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Guest Brian

Wwf smackdown 1/10/02

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Guest Brian

I think this is the last show I posted on the old board, so I won't be posting another until later in the week.



WWF SmackDown – 1/10/02


Hardcore Championship

Rob Van Dam vs. Jeff Hardy

Heyman comes to the ring with RVD. Heyman says that Vince screwed ECW and him. They were fed a bunch of bullshit and tonight it is going to end. Heyman says that ECW takes over tonight.

RVD wins the match at 7:46 with a Van Daminator by the announcer’s table.



<Commercial Break>



Jericho arrives only to be quickly escorted out by Vince’s security, Jericho fights them off and enters anyways.


Rock cuts a promo in the ring saying in two weeks, he has to face two challengers. He makes fun of both Angle and Shamrock. He says that Angle is most likely to lose the match, and that Olympic ####### could cost him the match. Rock says if Angle knows what’s best for him, if he smells what the Rock is cooking, he won’t show up so Rock can beat Shamrock.


Angle watches in the back with Vince. He says that Rock will only be facing him because he’s going to take Shamrock out tonight in their tag match. X-Pac knocks on the door, and tells Angle that Flair told him that he will be his tag partner tonight. Vince storms off looking for Flair.



<Commercial Break>



Vince runs into Heyman in the hallway. Heyman tells Vince he’s tired of being his puppet. Heyman says that when ECW beats Flair and take over, they’ll go after Vince next. Vince says to settle down, and says as a sign of good will he’ll let Heyman’s choice take a shot at the Rock.


European Championship

Eddie Guerrero vs. Edge

Christian and Test interfere at 6:44 and knock out both men. Christian grabs a chair and hits the one person conchairto on both guys. Test fights off the refs while he does it.



<Commercial Break>



Stephanie tells HHH backstage that Vince could be using her right now to keep Heyman under control like when she owned ECW. HHH tells Steph that she should have spent that time with him.


X-Pac/Angle vs. Tajiri/Shamrock

At about 7:50, Angle takes Shamrock out of the ring and beats him with a chair. Tajiri knocks X-Pac out of the ring at 8:20, and begins to go for a dive but Angle trips him up. Angle gets in and goes for the Angle Slam, but Tajiri falls out and hits Angle with a superkick. Tajiri sets up for the kicks to finish but X-Pac comes from behind and hits him with the X-Factor for the victory at 9:18.



<Commercial Break>



Vince runs into the Rock in the back. Rock tells Vince he shouldn’t go around making matches for his title. Vince tells him that what Heyman doesn’t know is that it isn’t for the title.


Angle comes to the ring. He says that after HHH’s fluke win over him last week at the hands of Shamrock, he’s taken care of the problem by crippling Shamrock tonight. HHH’s music hits and he came out. HHH says he beats no one on a fluke, and Angle is no exception. Angle made a mistake and it cost him. Not in the match, tonight. Because HHH is coming to the ring to beat down Angle. Angle and Triple trade right hands before Angle gets a clotheslined over the top rope.


Heyman talks to the ECW wrestlers (Dudleys, Tazz, RVD, Impact Players) in the back. He says that tonight, Tazz will receive a shot at the Rock.



<Commercial Break>



Intercontinental Championship

Christian comes to the ring with a mic and says he’s getting tired of Vince’s half-assed attempts to take away his title. Val Venis’ music hits and he says that if Christian knows what’s good for him, he’ll shut up and get ready to be beat. Match ends at 7:51 when Christian hits the un-prettier.



<Commercial Break>



Vince gets into the parking garage as a “WCW 1” license plate limo drives off. Vince throws a fit.


Tag Team Championship

Dudleys vs. APA vs. Hollys

Dudleys win with a 3-D on Crash at 5:26.


Tazz gets ready in the back.



<Commercial Break>



Tazz vs. the Rock

Tazz has the Rock down after a T-Bone Tazplex at about 9:10 when Austin rushes the ring. Austin gets caught in the Tazmission but gets thrown out when Tazz sees Angle. Angle gets a Tazplex. Rock gets up and preps for the Rockbottom, but Tazz elbows out. Austin gets up but HHH runs down and punches Austin. HHH moves onto Angle, spears him and lays in the right hands. Inside the ring, Rock goes for the People’s Elbow but Austin trips him. Tazz slowly crawls up and locks in a Tazmission, and shoots Austin a glare (Austin doesn’t enter the ring). Rock taps to the tazmission at 12:03. HHH comes around and knocks down Austin, while Tazz celebrates. Austin and HHH brawl up the ramp. Tazz goes to the outside to grab the title but Angle knocks him out with a chair and locks the anklelock on the Rock. Rock is screaming as the camera fades out on him.

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