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Guest AnnieEclectic

And now, the end is near, and so I face

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Guest AnnieEclectic

Yeah, it was a quiet unheralded slow whimpering retirement. Fact of the matter is that I'm working too much and having some minor health problems so overall... I'm retired. I'd like to say I'm coming back but I'm unsure. I'm about 85% certain I'll be back but the uncertainty of my impending promotion at one job makes me unsure of when a return might be. So, just in case, the obligatory heys, hos, and goodbyes.


Thoth - Probably the one person from the fed I talk to the most. Almost daily, in fact. I'm IMing you now and you're being helpful for my problems, whether you realize it or not. You've let me cry on your shoulder before, and you always got my shoulder if you need it. We've been through great brainstorming sessions... and we had some shitty shitty times. But you're still the closest friend I've never seen. Salut.


Strangler - Admittedly, I know we've talked a lot, but I didn't realize that you trusted me to any degree until you decided to share some things with me. Maybe it was an odd bonding but I can relate pretty well to you. If you ever need to talk to me, ever, IM me or catch me in chat. You're damn cool, Strangler and you can quote me on it :)


Tom Flesher - You've put up with so much crap from me during my short M7 run... and always willing to hear out an angle no matter how far fetched. I remember you were the first one I pitched "84" to and you were nice enough to point out that it had a chance, rather than explain that the chance was probably 5% or worse, heh. You finished off a lesson in psych I badly needed at the time which I am ever grateful for, which leads me to the next one...


Danny Williams - I believe it started with the phrase "What's psych?" and turned from there. You gave me the early lessons of psych that helped me go on a great winning streak, one of my few in the WF. We didn't work a whole lot but we got along great when we did, and you're obviously going to make it big here if you keep working at it.


TNT - What can I say? Funny guy, and my first nominee for "Current Heel just waiting to be a Carnie". And how can I ever repay you for the "Rumble Push" you gave me. Dear god, you made me a stronger threat that I think I ever was here. And I thank you sir.


...no, you can't get a sexual favor from me. :P



Jay Dawg Cock. Ass. Jerk. ...Friend :-D You're a strange guy, always trying to get into my pants, but when times were tough or an angle required it, you were always able to get serious and work. And you work hard too, as no one will forget the godly HCG reign you had. Beat me three times, bitch! *grumbles* ... But seriously, I wish you the best, and I don't have any hard feelings if you cared to know :)


Tod deKindes - However it was done, it was and we have the first series feud in the WF. The Best of Five could have been better if our styles matched better, but from what we had to work with I think we did damn well. Good luck in whatever angles you have planned, as I'm currently still confused as to where you lie, lol.


I'm getting tired... this is what I get for being late, so for now we go super-short form



Zed - You're awesome. You like to put down your skills from writing to KoF but you're better than you think. I can see your skills and you just need more practice to perfect. Trust me, you'll beat me at KoF someday, and you can outwrite me any day of the week.


CIA - If I come back, I'd still love to be in your idea. You come up with some beauties and never let any sort of self doubt cloud your genious.


To the Carnies, XF9 2.0, and M7 - Y'all dealt with my constant turns, trying to get back to the character I finally got to. You were all understanding and helped me just fine, sometimes modifying your own plans to help. And I thank you highly. I'm sorry I'm currently not able to make much of what you've done for me.


Kibagami - Ahh, the conservative bashing... the "#1 HCG contender match should be hardcore!" issue... we've had good times. We'll have more in chat, as we drive each other to say things that distub all to no end. (Y)!!!


Mr. Galatea You are the sexiest man alive. Sexy sexy sexy man. Nothing sexier than watermelon anus. Mmmmm, watermelon anus. Sexy.


Ash - The man that brought me here. You really really really really piss me off sometimes, but I think I speak for everyone when I say that we all know you're a happy go lucky guy that just wants to be the best. And i can't fault you for that :)


and if I forgot anyone, it's fricken late, I'll edit later :P



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Guest realitycheck

I resent being the short-form cutoff, I'll have you know. ;)


On a serious note, though, I knew it was coming, but I'm sad to see you walk away. You're one of those people on my strange little list that I wanted to work with, but never got a match against. Oh well, there's always later, maybe.


But hey, anytime (Well, almost anytime) you want a KoF or SFA3 game against me, just say so. I'm always keen for another loss. ;)



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Guest Ace309

I'm stunned and sickened that you didn't include a blurb for Rob Johnstone.


You'll be missed for the month you'll be gone.

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Guest Kibagami

Bitter cynicism comes off so much better when I have someone to share it with.


Come back soon.



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Guest CED Ordonez

SWF's female and lesbian demographics, gone from active writing in one fell swoop. Tis a sad day.


*Takes a step towards the SWF retiree/comeback revolving door*

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Guest Lightning Flik

Annie, hope everything goes well with that promotion. Sad I won't be reading your matches, but here's to ya!


*raises glass full of ice chilled Pepsi in salute, then LF chugs that damned stuff quickly*


...ah, that's some good stuff. ...hopefully, you'll be back someday, Annie.

Edited by Lightning Flik

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Guest TheBostonStrangler
SWF's female and lesbian demographics, gone from active writing in one fell swoop. Tis a sad day.


Well, I guess I know the direction that my character has to take if I come back now.....

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Guest AnnieEclectic

:: slaps a huge rainbow sticker on the back of Strangler's leather jacket ::


Keep the faith brutha *raises fist*



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Guest WrestlingDeacon

Sorry to see you go Annie. I thought you were really starting to turn it on in the past few months, especially with the feud with Judge. I'm sorry I never got you one on one (and you can take that any way you want).

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Guest 5_moves_of_doom
TNT - What can I say? Funny guy, and my first nominee for "Current Heel just waiting to be a Carnie". And how can I ever repay you for the "Rumble Push" you gave me. Dear god, you made me a stronger threat that I think I ever was here. And I thank you sir.


...no, you can't get a sexual favor from me. :P

Dammit! I mean, c'mon! I let you go down on LITA, remember!?


...Ah well, sad to see you go Annie, I'll see to it that you'll be back. ;)

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Guest Beingz0wningj00

I love you, Annie.





And I'm always up for another round.

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Guest 5_moves_of_doom

Say, can you at least give head to my avatar?


I mean... she's hot, right?

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Guest Muzz

Good luck Annie, I still remember when you first came into chat (At least, I think it was the first time) and remember watching you steadily rise through the JL rise, always impressed with what you wrote.


I hope you can come back soon ( I still need to get that job back ;) ) and more importantly, I hope you get that promotion. (Y)

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Guest Coffin Surfer

Well this certaintly sucks. But I understand, this place is very time consuming and mentally draining. Sometimes you just don't have the time or energy for it, and you need a vacation.


I can remember scanning everybody's matches for weeks at IGN and for a little while over here before I joined, and when I came across Annie's matches I was scared to join. To me any way, your stuff came off like it was professionally written, and I had no idea how I could compete with stuff of that quality.


Annie is probably my fav. character to ever write against, I was always just more motivated when writing against you, as evident by the big word counts.


Too bad we couldn't get that tag match, where you was suppose to go over me to get your heat back and end the fued. I don't why the hell that never materilized.


Plus you like Megumi Kudo who fucking owns.


Anyway, I hope you can find the time to come back some day.

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