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Guest Youth N Asia

Weekend boxoffice report (there is no God)

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Guest C.H.U.D.

Why are you guys so suprised that this was #1? Comedies have been ruling the box office since January. With the drama of potential war all over the U.S., filmgoers are running to comedies in droves for escapism. This was no suprise.

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Guest Youth N Asia

I wasn't even that suprised to see it at #1...but $30 Million? I don't think anyone saw that coming.

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Guest Kahran Ramsus

Canadian Box Office


1. Tears of the Sun 1,609,859/1,609,859


2. Bringing Down the House 1,365, 864/1,365,864


3. Old School 705,189/3,999,868


4. How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days 704,150/9,134,707


5. Chicago 583,382/12,308,021


6. Cradle 2 The Grave 580,621/2,450,564


7. Daredevil 481,478/7,925,683


8. Jungle Book 2 476,378/3,237,861


9. Life of David Gale 321,412/2,116,774


10. Shanghai Knights 288,145/5,240,006

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Guest Lethargic
I wasn't even that suprised to see it at #1...but $30 Million? I don't think anyone saw that coming.

Didn't that stupid Jet Li/DMX movie make around 30 million or something? THAT was a surprise. You would think that everybody would get sick of that movie it seems we've seen 5 times this year already. A big time comedy that has been marketed like crazy starring Steve Martin and a woman that's in the middle of going through the Golden Globes/Oscar best supporting actress hype machine....that's not a shock at all. Next week it'll probably go down to 2 or 3 and only make 10 maybe. Like always, it'll probably just be a one weekend movie flash in the pan. Face it, it had no competition. Next week Hunted looks like it'll wipe up. Hopefully Willard will do something as well.

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Guest El Satanico
I wasn't even that suprised to see it at #1...but $30 Million? I don't think anyone saw that coming.

Didn't that stupid Jet Li/DMX movie make around 30 million or something?

No it made around 17 million opening weekend.

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Guest Lethargic
I wasn't even that suprised to see it at #1...but $30 Million? I don't think anyone saw that coming.

Didn't that stupid Jet Li/DMX movie make around 30 million or something?

No it made around 17 million opening weekend.

Close enough. haha It didn't deserve 17 dollars period.

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Guest Youth N Asia
BTW Barbershop was f'n awesome and underrated.

How is Barbershop underrated? I haven't seen the movie. But it did huge numbers, and I haven't really heard anything bad about it.

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Guest ant_7000
BTW Barbershop was f'n awesome and underrated.

I was pushing this movie and everybody was hating, and now everyone who seen it is like "It was good."

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Guest Crucifixio Jones
Maybe it's cause they use the same white steriotypes over and over again, which somehow isn't considered racist.  The only black comedians I laugh at anymore are Tracy Morgan, Chris Rock, and Dave Chappelle.


And God knows those guys don't rely on racist stereotypes at all in their acts. Nope, uh uh. Not one bit.


And you're gonna tell me that "Bringing Down The House" doesn't use a tried-and-true Hollywood staple of a racist stereotype? When I saw the trailer with Steve Martin walking around like an idiot with his "ghetto" gear on he might as well have been in a 70's disco saying "What it is, blood?" in Stir Crazy. Is this how much progress we've made?


I'm not gonna hate on Latifah or the success of the movie, but America and Hollywood have to do better than this. But the box office numbers will always tell them that they don't really have to.

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