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Guest AndrewTS

Going to SD this coming Tuesday...

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Guest AndrewTS

Well, a friend and I are making the trip to Pittsburgh's Mellon Arena for SD. I have my posterboards (5--so I could make 10 signs), going to get the film for my camera tomorrow, and so forth.


I'm a bit worried about Angle going into the match with Brock--of course, it may not happen, but I'm thinking it probably will. Angle does risk himself a lot...


Anyway, I need sign ideas. Probably a pro-Angle one, and for Brockolli I'm planning to hold up a "Brock Mad! Brock Smash!" sign (hey, there is another big green monster coming to theaters soon).


Special requests are:


Anti-Taker (the man bores the fuck out of me)


Anti-Matt Hardy (screw Ace--I'll help give him some heel heat and boo him. Maybe something regarding his abusive relationship with Shannon)


Pro-Guerreros (I'll have a Cheat to Win shirt on).


Pro-Benoit and/or Rhyno (I'm loving their new team so far.)

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Guest geniusMoment

I have wrote it before and I will write it again.

Use: "Never Kissed A Girl" with about 25 arrows pointing out from your sign in every direction.

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Guest HartFan86

"Get Well Kurt"


"I'm taping Thunder"


"It's Tuesday here"


"Nathan Jones = Naythan Joans"


"Eddie got a free haircut from me"


"Chavo needs to shave, here...steal my razor"


"Big Show ate my family"

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

"Kurt Angle died so Brock could complete his God push"

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Undertaker: "Dead Man Inc.: A Decade of Lame" or just "A decade of Lame"


"Dead Man Inc: Curing Insomnia for 10+years"


Kurt Angle: "Get Well Soon Kurt!" or something along those lines.


I like your Brock Lesnar sign idea, just make sure it's in bold green letters.


Shannon Moore/Matty Hardy: "Shannon fears puberty"


I can't think of anything for the Guerrero's or Benoit/Rhyno.

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Guest candie45

If you do like "The Guerreros stole my other sign" you'd probably get on TV.

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"Brock Lesnar: Here comes the Lame"


What can I say, the word lame works so well for a lot of these signs. :)


"Brock Lesnar: Nintendo should sue" or something in reference to Donkey Kong. :)

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Guest humongous2002


Brocky sucks

Smackdown needs RVD

Vince has no grapefruits

Where's the Huckster and the NachoMan?

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Guest AndrewTS
Boo the fuck out of Brock when he wins the title.

Way ahead of you. I made the Brock sign in bold green letters, but it's my first so it isn't spaced perfectly.

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Guest Lord of The Curry

" Shannon Moore is a pretty little girl."


" Brock: Stay away from Benoits neck."


" GORE ME!" (with a big bullseye on it)


" Ace fears Hardy"


" Torrie Wilson = Sticky Pages".

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Guest Nevermortal






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Guest j.o.b. squad

how about "i came to smackdown and all i got was this shitty sign"

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Guest Nevermortal
how about "i came to smackdown and all i got was this shitty sign"

They'd snatch that.

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Guest DerangedHermit

How about:


John Cena: "Brock Can Fo Shizzle My Nizzle"

Chavo Needs to Steal A Razor

Shannon Moore Is A Little Bitch

Nathan "The Milkman" Jones

GORE! (pic of Al Gore) GORE! (same pic) GORE! (same pic)

Taker, Get Out of My Yard

Where's My Pizza?!? (hold up during FBI crap)

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Guest AndrewTS
How about:


John Cena: "Brock Can Fo Shizzle My Nizzle"

Chavo Needs to Steal A Razor

Shannon Moore Is A Little Bitch

Nathan "The Milkman" Jones

GORE! (pic of Al Gore) GORE! (same pic) GORE! (same pic)

Taker, Get Out of My Yard

Where's My Pizza?!? (hold up during FBI crap)

Hehe--I may use several of those too. They'd take the Shannon one though.

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Guest HellSpawn

Pro Benoit


"Pegasus Kid Rules"


Pro Guerreros


"Gringos Locos 3:16

Cheat to Win !" (with that little symbol before the "!")

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Guest Eagan469

get a picture of Goldberg's face, blow it up to lifelike size, make a few hundred masks out of it with your printer and hand them out to everyone on the camera side


it would be funny as FUCK :P

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Guest wwF1587
get a picture of Goldberg's face, blow it up to lifelike size, make a few hundred masks out of it with your printer and hand them out to everyone on the camera side


it would be funny as FUCK :P

hahahaha... i can just picture that and yes it would be HilFNlarious

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