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Guest Eagan469

Theme song of the day - 1-2-3 Kid (1st)

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Guest Eagan469

Just so everyone knows, this *is not* the Full Metal theme. This is the theme he used in the weeks following his victory over Razor Ramon on RAW in 1993. It was also used by Mr. Hughes prior to 1-2-3 Kid using it.

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Guest evlpurpose

Thanks for posting these themes, but is there any chance you could post the theme that Drew Carey used at 2001 Royal Rumble?

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Guest JMTapes



I just wanted to say that I really appreciate you doing this. Man, where do you find all these rare ones (beverlys, etc.)?! Awesome.


Jake's heel theme is one of my all-time favorites. I found it on Napster about two years ago..eh, enough. Thanks!

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Guest Eagan469
Man, where do you find all these rare ones (beverlys, etc.)?! Awesome.

eh - long story or short? :P

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Guest Eagan469

ok - gather round children


This is regarding the themes which are ultra-rare (BattleKat, Randy Savage, Quebecers 1st, etc.)


In 1996 a guy used to work for the WWF crew (he hung banners and such). His name was Michael S. Boland. He was fired in 1996 for whatever reason, and to spite the company he took with him a box of the sound guy's theme tapes.


Each cassete tape contained one theme, clearly labled with the wrestler it was for and the year which it was produced.


Boland ended up selling some of the tapes to a wrestling web site called sWc. That site released some of the themes as low-quality WAV files.


Boland also sold some of the tapes to Jason Karpin, who released some of the themes in varying quality through the website Thememan.com.


Both sites got cease-and-decist letters from Titan Sports, and took the themes down.


Those who collected the themes (like me) were pretty content that we wouldn't get any more unreleased themes due to the fact that Karpin said he had burned his share of the tapes.




This past year when a guy names Sean Godfrey started releasing high-quality rips of the tapes through his Zube website. He eventually got a cease-and-decist letter about 2 months ago, but not before releasing about 35 themes.


So if you ever see anyone refer to a theme as a "MSB" theme, it means it's a rip from the tapes that Michael Boland stole from the WWF.


interesting, eh? :P

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