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Guest snuffbox

HHH vs. Booker

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Guest snuffbox

The Y2J-HBK match thread seems to have a modicum of popularity, so heres one for the RAW/Helmsley/God title match. HHH vs. booker T. What do ya'll predict for this one? results? crowd reaction? Star rating?

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Guest Choken One

Why are you doing this? It's futile. This is only going to degrade to into a HHHate thread where everyone complains and blames HHH for the Holocaust and makes fun Black Stereotypes.


As for the Match? HHH loves the spotlight so he'll STEP up a little...Booker will give an effort...Crowd could be hot...It won't hit no more then *** at the most though.

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The Y2J-HBK match thread seems to have a modicum of popularity, so heres one for the RAW/Helmsley/God title match. HHH vs. booker T. What do ya'll predict for this one? results? crowd reaction? Star rating?

After gratuitously and controversially playing the race card, the WWE has no real choice but to make HHH job the belt to Booker. Pure and simple.

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Guest snuffbox

All Im asking for is opinions of the match itself, what people here think. If somebody sees every HHH related thread as an invite for bashing, well I cant do anything to stop that, but Im sure a few people might like to post what they see happening here. Anybody obsessing about the downfalls of HHH should probably be checked out for some sort of gayroid-obsessive-dementia condition. Anybody with an opinion of this MATCH can post here.

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Guest Steviekick

I'm actually looking forward to this match. I'm pretty sure that Booker T will wind up leaving with the world title; after all, he is the most over person on Raw not named Austin or the Rock.


Contrary to popular opinion about Triple H, I definitely think that he will have to step up in his working for this match for two reasons...


1...The match will not be the main event of WM, and knowing how egotistical the Game-uh is, he will propably want to show up the other main event calibur matches. Injuries aside, I'm sure he has still at least one match on the same level of what he was doing in 2000.


2. Since HHH knows he's going to be putting over Booker T, I'm sure he is going to want to do it in a way that he still looks all big and bad afterwards.


Booker T is consistently entertaining, and I'm sure in a match that is going to propably be the biggest in his career, he's definitely going to bring his A game.


Call me crazy, but I think it is going to be good.

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Guest The Mighty Damaramu

Yeah he'll attempt to out perform Austin/Rock.....but fail miserably. Because well they outrank him like no other.

And now the match....probably about **1/2. But hopefully Booker wins. It may be a markout moment.

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Guest Steviekick

Hehehe...I'm guessing the match would get a ***** rating if HHH wound up suffering a career ending injury in it.

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Guest AndrewTS

Results-- Booker T wins. Not sure about the title--but I pick Booker.


Rating-- ** tops.


Crowd reaction-- Pretty solidly behind T. Apathy towards Trips.

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Guest Kahran Ramsus

Speaking of Austin/Rock. I wouldn't expect them to get much more than about ***1/2. It has been a year and half now since Austin had a good match and Rock isn't exactly a regular performer these days. He will really have to step it up to carry an out of shape Austin to a great match.


Even if he can, I can't see how it can even begin to touch their Wrestlemania X-7 match.

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Guest jester

I'm hoping they let Booker bust out a few extra moves for this match, like the Harlem Hangover, but I think it will be around **.


I'm more interested in this one from the booking point of view. All logic and sanity points to a Booker win. Of course, all logic and sanity should have told them that wrestlers should not hump dummies on live TV.


I just hope they let Booker keep the belt for awhile. It's about time a face had a good long run.

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Guest AndrewTS

Good point about Austin/Rock. Both of them will be very rusty. They'll likely be doing house shows to try to get back in the groove until Mania, although I don't think they'll actually have a match against each other.

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Guest razazteca
Hehehe...I'm guessing the match would get a ***** rating if HHH wound up suffering a career ending injury in it.

Only RVD can do that, injury wise that is. I expect the match to go well as both will perform their best match of the year just to prove they belong in the company as both Rock and Austin are what the marks truely want. To see Booker T as the champ will nice to see but will this title reign be besmirch with lame ass angles or storylines like the Jericho title reign? If the racism is going to be a factor then I can expect Booker T to be yet another transition champion. I hope Booker T as champ can be something to be positive about but it will take something more than a match against the Rock to accept Booker T as an acceptable champion.

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Guest Super Pissed Smark

Why not throw Austin and Rock together for house shows? They might actually start drawing crowds again and it's not like it's going to get stale in just a few weeks.


I can't believe how many of you think Booker is walking out with the belt. Have we learnt nothing these last few years? Trips embarasses wrestler. Trips does everything to point out how much better he is than other wrestler. Trips puts himself into a position where he can't possibly end up winning the match without totally destroying the other wrestler's heat. Trips pins other wrestler clean. No one gets over. Why deviate from this winning formula now?



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I think that this match will be suprisingly good. Booker T always seems to be able to deliver the goods and Triple H will bust his ass at the biggest show of the year. My prediction *** to ****.

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Guest AndrewTS

SPS: Give Rock/Austin away at a house show?! Yeah, it makes sense, to prep them for their match, draw more buys for the shows, and knock off the rust from both of them, but I don't think it'll happen.


Yeah, Booker will probably lose, but can't fault us for hoping for the best, even if it is a fruitless endeavor. Still, I think Booker is more appealing to push than the other top face on Raw since he can cut a promo (not a great one, but better than a stoned rambling), he's very over, he uses a WWE-friendly style, and having a minority as champ is good P.R.

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Guest Steviekick

Maybe we're just being optimistic, but everyone, smark and mark alike, seems to be pretty high on Booker T. Hopefully the WWE has picked up on this and go with a run with him again. If not, he can just drop it back to HHH. It'll be another forgotten World Title run...just like Shawn Michaels' back in Nov.

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Guest Super Pissed Smark

It just hurts me to see you kids get your hopes up this Christmas, when I know that Santa's coming down the chimney with a sledgehammer to crush all your hopes and dreams.



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Guest AndrewTS

A Booker T title run--what harm can it do, really? None of the champs we've had lately are major draws, so taking a risk on a fresh face (okay, for WWE anyway) is a gamble that could pay off.

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Guest EternallyLazy
Good point about Austin/Rock. Both of them will be very rusty. They'll likely be doing house shows to try to get back in the groove until Mania, although I don't think they'll actually have a match against each other.

Rock came back last year without any ring rust, so I don't think we'll have to worry about him. Austin however is another story...

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Guest Steviekick
It just hurts me to see you kids get your hopes up this Christmas, when I know that Santa's coming down the chimney with a sledgehammer to crush all your hopes and dreams.



Deep down that's how I think, but lately I've been trying to be more optimistic when watching WWE. I was militantly pessimistic from Oct - January, but still watching so it didn't make any sense. Seriously, if it pisses me off that much, then why bother? It's more enjoyable to be a little hopeful than thinking the worst. I'll live in my delusional little world for now. :bonk:

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I think it will be a decent match around ***-***1/2


I also feel that Booker T is going to win. HHH and Steph's engagement IMO might turn out to be a blessing in disguise, for the short run anyway, because I think that HHH is aware that if he continues to go over everyone that he will have major heat with the boys especially since he is one step away from being part of the McMahon family. So I wouldn't be surprised that if to smooth things over in the back he puts Booker T over.


By the way, I saw this on a recap of the Rock's interview on Byte This


"The Rock said that anybody who understands and is committed to the business will always help create new stars. Rock said he was very happy to put over Booker T this past Monday and said he is looking forward to Booker's match at WrestleMania."


Maybe I'm reading to much into this but it looks to me like The Rock may have been calling out HHH to put Booker T over at WM.

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Guest AndrewTS
Good point about Austin/Rock.  Both of them will be very rusty.  They'll likely be doing house shows to try to get back in the groove until Mania, although I don't think they'll actually have a match against each other.

Rock came back last year without any ring rust, so I don't think we'll have to worry about him. Austin however is another story...

Hm, well, maybe not Rock. However, Rock's been gone since late August and that's quite a bit of time still. Plus I heard Rock/Hogan II was far shittier than the last one (though it obviously isn't all Rock's fault, but maybe a tad).


Although Rock may also feel a tad awkward since he definitely lost weight since SumSlam2K2 so he may need to get his timing back and adjust it a bit.

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Guest Just call me Dan

But if Rock goes over booker on RAW, HHH isn't going to lay down. He likes to play one up with Rocky.

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Guest AndrewTS

Yeah. Which reminds me of just how fucking stupid the Booker/Rock match idea was. Unless Booker wins, nothing good can come of it.

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Guest NoCalMike

Booker T is losing his shot to The Rock this monday and with a newly signed Goldberg, Austin will have to switch gears and start a feud with him. This of course will leave Booker T with nothing, which is exactly what Vince/Steph/Triple H think Booker T deserves.


Hahahahahahahaha......just f'n kidding.....don't flame.

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Guest jester
Booker T is losing his shot to The Rock this monday and with a newly signed Goldberg, Austin will have to switch gears and start a feud with him. This of course will leave Booker T with nothing, which is exactly what Vince/Steph/Triple H think Booker T deserves.


Hahahahahahahaha......just f'n kidding.....don't flame.

No flame, that actually sounds like you cut and pasted it from Vince's brain.


Another reason I'd rather not see Goldberg around.

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I'm actually looking forward to this match. I'm pretty sure that Booker T will wind up leaving with the world title; after all, he is the most over person on Raw not named Austin or the Rock.

I guess you forgot that RVD is still way over than Booker even though he's been stuck with Kane since last year, damn, Book is nothing more than the designated jobber of the month and if he wins he'll be nothing more than a paper champion b/c RAW will still be all about Crips.

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Guest nikowwf

I think Goldberg is fine if he comes in....NEXT MONTH. I see nothing good if he comes in for Wrestlemania....you know they are kicking Booker out of his slot.


Booker is being booked like he HAS to win this match. If he doesn't he is just DEAD in the water and HGH has no more opponents left to kill.



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