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Guest bob_barron

Question for Cawthon

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Guest bob_barron

I was skimming through your archives and noticed this unusual house show-


WWF @ Long Island, NY - Nassau Coliseum - August 2, 1991

Paul Roma defeated Greg Valentine

The Bezerker defeated Jim Powers

Bobby Heenan pinned Mr. Fuji

Ricky Steamboat pinned Hercules

Jimmy Snuka defeated Demolition Smash

The Beverly Brothers defeated the Bushwhackers via disqualification

WWF World Champion Hulk Hogan pinned the Warlord

IRS & Ted Dibiase defeated Bret Hart & Virgil when Dibiase pinned Virgil after Sensational Sherri interfered


I was wondering why they put Heenan v. Fuji on a house show and what the match was like. Did Brain or Fuji work as a face?


Also- why did they main event with Money Inc v. Bret and Virgil rather then the Hogan match.

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I was wondering why they put Heenan v. Fuji on a house show and what the match was like. Did Brain or Fuji work as a face?


Also- why did they main event with Money Inc v. Bret and Virgil rather then the Hogan match.

This was right around the time that Heenan retired as a manager.


I've seen the July 91 MSG telecast and Heenan's former team of Haku & the Barbarian teamed up to face Fuji's Orient Express. Heenan was working color commentary and Fuji actually worked the match, subbing for Kato. At one point, Fuji went to the floor and there was a big pull apart between the two in which Heenan recieved a HUGE ovation from the crowd. I think it was mostly out of respect for all the years he put in as a manager (the MSG crowd is usually big on giving respect when it's due). I'd assume that most of the Long Island audience were either at that show or saw it on the MSG Network.


I can't guarentee 100% accuracy in the match order - but the Warlord wasn't exactly a draw as a top heel contender. As is often the case nowadays, the world title match could have taken place right before the intermission (thus allowing Hogan to leave early) and then an actual "good" match would finish the show.

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Guest bob_barron

Thanks cawthon


Wow- Heenan actually working face in the WWF. That match sounds like it could be pretty fun to see.

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Guest Dmann2000

I was wondering why they put Heenan v. Fuji on a house show and what the match was like. Did Brain or Fuji work as a face?


Also- why did they main event with Money Inc v. Bret and Virgil rather then the Hogan match.

This was right around the time that Heenan retired as a manager.


I've seen the July 91 MSG telecast and Heenan's former team of Haku & the Barbarian teamed up to face Fuji's Orient Express. Heenan was working color commentary and Fuji actually worked the match, subbing for Kato. At one point, Fuji went to the floor and there was a big pull apart between the two in which Heenan recieved a HUGE ovation from the crowd. I think it was mostly out of respect for all the years he put in as a manager (the MSG crowd is usually big on giving respect when it's due). I'd assume that most of the Long Island audience were either at that show or saw it on the MSG Network.


I can't guarentee 100% accuracy in the match order - but the Warlord wasn't exactly a draw as a top heel contender. As is often the case nowadays, the world title match could have taken place right before the intermission (thus allowing Hogan to leave early) and then an actual "good" match would finish the show.

Hey Cawthorn, you wouldn't happen to have results from Louisville Gardens shows from Feb 90 (Main evented Piper/Rude Cage Match) and June/July 90 (Main event Warrior/Perfect)?

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Hey Cawthorn, you wouldn't happen to have results from Louisville Gardens shows from Feb 90 (Main evented Piper/Rude Cage Match) and June/July 90 (Main event Warrior/Perfect)?

Sadly, I don't have 1 single card from Louisville in 1990. I think your best bet is to check eBay for back issues of PWI - both the monthlies and weeklies (and then of couse pass along the info to me and I'll be happy to credit you lol).

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Guest Retro Rob

Cawthon, I have one question for you. On October 18, 1994 the WWF held a Superstar's taping, yet after the checking the results of all the Superstar's shows from October to December of 1994, not even half those matches is shown. To make this even weirder, I specifically remember seeing one of them (Razor Ramon d. Bob Backlund), but now I can't find the date of when the match aired. To make a long story short this has been bugging me for awhile, so any help would be great.

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Cawthon, I have one question for you. On October 18, 1994 the WWF held a Superstar's taping, yet after the checking the results of all the Superstar's shows from October to December of 1994, not even half those matches is shown. To make this even weirder, I specifically remember seeing one of them (Razor Ramon d. Bob Backlund), but now I can't find the date of when the match aired. To make a long story short this has been bugging me for awhile, so any help would be great.

A lot of those TV taping results I got from reports on RSPW from people that were there. With the average TV taping lasting a good 4-5 hours and having most of those matches be squashes (or re-done squashes if an intro was fucked up), not every match was mentioned in their report - sometimes only the major / dark matches.


I'd put my money on the Razor / Backlund match not being aired.

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Guest Dmann2000

Hey Cawthorn, you wouldn't happen to have results from Louisville Gardens shows from Feb 90 (Main evented Piper/Rude Cage Match) and June/July 90 (Main event Warrior/Perfect)?

Sadly, I don't have 1 single card from Louisville in 1990. I think your best bet is to check eBay for back issues of PWI - both the monthlies and weeklies (and then of couse pass along the info to me and I'll be happy to credit you lol).

Yeah, I guess I could check for that. Those were my first two wrestling events. I can remmember the mains but nothing else. Always curious now to know who I've seen wrestle live (Though I can bet safely the Bushwackers were probably on both shows)

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Guest Bruiser Chong
Yeah, the WWF used to have the "big" match right before intermission. The first house show I went to was in September of 1991 and the last match before intermission was Jake the Snake vs. Randy Savage (subbing for Sid Justice). Speaking of the Warlord and his lack of drawing powers, the last match of the show just happened to pit him against Bret Hart for the IC title. Good match, but it was basically the same one that he worked with the Warlord or the Barbarian any time they fought.

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Guest JHawk
Also- why did they main event with Money Inc v. Bret and Virgil rather then the Hogan match.


Once upon a time, the main event wouldn't always be last. Sometimes it was because they'd book the same main event in two cities and have to haul ass to get the workers to the second city, but usually it was just so they could announce the main event of the next show in that building without giving away the results beforehand.

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Guest bob_barron

I didn't go to my first house show until last year so I was unaware they'd put the big big match before intermission.


I guess it makes sense though

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