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Guest Phr33k


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Guest Phr33k

There's a Cannes Film Festival movie opening today in theatres, called "Irréversible". Apparently, it's extremely graphic, having in it a scene where a man beats another man's head to a pulp (we actually see the bones breaking, brains leaking out, etc.), and another where a woman is anally raped for 10 minutes straight. This prompted one critic to call them two of the most horrific scenes in the history of movies. So, my question is, of course: Anyone gonna see it?

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Guest Bruiser Chong
Sounds like a movie that WWE would like cause both seem to rely on shock value. Aside from the two scenes, what's the verdict on the movie as a whole?

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Guest Lethargic

Yeah, thats the movie with Monica Belluci and Vincent Cassell from Brotherhood of the Wolf. It's sort of a revenge movie. The overly serious, dramatic French version of a revenge movie. She gets raped so her husbands goes looking for payback. The trailer is awesome I know that. It's one of those cool trailers that you watch and makes you actually want to see the movie because it doesn't tell you anything about what the movie is about.

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Guest Bruiser Chong
So it's almost like I Spit On Your Grave, in the sense that it's a revenge flick that's very graphic with several things? That's what it's sounding like.

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Guest Lethargic
So it's almost like I Spit On Your Grave, in the sense that it's a revenge flick that's very graphic with several things?  That's what it's sounding like. 

No, I don't think it's anything like THAT. I think it's a TAD bit more high brow than I Spit On Your Grave. It looks more like it's in the vein of Requiem for a Dream.


Here's the trailer.. http://us.imdb.com/Trailers?0290673


I'm downloading the a DVD rip of it now. Hope it has subtitles.

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Guest Bruiser Chong

I already checked out the trailer and it looks pretty interesting and you're right--they don't spell it out for you as far as the plot of the movie, although you can gather a pretty good idea.


And I wasn't comparing the two on a "tasteful" or equal class level, I was just comparing the two since from what I've heard about this movie so far, both are pretty graphic revenge flicks. I Spit On Your Grave is obviously a second-rate film in terms of quality, while this one may not be, but I think that there's definite similarities. That was the movie that immediately popped into my head when I read the initial post of this thread.

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Guest HollywoodSpikeJenkins

I saw the rape scene (to see what you guys were talking about....i'm not fucking sick.)


But anyway, it wasn't that bad. But it was really the most graphic sex scene I ever scene in a non-porn.



Edit: Rephrased Rape with Sex. I don't buy rape porn!

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Guest RepoMan
I saw the rape scene (to see what you guys were talking about....i'm not fucking sick.)


But anyway, it wasn't that bad. But it was really the most graphic rape scene I ever scene in a non-porn.

I like porn as much as the next guy, but anyone who buys a rape porn should be castrated.

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Guest Choken One

Play Rape is fine with me...Not actual Rape...


I might check this movie out if i can ever find it...

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Guest Bruiser Chong
Burn it. We don't need anymore filth in our country.

I don't think that a film, TV show, book, etc. is filth just because of it deals with a horrid topic such as rape. Of course it can be if done in the wrong way, but done in a tasteful, almost classy way, it can be a true piece of art. It's all about how something's done.

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Guest NoCalMike

The trailer looks pretty crazy....So with this & Kill Bill coming out, we have two revenge-esque movies in the near future.

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Guest Downhome
Burn it. We don't need anymore filth in our country.

If you are speaking of actualy RAPE PORN, real rape porn, then I agree with you. I do not think any film like this should be destroyed, that's just insane, and I'm as religious as the next guy.

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Guest El Satanico

Well not this next person :motions him to the next next person:

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Guest red_file

I don't think I Spit On Your Grave gets nearly the credit it deserves. It's a surprisingly feminist take on the revenge genre, and the poor production values give it that strange "this could've really happened" quality, like in The Funhouse. But, whatever.

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Guest evenflowDDT

If it plays around here I'll see it. Assuming it opens in The Nick (our little "art house" theatre) before summer break that is (for a frame of reference, it just now got The Pianist, and won't even get Spider until 04 April)

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Guest El Satanico

Speaking of Spider, I know it's on kazaa(one of the verified sites says so), but it's nearly impossible to find.

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Guest Vyce

Rape porn isn't my thing. I get oogy just watching a Max Hardcore film.


It's too bad that this film is French. I thus have to boycott it.

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Guest nl5xsk1

I've actually read a fair amount about this movie ... it's compared to Memento, in that it's not viewed in order. (I didn't word that well, but if you know about Memento then you know what I'm talking about)


Plus, with what I've heard it's more comparable to Baise Moi than I Spit on Your Grave. Why: both in French/both deal with revenge from rapes/both rapes are very graphic. And I dug Baise Moi, so I will see this.

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Guest C.H.U.D.

This comes out in Toronto on Friday. I may have to check out a matinee showing.

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