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Guest FeArHaVoC

Raw Ratings Shoot up

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Guest FeArHaVoC

Steve Austin's return, as well as the Rock, helped RAW score a 4.5 rating with a 6.9 share this week, up from a 4.0 last week. The 4.5 is RAW's highest rating since May of 2002. The show did hours of 4.3 and 4.7.


It will be interesting to see if WWE can now maintain the increased viewership.


Credit: 1wrestling.com

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Guest humongous2002

Ahem, Trips better be shitting in his pants, the man is not a draw anymore and he is a ratings killer.

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Guest wwF1587

See uh Vince, me and Austin are uh a goldmine, I told u our uh returns would do great.

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Guest wwF1587

trips is taking some credit for this... face it but with austin back maybe not as much

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Guest tpww7

Definetly a good sign, but were the fans who returned interested enough to watch again next week.

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Guest MarvinisaLunatic

Good news bad news.


RAW ratings - Through the roof

Smackdown ratings - through the floor


The good news is that RAW is gonna be watchable again. The bad news is that HHH is gonna want to go to Smackdown, and sadly at this point you gotta believe that Smackdown needs him, unfortunately.

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Guest AndrewTS
Raw Ratings Shoot up


To celebrate, so do HHH and the creative team--with the drug of their choice.

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Guest Youth N Asia

Well, they needed Rock AND Austin to pull it off, so I'm not overly impressed. I will be if they can keep it up though.

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Guest Zero_Cool

I was the Rock and Hurricane segment. The people heard about it from their friends last week, with the premise that they would have another skit! Yeah, that's it!


It was really The Hurricane..I'm telling you guys!

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Guest My Eyebrow is on fire
Ahem, Trips better be shitting in his pants, the man is not a draw anymore and he is a ratings killer.

and as soon as the rock leaves - so will austin be

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Guest Mole

While Rock is around, I hope he can get more people over, IE Booker and Hurricane.

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Good news bad news.


RAW ratings - Through the roof

Smackdown ratings - through the floor


The good news is that RAW is gonna be watchable again.  The bad news is that HHH is gonna want to go to Smackdown, and sadly at this point you gotta believe that Smackdown needs him, unfortunately.

Actually backstage politics would most likely dictate HHH using everything in his power to get Austin shipped off to SD and not go there himself BUT given how HHH's lack of drawing power has been exposed for the world to see this last couple of weeks one would have to assume HHH would be the one who ends up getting shoved off to SD instead of Austin.


I expect we'll most likely see some sort of trade between shows by May (when the Rock leaves) where HHH is shipped off to SD in exchange for the remaining members of the SD 6 and HHH takes over SD and feuds with UT for the World Title while Austin runs wild on Raw and squashing everyone who gets over as a heel until further notice....

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Guest The_Radical

The real question to be asking here is how long this burst in the ratings will last. While I admit that a 4.5 is a solid rating for the show, it can be attributed solely to The Rock and Austin. While this is a good thing for the WWE on a temporary basis, I shudder to think what the ratings are going to be like when Rock leaves again and everyone starts to realize that Austin is no longer the draw he once was. Oh well, only time will tell.


The Radical has spoken (and for the first time too!)

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Guest Brian

Probably up until Mania, and then we'll have to see where they go. Good sign for Booker, with increased viewership during his push.

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Guest raptor
I was the Rock and Hurricane segment. The people heard about it from their friends last week, with the premise that they would have another skit! Yeah, that's it!


It was really The Hurricane..I'm telling you guys!

I think that's the real reason. Screw Rock and Austin, 2003 is the year of THE HURRICANE!


I smell sitcom. Or buddy cop movie. Maybe The Scorpion King and The Hurricane versus Brendan Frasier?

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Guest Youth N Asia

Untill the figures show otherwise, I'm going to credit Tommy Dreamer for the rating.

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Guest NoCalMike

Austin must still have the NAME VALUE, because quite honestly in my opinion for starters, his "ovation" wasn't as godly as I thought it was gonna be, and his whole return played out really dull until the Rock came out and confronted him.

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Guest Army Eye
Ahem, Trips better be shitting in his pants, the man is not a draw anymore and he is a ratings killer.

What does this silly comment mean? Basically the show popped a rating because Austin and Rock are back after MONTHS of being gone. What that has to do with HHH, I don't know. He did the same thing coming back from his layoff.


HHH is not a ratings killer, his segments are usually among the highest rated from the limited times I've seen the rating breakdowns in the Observer. Do you have evidence to the contrary?


More than that, I'm curious how you can ascertain from a show garnering a 4.5 rating due to Austin's comeback and being Rock's second Raw since coming back, that it means that HHH is a ratings killer, given that he even appeared on the show twice.

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