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Guest papacita

My first C on a paper...

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Guest Flyboy
(EDIT: Never mind... I see that you're in college now. I sometimes get you confused with Flyboy :bonk: )

Just remember that I'm the cuter one.

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Guest papacita
(EDIT: Never mind... I see that you're in college now.  I sometimes get you confused with Flyboy  :bonk: )

Just remember that I'm the cuter one.

Don't be foolish. :bonk:

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Guest papacita

Ashanti? I've been saying that for years.


And besides, they don't call me the young Patrick Ewing for nothing.


ewing.jpg< SEXY BITCH~!

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Guest Si82

This whole thread reminds me of that episode of "Sabrina: The Teenage Witch" were she gets a C for something and starts throwing a shit fit about it.


Christ, I really wanted to punch her fucking face in during that show.



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Guest Flyboy

Some people are just used to getting better grades than C's.

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Guest Mik at Cornell

All I learned by reading this thread is that we have a lot of slackers here at the Smart marks.


Ivy league Dean's list motherfucker.

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Guest HollywoodSpikeJenkins

You're people grade systems are so fucking lucky.



Look at mine!


100 - 94 - A

93 - 86 - B

85 - 78 - C

77 - 70 - D

69 - Below - F

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Guest papacita



Talked to the professor today...he looked over the paper, looked at the grade...and proceeded to tell me to kiss his white ass.





Actually, he said it's a good paper with a great format. He didn't change the grade, but said that I could do a re-write for next week to improve the grade...*sigh* he's a nice guy, so I won't complain.

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Guest Youth N Asia

You probably got the grade you deserved man, sorry, but that's probably the case.

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Guest papacita
You probably got the grade you deserved man, sorry, but that's probably the case.

Well, considering the fact that he only pointed out one bad sentence, had nothing but praise for the structure and conclusion, and has a "no re-write" policy...*shrugs*

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Guest RevEvil
90-100 - A

80-89 - B

70-79 - C

60-69 - D

59-under - F

This is the system at my school. You must get at least a C to pass.

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Guest Ram

Good jesus, I must be a fucking genius by your weird ass grading scales.


95-100 A

87-94 B

76-86 C

70-75 D

69-below F

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Guest ElectricRaccoon
I don't know what part of Ontario you're from, but for my university it's:


90-100 - A+

85-89 - A

80-84 - A-

77-79 - B+

73-76 - B

70-72 - B-

67-69 - C+

63-66 - C

60-62 - C-

57-59 - D+

53-56 - D

50-52 - D-

0-49 - F

Three universities and counting (General BA, qualifying year to make up enough credits in a new major, MA), and this is the only grading system I've seen. They're all Ontario schools, though. But believe me, they're stingy with the 80+ around here (it's more an issue of "the A" than "the number". I've been at the top of classes with like an 83.

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