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Guest Downhome

What would you think of this for RAW and SD...

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Guest Downhome

First off, here is Smackdown. What I feel should happen, and the way I would book things, is to have Benoit actually win the SD World Title at Wrestlemania, by defeating Brock Lesner. I would have Benoit be heel, Brock still a face, and in doing so it would make people anticipate Brock FINALLY winning the title even more. Over on the RAW side, it would make the chances of Booker T beating HHH much higher, as I highly doubt they'll have both heels win at WM.


I would keep the strap on Benoit for a while, all the while making it look like he just OWNS Brock Lesner. I would work it up where Brock Lesner finally overcomes Benoit at the first SD exclusive PPV. Not only would it help out the buyrate in having everyone finally just ready to see Brock win it, but it would make Benoit look very strong. Leading up to that PPV, we could do matches like Brock/Cena and Benoit/Rhyno, there is plenty they could do. I would have a Benoit/Brock feud last for much of the next year, leading up to Kurt's return, making for a VERY interesting encounter between all three men.


Kurt could come back jelous of Benoit for having the year that he felt he should have had instead, Benoit has something to prove by finally overcoming Kurt, and Brock and Angle have plenty of unfinished business. As for RAW...


...this is a bit trickier in my opinion. To me, SD basicly just writes itself for the next year, but that's just me obviously. As for RAW it's painfully obvious that HHH is not the man to be on the top over there right now. I think he CAN still draw, and I feel he was starting too with Evolution, but with the injury's to Orton and Batista, that is all but dead now. We need to see HHH just bury Booker T every show, just like he did on RAW, to make it look like there is no chance in HELL that Booker can possibly when, and then, yep, have Booker T pin HHH, cleanly, finally cementing him in the main event. After that, I would put Booker T as far away from HHH as possible. After Wrestlemania, I would quickly push HHH into a non-title feud with Austin (as Rocky will more than likely be gone after WM or soon there after). They already have the foundation for HHH/Austin to take place once again, and like it or not, the fans would like to see that. I'm not talking about a year long feud, just a short little something to occupy both of them.


Then we have Booker T, the champ by this time. Again, if I was booking things, I would have Jericho go over HBK just HUGE at WM, making him look like gold, and after WM, I would set everything up for a huge Booker T/Chris Jericho feud. I'm not talking just a few weeks here, oh no, I'd put them in a long term program with one another, possibly even trading the title back and forth 1-2 times in the process. While that's going on I'd work on getting RVD more over with the fans, and turn him heel and have him feud with Austin down the line, putting RVD over huge. I'd put together a HHH/Goldberg match if Goldberg signs which would keep them out of the title hunt for a while, allowing my Booker T/Jericho feud to take place over the title.


If Goldberg comes in, I would keep the belt off of him for at least a year, and at the very earliest next WM. This of course only applies if he stays long term. I'd also keep the belt off of HHH for an entire year. Here is who I would have hold the belts for each show in 2003 starting at WM...




1) Booker T


2) Chris Jericho


3) Steve Austin




1) Chris Benoit


2) Brock Lesner


3) John Cena or Nathan Jones, depending on how well their pushes work out. (Obviously these are my two dark horse picks.)


...in short, it should be a year where the title is held in high regards, with not many DIFFERENT people holding the title. On RAW I'd have only about three people winning the title, and on SD only 2-3.




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Guest RavishingRickRudo

Great Post, I loved it..




JUST KIDDING... Oh ho ho...ha ha ha...oh ha oh ha ha ha oh...ha...sigh...


Would Benoit win the title at WM off of Brock? Because that would be a really short title reign if Brock picked it up off Angle next week. You could play it up like "Finally, Brock has what is rightfully his" - and then have Benoit take it away from him just as quick and then continue the chase. Brock isn't really a sympathetic character however, so it's iffy at how the crowd would respond to it. His desire for the title hasn't been established at all - neither has his motivation. Benoit isn't the kind of heel that fans want to see get his just due - he doesn't really have the charisma to be annoying. He could work the whiney Bret Hart role of 97 where he talks about getting no respect, where is the loyalty, how crappy the fans are etc.


Benoit looking strong over Lesnar probably won't happen. Physically and therefore Logically, Benoit getting the better of Brock just doesn't make sense. Maybe have Benoit break Lesnars arm, or injure his shoulder to get the advantage. I dunno, it would be hard to believe that's all.


Benoit vs. Brock is the best thing for the title, but the worst thing for Benoit - I don't know what another heel turn would do to/for him. It's the best bet for the WWE, but as a Benoit fan I don't like it.


Booker vs. Jericho looks good, HHH vs. Austin does too. You're right on the money here. They should keep having Booker be quiet as HHH runs his mouth but in a stiff-upper lip kinda way - playing up the fact that Booker will use all of the hate he has inside for WM.


...I still don't get the John Cena love

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Guest Downhome
...I still don't get the John Cena love

He has everything it takes to be a main event heel, as seen in OVW. I don't agree with him doing so in his current gimmick exactly, but I think we'll be seeing a much more intense, serious type of John Cena very soon. There isn't a doubt in my mind he has what it takes though, he will be a very good main event heel, something we really are lacking right now.

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Guest bravesfan

A couple of questions:


--Where do the current "upper-midcarders" on each show lie in your plan? Examples are RVD, Scott Steiner and to a lesser extent, Eddie Guerrero.


--Should we expect guys like Cena and Jones to leap-frog 'Taker anytime soon?


--Would we want Nathan Jones near a title anytime soon?



--As RRR stated, in no terms should Benoit take the title off of Brock, if Brock has it going in WM - it cheapens the effect of the title that way. Of course, if the title is held up going into Wrestlemania, I have no problem with a Benoit title reign.


--Do not turn Benoit heel...at least not yet. He couldn't pull off the Bret Hart 1997 character with his current charisma - he needs a manager or something to help him out desperately. The reason Bret's run worked so well, was that he had a FLEET of workers behind him to watch his back; in summary, he was a "pussy". A pussy who demanded respect... see why that worked so well?


(I felt that Shane was a great choice for guiding Benoit's run in late 2000, in such degree that I believe that it was a travesty that both were seperated from each other.)


--As stated, the idea of Cena, Jericho, Booker and Rhyno leaves high hope for the future in my mind, but I have high doubts about HHH leaving the title scene for a while, HBK leaving the scene altogether and Undertaker not demanding another run with the belt.

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Guest Brian

The problem I have with anything with Benoit at WrestleMania is if he's going there for the title, it should be more of the "final accomplishment" to his career.


I say turn Brock heel, turn Cena face and have both him and Benoit involved in the chase, with Cena getting a build up and getting a shot mid-swing as Benoit gets tangled up more and more with the lackeys (Rhyno, who injured Edge and Angle).

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Guest Steviekick

The army of lackies would definitely work for Benoit...send Team Angle and Heyman his way. That would also help start the Angle/Benoit feud once Kurt gets back that his whole team deserted him for the next champ.

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

"Everything it takes to be a Main Event Heel?"


Looking at the standards it takes to be a 'Main Event Heel' - this doesn't really tell me anything... Big Show was a main event heel... I watch Cenas matches - they're not impressive. I hear him promos - they're not impressive. On this board the guy is being heralded as the second coming but all I see is the typical WWE packaged wrestler.

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Guest TheGame2705

You do know that on RAW if they do HHH/Austin or HHH/Goldberg and Austin/RVD, it makes Jericho/Booker for the World look like an upper midcard feud for the IC title. Benoit's been heel/face too many times. Keep him as a face, he's FINALLY connecting with the fans. Don't jeopardize that. Face/Face would work well for WM in the World title match. Austin/Rock at WM X-7 was excellent and the fans can choose who they like more, and the other person can play the dickish face. It worked for Bret/Piper too.

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Worst booking ever:

First off, here is Smackdown. What I feel should happen, and the way I would book things, is to have Benoit actually win the SD World Title at Wrestlemania, by defeating Brock Lesner. I would have Benoit be heel, Brock still a face, and in doing so it would make people anticipate Brock FINALLY winning the title even more. Over on the RAW side, it would make the chances of Booker T beating HHH much higher, as I highly doubt they'll have both heels win at WM.


I would keep the strap on Benoit for a while, all the while making it look like he just OWNS Brock Lesner. I would work it up where Brock Lesner finally overcomes Benoit at the first SD exclusive PPV. Not only would it  help out the buyrate in having everyone finally just ready to see Brock win it, but it would make Benoit look very strong. Leading up to that PPV, we could do matches like Brock/Cena and Benoit/Rhyno, there is plenty they could do. I would have a Benoit/Brock feud last for much of the next year, leading up to Kurt's return, making for a VERY interesting encounter between all three men.


Kurt could come back jelous of Benoit for having the year that he felt he should have had instead, Benoit has something to prove by finally overcoming Kurt, and Brock and Angle have plenty of unfinished business. As for RAW...


...this is a bit trickier in my opinion. To me, SD basicly just writes itself for the next year, but that's just me obviously. As for RAW it's painfully obvious that HHH is not the man to be on the top over there right now. I think he CAN still draw, and I feel he was starting too with Evolution, but with the injury's to Orton and Batista, that is all but dead now. We need to see HHH just bury Booker T every show, just like he did on RAW, to make it look like there is no chance in HELL that Booker can possibly when, and then, yep, have Booker T pin HHH, cleanly, finally cementing him in the main event. After that, I would put Booker T as far away from HHH as possible. After Wrestlemania, I would quickly push HHH into a non-title feud with Austin (as Rocky will more than likely be gone after WM or soon there after). They already have the foundation for HHH/Austin to take place once again, and like it or not, the fans would like to see that. I'm not talking about a year long feud, just a short little something to occupy both of them.


Then we have Booker T, the champ by this time. Again, if I was booking things, I would have Jericho go over HBK just HUGE at WM, making him look like gold, and after WM, I would set everything up for a huge Booker T/Chris Jericho feud. I'm not talking just a few weeks here, oh no, I'd put them in a long term program with one another, possibly even trading the title back and forth 1-2 times in the process. While that's going on I'd work on getting RVD more over with the fans, and turn him heel and have him feud with Austin down the line, putting RVD over huge. I'd put together a HHH/Goldberg match if Goldberg signs which would keep them out of the title hunt for a while, allowing my Booker T/Jericho feud to take place over the title.


If Goldberg comes in, I would keep the belt off of him for at least a year, and at the very earliest next WM. This of course only applies if he stays long term. I'd also keep the belt off of HHH for an entire year. Here is who I would have hold the belts for each show in 2003 starting at WM...




1) Booker T


2) Chris Jericho


3) Steve Austin




1) Chris Benoit


2) Brock Lesner


3) John Cena or Nathan Jones, depending on how well their pushes work out. (Obviously these are my two dark horse picks.)


...in short, it should be a year where the title is held in high regards, with not many DIFFERENT people holding the title. On RAW I'd have only about three people winning the title, and on SD only 2-3.




Thank God you don't own the WWF/E otherwise it would've been out of business already, Benoit heel?Have Book,Jericho or Austin win the RAW title and Nathan Jones as SD champ?Where's RVD ? Why Brock needs to stay babyface even though he sucks at being one and he needs a manager to talk for him? Stick to fantasy booking dude.

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Guest nikowwf

Id have Brock turn heel, retain at mania by some evil means, and lose it to Benoit at Backlash. I'd let Benoit keep it a few months by putting Brock into a seconday feud (UT/Jones? Cena? not sure...) Benoit could defend against Eddy maybe, or RVD (id move him to Raw - the fact he is dying alongside Kane shows they dont need him)


Id also do cruiserweight matches up the ass. there are a lot of them, they are healthy and smackdown is not deep in talent right now aside from the cruisers.


On Raw, i like the Booker/Jericho scenario, with Austin moving over to take on HHH. Id start building Storm as a single, as well as Hurricane. Id let them be in the tag division as well. It worked on Smackdown, it could work here.


If Goldberg comes in, Id do Rock/Goldberg for April and put Berg over, which will make him superstrong and put him in a good position going forward.


just a few thoughts...



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Id have Brock turn heel, retain at mania by some evil means, and lose it to Benoit at Backlash.  I'd let Benoit keep it a few months by putting Brock into a seconday feud (UT/Jones?  Cena?  not sure...)  Benoit could defend against Eddy maybe, or RVD (id move him to Raw - the fact he is dying alongside Kane shows they dont need him) 


Id also do cruiserweight matches up the ass.  there are a lot of them, they are healthy and smackdown is not deep in talent right now aside from the cruisers.


On Raw, i like the Booker/Jericho scenario, with Austin moving over to take on HHH.  Id start building Storm as a single, as well as Hurricane.  Id let them be in the tag division as well.  It worked on Smackdown, it could work here.


If Goldberg comes in, Id do Rock/Goldberg for April and put Berg over, which will make him superstrong and put him in a good position going forward.


just a few thoughts...



Now this is what i call good booking, i would pay to see something like this on ppv.

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I would give the whole of Team angle to Benoit turn it into team Benoit and have Heyman manage Benoit it would be perfect and then in the future have them recruit someone to be in team Benoit to be a cruiserweight champion possibly Nova when they call him up thats how i would book smackdown in the near future.

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Guest TheGame2705
I would give the whole of Team angle to Benoit turn it into team Benoit and have Heyman manage Benoit it would be perfect and then in the future have them recruit someone to be in team Benoit to be a cruiserweight champion possibly Nova when they call him up thats how i would book smackdown in the near future.

and then I found this quarter on the street and I went into the candy store and then I bought a candy and then I ate it and it tasted really good and then I wanted another quarter to go buy another candy but I had no more quarters so I couldn't have anymore candy. Ok bye.


Geez, learn to not run on your sentences.


Thor, DH's booking is actually more realistic than the other guy's. Whether you like it or not, Eddie, Benoit, and RVD won't be the SD world title scene in the near future and heatless cruiserweight matches up the ass won't get you anywhere. The only flaw I saw with DH's booking was that he was trying to make Booker/Jericho credible but it would have been overshadowed by no fault of their own and that Nathan Jones shouldn't even have a spot on the roster.

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