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Guest RenegadeX28

WWE Heat has a historical factor tonight..

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Guest RenegadeX28

this past Friday morning. He said that the Vertebreaker he uses against Steven Richards this Sunday Night on Heat will be the last Vertebreaker in the WWE. That came after a guy asked about The Vertebreaker. So Heat actually has a historic factor to it this week


With both Edge and Kurt Angle sidelined with neck injuries, WWE is a lot more concerned about career threading injuries.


For those unaware, the Tombstone Piledriver is no longer allowed on WWE as well.



Would that spike up the rating? :bonk:

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Guest Trivia247

you know that Pisses me off....

Because it hasn't been the Piledrivers the Fisherman Busters, the 450 Splashes or the Vertebreakers that been injurying people lately....


Just a bunch of fuckin Clumbsy main eventer and mid carders who hurt themselves because they TRIPPED and Tore their Quads and Clotheslined people and Got Tricep and bicep injuries....


dunno what Orton did to break his foot, or Angle or edge getting their necks hurt But I doubt it was from some Emerald Fusion.

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Guest Steviekick
you know that Pisses me off....

Because it hasn't been the Piledrivers the Fisherman Busters, the 450 Splashes or the Vertebreakers that been injurying people lately....


Just a bunch of fuckin Clumbsy main eventer and mid carders who hurt themselves because they TRIPPED and Tore their Quads and Clotheslined people and Got Tricep and bicep injuries....


dunno what Orton did to break his foot, or Angle or edge getting their necks hurt But I doubt it was from some Emerald Fusion.

I agree with you. If they keep banning moves that are or even look dangerous, we are going to be left with everyone just wrestilng like they did in the 1980s...reverse chinlocks and sleeper holds for everyone.


I guess this means that when Nova finally gets on SD/Raw that the Kryptonite Krunch is out of the question :bonk:


I've decided to use the remainder of the popst to talk about my favorite Vertebreaker memory. My favorite memory of it was the Vertebreaker song that Helms came down to in WCW. I've actually played it on my radio show at college.

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Guest Zero_Cool

Isn't it kind of scary when a tiger suplex is more safe than a clothesline?


We may have a point on why everyone is getting injured, but we still don't have much to fall back on with our opinions, unless we all want to get together and give each other german suplexes and clotheslines for three hours and then see how we feel.

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Guest CoreyLazarus416

VERTEBREAKER! Will break your spine...


Shane Helms' themes in WCW ruled. The 3Count songs, and "Vertebreaker"...oh dear, such great cheese.


My favorite Vertebreaker memory would be Shane/Chavo from (I believe) Greed in March '01. Shane lifted Chavo for the Vertebreaker, but Chavo fought out of it, got on his feet, and lifted Shane for his own Vertebreaker. I think Shane fought out of that one, they traded off a few moves, and then Shane actually hit the Vertebreaker.

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Guest Trivia247

I suppose this will also eliminate those rarely seen Gory Guerrero Specials

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Guest Dace59

I remember in a CW Title tourny in WCW, it was Helms vs Kidman.


And Helms had Kidman setup for a Super Vertebreaker, but Kidman of course counter and hit a Super Kid Krusher.

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Guest BiOHaZaRD EX
you know that Pisses me off....

Because it hasn't been the Piledrivers the Fisherman Busters, the 450 Splashes or the Vertebreakers that been injurying people lately....


Just a bunch of fuckin Clumbsy main eventer and mid carders who hurt themselves because they TRIPPED and Tore their Quads and Clotheslined people and Got Tricep and bicep injuries....


dunno what Orton did to break his foot, or Angle or edge getting their necks hurt But I doubt it was from some Emerald Fusion.

Can you be anymore right?

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