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Guest 5_moves_of_doom

Something That's Been Bugging Me...

Should Chris Raynor be given Moderator Powers?  

3 members have voted

  1. 1. Should Chris Raynor be given Moderator Powers?

    • Yeah! Says the Decloration of the SWF! All WFCC Members are equal!
    • Um, how aboot no?
    • ...Why does this matter?
    • Chris Storm 4 President!
    • Never trust women!!

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Guest 5_moves_of_doom

So anyhow, this is something that's been bugging me for a bit... the members of the WFCC, as well as their special powers, are listed below:


Suicide King - Better than Stubby. Kills internet connections while shoveling basketball hoops out of the ground. HHH-icon more accurate than he'd like us to think. MOD

The Boston Strangler - 2nd coolest gay in the fed. No-sells cares. MOD

Mark Stevens - Polite. Knows people of the opposite sex. MOD

Chris Raynor - Tag Team God, arguably even better than Frost due to more competition in his hey-day. Is a Caveman when he wants to be. Writes the greatest match of all time. Member of Operation P.O.O.F.N.A.R. Beats Ted Flink's matches that involve flaming tables. Has amazingly accurate theories on women. One of the original Carnies. Plays believable heel and face. Easy to get along with. Stays up late when everyone else has a life and/or won't talk to me. Can make one hell of a Green Jello-Mould. Mario Kart Tag Champ three years in a row, or more. Pays tab at Hooters when necessary. Kicks his kittens in their faces. NOT A MOD

Sacred - Bitches and whines. Low self-esteem. Writes better promos than matches. Fakes death. MOD

Alexander Zenon - Attempts to be good at fighting games. No-shows. MOD

The H-Ville Thugg - Kicks the crap out of ringers. Carries Xstasy to good storylines. MOD


NOTE: Those last two... weren't the IN-FED members of WFCC supposed to be IN THE FED, and rotate every two months or something, for that matter?


Well, looking at that list, I'd say that just about everyone is deserving of Moderator Powers, and yet Chris has none. Why is this!? Are the head bookers of the fed Nazis!? I mean, hell, even LDP SHOULD have some Mod. Powers, but he came up with Sigil, while Chris came out with using Christopher Walken as a weapon.


In conclusion, Chris Raynor NEEDS Mod. Powers, because if he doesn't have them, then this really just isn't a fair World at all. VOTE CHRIS RAYNOR FOR MOD~! GO CHRIIIIIS~! YEHAH~!




*runs away*


- Taylor "He Wants YOU, So Vote For The Caveman!" Thompson

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Guest Powerplay

I voted simply because I think Raynor rocks.


*Puts on "CHRIS SMASH!!!" T-Shirt

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Guest 5_moves_of_doom
What'd I tell you about spamming?



:angry: :angry: :angry: How is this spam!? I don't think that you're taking the situation seriously Z!!!

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Guest realitycheck

Seriously, this is just going to cause unecessary trouble. Topic locked.



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Guest HVilleThugg

Topic reopened for one reason...for me to clarify something very clearly...


The H-Ville Thugg - Kicks the crap out of ringers. Carries Xstasy to good storylines. MOD


I just want to make something very, very clear...to my knowledge, I never carried X anywhere! In fact, much of what happened during our angles were a joint work of he and I, and in fact, our ideas usually came from something he thought up, and we'd tweek it together. Up until his latest run, I never carried him anywhere...he earned it, despite IMO being held down considerably by Stubby, who despised him. And this last time, all I did was help make a return...and it was HIS idea...not mine. So, I just want to make it perfectly clear to everyone that I never carried Xstasy in any angles...and in my opinion, X is way better than I am in both angles and match-writing (even though I beat him the only time we faced each other).


Da "glad I could clear that up...topic relocked" H

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