talent… or do you think, as I know, that it was a fluke?”


Mike puts the microphone in front of Ben’s face, but snatches it away before the master of the Northern Lights Suplex can respond. “Of course it was a fluke, Hardy! Janus couldn’t beat me again… especially if he had the balls to let me pick the stips. Like I told you, Ben, anybody can win with chairshots and in capture-the-balloon matches, but it takes true skill to beat a master at his game… and my game, Ben, is caged… fury.”


Mike puts the microphone in front of Hardy’s face once more, but yanks it back again as Hardy begins to question him. “So you want to know what Caged Fury is, Ben? It’s very simple. Two men enter a cage… and one man leaves, winner via submission. You can leave the cage whenever you want, but only over-the-top, as there is no door. And you can only win via submission. And if Janus thinks that when he steps into my ring, under my stipulations, that he can beat me, the greatest SJL Champion since Mak Francis… then he’s got another thing coming. And if he’s got the nerve, the balls, if he can get enough of an adrenaline rush to accept my challenge, Ben? Then Janus will prove exactly… what… I… said.”


Van Siclen walks away, dropping the microphone behind him. As the champ walks away, we get a close-up on the back of Mike’s shirt… “Thirteen Days.”

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Guest Longdogger_Pete

“Has Spike Jenkins’ big mouth got him in more trouble than he can handle?” asks Axis rhetorically, “I'm sure we're about to find out.”


“Spike Jenkins can beat these three guys,” replies Suicide King, “because Spike Jenkins can beat ANYONE in the SJL.”


“Well let's go over to Funyon for the introductions”


The metal beats of "King of Your Own World" by Smugface plays over the loudspeaker, as gold sparks rise up from under the entrance area. After several seconds, "Hollywood" Spike Jenkins walks out from behind the entrance curtain, stepping into the gold sparks. After a few seconds of Spike just standing there, Spike breathes in some of the sparks, and exhales through his nose, as smoke fills up over his face. Spike steps through the sparks, as they slowly die down behind him.


Funyon stands in the center of the ring, surveying the crowd and waiting for a moment's drop in the decibel level before booming out “Introducing first, weighing in tonight at 220lbs, the King of the World… HOLLYWOOD SPIIIIIIIIIKE JEEEEEEENKIIIIIIIIINS!”


Spike walks down the entrance way, looking around the audience as they all boo him. Spike walks around the ring up to the steel steps, and climbs up to the ring apron, walking into the center of the ring, and looking out into the audience, placing his arms behind the top rope, stretching back a bit. Spike releases the ropes, and steps through them into the ring. Spike walks to the corner and lifts himself up onto the top turnbuckle, sitting there while he waits for his opponent. “Just look at him Axis,” comments Suicide King, “THAT is what a professional wrestler is supposed to look like”


“And his opponent,” booms out Funyon, “Weighing in at 285lbs and hailing from Rotorua on the North Island of New Zealand, the Maori Badass, VAAAAAAAAA’AAAIIIIIIIIIIIIGAAAAAAA”


“You know what time it be…” rings out across the arena ad the strains of “Strike It!” by Dub War draw a huge cheer from the crowd, and the entrance of the Maori Badass. Va’aiga walks down the entranceway, slapping hands with members of the crowd on his way down to the ring and as Spike slides outside the ring, Va’aiga slides inside and stands tall in the middle of the ring, waiting a for the cue of “STRIKE IT!” to drop his Maori hand sign, and the crowd cheer in approval as pyrotechnics light up the area as they fire off from behind Va’aiga’s back.


Spike slides back into the ring as the referee checks both wrestlers over. “Why’s he doing that?” asks Suicide King, “Doesn’t he trust Spike Jenkins?”


“It’s all part of the protocol,” replies Axis, “And I wouldn’t trust Spike Jenkins on principal. He’s capable of some sneaky behavior.”


“You’re just jealous; you’re not the King of the World!” Suicide King grins smugly at Axis. “I of course am a King, and by the divine right of Kings I’m worshiped as a God too.” Axis sighs. “It’s a hard life being this great.” adds King.


Va’aiga offers Spike a test of strength, and the King of the World immediately kicks Va’aiga in the chest to avoid being overpowered. Spike grabs for a headlock and holds in for a brief few seconds before Va’aiga shoots him off. Spike rebounds off the ropes and bounces back into Va’aiga who shoulder blocks him down to the ground. Va’aiga runs against the ropes himself as Spike kips up and the big Maori shoulder blocks Spike down again. Va’aiga turns 90 degrees and runs into a different set of ropes, and rebounds towards Spike for a second time, but Spike uses Va’aiga’s momentum against him and uses a rolling cradle on the big Maori.








Va’aiga rolls a shoulder and Stands again giving Spike Jenkins a sour look. Spike grins in response and then taps his head. “Spike is using his brainpower today,” quips Suicide King, “and it’s a good job Va’aiga isn’t going to have to use his!”


“Va’aiga is far from stupid,” replies Axis


“Yeah but in which direction!” jokes Suicide King.


Spike moves into Va’aiga and lashes a pair of stiff looking chops, drawing a round of Whoos from the crowd, and Va’aiga calmly absorbs he impact of the blows and fires off a lariat. Spike however ducks the blow and rolls up Va’aiga with a schoolboy cradle!








And Va’aiga throws Spike off and halfway across the ring, leaping to his feet as a massive scowl crosses his face. “Va’aiga is losing control here Axis,” comments Suicide King, “and that means Spike has a definite mental advantage!” Va’aiga picks Spike up by an arm before Spike has a chance to stand up himself, then twists the arm back and drags Spike forcefully onto a short arm clothesline. “Spike definitely doesn’t have a physical advantage,” replies Axis to the King’s comment, “And making Va’aiga lose his cool just for a tactical advantage is a gutsy plan, but maybe a misguided one. However if one of those rollups turns into a three count he’s through the first stage.”


Va’aiga stomps away at Spike Jenkins vigorously, each blow of the boot into the King of the World’s chest expelling a little extra air from Spike’s lungs. Va’aiga lifts Spike up and slings him over one shoulder with a jerking single arm motion, then slams Spike down to the canvas, adding a “MY HOUSE!” for effect, and the crowd responds by cheering for the big Maori. Va’aiga doesn’t take time to look up to acknowledge them and goes straight back to stomping away, lacing each stomp with a little extra anger. Va’aiga grabs for Spike’s head and lifts him up, but spike is ready this time and knees Va’aiga quickly in the guts, then follows quickly with an eye rake. Eddy Long questions Spike’s blow, but spike points to his palm heel, implying that the blow was a legal shotei, and the referee lets him off. Spike whips Va’aiga but the massive Maori hits a do-see-do counter and plants Spike hard into the canvas again with a wheel powerslam. Va’aiga covers…








Spike lifts up a shoulder from the canvas, and rolls to the outside to take a breather. “Sound strategy form Spike, resting to prevent Va’aiga from getting too much of a head of steam,” comments Axis. Spike retreats round to camera left of the ring as Va’aiga slides out after him, and Va’aiga gives chase, but Spike slows the big Maori down by kicking over the ring steps into his path. Spike uses the lead this gives him in the footrace to slide back into the ring, and as Va’aiga slides in himself Spike cuts him off with a pair of stomps and a 420 leg drop to the back of the big Maori’s neck! Spike drags Va’aiga into the middle of the ring and runs into the ropes, and as Va’aiga gets to one knee Spike springboards off the ropes with a dropkick, sending Va’aiga back down to the mat. “What a move! Spike’s taking him down with speed. That’s what I’D do too Axis!” calls Suicide King, drawing another sigh from Axis. “Will you stop?” asks Axis. “You’re paying too much not to be blessed with my valuable opinion,” replies the Suicide King.


Spike allows Va’aiga to stumble to his feet before leaping up into a huracanrana position, but Va’aiga regain his composure and dumps Hollywood down to the canvas hard with a massive release powerbomb! “BITCH!” shouts the Maori Badass, before picking Spike up by the hair, earning himself a ticking off from Eddy Long in the process, then STOing Spike down to the canvas again. Va’aiga motions to the crowd with two spins, first vertical then horizontal with his fingers, and the crowd cheers in approval at his call. “Va’aiga is about to debut the Spin Cycle here King,” calls Axis, “And that’s bad news for Spike Jenkins.”


Va’aiga grabs Spike’s arm and wrenches him to his feet, then whips the cruiserweight star into the ropes, ducking to a slight crouch as Spike returns, then flipping Spike end over end as he raises the Hollywood native up to his shoulders, then spinning himself around spiraling downwards as he drops Spike to the canvas. Va’aiga hold on








THR…. And Va’aiga stand up dragging Spike to his feet again, wagging a finger at Spike in a “Not yet…” motion. “That could be a big mistake,” comments Suicide King, “has the Maori Dumbass underrated Spike Jenkins”


“Badass, King,” corrects Axis


“I know I’m badass, but let’s get back to the match!” replies King. Va’aiga slides round behind Spike and plants him backwards with a massive German suplex. Va’aiga drops a leg across Spike’s chest and he awaits Spike getting up again. Va’aiga rocks Spike back with a pair of stiff right hands and for an Encore Va’aiga kisses his own right fist before rocking Spike against the ropes with a huge right handed punch. As Spike rebounds Va’aiga dumps him with an overhead belly to belly suplex and again calls out to the crowd, “TURN UP…”


“KICK ASS!” comes the reply from the arena. Va’aiga goes over to the fallen Spike and dead lifts him straight from the floor across his chest, and backs up to the ropes looking for the Running Maori Drop, but Spike reaches an arm out and grabs hold of the top rope, allowing Eddy Long to force Va’aiga to break. Spike uses the distraction to roll up Va’aiga AGAIN!








THR… and Va’aiga kicks out, fuming. “I KNOW one of these is going to work out for Spike,” comments Suicide King, “If he lasts long enough to get another one.” The King adds as Va’aiga rocks Spike backwards with another series of left crosses. Eddy Long steps in front of Va’aiga before he can follow up and tells off the big Maori for using a closed fist again, and Va’aiga pushes him roughly aside, breaking Eddy Long’s concentration enough for Spike to fire off a second low blow! “LOW BLOW! LOW BLOW!” enthuses Suicide King.


”Spike Jenkins has never been afraid to cheat if it helps his cause,” claims Axis


“It’s not cheating if it’s not called by the referee!” replies a beaming Suicide King.


Spike follows in on Va’aiga quickly taking the big Maori down with a rapidly delivered reverse DDT, then rebounding off the ropes and hitting a high forward roll splash. Spike pops up quickly to his feet and enzuigiri’s Va’aiga back down as the Maori gets to his feet. Spike covers, grabbing a handful of tights…








And Va’aiga kicks out, getting himself up to a vertical base and shaking off the stun of the quick Spike flourish. Va’aiga remonstrates with Eddy Long about the tights pull, but the referee disagrees. “There WAS a pull of the tights there King,” points out Axis. “No there wasn’t. I didn’t see anything, and neither did the ref. That means I’m right!” replies Suicide King smugly. Spike fires off a couple of quick kicks into Va’aiga’s ribs, and then rushes the mildly dazed Maori hitting the Phantom Neckbreaker. Spike places a foot on Va’aiga’s chest forming an extremely arrogant cover…





T… and Va’aiga rolls, nearly causing Spike to overbalance. Spike looks down at Va’aiga and then warms up a shoulder, waiting for the big Maori to stand up. AS Va’aiga stands, Spike clutches across his throat with one arm, and with the other gives the crowd a thumbs down. A wave of boos crosses the arena, but Suicide King remains enthusiastic. “He’s going for the Highlighter!” spots King, but Va’aiga fires off a quick pair of elbows into Spike’s ribs, and the slides his own arm across Spike, falling backwards with a Reverse Maori Legsweep! “He didn’t hit it though, did he King?” says Axis, forcing a mock outraged “You’re just BIASED Axis!” out of the Suicide King.


“I’M BIASED?” replies Axis, raising his voice with some genuine indignation


“That’s what I said. Biased AND hard of herring.”


“Hard of herring?”


“HEARING, Axis. Man your ears ARE going.”


Va’aiga drapes an arm over Spike…








TH.. and Spike lifts a shoulder. Both men are slow to rise, and Spike goes on offense first, firing first a kick into the chest of Va’aiga, then a chop. Va’aiga doesn’t move, and instead stares straight into Spike Jenkins’ eyes, a look of uncontrollable rage crossing his face. Spike tries another chop and Va’aiga rears back and flexes his neck muscles. A third one causes Va’aiga to step backwards and then charge forward flooring Spike with a massive lariat! Va’aiga bounces off the far ropes as Spike stands and the King of the World goes down to a massive Maori shoulder tackle! Va’aiga waits for Spike to stand again, and again plants Spike back down to the mat with a shoulder charge. “This is the head of steam you were talking about Spike needing to prevent!” points out Axis. Va’aiga drags Spike roughly to his feet and uses a whip to send Spike in motion, then Va’aiga rushes against the ropes following Spike and Catches up with him with a massive diving reverse tackle! Va’aiga kips up and screams out “MY FUCKIN’ HOUSE!”


“There’s really no need for harsh language like that,” sneers Suicide King. Va’aiga kicks away at Spike’s ribs as the Hollywood one lies on the ground, before Va’aiga grabs at his hair, earning more in vain ref protestations, pull Spike roughly to his feet and drops the Hollywood star back down to the mat with an Exploder. Axis adds “Va’aiga is REALLY fired up now” as a verbal exclamation point to the move. Va’aiga covers








THR… and Spike reaches out a leg to the bottom rope, Eddy Long spotting it and breaking the count. Va’aiga curses Spike’s luck as Suicide King adds “What positional sense!” Va’aiga moves over to Spike and lifts him up to a gorilla press, before dropping him down to chest level, looking for a Maori Drop, but Spike, ever the innovative technician uses the momentum to grab hold of Va’aiga’s tights assisting an inside cradle on the massive Maori.









THR… and Va'aiga kicks out, throwing Spike off across the ring! Va’aiga stands and the crowd oohs as Va’aiga flexes his muscles and gives spike the hardest and most anger laden glare he can muster. The Maori Badass walks up to Spike, laying on the ground and grinds his boot across Spike’s face. “Ooh, that’s just low,” comments King. Va’aiga picks spike up and suplexes him up to a vertical position, before dropping him down Falcon Arrow style. Va’aiga thinks about covering but decides against it, choosing again to lift Spike off the canvas, this time slinging him over his shoulder and dropping him with the Southern Lights Bomb! Va’aiga leaps up to his feet and lets loose a violent scream of pure unadulterated anger and hatred. “You’re mother can hear you Va’aiga, wash your mouth out with soap!” adds Suicide King.


Va’aiga strokes his hand back through the tuft of hair that marks the front of his forehead and slides it slowly backwards across his head. The massive Maori grunts disapprovingly towards the fallen Spike and stares a hole through the referee. “Va’aiga is in a BAD mood tonight,” states Axis, and King’s rebuttal “Va’aiga is ALWAYS in a bad mood. I just think that now he’s in a worse mood!” causes a nod of approval from the Australian announcer. Va’aiga waits for Spike to drag himself to his feet, and lines up a punch with the King of the World’s furrowed brow. A massive swing of a ham sized Maori fist sends Spike sprawling back down to the mat, and referee Eddy Long turns to reprimand Va’aiga.


Va’aiga stares a hole through Eddy Long as he shows the crowd he disapproves of Va’aiga’s flagrant breaking of the basic rules of wrestling. Va’aiga attempts to break free from the discussion on his actions, but Eddy Long holds Va’aiga back and points to his shirt. “Eddy Long deserves respect! He’s enforcing a rule often forgotten Axis!” quips the Suicide King, Meanwhile Spike has clawed back to a kneeling position and as Va’aiga concentrates briefly on Eddy Long and his pompous officialdom, Spike fires a pinpoint uppercut low blow into Va’aiga’s southern lower abdominal from behind. The massive Maori grasps his crotch and breathes out sharply, and Spike uses a lightning fast schoolboy cradle on the Maori Badass, grabbing a MASSIVE handful of black tights as he rolls Va’aiga up, and Eddy Long drops to the mat and slaps his hand down on the mat










“Hollywood Spike Jenkins has won this first part of this gauntlet match,” calls Axis, “But in far less than impressive style.” Suicide King adds “Any win is a win Axis, and with a title shot on the line this is just one step towards the big gold belt!” Va’aiga breaks the pin combination and leaps to his feet, as Spike retreats for the safety of the outside. Eddy Long tries to hold Va’aiga back and gets casually swatted aside, and Va’aiga bails for the outside, a look of pure anger and hatred crossing his face. Instinctively the big Maori grabs for a chair as officials and referees pour out of the entranceway.


“Get your ass back here, bitch!” screams Va’aiga, the sound echoing across the arena. “I would not like to be Spike Jenkins right now.” Adds Axis. Va'aiga chases after Spike as the King of the World runs around the ring, dodging a chair shot that smacks hard against the ring post, the clang of metal on metal echoing throughout the arena. Security guards and referees grab Va’aiga, attempting to strop the big Maori from reaching, and possibly murdering Spike Jenkins, and with a roar Va’aiga sends the whole group of them flying, sending security guards and referees down to the ground around the big Maori’s feet. “Somebody stop this guy! He’s out of control!” remarks Suicide King.


“You do it, you’re the great wrestler here!” replies Axis


“Well I would, but, um… err… I lack state athletic commission clearance to stop rampaging islanders!”


Eddy Long approaches Va’aiga again to try to send him to the back, citing his officialdom as a reason to be obeyed, and the massive Maori grabs Eddy Long, kicks him in the chest, gut wrenches him up and Maori Drops him! “There’s a fine for that sort of behavior,” comments Suicide King, “Va’aiga just isn’t thinking.”


“I think Va’aiga is too steamed at getting rolled up to care about things like fines.” replies Axis. Finally with a second group of security guard out from the dressing room to restrain Va’aiga, they manage to drag the Maori Badass three quarters of the way up the ramp, after disarming him before he breaks free and charges the ring again. Spike bails into the crowd and hides behind a young woman and her baby to prevent Va’aiga from swinging at him! Security catches Va’aiga again, and one guard gets Va’aiga in a hammerlock, but the enraged Maori reverse and whips him into the guardrail, sending him spilling into the crowd! Two more guards just manage to grab hold of Va’aiga, and under the direction of Matthew Kivell Va’aiga is lead away fuming, and the crowd lends a chorus of boos to Va’aiga’s removal. Meanwhile Spike has returned to the ring awaiting his next challenger in the gauntlet. “Maybe now that big idiot is out of here, we can get back to wrestling!” remarks Suicide King. “Having said that it’s Matt Myers, so I don’t hold out much hope.”


As King says this, the music kicks up…










The opening lyrics of "Over My Head" by Lit blast through the arena, as Matt simply walks out on the entrance way, as the arena darkness and a strobe light hits. Matt walks down the entrance ramp, slappin' hands of loyal and loving fans. He slides under the bottom ring rope… and right into a kick to the face from Spike! The bell rings three times as Jenkins backs off of Myers, allowing the fresh superstar to get to his feet, though struggling a bit… and Spike runs at him, catching him with a huge clothesline! Jenkins staggers forward a bit after the clothesline, obviously still out of it from the Maori beat down, but still in it enough to be able to scream at Matt to “COME ON!”


“Matt Myers is a former World champion, King!” Axis says, a note of alert in his voice.


“And I am too!” King throws back. “The sad truth is unless the belt is around your waist, nobody cares.”


Myers gets to his feet, staring daggers at the man from Hollywood as Jenkins gives the stare right back, through a black eye that has developed over the course of the match due to the nasty Maori Drop from earlier. The two charge each other, and Myers gains the upper hand, using his slight weight advantage to power Jenkins back into the corner. Once there, Myers cups his former sWo counterpart’s chin in his left hand, rearing back with his right… SMACK!




Jenkins’ head drops and his body does too, as the beating from the Maori badass has worn him down enough that a simple punch is enough to send him to the mat. Myers does a backflip away from Jenkins, then charges in, giving Spike a faceful of kneepad! Jenkins grabs his jaw in the corner, as Matt lifts him up so that he leans against the turnbuckle… and cups his chin again! He rears back… SMACK!




“Myers taking advantage of Jenkins’ fatigue by delivering some heavy-hitting offence!” Axis says, his voice showing how he is obviously pulling for the HUGE PUNK ROCKSTAR.


“Some offensive offence, too. Here’s to hoping that Spike beats Matt quickly so we can get those two ring gods, Mike and Spike, together in the same ring.” King’s voice shows the same note of “Go-Spike” that Axis’ shows for Matt.


Axis points to the entrance ramp. “Speaking of Mike, it looks like he’s coming to visit us.”


Indeed, Mike Van Siclen is walking down the ramp, and Matt Myers catches Van Siclen walking down out of the corner of his eye and angrily stomps over to the ropes, leaning over them and yelling at Mike to “GET THE F OUT!” Mike, looking at Matt, merely shrugs, saying “I’m your insurance.” Distracted and flustered by Mike’s arrival, Matt turns around… right into Spike Jenkins, kneeing him in the gut!


“Welcome to commentary, Michael,” King says, smiling at the ex-Champion. “To what do we owe this illustrious visit?”


Jenkins grabs Matt by the hair and stands him up straight, grabbing Matt and hoisting him up into a fireman’s carry. Jenkins stumbles around a bit with Matt on his shoulders, but finally manages to steady himself in the middle of the ring. He flips Matt over his body so that Matt lands, feet-first, on the mat, facing away from Jenkins. Spike turns around quickly, grabbing double-M by the neck and hauling him down with a neck breaker!


“There’s the Spotlight from Hollywood,” Axis notes.


“Well, King,” Mike begins, no-selling Axis. “I just came here to make sure that my partner, Matt Myers, is able to get the job done against Spike Jenkins. And after watching that last move, I highly doubt he is.”


“I couldn’t agree more, Mike.”


Axis groans. “Shut up, King.”


In the ring, Spike makes the cover on Myers…






“TH – NO!” Myers gets the shoulder up, causing Van Siclen to blurt from the commentary booth “THREE COUNT!” Spike stands up, turning to face the commentary table and pointing at Mike. “You’re next!” the King of the World screams, but Mike just waves him off. Angrily, Spike turns around… right into Matt Myers, who has gotten to his feet thanks to the distraction from Van Siclen! The former World champion, knowing how to take advantage of a situation, grabs Spike’s neck and quickly brings it down with a Diamond Cutter! Spike bounces up and backwards from the impact, landing on his back on the mat, and double M makes the cover.






“TH – NO!” Spike kicks with his feet, getting his shoulder up in the process. With an audible curse, Myers stands up, lifting Jenkins up with him.


“The New Found Glory very nearly gets three,” Axis remarks, “but Jenkins manages to get the shoulder up at two-and-a-half.”


“Let’s ignore that,” King says. “Mike, have you scouted Jenkins at all?”


“I’ve scouted him a bit, King,” Mike replies, “but let’s face it, Jenkins and I, we’re on the same page. Not the same level, mind you – I’m eons better than he is. But we’re on the same page. Mentally, I feel I could take a loss to Jenkins. Just not well.”


In the ring, Myers begins to take over, grabbing Spike by the arm and whipping him into the ropes… and then knocking him right down on the rebound with a nasty Spinebuster. The man who defeated Judge Mental for the Heavyweight title walks over to the ropes, climbing them and raising one hand into the air, twirling it around to signal for the Corkscrew Moonsault! M-Squared leaps off, spinning over and around like a top and finally landing, stomach-first, on Hollywood Spike Jenkins! Myers stays on top, looking for the cover.






“THR – TWO COUNT!” Jenkins again gets the shoulder up, and Myers, a huge smile on his face, lifts Hollywood up to his feet.


“Matt with his second cover in about as many minutes,” Axis states, “trying to keep Spike out long enough for the three count.”


“What Myers is trying to do here,” King remarks, preparing to begin another in-depth analysis, “is get the pin. He comes into this match knowing that Spike has just fought Va’aiga, so he can wrestle more spotty early, trying for the pin. That’s why we’re seeing all of these high risk spots. Right, Mike?”


Mike adjusts his ice-blue Oakleys. “Is that what he’s trying to do? It looks to me like he doesn’t know what the hell he’s doing.”


King and Mike laugh and exchange low-fives as in the ring, Myers grabs Hollywood by the head and knees him in the gut, doubling the man originally from near Manhattan over. Myers lifts up his left leg and gets on Jenkins’ head much like a cowboy getting onto a horse. Myers reaches back for Jenkins’ arms… but it’s too late, as they’re already sweeping Myers’ legs from underneath him! Matt hits the mat face-first, bouncing up and grabbing his nose in pain as he leans over the mat. Jenkins, leaning against the ropes at this point, looks at Myers and sees the perfect opportunity to hit Rolling Thunder! Hollywood, still trying to get back in the game, goes over to Myers and rolls him over onto his back. Spike proceeds to dash towards the ropes, bouncing off and rolling forward, coming out of this roll in a standing position near Matt’s body. Jenkins doesn’t stay grounded for long, however, as he leaps into the air, flipping over and landing back-first on Myers! Jenkins reaches over, hooking the leg for the cover!






“THRE – TWO COUNT!” Myers barely gets the shoulder up, and Spike, now on offense, lifts the former champ to his feet.


“Jenkins avoids the Lit Up,” Axis exclaims, “nailing a Rolling Thunder instead!”


“Who cares,” King says. “we all know Spike’s going to win. Myers is nothing. Mike, while I’m thinking about it, how is your neck?”


“It’s healing up, King.” Mike pauses, thinking about his next words. “I mean, sure, I still hurt from that Rage Unleashed, but I’ll be good to go tonight, just some minor stiffness is all. Have no fears, kids, your hero will be perfectly fine.”


In the ring, Jenkins grabs Myers by the arm, whipping the Rock Star into the ropes. Myers comes back, with obvious anger and devastation on his mind… but the Jenk silences that with a huge kick to the chest of Myers! Myers grabs his stomach in pain, and Spike looks for another kick to the chest… but Myers, wise now, catches the foot! Spike makes him pay, though, as he uses his standing foot to push off of, and then kick Myers right in the back of the goddamned head with! The crowd erupts in boos as Myers falls down and Jenkins walks over to him, placing a boot on his chest to make the ARROGANT COVER~!






“T- TWO!” Naturally, Myers gets the shoulder up, but the Punk Rockstar is understandably pissed, and as Jenkins tries to take his boot off he can’t, as Myers has a good hold on it… and whips Spike over his body with a massive Dragon Screw legwhip! The ex-champ covers!






“TH – NO!” Spike gets the shoulder.


“Jenkins with the arrogant cover,” Axis says, the emotion level in his voice at zero, “and he should know he can’t waste moves in a match like this!”


“But the arrogant cover is so aesthetically pleasing,” King says with a laugh.


“Indeed,” Mike chimes in.


“So, Mike,” King continues. “Think you’ll get the night off?”


Mike doesn’t respond… simply laughs hysterically. King, too, chuckles a bit, as in the ring Myers stands up, grabbing Jenkins by the hair and lifting him to his feet. No nonsense this time, Myers grabs Jenkins for a suplex and takes him over, Spike landing on his back. Matt floats through, making the cover on Jenkins.








Jenkins gets the shoulder up, and Myers stands up, a bit angry… but he sees the fans and quickly ignores that, beginning to play to them in the middle of the ring! “MAKE SOME NOISE!” Myers yells, and the fans respond in a big way. Grinning, Matt turns around…




“HOLY S**T!”


“…now,” King says. “That is a Superkick.”


“Or a kick that is Super,” Mike adds with a smile.


Academically, Hollywood makes the count.








The bell rings as the referee goes to check on Myers, and Mike says “Looks like I’ve gotta fight… see you boys in a bit” before taking off his headset and sliding into the ring. "Well, it's time for final match of the gauntlet, with Spike Jenkins, taking on the man who lost the SJL World title to Janus on Crimson, Mike Van Siclen!"


Mike calmly walks over to Funyon, and pushes him off his chair. Mike picks the chair off the ground, and folds it up, before walking up the steel steps closest to him, and stepping into the ring. Spike gets up to his feet, as he stumbles around, while the referee checks on Matt. Spike turns towards Mike, and *WHAM*



Mike lays Spike out cold with a steel chair shot to the forehead. Mike tosses the chair outside the ring, and yells over at the referee to come make the count, as Matt rolls out of the ring.


"He hit Spike with the chair!"


"He sure did" says King with a slight smirk.


Mike cockily lays on top of Spike, as the referee makes the count.















"I don't believe it!" yells an excited Axis.


"He kicked out! Amazing!"



Mike looks at the referee with a shocked look on his face, as he looks around the arena frantically, not knowing how Spike kicked out. Mike rolls over and sits on Spike's chest, while beginning to pound on Spike with rights and lefts hands.


"Look at Mike going ballistic! He wants to beat Spike, and beat him quickly!"


"Mike is a caged animal, and when he is in that ring, the cage is opened!"


"Very nice explaining that King."


"Thank you."


Mike climbs up to his feet, standing over the downed Spike Jenkins. Mike leans over, and grabs Spike by the hair. Mike pulls Spike up to his feet. Mike quickly gets behind him, and wraps his arms around Spike's waist. Mike lifts Spike into the air, and drops backwards, driving Spike onto the back of his head with a German Suplex.


"German suplex by Mike Van Siclen! Dropping Spike on the back of his head, and Mike holds on for the pin!"















"Spike just barely gets a shoulder up with that!" notes Axis.


"Look at Mike! He isn't really happy that he didn't win the match already."


Mike quickly hops back up to his feet. He leans over, and grabs Spike by the back of the head, and hoists him up to his feet. Mike pulls Spike into a front face lock, and signals around the crowd, before spinning around, and using his free arm to drive Spike face first into the mat.


"Code Red by Mike Van Siclen!"


"What a move that is." Adds The Suicide King.


Mike rolls Spike over onto his back, and makes a cocky looking pin.















"Spike gets a shoulder up!"


"Impossible." Says a stunned King.


Mike rolls up onto his feet, as he looks at the referee, questioning the two count. Mike walks back over to Spike, leaning over, and grabbing him by the hair, and pulling him up to his feet. Mike turns Spike around, so Mike is facing Spike's back. Mike puts his arm over Spike's neck, and pulls back, holding Spike in a reverse DDT position. Mike signals for the Russian Roulette, as the crowd's jeers get louder.


"Mike Van Siclen setting up for the Russian Roulette! He hits this, it can be all over!" yells an excited Axis.


Mike spins around, attempting to connect with the Russian Roulette, but Spike holds his weight, and in mid spin, pulls up on Mike's neck, with Spike now holding Mike in a reverse DDT position. Spike spins in the air, doing the same thing Mike did moments ago, but this time, drives Mike face first, and connects with the Russian Roulette, but Spike's version, called Roll the Joint!


"Spike reversed the Russian Roulette into the Roll the Joint!"


"I think that is why that move is called The Russian Roulette. You take a chance with it, but if lady luck isn't on your side, then your screwed!"



Mike lays on the mat, while Spike rolls over onto his back. They both lay still, logically exhausted from the events just taken place, as the referee begins to walk around, checking up on them, and starting a ten count, that if Spike or Mike don't make it to their feet, then this match ends in a no contest, thus ending Spike's chances of getting a world title shot.






























"If Spike or Mike don't get up, then this match will end as a no contest."












Spike and Mike begin to roll around, and soon begin to rise to their knees.















Both Mike and Spike stumble to their feet, as they begin to stumble towards each other.



"They barely made it to their feet!"


"Yes, Axis. We saw. Thanks for commentating."


"Hey! It's my job!"


They both stumble towards each other, before Spike throws out a right hand, connecting with Mike's jaw. Mike stumbles back, before throwing a right hand of his own. Spike stumbles back, as Mike gives Spike another right hand. Mike throws another right hand, but Spike ducks under it. Spike pushes Mike's back, as Mike stumbles towards the ropes. Mike bounces off the ropes, as Mike comes charging back to Spike, Spike throws his leg in the air, and cracks Mike in the jaw, with another superkick! Mike falls to the mat, knocked out, as Spike collapses on top of him.


"Superkick by Spike Jenkins!"


"The same move he used to knock that punk, Matt Myers out with." Notes King.














The bell rings as "King of Your Own World" by Smugface starts up again. Spike rolls off of Mike, as the referee raises his hand in the air.


"Here is your winner, of the gauntlet match, "HOLLYWOOD" SPIKE JENKINS!!!!!!"




"The King of the World is the next SJL World Champion"


Spike gets to his knees, as a camera zooms in on him. Spike points towards the camera, then makes a belt motion around his waist. Spike crawls towards the camera, and says "Me and Janus." Spike drops to his back, and rolls out of the ring under the bottom rope. Spike begins walking to the back, as the camera cuts to Axis and The Suicide King.


"Spike Jenkins has won the gauntlet! What will happen on Wrath between Spike and the world champion, Janus? You will have to wait, as we see you for Wrath!"


The scene begins to fade to black, as SJL Metal ends, and we cut to a commercial.

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Guest Longdogger_Pete



Promo goodness abounds! Too much show for me to recap. Read it yourself.


Wrath card will be out later.

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Guest 5_moves_of_doom

I would like to point out that C4 has beaten the World Champion of this federation.


That is all, losers.


EDIT: Er, sorry, wrong thread.


*runs away*

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Guest Longdogger_Pete

Get out of here, tool. You know better than to post on the show thread.

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